Seplemter 1972 Volume 33INumber 5 In This Issue- MARJORIE JoHNSON, Performance Appraisal of Librarians-A Survey KATHLEEN McCuLLOUGH, Approval Plans: Ven­ dor Responsibility and Library Research-A Literature Survey and Discussion ... because you pay less when you are a Baker Just send us a copy of a recent order filled by & Taylor customer. Any type of book or edi­ another source. Mask out the prices if you like, tion, it doesn't matter-you get the most and ask us to give you a computer print-out of competitive discounts in the industry. So the our prices, book by book. Then you'll see how money you save can be used to buy extra many more books you can get for the same books-very important in these days of higher dollars-at Baker & Taylor. prices and tighter budgets. No obligation, of course. Address your nearest Would you like proof of the savings we offer? Baker & Taylor division. The Baker & Taylor eo. ~•• 0. 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Denmark College SEPTEMBER 1972 VOLUME 33 ReSearch NUMBER 5 Libraries CONTENTS 357 Editorial Marjorie Johnson 359 Performance Appraisal of Librarians-A Survey Kathleen McCullough 368 Approval Plans: Vendor Responsibility and Library Research-A Literature Survey and Discussion Beverly Lynch 382 ·Participative Management in Relation to Library Effectiveness Maurice P. Marchant 391 And a Response David Kaser 398 Whither Interlibr.ary Loan( John W. Lee and 403 The Graduate Business Student and the Raymond L. Read Library 408 Letters 411 Recent Publications 411 Book Reviews Information Service in Public Libraries: Two 411 Studies, by Terence Crowley and Thomas Childers, Robert P. Haro Encyclopedia of Information Systems and Services, 412 ed. by Anthony T. Kruzas, Pauline Atherton Library Management; Behavior-Based Personnel 413 Systems ( BBPS): A Framework for Analysis, by Robert E. Kemper• . David C. Weber The Smart Retrieval System, ed. by Gerard Salton, 413 Henry Voos Library Service to the Disadvantaged, by Eleanor 414 Frances Brown, Saundra Rice Murray New Library Design: Guidelines to Planning Aca­ 415 demic Library Buildings, by Stephen Langmead and Margaret Beckman, Peter Spyers-Duran Public Libraries in Cooperative Systems: Adminis­ 417 trative Patterns for Service, by Ruth W. Gregory and Lester L. Stoffel, Guenter A. Jansen Reader in American Library History, by Michael 417 H. Harris, Paul A. Snowman, III Conference on Interlibrary Communications and In­ 418 formation Networks Proceedings, ed. by. Joseph Becker, Norman D. Stevens 419 Other Books of Interest to Academic Librarians 421 Abstracts College D 0'-10~"W'Ph Ed:::~ARD M. DouGHERTY ll~UJ. ~ University Librarian e University of California ~anes Berkeley, california 9472o •• Associate Editor: Lib WILLIAM H. WEBB University Bibliographer Manuscripts of articles and copies of University of Colorado Libraries books submitted for review should be ad­ Boulder, Colorado 80302 dressed to Richard M. Dougherty, editor, College & Research Libraries, University Assistant Editor: Librarian, University of California, Berke­ WILLIAM CHASE ley, California 94720. All articles submit­ Librarian ted must be accompanied by an abstract East Lyme High School of from 75 to 100 words in length. Material East Lyme, Connecticut 06333 for the News issues should be sent to News Editor: Michael Herbison, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Center, Colorado Springs, MICHAEL HERBISON Colorado 80903. Library, University of Colorado Inclusion of an article or advertisement Colorado Springs Center in CRL does not constitute official en­ Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 dorsement by ACRL or ALA. Editorial Board: Production, Advertising, and Circulation H. WILLIAM AxFORD office: 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, Ill. 60611. University Librarian Change of address and subscription orders Arizona State University should be addressed to College & Research Hayden Library, Tempe Libraries, for receipt at the above address, at least two months before the pub I ication H. JoANNE HARRAR date of the effective issue. Associate Librarian Annual subscription price: to members University of Georgia, Athens of ACRL, $5, included in membership dues; MICHAEL HARRIS to nonmembers, $19-. Retroactive subscrip­ Associate Professor tions not accepted. Single copies and back University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky issues: journal issues, $1.50 each; News is­ sues, $1 each. FRED J. HEINRITZ Indexed in Current Contents, Current In­ Professor of Library Science dex to Journals in Education, Library Lit­ Southern Connecticut State College, New Haven erature, and Science Citation Index. Ab­ DAVID w. HERON stracted in Library & Information Science Director of Libraries Abstracts. Core articles abstracted and in­ University of Kansas, Lawrence dexed in ARTbibliographies, Historical Abstracts and/or America: History and PETER HIATT Life. Book reviews indexed in Book Review Program Director Index. WICHE Continuing Education Program for College & Research Libraries is the offi­ Library Personnel, Boulder, Colorado cial journal of the Association of College ANN F. PAINTER and Research Libraries, a division of the Associate Professor American Library Association, and is pub­ Drexel University lished seventeen times per year-bimonth­ ly as a technical journal with 11 monthly Philadelphia, Pennsylvania News issues, combining July-August-at ANITA R. SCHILLER 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, Mo. 65251. Reference Librarian Bibliographer Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Mo. University of California, San Diego, California The Employment Time Bomb Clark Kerr, -chairman of the Carnegie Con1mission on Higher Edu­ cation, recently warned that higher education was "sitting on a very real time bomb." In order to achieve the parity in faculty appoint­ ments by 1980 which the federal government currently demands, America's 2,800 campuses will have to impose an immediate mora­ torium on the employment of the majority group. Dr. Kerr noted that "that's a very real tim.e bomb." He further asked: "What happens to all of those who are now working on their PhD's and all of those be­ low them who had planned to do so?" Library schools are manufacturing a mini-version of the same em­ ployment time bomb. Last year over 5,000 library school graduates entered a labor market which is already approaching a supersaturated state. How do we sten1 the flow of new graduates? One frequently-heard solution is to reduce the number of accredited library schools. But that is not practical unless there are schools willing to close their doors voluntarily.
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