9916 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 17, 1968 EXTENSIONS O·F REMARKS "Operation Soapbar" in Clark County, as the actual collection. A local moving and ing as Vietnam-based reporters for the storage group furnished the boxes and trucks Queens College Phoenix. Nev. needed to package the soap up for hauling to McCarran Airport where it was :flown to . These articles discuss the special prob­ San Diego by a local airline. The U.S. Navy lems connected with the South Viet­ HON. HOWARD W. CANNON took charge of the soap in San Diego for namese student community. Mr. Dem­ OF NEVADA shipment to Vietnam, where it is given to bart also writes about the reactions of IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Marines for distribution among the citizenry American soldiers to recent political de­ of South Vietnam. velopments here at home, and Mr. Wednesday, April17, 1968 There are two wars in Vietnam. The first Paladino describes the problems faced is to defeat the invading North Vietnamese Mr. CANNON. Mr. President, in an Army and the Viet Gong guerrilla forces. by those soldiers who decide that, for important but little publicized effort the The second and most important battle is to reasons of conscience, they cannot fight citizens of Clark County, Nev., are at­ win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese in Vietnam. tempting to help make life a little more people through a strong civic action program. The articles follow: bearable for the citizens of South Viet­ American Allied and South Vietnamese (By Lee Dembart) Army forces decisively beat the invaders and nam. SAIGON.--0. K. Armstrong, a member of A shipment of 25 tons of soap is on guerrillas whenever they choose to meet the free world forces on the battlefield. However, the editorial board of Reader's Digest and its way to the South Vietnamese people winning the support and cooperation of the former Congressman from Missouri, was in to help raise their health and sanitation Vietnamese people is a long and slow process. town last week as part of a whirlwind South­ standards and to keep them free from Marines believe projects such as "Operation east Asia tour. many forms of disease prevalent in areas Soapbar" in Las Vegas are helping them to Inasmuch as he had just arrived from of poor sanitation. win the second and most important part of the States, several people were anxious to the war in Vietnam. talk to him about Eugene McCarthy, Robert "Operation Soapbar" was a Las Vegas Kennedy, and the host of others who are community project coordinated by local A simple thing like a bar of soap or a toothbrush presented by a Marine can lead to fast endeavoring to create the greatest Amer­ citizens through the Marine Corps civic the beginning of a mutual trust between ican political quagmire since Aaron Burr in­ action program in which each citizen in American forces and the Vietnamese people. sisted he had been running for President the area was asked to donate a bar of A letter from Las Vegas Mayor Oran K. all along. soap. Gragson has been enclosed in every box of The reason for the interest is that few Probably the most significant feature soap that left here for Vietnam. It said in people here know or seem to care very much of "Operation Soapbar" was the fact part: about the internecine struggles of the Demo­ "Sending soap to you is a very small way cmtic Party and any fresh information is that it was carried off with no financial eagerly sought. Pacific Stars and Stripes, the aid from any source. All labor, equip­ in which we thought we could help you (Marines) with your Civic Action Program. Armed Forces newspaper published in Tokyo, ment, and professional services were I'm sure it would please you to know that has been the only source of dally news con­ donated. the citizens of our city in every walk of life cerning McCarthy and Kennedy's quixotic Civic groups across the Nation have and all ages contributed towarr· this drive quest. undertaken similar projects, but on a as a token of their appreciation for what you Harumphed a Navy captain: "I have al­ much smaller scale. Never before has an are doing for our country." ways put God and country before me. And No less enthusiastic are the Marine lead­ whoever doesn't, like the people in Wash­ entire community undertaken this par­ ington, will someday be a loser." ticular project. It is a "first" not only ers involved in "Operation Soapbar." When in town to thank Las Vegas personally, Maj. Not a single military leader has expressed for Clark County, but for the whole Gen. Lowell E. English, commandant of the anything that might be called worry over Nation; and I am proud to represent the Marine Corps Recruit Depot at San Diego, the double-barreled