OREGONBIOGRAPHIES.COM Oregon–s Jason Lee: The Untold Story Local Legend’s Legacy Includes Lee Parsonage—1841 International Cemetery Hopscotch Home of Jason Lee. Mission Mill Museum, Salem, Oregon by Roy Widing, Contributing Writer keep his title ‘Missionary to As Jason Lee was remem- Jason Lee any among us can re- M Oregon.’ However he was bered so long after his 1803-1845 call grade school history offered no new position and passing, his legacy re- lessons about Oregon pio- Important Life before long, was replaced. mained solid. At one 1906 neer Jason Lee. For re-burial service, a speaker Events of those who can’t, Lee was One interesting and little- stated the following about Jason Lee the gutsy man whose for- known fact about Jason Lee Lee: ’The everlasting ays into a then-wild Ore- doesn’t involve his accom- • June 28, 1803 snows on Mt. Hood are not gon led him to historical plishments in this life. In- purer nor fairer than the Jason Lee is born on a farm in Quebec, fame, both as a minister stead, it’s about his travels across Canada’s border with Vermont. unsullied personal charac- and the founder of Wil- afterward. Jason Lee was ter he left behind.’ • 1830 lamette University. But initially buried near his birth- while much has been re- place in the Quebec border After a religious conversion, Lee attends Lee Buried In Salem Wilbaham Academy, graduating in 1830. membered about Jason town of Stanstead. But more Lee, a few things you’ve than half a century later, the • 1833 Those interested in paying never heard about him suggestion to re-bury Jason Lee is chosen to head a church mission to Lee where he’d dedicated so a visit to monuments of lo- the Flathead Indians. might surprise you. much of his life’s work in Sa- cal history can easily tour Most historical accounts • 1834 lem, Oregon soon gained Lee Mission Cemetery paint Jason Lee as an where Jason Lee is buried. Lee’s party heads west, first departing momentum. It all started in New York in March and Independence, honorable and prayerful— 1904 when Mrs. Smith Next to Lee’s grave are his Missouri in April. By September, Lee if imperfect—Methodist infant son and both of his arrives at Fort Vancouver, eventually French of The Dalles, Ore- minister. That’s all true, relocating to what becomes known as the gon contacted Col. Frederick wives, who each died soon ’Willamette Mission’ near the current but Lee was also brave. after childbirth. Butterfield of Derby Line, Wheatland Ferry, north of modern-day For when he traveled west Salem, Oregon. Vermont to discuss the pos- In 2006, a centennial com- to preach to the Native sibility of moving Lee’s re- memoration was held to • July 16, 1837 American tribe known as mains to the Lee Mission celebrate the 100th anni- Jason Lee marries Anna Maria Pittman the Flathead Indians, Lee Cemetery in Salem. Derby versary of Jason Lee’s re- near modern-day Salem. entered a largely un- Line, Vermont is located just burial on Oregon soil. It • June 26, 1838 charted Oregon territory. across the border from Stan- included a welcome from Wild animals and robbers Lee’s wife Anna Maria Lee dies with their stead, Canada. Through the Salem’s mayor and an en- infant son after childbirth. Both are now were then very real dan- combined and generous ef- actment of selected eulo- buried in Salem’s Lee Mission Cemetery. gers. forts of many people, it soon gies from Jason Lee’s 1840 • And while one of Lee’s grew into a movement. 1906 service. Attending Jason Lee marries his second wife, Lucy most important achieve- the rite were Willamette Thompson Lee. A Methodist church commit- ments was his founding of tee reviewed the request University’s president, • March 20, 1842 what would later become and in 1906, long after Lee’s along with representatives Death of Lucy Thompson Lee. Willamette University, that death, his body was disin- of the Methodist Church, single act was also part of • June 26, 1842 terred from his original burial Oregon Historical Society his undoing. This is be- site in the far reaches of and the Oregon Gover- •Jason Lee founds the Oregon Institute, cause Lee’s superiors in nor’s office. now known as Willamette University. southeastern Canada and New York were unhappy transferred to Lee Mission • March 2, 1845 with what they considered Cemetery in Salem, Oregon. Jason Lee passes away in southeastern Lee’s shift of focus. For Canada, where he is buried. after many discourage- On Friday, June 15, 1906, • June 15, 1906 ments in his ministering to church and gravesite ser- vices were held to celebrate Jason Lee’s body is exhumed for travel to Native peoples, Lee had Salem, Oregon. Lee’s remains are re- later proposed opening a the burial of Jason Lee’s re- interred in connection with Willamette mains on Oregon soil. Dis- University’s 62nd commencement. school for white settlers called the Oregon Insti- tinguished speakers ad- tute. dressing Lee’s re-interment included both the president So although Lee perse- and vice-president of the vered in successfully be- Oregon Historical Society, ginning the future Wil- along with the editor of The lamette University, one Oregonian newspaper, plus consequence was a battle a former Oregon Supreme with his own Methodist de- Court Justice, one Northwest nomination. This saw Lee Governor and several former recalled back east to de- Northwest Governors or their fend himself. Lee pre- Jason Lee Statue Entrance at Salem’s representatives. vailed in being allowed to Oregon State Capitol Lee Cemetery .
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