Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-3-1993 The BG News September 3, 1993 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 3, 1993" (1993). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5561. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5561 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. 4? The BG News Friday, September 3, 1993 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 76, Issue 9 Briefs Autonomy agreement possible Weather Mutual recognition only snag in getting Israel to sign agreement by Nell MacFarquhar tions in Norway, said the source his declarations in 1988 renounc- but PLO officials later denied the "You will see the PLO back in Rain today, clouds The Associated Press close to the PLO, who spoke on ing terror and accepting Israel's report. its homeland. We will go together tomorrow: condition of anonymity. right to exist, the source said. Under the autonomy plan, the to our Jerusalem," wrote Arafat, Mutual recognition is still But Israeli officials have de- Israeli army would first with- who was on a tour of Arab capi- Friday, occasional thun- JERUSALEM - Israeli Foreign several days off, said Dr. Ahmed manded not only a fresh state- draw from the Gaza Strip and tals to sell the plan before a derstorms, mainly in the Minister Shimon Peres will likely Tibi, a Palestinian physician ment but one that was "authorita- Jericho, where Palestinians meeting of the central committee morning. High in the sign an agreement with the PLO from Jerusalem who is close to tive" - having the approval of would then start running their of his Fatah organization planned mid-70s. Winds turning on Palestinian Yasser Arafat, head of the Pales- PLO institutions like the group's own affairs. for Thursday night. northwest 10 to 15 mph. autonomy once tine Liberation Organization. central commitee. Elsewhere in the West Bank, Arafat needs the endorsement Chance of rain is near 100 Israel and the "There are some formulations Speaking in Brussels, Peres Palestinians would start running of his own group before propos- percent. Friday night, most- PLO have for- that should be settled and agreed said Thursday that Palestinian some aspects of daily life, includ ing the accord for approval by ly cloudy and cooler. Low in mally recog- upon, and I expect it may occur self-rule in the occupied Gaza ing health care, education, tour- the PLO Executive Committee the mid-SOs. Chance of rain nized each during the next few days," Tibi Strip and the West Bank town of ism, trade and agriculture. and the Palestine National Coun- 20 percent. Saturday, partly other, a Pales- told The Associated Press. Jericho could start immediately, Elections for a council admin- cil, or parliament in exile. cloudy. High in the mid-70s. tinian source An Israeli source who spoke on even without a mutual recogni- istering autonomy would be held The Fatah session was expect- Remainder of Labor Day said Thursday. condition of anonymity said tion deal. He said at a news con- within nine months of the signing ed to be stormy. weekend, fair. Lows 55 to 60 Once mutual Peres had been slated to meet a ference that the accord only of the agreement. Rejectionists both within the Sunday and Monday. Highs recognition is PLO official in Brussels, Bel- Peres needed a Palestinian signature. In a letter faxed from his PLO and in the fundamentalist Is- in the 70s. announced by gium, but snags developed in The Egyptian newspaper al- headquarters in Tunisia, Arafat lamic movements said Arafat both sides, Peres and the PLO's reaching agreement on the de- Ahram reported Thursday that told a gathering at Bir Zeit Uni- should not have agreed to post- "foreign minister," Farouk Kad- tails of mutual recognition. Arafat and Israeli Prime Minis- versity in the West Bank on pone discussions on the status of doumi, would sign the agreement One misunderstanding was ter Yitzhak Rabin would meet Thursday that he and the PLO Jerusalem, which they want as a on self-rule that was reached that Arafat thought Israel would this month in Egypt after the expected to be back in the occu- capital for an independent Pales- Outside campus during months of secret negotia- be satisfied with a restatement of autonomy agreement was signed, pied territories soon. tinian state. APPholWMIcfctlEultr Don't drink and drive: Clinton The State Highway Patrol plans to set up a checkpoint today to catch and deter backs drunk drivers despite a re- cent Ohio court ruling that questioned the constitution- ality of one such operation, Bosnian authorities said Thursday. "It's not going to have any effect on our plans at