307 ■ Annex B Report of the XI World Forestry Congress Technical Session No. 27 Better Addressing Conflicts in Natural Resource Use through the Promotion of Participatory Management from Community to Policy Levels Topic 27 20 October Aspendos Auditorium Chairman: Untung Iskandar Moderators: Abdoulaye Kane and Marilyn Hoskins Technical Secretaries: Sedat Ayanoglu and Katherine Warner Special Paper: Claude Desloges and Michelle Gauthier Panel: Silvano Aureoles Conejo, Berken Feddersen, Abdoulaye Kane and Diane Rocheleau Outcome of the Session General The session focused on various dimensions of forest resource conflicts in the context of community forestry, and the strategies and tools devel- oped to address such conflicts. There is growing evidence that if forestry is to play a key role in sustainable development, forest-dependent communities must be fully involved in both the decision-making process and actions concerning the land and resources they inhabit and use. Sustainable forest development will not be achieved if it fails to (1) consider the needs and aspirations of rural and forest- dwelling communities and (2) acknowledge and address, in an appropriate and Community Forestry Unit ■ Integrating Conflict Management Considerations into National Policy Frameworks ■ 308 timely way, the conflict situations created by competition for the use of forest resources. Participatory forest resource management is crucial in this context as it creates an environment in which all actors can harmonize diverging views and may collaboratively plan and act together. Participatory management embraces how forest and tree resources should be used for the benefits of all partners, including the environment and future generations. Case studies presented at the session emphasized the need to clearly identify power relationships between forest-dependent communities and other actors such as government institutions, private enterprises and NGOs. These presen- tations led to a discussion that focused on the challenges of implementing truly participatory approaches in land use planning and sustainable forest management. The results of the Satellite Meeting on “Integrating Conflict Consid- erations into National Policy Frameworks” were presented and discussed. The “Guiding Principles and Recommendations” that were prepared during the Satel- lite Meeting, were also presented. The session noted that participatory policy- making and planning is required but it can be a slow process. The session stressed the need to: develop links between the global and local level; build trust and confi- dence; develop partnership; strengthen communication and conflict resolution skills at all levels; empower local communities to address inequity and reduce power disparity; develop monitoring and evaluation procedures and follow-up. The session highlighted the importance of addressing specific situa- tions rather than generalities. It also emphasized the need to develop practical ways and means to implement the general “Guiding Principles and Recommendations.” Furthermore, the session reaffirmed the importance of conflict management training at all levels. Annex B ■ Report of the XI World Forestry Congress Technical Session No. 27 309 ■ Annex C List of Participants ABDUL-HAMID Yara CAMPBELL Gabriel ENDA-Sahel Afrique de líOuest The Mountain Institute, West Virginia Groupes Recherche Action 110 Cedrus Lane Formation (ENDA-GRAF) McLean, VA 22102 B.P. 13069 USA Dakar Tel: (1 703) 759-6825 Senegal Fax: (1 703) 759-6941 Tel: (221) 272025 Email: [email protected] Fax: (221) 273215 Email: [email protected] CASTRO Alfonso Peter Syracuse University ALBRECHT Jorg The Mazwell School of Citizenship GTZ and Public Affairs Proyecto Estrategia Nacional para la Department of Anthropology Proteccion de los Recursos Naturales 209 Maxwell Hall Chief Adviser Syracuse, NY 13244-1200 Casilla de Correo 1859 USA Asuncion Tel: (1 315) 433-1971 (office) Paraguay (1 315) 652-1952 (home) Tel/Fax: (595 21) 571960 Fax: (1 315) 443-4860 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] ARANÇLY Suade ÇOBAN Celal Ministry of Forestry Turkish Development Foundation Ataturk Bulvari No. 153 Çetin Emeç Bulvary Bakanliklar Ankara Ankara Turkey Turkey Tel: (90 312) 483-2041 Tel: (90 312) 417-7724 (office) (90 312) 483-5978 (90 312) 437-5021 (home) Email: [email protected] Fax: (90 312) 417-9160 Community Forestry Unit ■ Integrating Conflict Management Considerations into National Policy Frameworks ■ 310 DOGRU Muzaffer JOSHI Amril L. Sedat Simavi Sok 3 Chief Conservation Officer Basin Sitesi E/9 Forest Resource Information System Project Ankara Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation Turkey P.O. Box 3897 Tel: (90 312) 428-2672 (office) Singdharbar, Katmandu (90 312) 438-7156 (home) Nepal Fax: (90 312) 428-2675 Tel: (977 1) 224864/223862 Fax: (997 1) 226099 Email: [email protected] ESTILL Elizabeth United States Forest Service USA KOPSELL Edgar Tel: (1 303) 275-5450 Coordinator Email: /S=E.ESTILL/OU1=R02A Proyecto Agroforestal CATIE/GTZ Apdo. 126-7170 CATIE Turrialba GOMBYA-SSEMBAJJWE William