5894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY '17 service; to the Committee on Post Ofllce and acting through the United States Shipping elution with reference to defeat of legisla­ Civil Service. Board Emergency Fleet Corporation; to the tion titled "The Subversive Activities Control By Mr. ROSS: Committee on the Judiciary. Act"; to the Committee on Un-American Ac­ H. R. 6565. ·A bill to amend the, Surplus By Mr. WOLVERTON: tivities. · ' Property. Act of 1944, as amended, to pro­ H. Res. 595. Resolution to direct the Com­ 1935. Also, petition of Allan K. Millman vide preference to certain widows of veterans mittee· on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and others, petitioning consideration of their in the purchase of surplus property; to the to recommend a national fuel policy; to the resolution with reference to defeat of the Committee on Expenditures in the Execu­ Committee on Rules. · Mundt-Nixon. bill, H. R. 5852; to the Commit­ tive Departments. tee on Un-American Activities. By Mr. BYRNES of Wisconsin: PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 1936. Also, petition of Ruth Turoff and H. R. 6566. A b111 to amend section 101 of - others, petitioning consideration of their res­ · the National Security Act of 1947; to the Under clause 1 of rule xxu; private olution with reference- to defeat of legisla­ Committee on Expenditures in the Executive bills and resolutions were introduced tion titled "The Subversive Activities Con­ Departments. · and severally referred as follows: trol Act"; to the Committee on Un-American By Mr. HOFFMAN: . Activities. -By Mr. COLMER: . H. R. _6567. A bill to remove subsidy on ex­ 1937. H. R. 6580. A bill to authorize Joe Graham Also, petition of Jack·safer and oth• ported cotton; to the Committee on Agri­ ers, petitioning consideration of their reso­ culture.· Post, Not 119, American Legion, upon certain conditions, to lease the lands conveyed to it lution with reference to defeat of legislation By Mr. BLOOM: titled "Thll Subversive Activities Control H. R. 6568. A bill to authorize .the appoint­ by the act of June 15,. 1933; to the Commit­ Act"; to the Committee on Un-American ment of three additional judges for the tee on Armed Services. Activities. By Mr. JACKSON of Washington: United States District Court for the Southern 1938. Also, petition of S. Schaeffer and District of New York; to the Committee on H. R. 658L A bill for the relief of Andrew L. Johnson and Charles W. Gunstone; to the others, petitio~ing consideration of their the Judiciary. resolution with reference to defeat of legisla­ By Mr. HINSHAW: Committee on the Judiciary. By, Mr. JAVITS: .tion titled "The Subversive Activities Control H. R. 6569. A bill to amend the Veterans Act"; to the Committee on Un-American Regulations to ·provide increased rates of H. R. 6582. A ·bill for the relief of Hedwig Activities. compensation for ·certain veterans ·with spe­ Pospischil; to the Committee on the ·Judi­ cific service-incurred disabilities; to the ciary. Committe~ on Veterans'• Affairs. · By Mr. MUNDT: By Mr. WOLCOTI': H. R. 6583. A bill authorizing the issuance H. R. 6570: A bill to provide for the con­ of a patent in fee to John Grey Owl; to the SENATE version of national banking·associations into Committee on Public Lands. and their merger or consolidation with State By Mr. POAGE: MONDAY, MAY 17, 194S banks, and for other purposes; to the Com­ H. R. 6584. A bill for the relief of Mr. Sam mittee on Banking and Currency. Patterson; to the Committee on the Judi­ <Legislative day of Monday, May 10, H. R. 657L A bill to continue for a tempo­ ciary. 1948) rary period certain pow:ers, authority, ~nd By Mr. ROONEY: discretion conferred on the'President by the H. R. 6585. A bill for the relief of August The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon on Second.Decontrol Act of 1947; to the Commit­ Michela, infant; to the Committee on the tee on Banking and Currency. Judiciary. the expiration of the recess. ' · By Mr. BEALL: By Mr. STRATTON: . The Chaplain, Rev. · Peter Marshaii H. R. 6~72. ·A blll to authorize the gr~nting ·H. R. 6586. A bill for th~ relief of Kari)l D. D., offer~d the following prayer: · ' of Federal aid with respect to the construc­ Sofia Back; to the Committee on the Judi- tion of toll bridges, highways, and tunnels; ciary. · · · 0 God, at this moment the Senators to the Committee on Public Works. and the Representatives of the people of By Mr. HOPE: ' PETITIONS, ETC. this Nation humbly implore Thy .Q.elp and H. R. 6573. 