If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. '-=------ National Criminal Justice Reference Service I1CjrS . d d from documents received for This microfiche was pro uce b S. e NCJRS cannot exercise . th NCJRS data ase. mc . d POLICE inclUSion me. I ndition of the documents submltte , control over the physlca rc; 'n vary The resolution chart on the individual frame qudatl W\uate the document quality. this frame may be use 0 eva SERVICES IN CANADA 2 5 11111 . 2.2 11111.1 I I 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A J Microfilming procedur~s u4s:~~~ C{~~~~ i~~O~~he comply with the standards set forth m . Points of view or opInIons.. s ta te d in this documenth ff' are I those of the tahndudoS position or poitclesa~\:~or(sf} 0 e . n~:;~~~:~~. ~feJ~s~~I:. National Institute of Justice . United States Department of Justice Washington. D. C. 20531 1 -- '1 \} a J }" t. ! • , Nj / "I1ICIlI" Justice Ontario Information "r Office of the Deputy Provinc:al Provincial Secretary Whitney Block for Justice Secretariat for Queen's Park Report Toronto Ontario Justice M7A 1A2 ~ 416/965-2838 ~ q~ POLICE 1 July 1982 h~ & 'I SERVICES '/ Mr. Roger Tasse," Q.C. ~I ,1 Deputy Minister of Justice ,I Chairman of the Justice IN CANADA 1 Information Council 3rd Floor, Justice Building I Kent and Wellington Streets 1978/79 j ~1 O.s. Depa\'bmt;'!t of ~ Ottawa, Ontario, N.!~ ~1ft1l1tt of ~ KIA OH8. !! 1979/80 ~ This document hils been rlpl'QdUc:ed el!8Clly I. rec~!vod from Ihe ! peraon or orgatllzatlon origillllting It. Pojnlll of Vie¥! or opinions stated In this document are thote 0/ lIle aultJors end do not necessarily rGpreaent the oIIicial position or poIicitl$ 0/ lIle Nilllonlll Institute 01 Justice. 1 Dear Roger: PennilSion 10 roproduce this COPyrighted material has boon " J granted by The Implementation Work Group, established in Implementation Work Group on June 1980 and mandated to implement the concept Justice Informatl0n & Statistics J of a Justice Statistics Satellite Centre, accepted the responsibility of developing a Police Infor­ Criminal Justice Refl!1enco Service (NCJAS). f"'l ~al mation Report. The Ministry of Justice, Quebec, Further repfOduction outside 0/ lIle NCJRS system requires permis­ ,j agreed to accept overall responsibility for this toIoo of the copyright 0WI1If. task. '1 ,f'i .{ J J We believe this report on Police services in Report prepared by: '" 1'1 Canada will be most useful both to members of J the police community and to the pUblic. Our Gouvernement du Quebec i1 thanks are due to M. Daniel Jacoby, Deputy Minister Ministere de la justice ;] of Justice, Quebec, to M. Robert Cloutier and his Quebec staff and to the police forces at all levels of government who willingly co-operated in this on behalf of the: I, endeavour. .J I,11f' I Implementation Work Group on f: L Justice Information and Statistics (IWG) " ~ Yours sincerely, Ottawa ~ July 1982 IWG should be credited when reproducing or quoting any part of this document. Version franQaise de ce document disponible sur demande: Don Sinclair Secretariat du GMO 19ieme etage Chairman Immeuble R.H. Coats Implementation Work Group Ottawa K 1A OT6 I .. • J r r f TABLE OF CONTENTS r INTRODUCTION The National Task Force (NTF) on the administration of Justice producea five statistical reports for the year Introduction 1977-78: ..................................................................... 1 r: • Police services in Canada Acknowledgments ................................................................ 3 t • Correctional Services in Canada Methodology ~, ..................................................................... 5 • Courts Services in Canada [: • Crown Counsel Services Technical remarks ................................................................. 7 • Legall~\id Services in Canada Caution ........................................................................ 9 '~ The deputy ministers of Justice, meeting in Ottawa on June 23, 1980, agreed to update the Correctional 1 Services report to cover 1978-79 and 1979-80 and delegated the task to the Implementation Work Group on Analysis of survey results ~' . ~ 11 Justice Statistics (lWG), a new group set up at that meeting. Out of subsequent consultation with the deputy I ministers grew the decision to update the Police Services and Legal Aid Services reports to cover the same SOrete du Quebec ................................................................ l;i periods. At the request of the IWG, Quebec accepted responsibiliiyfor revising the Police Services report. 41 I,. Ontario Provincial Police ........................................................... 51 ~: The present report describes the police services provided by Canada's three levels of government - federal, provincial and municipal - for the years 1978-79 and 1979-80 and presents statistical data on law Related police services ...................' ......................................... 