http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt8p303667 Online items available Inventory of the Edward Ellis Smith papers Finding aid prepared by Kayla Anderson Hoover Institution Library and Archives © 2009, 2016 434 Galvez Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6003 [email protected] URL: http://www.hoover.org/library-and-archives Inventory of the Edward Ellis 82026 1 Smith papers Title: Edward Ellis Smith papers Date (inclusive): 1879-1983 Collection Number: 82026 Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives Language of Material: In English and Russian Physical Description: 12 manuscript boxes, 8 card file boxes(6.4 Linear Feet) Abstract: Writings, correspondence, notes, printed matter, bibliographies, and photographs relating to the tsarist Russian secret police, the youth of Joseph Stalin, Roman Malinovskii (Malinovsky), and the history of Soviet espionage. Digital copies of select records also available at https://digitalcollections.hoover.org. Creator: Smith, Edward Ellis, 1921-1982 Hoover Institution Library & Archives Access The collection is open for research; materials must be requested at least two business days in advance of intended use. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Acquisition Information Acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives in 1982. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Edward Ellis Smith papers, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Alternate Forms Available Digital copies of select records also available at https://digitalcollections.hoover.org. Biographical Note Edward Ellis Smith was a historian, writer, foreign service officer, and CIA agent. After graduating from West Virginia University in 1939, he was deployed to Germany to serve in World War II. Following the end of the war, he was chosen to attend Naval Language School, where he became fluent in Russian. From 1946 until 1947, he attended Strategic Intelligence School at the Pentagon and Counter Intelligence School at Camp Holabird. Smith began work at the American Embassy in Moscow after graduation, serving as the assistant military and economic attaché. In 1950 he was appointed by United States Army Intelligence to serve as Section Chief, managing the Soviet economic and political section and analyzing policies on Soviet affairs. Towards the end of 1953, he resigned to become an intelligence officer for the CIA and completed various missions throughout Moscow. After working as a secret agent, Smith served as a Foreign Service Officer from 1954 until 1956, where he analyzed economic trends in the Soviet Union. He then served as a consultant and project manager until 1962, leading teams of specialists to work on various economic policies, such as the Marshall Plan. Following his extensive career in the United States government, Smith pursued a full-time profession lecturing and writing. He wrote extensively for periodicals and published two historical books, both focused on Russian history, particularly Joseph Stalin and the Okhrana. From 1970 until 1980, Smith was an international economist and later vice president of Crocker Bank. He spent his final years working for Smith Bellingham International Incorporated until his sudden death in 1982. Scope and Content of Collection Writings, correspondence, notes, printed matter, bibliographies, and photographs relating to the tsarist Russian secret police, the youth of Joseph Stalin, Roman Malinovskii (Malinovsky), and the history of Soviet espionage. When possible, Smith's original folder titles were maintained, though some have been edited for clarity. Subjects and Indexing Terms Secret service -- Soviet Union Espionage, Russian Secret service -- Russia Russia. Okhrannyi͡a otdi͡elenīi͡a Stalin, Joseph, 1878-1953 Malinovskiĭ, Roman Vat͡slavovich, 1876-1918 box 1, folder 1 Inventory of the Edward Ellis 82026 2 Smith papers "The Department of Police: 1911-1913," Recollections of Nikolai Vladimirovich Veselago, undated box 1, folder 2 Shpanov, Nikolai, First Blow, completed translation, part 1 of 2 1939 box 1, folder 3 Shpanov, Nikolai, First Blow, completed translation, part 2 of 2 1958 box 1, folder 4 Shpanov, Nikolai, First Blow, rough translation undated box 1, folder 5 "Survey of the Project at the Hoover Institution on the Tsarist and Soviet Intelligence Police, Security, and Intelligence Forces," typed essay 1961 May 14 box 1, folder 6 "Study of a Secret Political Police in Action," typed essay outline 1961 July box 1, folder 7 "Stalin and Terror," speech 1963 January 29 box 1, folder 8 Additional footnotes and bibliography items 1967 March 12 box 1, folder 9 Notes and research about Stalin and the Terror, 1958-1962 box 1, folder 10 Malinovsky: Material and correspondence mail, 1968-1969 box 1, folder 11 Martynov project 1961-1962 Scope and Contents note Contains memoranda for the record of the Hoover Institution's efforts to broaden the Martynov papers collection and letters sent to local museums, including the Museum of Russian Culture in San Francisco, for this same reason. box 1, folder 12 Photograph negatives undated box 1, folder 