UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS GROUP B Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Denmark ZENICA, BHFF TRAINING CENTER, 17 September 2020 - 16:00 H vs Italy ZENICA, BHFF TRAINING CENTER, 22 September 2020 - 16:00 H UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS 2 www.nfsbih.ba UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS Dragi sportski prijatelji, Dear sports friends, Prije svega želim dobro- First of all, I would like došlicu delegacijama ženskih to welcome the delegations „A“ reprezentacija Danske i of the women’s “A” national Italije i ugodan boravak u Bo- teams of Denmark and Italy sni i Hercegovini. and a pleasant stay in Bosnia Ženska seniorska re- and Herzegovina. prezentacija naše zemlje The women’s senior na- nakon sjajnih igara u ak- tional team of our country, tuelnim kvalifi kacijama za a er great games in the Evropsko prvenstvo 2022. current qualifi cations for the koje nisu prošle nezapa- 2022 European Champion- ženo od strane javnosti, ship, which did not go unno- ima ispred sebe dva velika ticed by the public, has two izazova, susrete sa visoko rangiranim big challenges ahead of it, meetings with evropskim selekcijama. highly ranked European teams. Izabranice Samire Hurem su u svojim Samira Hurem’s team has won the posljednjim igrama osvojile srca svih ljubi- hearts of all football fans in their last telja fudbala, te smo uvjereni da ćemo po- games, and we are convinced that we will novo gledati motivisane, borbene i srčane once again watch the motivated, fi ghting reprezentativke Bosne i Hercegovine, koje and hearty women’s national team players uvijek svojim zalaganjem daju primjer na of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who alway sets koji način se treba odnositi prema dresu sa an example of how to treat the jersey with državnim grbom. the national emblem. S druge strane i administracija Nogo- On the other hand, the administration metnog/Fudbalskog saveza BiH se suoča- of the BH Football Federation is facing its va sa svojim izazovima koji se tiču orga- challenges regarding the organization of nizacije utakmica pod posebnim uslovima matches under special conditions due to uslijed pandemije virusa COVID-19. Iza nas the COVID-19 virus pandemic. In the or- su u organizacionom smislu, uspješno ap- ganizational sense, the matches of the “A” solvirani mečevi „A“ i „U-21“ muških repre- and U-21 men’s national teams have been zentacija, te smo spremni da još jednom successfully completed behind us, and pokažemo da imamo dovoljno resursa za we are ready to show once again that we organizaciju UEFA utakmica na veoma vi- have enough resources to organize UEFA sokom nivou. matches at a very high level. Svakako da će nam nedostajati publika, We will certainly miss the supporters, ali NS/FS BiH će svim ljubiteljima fudbala but the FF BH will enable all football fans to omogućiti da ove susrete gledaju putem watch these matches on small screens, and malih ekrana, te na taj način budu uz naše thus be with our best female football players. najbolje fudbalerke. We wish our Dragons new successful Našim Zmajicama želimo nove uspješ- performances and we are sure that for the ne nastupe i sigurni smo da ćemo po ko umpteenth time we will enjoy their moves zna koji put uživati u njihovim potezima na on the pitch and the dedicated game of all terenu i požrtvovanoj igri svih 90 minuta. 