Democ;ra.tic challenge public-spirited citizenry of my State of - said, "It is amazing the way the commu­ to President Johnson's Vietnam policy. Nevada.. nity here has responded ... truly a tre­ Nor has anyone been stirred by the martial This project was interestingly set forth mendous effort." and not-so-martial pronouncements of Rich­ in a story in the Las Vegas Sun. Col. Donald R. Kennedy, director of the ard Nixon. Or the nonpronouncements of 12th Marine Corps District, San Francisco, Nelson Rockefeller. I ask unanimous consent that the who was here with Gen. English, echoed the The attitude among m111tary men here article be printed in the RECORD. general's praise. seems to be that when all is said and done, There being no objection, the article Col. Kennedy originated "Operation Soap­ and when the conventions and elections are was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, bar," aimed at collecting soap from all over over, no matter who wins, the war wm con­ as follows: the country for distribution in South Viet­ tinue and continue in basically the same OPERATION SOAPBAR MONTH PROCLAIMED IN nam. Assisting in collection in Las Vegas manner it is being waged now. LAS VEGAS were Marine capt. Mike Corrigan aided by Not so the civ111an workers. One official Sheila Regan. in the Agency for International Develop­ "Operation Soapbar" in Clark County has ment asked a reporter, "You going baek to achieved its purpose-phenomenally. Some 25 Vegas businessman Sammy Cohen was lauded by "Operation Soapbar" leaders as a work for Bobby Kennedy?" tons of bar soap is now on its way to South "Maybe," said the reporter. "How about Vietnam to make life a little more bearable prime mover in the project. for its citizens. The response of Southern Nevadans and you?" So great was the zeal of Southern Nevada other Americans around the nation, to "Op­ "I'm thinking of quitting my job and join­ proponents of "Operation Soapbar," it in.:. eration Soapbar" and projects similar to it ing the Kennedy forces." spired the citizens of Phoenix, Ariz., to start should prove once and for all to everyone And a USIA aide, while not about to quit a very successful "Operation Soapbar" of from Ho Chi Minh on down, the hearts and his job, also confided that Kennedy would their own. This in turn sparked a third such minds of Americans are with the GI who is be his choice to run the Government. program in Tucson, Ariz. doing his country's bidding in Vietnam. Those m111tary leaders who would say any­ Probably the most significant feature of thing at all asked the one question that most "Operation Soapbar" is the fact it was carried troubles Sens. McCarthy and Kennedy, not off with no financial aid from any source. All to mention their followers: It's all well and labor, equipment .and professional services good to say you're going to end the war, but were donated. When the project was started Student Reporters in Vietnam-VIII how? Dec. 7, the area literally blossomed with soap And with a shrug of the shoulders and the collecting gimmicks. Collection barrels were tolerant but knowing look that one reserves distributed county wide. HON. BENJAMIN S. ROSENTHAL for politicians, they walk off. One businessman matched all donations OF NEW YORK The SL.igon English-language press was taking a more serious if dimmer view of the that came through his doors. A movie theater IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES made the admission to a matinee a bar of challenge to LBJ. Heavily pro-Government, soap. Donations of soap from local hotels and Thursday, April 11, 1968 The Saigon Daily News and The Saigon Post motels could be measured in only hundreds were busy giving both Kennedy and Mc­ of pounds. Local news media and advertising Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, once Carthy their comeuppance. groups kept "Operation Soapbar" before the again, I would like to submit for the Headlines like "Bob Kennedy .Admits Er­ Southern Nevada public constantly. RECORD, the most recent dispatches from ror," ·~BJ Blasts Critics," "No Alternative The logistics of moving 26 tons of soap to Lee Dembart and Ralph Paladino, two to LBJ VN Policy, Voters Told," and ~·Pres. its destination waa a project Almos' as big Queens College students, currently serv- Thieu Blasts Kennedy Brothers" set the tone April _17, 1968 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9917 for the coverage of the upcoming U.S. Presi­ yers and engineers and generally teach use­ Nonetheless, social service remains the out­ dential election. less subjects. let that most nationalist students use to At week's end, with the Digest's Armstrong The complaint was echoed by Nguyen channel their energies.
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