13 Stuttgart Conference 1951 August 20 box 1, folder 14-15 Vesselago project 1962 Scope and Contents note Inventory of the Edward Ellis 82026 3 Smith papers Includes notes, correspondence, schedules, itinerary, expense report, memorandum for the record, and calculations of hours spent on project. box 2, folder 1 "Todriia, sil'vestr iaseevich 1880-1936," Bol'shaia Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia 1956 box 2, folder 2 Gruziia v Datakhm 1900-1917, chronology 1961 box 2, folder 3 Laroslavskii, E. V., "Vazhneishie vekhi zhizni I deiatel'nosti tovarischa Stalina," 1939 box 2, folder 4 Vetodhkin, M., "V sibirskoi ssylke," Istoricheskii Zhurnal, no. 1, 1940 box 2, folder 5 Nekotorye Daty, 1879-1951 box 2, folder 6 Keller, B. A., "Na putiakh mirovoi istorii," Oktiabr', no. 12 1939 box 2, folder 7 Miliukov, P. N., "Stalin," Posledniia Novosti 1936 December 16 box 2, folder 8 Liapidevskii, A., "Velikii strateg revoliutsii," Oktiabr', no. 12 1939 box 2, folder 9 Golubovich, V., "Molodoi stalin, obzor vospomin" Istorik-Marksist, 1940 box 2, folder 10 Zhukov, "Gori-tbilisi," Novyi Mir, 1939 box 2, folder 11 Salisbury, Harrison, "Review of Payne's Stalin," Saturday Review, 1965 December 11 box 2, folder 12 Yaroslavskii, E., "Tri vstrechi," Pravda, p. 4, 1939 December 23 box 2, folder 13 Obit - Uratadze 1959 box 2, folder 14 Tsiavlovskii, Bol'sheviki undated box 2, folder 15 "Stalin et ses ennemis," Le Monde Slave, 1933 June box 2, folder 16 Inventory of the Edward Ellis 82026 4 Smith papers Sagirashvili, D., "Stalin iz vospominanii i razmyshlenii," Vestnik Instituta Po Izucheniiu SSSR, no. 2 1954 box 2, folder 17 "The First of May 1901 in Tbilisi," Izvestiia, no. 100 1937 April 27 box 2, folder 18 Stalin's arrests, escapes and travels, 1902-1917 box 2, folder 19 Ludwig, E., "Maitre absolu de la Russie des Soviets," La Politique, 1932 box 2, folder 20 Kristof, L., "Boris I. Nicolaevsky," The Russian Review, no. 3, 1966 July 3 box 2, folder 21 Kaminskii and Vereshchagin, "Detstvo i lunost'vozhdia," Molodaia Guardiia, no. 12, 1939 box 2, folder 22 Shvarts, Semyen, I. I. undated box 2, folder 23 Knickerbocker, H. H., "Stalin Mystery Man Even to His Mother, Post Interviewer Finds," New York Evening Post, 1930 December 1 box 2, folder 24 Stalin miscellaneous 1963-1965 box 2, folder 25 Orlov, Aleksandr, "The Ghastly Secrets of Stalin's Power," undated box 2, folder 26 "Iz vospominanii russkago uchitelia pravoslavnoi gruzinskoi dukhovnoi seminarii," Mocka 1907 box 2, folder 27 Aronson, Gregory, "Was Stalin a Tsarist Agent?," The New Leader, 1956 August 20 box 2, folder 28 Istoricheskii Zhurnal, no. 1 1940 box 2, folder 29 Arsenidze, R., "Iz vospominanii o Staline," undated box 2, folder 30 Iremashvili, I., "Stalin und die Tragodie Georgiens: Erinnerungen," Verfasser, typed translated excerpts, 1932 box 2, folder 31 "Arkhivnye materialy o revoliutsionnoi feiatel'nosti I.V. Stalina," Krasnyi Arkhiv, 1908-1913 box 2, folder 32 Davis, Jerome, "Joseph Stalin, Russia's Ruler Today," undated Inventory of the Edward Ellis 82026 5 Smith papers box 2, folder 33 Crankshaw, "The Coup that Changed the World," New York Times Magazine, 1967 February box 2, folder 34 "Avlabar, shkola filerov" Byloe, no. 3 1906-1917 box 2, folder 35 "Avlabarskaia nelegal'naia tipografiia kavkazskogo soiuznogo komiteta RSDRP 1903-1906," Tbilisi: Gosizdat Gruzinskoi SSR 1954 box 2, folder 36 Levine, Isaac D., "Stalin Was a Tsarist Agent," 1956 box 2, folder 37 Possony comments on Stalin book 1966-1967 box 2, folder 38 Stalin miscellaneous 1959-1966 box 2, folder 39 "Editor Remarks," Izvestiia, 1937 April 28 box 2, folder 40 Sharikov, K., "Vazhneishie mesta prebyvaniia i revoliutsionnoi deiatel'notsi I. V. Stalina v Peterburge-Petrograde-Leningrade," 1909-1934 box 3, folder 1 "Enukidze shaumyan," Pravda, 1962 May 19 box 3, folder 2 "Orakhelashvili shaumyan," Pravda, 1963 June 10 box 3, folder 3 Anti Komintern documents on Stalin 1939 box 3, folder 4 "Yerivan Expropriation," Le Temps, 1907 June 28 box 3, folder 5 Antirelioznik, no. 12, p. 17-21, 1939 box 3, folder 6 Sumbadze, L. Z., Gori 1950 box 3, folder 7 Nadezhdin, P. P., Description of Gori, 1901 box 3, folder 8 Bol'shaia Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia, Moskva, vol. 12 1952 Inventory of the Edward Ellis 82026 6 Smith papers box 3, folder 9 Bol'shaia Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia, Moskva, vol. 17, Gori 1930 box 3, folder 10 Shengelaia, D., "V Gori," 1893 box 3, folder 11 Nikulin, L., "Domik v sepukhova," Pravda, p. 5, Stalin's headquarters 1939 December 19 box 3, folder 12 Stalin: Raffalovich, S., "The Youth of Stalin," Miroir du Monde, 1935 July 20 box 3, folder 13 Stalin: Scheffer, Paul, "Stalin's Power," Foreign Affairs, 1930 box 3, folder 14 Stalin: Gunther, John, "Stalin," Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1935 box 3, folder 15 Stalin's pre-1917 means of travel: time schedules, etc. 1899-1917 box 3, folder 16 Written comments and notes regarding the Portrait de Staline, written by Victor Serge, 1965 box 3, folder 17 Wells, H.
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