1943. LEGISL'.ATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE. 671 An Act authorizing ihe State Boa1·d of Medical Educa­ And said bill having been read at length the first time, tion and i c ensu~re to fasue temporary pei·mlts to doctors Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading. of mecliciDe legally licensed in other states to practice medicine .:md surgery jn this State under cerLain condi­ tions for :I. llmJted period or time. Agreeably to order, The Senate proceeded to the first reading and con­ He also, from the Committee on Public Health, reported sideration of Senate Bill No. 235, entitled: as commi-ted, House Bill No. 236, entitled: An Ad authorizing the State Boa.rd of Medical Educa­ Lion and Licensure to issue temporary permits to doctors of An Act reducing for a llmlted period of time the train­ medicine legally licensed in other states to practice medi­ ing pel'iocl of me~ica~ foter.nesb.ip ln hosplt~ in order to cine and surgei'y Jn this State under cer tain conditions qualify foe examination for license to practice med1clne and surge::-y and suspendine; inconsistent laws. for a limited period of time. And said bill having been read at length the first time, MOT!CiN TO READ BILLS THE FIRST TIME Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading. Mr. HE:?'BURN. Mr. President, I move that the Senate Agreeably to order, do now p ~ oceed to the first reading of all bills reported The Senate proceeded to the first reading and con­ from committees for the first time at today's session. sideration of House Bill No, 236, entitled: Mr. DE:rrRICK. Mr. President, I eecond the motion. The mo-ion was agreed to. An Act reducing for a limited period of time the train­ ing period of medical intcmeship ln hospitals in oi·der to qualify for examination for licens e to practice medicine BILLS ON FIRST READING and sui·gery and suspending i nconsistent laws. Agreeably to order, And said bill having been read at length the first time, The Senate proceeded to the first reading and con­ Ordered, To be laid aside for second reading. sideration of Senate Bill No. 113, entitled: ANNOUNCEMENT An Act to add Sections ,15.1 and 15.2 to, and to fur­ ther amer.d Sections 21 and 22 of the act, approved the Mr. WALKER. Mr. President, in order that there may seventh diy of J une, one thousand nine hundred :frftee.n be no misunderstanding, I would like to have it under­ (P. L. 900 •, entitled An act 1.o provide for the immediate regi tratie>n of all birLhE: and de'aths throughout the Com­ stood that there is a meeting of the Committee on mo11wealth ol Pennsylvan-ia, by tneq_ns of certukates of Judiciary General scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, after­ blrths and deaths, l,U1d burial oi· 1:emoval pel'mlts; requ ir­ noon, at one o'clock p. m., in the committee room. On ing -prnmJ;i; ret.urns to the Central Bur eau of Vital Sta­ Tuesday, March 16, 1943, a week from tomorrow, there tistics, as requirea to be established by the State De­ will be a public hearing· at nine o'clock in the morning, pa~·tment :i>f Health: and in order to secilre prompt and Chamber,~ faithful i;:igistration of births, marriages, death~, and in the Senate consider Senate Bill No. 18. diseases, o: practitioners of medicine and surgery, of mid­ wives, nUJtses, and undertakers, and of all persons whose occupatior: is deemed to be of importance in obtaining ADJOURNMENT oniplete regietrai ion nf births1 deaths, marriages, and Mr. HEYBURN. Mr. President, I move that the Senate diseases fl.troughout the Stale: as pl'ovi.ded in sectio11 ten 9, 1943, 3:00 of an act.. entitled 'An act creating tl')e Department of do now adjourn until .Tuesday, March at Health an:! defining its powers, and duties,' approved the o'clock p. m ., Eastern War Time. t wenty-se..-enth day of April, nineteen hundred and five, Mr. BECKER. Mr. President, I second the motion. and provi3ing penalties ior violations of this act," pro­ The motion was agreed to. v1dl.og fot the registration of the bil'lli::; of foundlings; requiring the notaUon of chang of names on birth The Senate adjourned at 5:57 o'clock p. m., Eastern War record.'::; iJnposi.ng duties on prothonota1·ies and clel'l<s ot Time until Tuesday, March 9, 1943, at 3:00 o'clock p. m., courts; Jbrliting cases jn 'v hlch cerlifled, coples of the Eastern War Time. records of births shall be issued; provicling :for tl1e isf; u­ anoe of cErtifications of birU1s, and prescribing tlie effect thereof; niaking further provision for free certificates to soldiers·, sailors, marines, war nurses and their depend­ ents; and prescribing penalties. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES And saii bill having been read at length the first time, MONDAY, March 8, 1943 Ordered. To· be laid aside :for second reading. The House met at 9 p. m. Agreeal::ly to order, The CHIEF CLERK (William E. Habbyshaw) in the The Se::iate proceeded to the first reading and con- Chair. sideration of Senate Bill No. 218, entitled: The CHIEF CLERK. The hour of nine o'clock having arrived the House will come to order, An Act to further amend Sections 601, 602 and 605 of The Speaker of the House has directed the Chi~ Clerk the act, ~proved the fourth day of May, one thousand nine huncred twenty-seven (P. L. 519), entitled "An act to call the House to order and to announce that the ooncernJn: boroughs, and 1·ev1sing, amending, and con­ Speaker has requested the gentleman from Montgomery, solid,atlng the law relating to boroughs," pro lclli1g that Mr. Wood, to preside pending his return at a later hour. the boro~h council, i,nstead of freehold residents, shall The Speaker is attending a reception at the Mansion given in titl.lt p :nceedings to create, change OT e.<:Lab.llsh bmmd­ aries of vards in boroughs · and terminating unfinished by the Governor and Mrs. Martin in honor of the Superior procee<lin.cs heretofore commenced for such purposes. Court. 672 LEGISLATIVE 'JOURNAL-HOUSE. March 8, The Chair requests the gentleman from Montgomery, thorizing the Secretary of Internal Affairs to adopt rules Mr. Wood, to come to the rostrum and preside. and segulations to carry into effect the provisions of the act; and granting additional powers to inspe-0tors of MR. LLOYD H. WOOD IN THE CHAIR weights and measures. · PRAYER Referred to the Committee on State Government. The Chaplain, Rev. Lester C. Updegrove, offered the By Messrs. ELY and CALVIN. HOUSE BILL No. 536. following prayer: 0 God, we thank Thee for those valiant men and An Act to further amend section four of the act, ap­ proved the twenty-ninth day of May, one thousand nine women of former ages and of our own times through hundred and thirty-one (P. L. 280), entitled "An act whose courage and zeal victories for humanity have been relating to delinquent taxes on seated lands, and pre­ won. May this Legislature and the people whom they scribing interest charges on nonpayment thereof; re­ represent be inspired by their example. There are yet quiring the receivers and collectors of county, city, bor­ ough, town, township, school district and poor district foes of human progress to be conquered, enemies of the taxes to make a return to the county commissioners of common good to be overcome. Make us strong and very such unpaid taxes, and providing for the lien thereof; courageous. Confronted by tasks which test our strength authorizing the county treasurers to collect such taxes, and courage, may we not be fearful nor afraid; may we and to sell seated lands at public sale for taxes l1ereto­ not shirk the issue nor evade the conflict; may we not fore or hereafier retw·ned as unpaid; and authorizing the county commissione1:s to purcliase such lands and resell recoil at hardship or abuse; may we not be discouraged the same under certain circumstances," providing that by apparent defeat. Committing our souls unto Thee in all liens in favor of the Commonwealth other than tax whose hands are the destinies of all, may we be steadfast, liens, charged against real estate heretofore or hereafter confident in the final triumph of justice and truth. By sold for taxes by the county treasurers, are divested by Thy grace may we never be found wanting in any hour such sales. of crisis. Amen. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary General. JOURNAL APPROVED By Mr. WINNER. HOUSE BILL No. 537. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read the Journal of An Act to amend section one thousand five hundred Wednesday, March 3, 1943. and two, by adding thereto clause XLVII, of the act, ap­ proved the twenty-fourth day of June, one thousand The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of Wednes­ nine hundred and thirty-one (P. L. 1206), entitled "An day, March 3, 1943, when, on motion of Mr. KREPPS, act concerning Lownsb,ips of the first class; amending, unanimously agreed to, the further reading was dispensed revising, consolidating and changing the law relating thereto,'' authorizing certain townships of the first class with and the Journal approved. to appropriate moneys for the support of hospitals. BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED Referred to the Committee on Townships. By Mr. HALL. HOUSE BILL No. 533. By Messrs. DENMAN and LOVETT. An Act to amend the title an.d Section 1 o:f, and to add HOUSE BILL No.
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