90 minutes. Generalni sekretar NS/FS BiH FF BH General Secretary Adnan Džemidžić Adnan Džemidžić www.nfsbih.ba 3 UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA No Player Position Date of Birth Club 1 Envera Hasanbegović GK 07.03.1996 SFK Sarajevo 2 Jelena Gvozderac GK 11.08.1998 ŽFK Borac 3 Elma Kundić GK 10.03.1999 ŽFK Čelik 4 Nikolina Vujadin DF 03.11.1995 ŽFK Lokomotiva 5 Andrea Grebenar DF 07.11.1997 ŽNK Split (CRO) 6 Azra Hamzić DF 26.02.1992 SFK Sarajevo 7 Valentina Šakotić DF 23.09.1996 ŽFK Radnik Bumerang 8 Nikolina Dijaković DF 03.05.1989 SFK Sarajevo 9 Maja Hrelja DF 26.04.2000 ŽNK Emina 10 Amela Kršo DF 17.04.1991 SFK Sarajevo 11 Andrea Gavrić DF 03.12.2001 FC Bayern Munchen (GER) 12 Nikolina Milović MF 11.04.2000 FC Crvena Zvezda (SRB) 13 Selma Kapetanović MF 09.12.1996 SFK Sarajevo 14 Đula Velagić MF 18.09.2001 SFK Sarajevo 15 Selma Hasić MF 05.09.2002 ŽFK Fortuna 16 Naida Haračić MF 23.02.2003 ŽFK Iskra 17 Minela Gačanica MF 09.03.2000 ŽNK Emina 18 Milena Nikolić FW 06.07.1992 Bayer Leverkusen (GER) 19 Sofi ja Krajšumović FW 12.07.2002 ŽFK Radnik bumerang 20 Marija Damjanović FW 16.08.2000 ŽFK Lokomotiva, 21 Frančeska Šimić DF 14.09.2001 ŽNK Emina 22 Marija Ana Milinković MF 16.11.2004 SFK Sarajevo 23 Melisa Hasanbegović DF 13.04.1995 FC Ferencvarosi (HUN) 24 Maja Jelčić MF 20.07.2004 SFK Sarajevo 25 Vanja Milošević FW 09.12.1998 ŽFK Modriča-Ducla Samira Hurem, Head Coach; Vesna Njeguš, Assistant Coach; Elma Basara, Assistant Coach; Esad Ibrahimović, GK Coach; Anel Okić, Doctor; Mirza Marevac, Physiotherapist; Nihad Kukan, Kit Manager, Nermina Hadžibajrić, Team Manager. 4 www.nfsbih.ba UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS Samira Hurem Head Coach www.nfsbih.ba 5 UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS DENMARK No Player Position Date of Birth Club 1 Katrine Abel GK 28.06.1990 Brøndby IF 2 Stine Ballisager DF 03.01.1994 Vålerenga IF 3 Olivia Møller Holdt MF 07.06.2001 Fortuna Hjørring 4 Rikke Sevecke DF 15.06.1996 Everton FC (ENG) 5 Simone Boye DF 03.03.1992 FC Bayern München (GER) 6 Nanna Christiansen MF 17.06.1989 Brøndby IF 7 Sanne Troelsgaard MF 15.08.1988 FC Rosengård 8 Emma Snerle MF 23.03.2001 Fortuna Hjørring 9 Nadia Nadim FW 02.01.1988 Paris Saint.Germain (FRA) 10 Pernille Harder FW 15.11.1992 Chelsea FC (ENG) 11 Katrine Veje MF 19.06.1991 FC Rosengård 12 Stine Larsen FW 24.01.1996 Aston Villa WFC (ENG) 13 Sofi e Junge MF 24.04.1992 Juventus FC (ITA) 14 Nicoline Sørensen MF 15.08.1997 Everton FC (ENG) 15 Frederikke Thøgersen MF 24.07.1995 ACF Fiorentina (ITA) 16 Lene Christensen GK 04.02.2000 KoldingQ 17 Rikke Marie Madsen FW 09.08.1997 Vålerenga IF 18 Sara Thrige DF 15.05.1996 Fortuna Hjørring 19 Janni Thomsen MF 16.02.2000 Vålerenga IF 20 Signe Bruun FW 06.04.1998 Paris Saint-Germain (FRA) 21 Caroline Møller FW 19.12.1998 Inter (ITA) 22 Kathrine Larsen GK 05.05.1993 Djurgården IF 23 Sofi e Svava DF 11.08.2000 FC Rosengård Lars Søndergaard, Head coach; Katrine Pedersen, Assistant coach; Kristian Mørch Rasmussen, Ass. Coach & Analyst; Heidi Johansen, GK coach; Søren Kaalund, Doctor; Rikke Brink, Physiotherapist; Annette Mikkelsen, Masseur; Mads Madsen, Physical Trainer; Janne Madsen, Kit manager; Alexander Paaske, Press Offi cer; Henriette Jensen, Team Manager; Nina Stagis, Psychologist. 