59 r enforcement strengths and expenditures for those periods. t." Summary ...................................................................... 67 1'< ~ There are sections dealing specifically with the SOrete du Quebec, the Ontario Provincial Police and law t enforcement services provided by agencies other than police departments. Annex A: Statistical tables I;f.~ The annexes include statistical tables covering the services provided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Annex B: Questionnaires [: and individual municipalities, as well as the survey questionnaires we used. Annex C: Population f For additional information concerning this report, contact the author: M. Robert Cloutier Annex D: Description of services Direction de I'analyse et de • Royal Canadian Mounted Police I t;.',l • Surete du Quebec .J I'organisation administrative I f: Ministere de la Justice • Ontario Provincial Police ! • Related services J 1200, route de l'Eglise I f; 8g etage "t f' Sainte-Foy (Quebec) -/ G1V4M1 Telephone: (418) 643-7680 I 1./.·.' fl f Ii r 1;1'.1 t,l f:'~ ~j l Data included in this report may differ from those published by other organisations. Among the main t reasons, we note: different definitions, services covered, different reporting periods, different data collection i:.l. dates, different sources of information, etc. To know the details of these data, refer to the methodology and Fl technical remarks. ~\·l " '·i '~ IIi " .,K.'.;.Ij 'i 1 ,1 \A ____________________________________________________________________~r,~, ____~~1 ____________________~ __. ____________ ~~ __________________________~ ____~~ __~~_ "'(,05 '7 "t' 1I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The publication of this report was done throug.h the ~oo~eratio~ ?f many individuals of each federal, METHODOLOGY provincial and territorial or private agency responsible for Justice statistics. Questionnaires Among the many contributions to this year's report, those directly responsible inclu'cle: In laying the groundwork for this study, we prepared a number of survey forms on the basis of the Canadian Robert Jl,damson Ministry of the Attorney General Police Services report for 1977-78. For each rep'ort period, i.e. 1978-79 and 1979-80, we devised specific BRITISH COLUMBIA questionnaires covering federal police services, provincial police services provided by the Royal Canadian Michael Algar Ministry of Correctional Services Mounted Police and municipal police services (RCMP and municipalities). Separate questionnaires were devised for the Quebec and Ontario provincial police forces. ONTARIO Oscar Anderson Department of Solicitor General In addition to the questionnaires deSigned to collect police force data, by special request we collected data on ALBERTA the strengths and expenditures of agencies providing related services, among them police commissions and Phil Arbing Department of Justice colleges, the police contingents of Canadian National, Canadian Pacific and the National Harbours Board PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND and a number of other services (Crime Detection Laboratories, New Brunswick's Highway Patrol, Bri!ish Columbia's Co-ordinated Law Enforcement Unit, Ontario's Police Arbitration Board and Quebec's Services Alfred Brien Department of Justice and Public Services de securite publique. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Participants James Benning Department of the Attorney General SASKATCHEWAN We forwarded the questionnaires to the liaison officers named to the justice statistics implementation project, soliciting their comments on the pOints covered and their agreement as to the data collection procedure. Simon Cantin Ministere de la Justice .,', QUEBEC Having secured the liaison officers' approval, we sent the forms back to them for rerouting and completion by T.Duncan Courts and Administration Services the appropriate authorities. YUKON Gerry Gervais Statistics Canada The officers had their respective police commissions or pOlice forces complete the forms relative to autonomous municipal (i.e. excluding policing services contracted with the RCMP). We further asked them to OTTAWA gather specified information from the police colleges and commissions. Thor Gottormson Department of the Attorney General MANITOBA As regards the law enforcement services provided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (at federal, Guy Marcoux Royal Canadian Mounted Police provincial and municipal levels), we went directly to RCMP Headquarters pursuant to arrangements with the liaison officer of the Force (responsible to the Solicitor General's Department). OTTAWA Gary Martin Ministry
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