Costa Rica Makerere University Tel: (506) 556-6438/6431 Ext. 320 Faculty of Forestry and Agriculture Fax: (506) 556-1891/1533 P.O. Box 7062 Email: [email protected] Kampala Uganda Tel: (256 41) 543238/531641 KUCHENREUTHER Renate Fax: (256 41) 544-3238 Sociologist Email: [email protected] Fraz. Torricella, 10 61034 Fossombrone (PS) Italy HOSKINS Marilyn Tel/Fax: (39 721) 727449 1735 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Washington D.C. 20009 USA LAI Qingkui Tel/Fax: (1 202) 667-8266 Southwest Forestry College Email: [email protected] The White Dragon Temple Kunming, Yunnan 650224 China JACANAMIJOY Antonio Tel: (86 871) 563-7217 Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indigenas Fax: (86 871) 313-6284 de la Cuenca Amazonica ciones ICasilla Postal Email: [email protected] 17-21-753 Quito Ecuador LANE Charles Tel/Fax: (593 2) 564012/502260 Manor Farn, Little Ickford Email: [email protected] Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP18 9HS Internet: http:www.satnet.net/coica UK Tel: (44 184) 433-8502 Fax: (44 184) 433-8319 JOSAYMA Cynthia Email: [email protected] Center for Southeast Asia Studies University of California, Berkeley 99, Ω Ardmore Road Kensington, CA 94707 USA Tel/Fax: (1 510) 528 6892 Email: [email protected] Annex C ■ List of Participants 311 ■ LO Henri Mathieu OFFER Armin Institut des Sciences de líEnvironnement Bergstrasse 4 Faculte des Sciences et Techniques 35447 Reiskirchen Universite Cheikh Anta Diop Germany Dakar Tel: (64 08) 64381 Senegal Tel: (221) 242302 OLE NKAKO Fancis M. Fax: (221) 243714 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Email: [email protected] Coordinator Kenya Wildlife Service LYNCH Owen J. P.O. Box 40241 Senior Attorney Nairobi Center for Environmental Law Kenya 1367 Connecticut Avenue, NW Tel: (254 2) 501081 Washington D.C. 20036 Fax: (254 2) 505866 USA Email: [email protected] Tel: (1 202) 785-8700 Fax: (1 202) 785-8701 ORTIZ Pablo Email: [email protected] FTPP Ecuador/Manarac c/o Instituto Abya Yala MANSUR Eduardo 12 de Octubre 1430 y Wilson CTA Quito FAO Project GCP/MOZ/056/NET Ecuador Support to Community Forestry and Tel: (593 2) 506267 Wildlife Management Fax: (593 2) 442927 P.O. Box 1928 Email: [email protected] Maputo Mozambique OUEDRAOGO Hubert M.G. Tel: (258 1) 460548 Universite de Ouagadougou Fax: (258 1) 460060 Ouagadougou Email: [email protected] Burkina Faso Tel: (226) 380093/332386 NWOKEABIA O.D. Fax: (226) 317705 Assistant Director Email: [email protected] Federal Department of Forestry Federal Ministry of Agriculture PAPKA Peter M. and Natural Resources FORMECU P.M.B. 135 Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Garki 135 Natural Resources ralNigeria P.M.B. 226 Tel: (09) 5233196 Abuja Nigeria OCHIENG ODHIAMBO Michael Ochieng Odhiambo & Company Advocates P.O. Box 780 Nakuvu Kenya Tel: (254 37) 214200 Fax: (254 37) 212865 Email: [email protected] Community Forestry Unit ■ Integrating Conflict Management Considerations into National Policy Frameworks ■ 312 PARRY Jacqui SARIN Madhu Executive Officer Programme Advisor Office of Chief Executive SPWD State Forests of New South Wales 48 Sector 4 Building 2, 423 Pennant Hills Road Chandigarh 160001 Pennant Hills NSW 2120 India Australia Tel: (91 172) 741429/740339 Tel: (02) 9980 4170 Fax: (91 172) 741135 Fax: (02) 9484 3946 Email: [email protected]. in Email: [email protected] SHRESTHA K.B. Community and Private Forestry Division PIRIS DA MOTTA Bernardo Department of Forests Natural Resources and Environment in Babar Mahal the Ministry of Agriculture Kathmandu Natural Resources Protection Strategy Nepal Asuncil Tel: (977 1) 247599 (office) Paraguay (977 1) 533000 (home) Tel: (595 21) 570515/9 Int. 225 Fax: (977 1) 229013 Fax: (595 21) 571960 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] SIPAL Altug C. PUPPALA Jagdeesh Programme Assistant National Tree Growersí Cooperative FAO Federation Ltd. Ataturk Bulvari No. 197 P.B. 156, NDDB Campus K/dere - 06680 Ankara Anand 388 001 Turkey India Tel: (90 312) 468-7513 Tel: (91 2692) 21402 Email: [email protected] Fax: (91 2692) 42087 Email: [email protected] SKUTSCH Margaret Technology and Development Group QUAILE Geoffrey Twente University Environmental Advisor P.O. Box 217 Embassy of the Cree Nation 7500 AE Enschede 24 Bayswater Avenue The Netherlands Ottawa, Ontario Tel: (31 53) 489-3538 K1Y 2E4 Fax: (31 53) 489-3087 Canada Email: [email protected] Tel: (1 613) 761-1655 Fax: (1 613) 761-1388 SOELS Kees Email: [email protected] Rural Development Specialist Rural and Urban Development Department SAGKAYA Abdurraham Ministry of Foreign Affairs And Sok No. 6/3 Bezuidenhoutseweg 67 Amkara P.O. Box 20061 Turkey 2500 EB The Hague Tel: (90 312) 467-6898 The Netherlands Fax: (90 312) 418-5365 Tel: (31 70) 348-4386 Fax: (31 70) 348-5956 Email: [email protected] Annex C ■ List of Participants 313 ■ VIRIYASAKULTORN Vitoon FAO Secretariat FTPP Regional Facilitator for South East Asia Regional Community Forestry Training Center DESLOGES Claude (RECOFTC) 1139 Chemin de LotbiniËre P.O.
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