'A bill to amend section 8. (b) guidance. Make it a sacred moment, a of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Al­ Under clause l of rule XXII, petitions moment when men are aware of .their lotment Act, as amended; to the Committee and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk need of God, a moment when answers on Agriculture. and referred as follows: By Mr. SCOBLICK: . come and guidance is given. Often we 1928. By Mr. BLOOM: Petition of mem­ pray for · that which is already ours, H. R, 6574. A blll granting income-tax ex­ bers of the Provisional Committee for emptions for certain blood relatives sup­ neglected a~d unused.- Sometimes we ported by the taxpayer and for certain de­ Democratic Rights, New York City, addressed to Hon. JosEPH W. MARTIN, Jr., Speaker, and pray for that which cari never be ours pendents under the age of 18 years; to the Hon. SAM RAYBURN, minority leader to urge and sometimes fo,r that which we must Committee on Ways and Means. · them to exert their influence to defeat the do.for ourselves. By Mr. TOLLEFSON: H. R. 6575. A bill to amend the Railroad House Un-American Activities Committee's How many 'times we never pray at all Retirement Act ·of 1937, as amended; to the proposed legislation titled "The Subversive and then work ourselves to death t~ Comm1ttee· on Interstate and Foreign Com­ Activities Control Act"; to the Committee on earn something that is ours for the merce. Un-American Activities. askin,g. · 1929. By Mr. CASE of South Dakota: Peti­ H. R. 6576. A bill to amend the Railroad Help us to understand that faith. with­ Unemployment Insurance Act, as .amended; tion of Mrs. Carl Ottman and 21 others, of Hot Springs, S. Dak., urging enactment of a to -~he Committee· on Interstate and Foreign out· works is dead and works without Commerce. program of universal military training as faith can.never live. Amen. recommended by the President's Advisory H. R. 6577. A bill to establish a Fish and THE JOURNAL Wildlife ComJilission as an independent Gov­ · Committee on Universal Training; to the· ernment agency; to the Committee on Mer­ Committee on Armed Services. On request of Mr. WHERRY, and by chant Marine and Fisheries. 1930. By Mr. REED of illinois: Petition unanimous consent, the reading of the By Mr. MAcKINNON (by request): of Leslie J. Funk, Elgin, Ill., consisting of Journal of the proceedings of Friday, H. R. 6578. A bill to provide for the pay­ 41 signatures, in support of H. R. 5213; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. May 14, 1948, was dispensed with, and ment of Federal unemployment taxes into the Journal. was approved. the Federal unemployment account to be 1931. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Wil­ available fm.: the administration of unem­ liam A. Bloom and others, petitioning con­ MESSAGES FROM THE PR'ESIDENT­ ployment-compensation ( laws and public sideration of their resolution with reference APPROVAL OF BILLS employnient omces, and to return to.-the to endorsement of the Townsend.plan, H, R. States the excess of such taxes over such 16; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Messages in writing from the President administrative expenses, and for other pur­ 1932. Also, petition of Mrs. Cvinar and of the United States were communi­ poses; to the Committee on Ways and Means. others, petitioning consideration of their cated to the . Senate by Mr. Miller, one . By Mr. ROHRBOUGH: resolution with reference to defeat of legis­ of his secretaries, and he announced H. R. 6579. A bill providing for the con­ lation titled "The Subversive Activities Con­ that on May 14, 19~8. the· President had struction of a Federal building at Mount trol Act"; to the Committee on Un-American approved and signed the following acts: Hope, W. Va.; to the Committee on Public Activities. , Works. 1933. Also, petition of Barabara Minoff and S. 1142. An act for the relief of Anna By Mr. JONES of Washington: others, petitioning ·consideration of their Pechnik; , H. J. Res. 403. Joint resolution to author­ resolution with reference to defeat of legis­ S. 1620. An act to establish eligibility for ize the cancellation and release and satis­ lation titled "The Subversive Activities Con­ burial in national cemeteries, and for other faction of an agreement dated December 31, trol Act"; to the Committee on Un-American purposes; and · 1923, entered into between the port of Seattle Activities. S. 1985. An act to amend the act entitled and the United States of America, repre­ 1934. Also, petition of Iwirig Sosonsky and "Boulder Canyon Project Adjustment Act," sented by the United States Shipping Board others, petitioning consideration of their res- . approved July 19, 1940. 1948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 5895 \ MESSAGE FROM,THE ·HOUSE thorough check of all my prepa-red state­ Senate Committee in writing, ·setting ments and the committee records fails to forth the information developed by such A message from the House of Repre­ produce a record of any such estimate on sentatives, by Mr.
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