6 www.nfsbih.ba UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS Lars Søndergaard Head coach www.nfsbih.ba 7 UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS ITALY No Player Position Date of Birth Club 1 Francesca Durante GK 12.02.1997 Hellas Verona 2 Laura Giuliani GK 05.06.1993 Juventus 3 Katja Schroff enegger GK 28.04.1991 Fiorentina 4 Elisa Bartoli DF 07.05.1991 A.S. Roma 5 Valentina Bergamaschi DF 22.01.1997 Milan 6 Lisa Boattin DF 03.05.1997 Juventus 7 Lucia Di Guglielmo DF 26.06.1997 Empoli 8 Maria Luisa Filangeri DF 28.01.2000 Sassuolo 9 Laura Fusetti DF 08.10.1990 Milan 10 Elena Linari DF 15.04.1994 FC Girondins De Bordeaux (FRA) 11 Tecla Pettenuzzo DF 30.11.1999 A.S. Roma 12 Alice Tortelli DF 22.01.1998 Fiorentina 13 Linda Tucceri Cimini DF 04.04.1991 Milan 14 Arianna Caruso MF 06.11.1999 Juventus 15 Aurora Galli MF 13.12.1996 Uventus 16 Manuela Giugliano MF 18.08.1997 A.S. Roma 17 Marta Mascarello MF 15.10.1998 Fiorentina 18 Cecilia Prugna MF 07.11.1997 Empoli 19 Martina Rosucci MF 09.05.1992 Juventus 20 Flaminia Simonetti MF 17.02.1997 Inter 21 Barbara Bonansea FW 13.06.1991 Juventus 22 Valentina Giacinti FW 02.01.1994 Milan 23 Cristiana Girelli FW 23.04.1990 Juventus 24 Benedetta Glionna FW 26.07.1999 Empoli 25 Elisa Polli FW 27.08.2000 Empoli 26 Daniela Sabatino FW 26.06.1985 Fiorentina 27 Stefania Tarenzi FW 29.02.1988 Inter Milena Bertolini, Head Coach; Cristiana Capotondi, Head of Delegation; Barbara Facchetti, Team Manager; Nicola Matteucci, Assistant Coach; Francesco Perondi, Athletic Coach; Cristiano Viotti, Goalkeeper Coach; Marco Mannucci, Match Analyst; Luca Gatteschi, Alessandro Carcangiu, Antonio Ponzo, Medics; Daniele Frosoni, Emanuele Provini, Physiotherapists; Natale Gentile, Nutritionist. 8 www.nfsbih.ba UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS Milena Bertolini Head Coach www.nfsbih.ba 9 UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS 10 www.nfsbih.ba UEFA WOMEN’S EURO 2021 QUALIFIERS GROUP B STANDINGS AND MATCHES Team P W D L F A GD P 1 Italy 6 6 0 0 19 2 17 18 2 Denmark 5 5 0 0 29 0 29 15 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 7 5 0 2 16 8 8 15 4 Israel 6 1 1 4 8 11 -3 4 5 Malta 7 1 1 5 5 22 -17 4 6 Georgia 7 0 0 7 2 36 -34 0 29 August 2019 Sammy Ofer Stadium Haifa Itztadion Ramat Gan Ramat Gan Israel - Bosnia and Herzegovina 1:3 Israel - Italy 2:3 Viborg Stadion Viborg Viborg Stadion Viborg Denmark - Georgia 14:0 Denmark - Malta 8:0 05 March 2020 30 August 2019 Bosnia and Herzegovina - Israel 1:0 FF BH Football Training Centre Zenica Bosnia and Herzegovina - Georgia 7:1 Malta - Georgia 2:1 03 September 2019 10 March 2020 Mikheil Meskhi Stadioni Tbilisi Israel - Georgia 4:0 Georgia - Italy 0:1 Malta - Bosnia and Herzegovina 2:3 Asim Ferhatović Hase Stadion Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina - Malta 2:0 17 September 2020 16:00 Bosnia and Herzegovina - Denmark Itztadion Ramat Gan Ramat Gan Israel - Denmark 0:3 20:45 Italy - Israel 04 October 2019 22 September 2020 Centenary Ta’ Qali 16:00 Bosnia and Herzegovina - Italy Malta - Italy 0:2 18:30 Malta - Denmark Viborg Stadion Viborg Denmark - Bosnia and Herzegovina 2:0 21 October 2020 18:00
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