the Muslims current time," spokesman Sgt. John Born said of the by Barry Schweld constitutionality issue. He The Associated Press said as many as 20 officers will be involved in Friday WASHINGTON ~ The Clin- night's checkpoint, which ton administration on Thurs- will be set up in the Toledo day backed Bosnian Muslim area. negotiating demands for a On Aug. 13, Springfield larger slice of territory and Municipal Judge Susan An- threatened air strikes if Serbs derson ruled that evidence and Croats resumed offensives collected at a patrol check- against key cities. point in Clark County last "First I would remind you September was illegal under that the NATO military option the Ohio Constitution and inadmissible in court. is very much alive," President However, she said she was Clinton said. unwilling to invalidate all He tied his threat to any re- such checkpoints. sumption of Serb shelling of Born said checkpoints Sarajevo, the besieged Bosnian have resulted in arrests and capital, or interference with proven effective in raising relief supplies now that peace public awareness about the talks have broken down. dangers of drunk driving. The State Department He said the patrol has set up broadened the threat to include sobriety checkpoints around any new Croat drive against Ohio seven times this year Muslims in Mostar. and expects to do as many as The aim was to deter eight more before the year renewed aggression even while ends. prodding Serb and Croat nego- tiators to sweeten their offer to end the 17-month war in Bos- Burt & Loni to battle in nia-Herzegovina. two states: It was rejected by Bosnian Talks Break Down President Allja Izetbegovic as zerland, Thursday. Karadzic warned that Bosnia-Herzegovina STUART, Fla. - Burt inadequate to guarantee his Bosnian Serbian leader Radovan Karadzic speaks to reporters may be split between the Serbs and the Croats, after the rejection Reynolds and Loni Anderson country's survival and the during a news conference at the United Nations In Geneva, Swit- of the Muslim-led government's three-way ethnic partition plan. don't agree on much these talks in Geneva, Switzerland, while the talks are in abeyance, days, but they have an un- collapsed Wednesday night. bacle "That is a statement with defense of the Muslims. lapsed. The United States will there is abuse by those who derstanding on two things: "Unfortunately, the war will ominous implications." At the White House, Clinton do everything it can in the next would seek to interfere with The custody battle over continue," Croatian President He said a renewal of the held out hope for a quick re- few days to get the parties to the humanitarian aid, then their son will be settled in Franjo Tudjman said after- shelling of Sarajevo or Mostar sumption of the peace talks. resume the talks in good faith." California and their divorce ward. could prompt the North Atlan- first I would remind you that in Florida. State Department spokes- tic Treaty Organization to Im- "They are stalled," he said. The president went on in an the NATO military option is Reynolds filed for divorce man Michael McCurry fired plement a plan to use force in "I don't believe they are col- exchange with reporters: "If very much alive. June 10 in Martin County, asking Circuit Judge Marc Cianca to decide the case in Florida. Anderson said Cali- Interim vice fornia is her home state and filed for divorce more than a Street talks to reopen month later in Los Angeles. by Tan Stubbt general assign- service utilities lines to the Lance Teaman said acquiring A private California judge ividge Street would make plan- president named ment reporter new building. hired by Anderson and It would not be the first time ning easier for the University. Reynolds will determine the city and University have However, he said it hopes to by Michael Zawackl who gets custody of the cou- traded ownership of streets. In begin construction of the tun- faculty reporter "I want to thank Ron Zwlerlein ple's adopted son, 5-year-old The construction of the Uni- the early 1970s, before East nel in November even if the for being willing to serve Bowl- Quinton, and the amount of versity's new classroom build- Merry was built, the city two streets are not exchanged. ing Green State University as child support. ing has reopened negotiations traded away several streets "The tunnel will still be done University President Paul Ols- interim vice president for stu- between the University and that cross the campus. regardless of whether or not camp announced Thursday that dent affairs," Olscamp said.
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