OUR YOUNG TEAM TAKING RESPONSIBILITY SUSTAINABILITY REPOrt 2013 ABOUT US EUROCHEM IS A LEADING INTERNATIONAL MINERAL FERTILIZER PRODUCER We continue to invest in international production, logistics and distribution assets in order to help the world grow the food, feed, fibre and fuel needed to sustain a growing population. We are also investing in our growing team of young professionals, who are vital to our current and future success. While we select employees with a core grounding in technical subjects, we also look for motivated individuals who are willing to challenge the status quo and take responsibility from the outset. As these young professionals take on more responsibility, they will shape and define the sustainability of EuroChem’s business. Visit our website www.eurochem.ru CONTENTS NY A P com R OU OuR COMPANY EcONOMIC ENVIRONMENTAL Y This section contains information on our SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY T BILI business structure, operations and strategy, This section outlines our business goals This section describes our approach A IN as well as management systems, and key economic strengths. It also to environmental management, sta communications with stakeholders, describes our investments in operations, key investments, targets and performance. U S C sustainability achievements and plans education and communities. I for the future. om N co E 2 Our young team 8 Statement by our Chairman 10 Creating value SEE PAGES 30-33 SEE PAGES 34-39 Y 12 Our strategy T 14 Our Company BILI A 16 Operations map IN 18 The issues that matter HEALth & SAFETY SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY sta U 20 Governance and ethics S This section presents our new This section describes how we recruit and L 24 Our stakeholders Health, Safety and Environment Policy retain motivated employees, our community ta 28 Defining what is important N and Framework. partnerships and investments. me N ro I V EN SEE PAGES 2-29 SEE PAGES 40-43 SEE PAGES 44-51 Y safet & th FuRthER INFORMATION L ea This section contains our independent H assurance statement, our GRI table, glossary of terms and recent awards. Y T IBILI S N O SEE PAGES 52-63 P res L L A I oc S N O I format IN rther FU EuroChem Sustainability Report 2013 1 OUR YOUNG TEAM ENERGY IN ALL ITS FORMS DRIVES OUR BUSINESS NAME “ From the start, it was clear IMME COOLEN that EuroChem Antwerpen is a ROLE PRODuctION MANAGER dynamic, growing environment FERTILIZERS where colleagues work together WHERE I WORK with passion to create great EUROCHEM ANTWERPEN opportunities and achieve goals.” Being an active young team member In 2007, Imme graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of Leuven. She joined EuroChem in 2012 after six years in project and process engineering posts. Energy2 EuroChem Sustainability Report 2013 NY A >100 P com Young team initiatives R OU Y 18,000 T BILI Training courses A IN sta U S C TAKING RESPONSIBILITY Chemistry Olympiad employees were given a tour I of the plant and met key managers. All the visitors STUdeNTS VISIT EUroChem ANtwerPEN om appreciated seeing chemistry in action and went N In September, a team of Belgian students that had co away with a much greater appreciation E competed in the 2013 Chemistry Olympiad in of fertilizer production. Moscow, were invited to EuroChem Antwerpen for the day. Three students, four Professors and local THREE Energy conservation projects Y T BILI A IN Our plants across the world are significant users Energy consumption per tonne of production sta (kWh/t) U of power; therefore we are investing in energy S assets and continue to focus on energy efficiency 135 L 132.90 ta N – reducing our energy consumption per tonne 129.60 129.50 130 128.30 me of production. This is exemplified by our 2012 N 125.10 ro purchase of the Severneft Urengoy natural gas I 125 V plant in Russia and our continued progress in EN reducing energy consumption per tonne 120 of production. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 The energy of our employees and motivation Find out more: to do the best job possible is exemplified by our www.eurochem.ru/corporate-responsibility growing cohort of young professionals. We are Y investing in their development, enabling them to thrive in an environment where they are taking safet & significant responsibility. th L ea H Y T IBILI S N O P res L L A I oc S N O I format IN rther FU Energy EuroChem Sustainability Report 2013 3 OUR YOUNG TEAM (CONTINUED) CREATING AND ADOPTING NEW IDEAS NAME “ The development of EuroChem- MIKHAIL MIKHAILENKO VolgaKaliy and its associated ROLE L EAD SPECIALIST, infrastructure is a unique project CONSTRuctION DEPARTMENT in Russia. I am really pleased to WHERE I WORK be a part of it and to gain such Eu ROCHEM-VOLGAKALIY great experience.” Successful young team member Mikhail graduated from Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. In 2013 he participated in the Company’s scientific and technical conference and was a winner of the research projects competition at his plant. New4 EuroChem Sustainability Report 2013 ideas NY A 12 P com New products launched in 2013 R OU Y 18 T BILI New processes implemented A across our plants IN sta U S C I om N co E TAKING RESPONSIBILITY regulations and controls should be supplemented with Find out more: PromotING A safe workING ENVIroNmeNT an in-built culture of production safety demonstrated www.eurochem.ru by each employee. Our aim was to bring this to life Y Our Young Specialists are active in promoting through an array of communication tools and to get T occupational safety amongst all employees. For every employee involved. We alternated serious BILI example, the Council of Young Specialists at our appeals to observe occupational safety rules with A IN Phosphorit plant developed and delivered an humour and fun as a way to engage our colleagues awareness campaign over the summer of 2013. sta and help them remember the key messages.” U The campaign consisted of posters, comics, letters S and lively interaction with employees when they This was recognised as the best occupational safety L ta arrived at work, sometimes in the form of safety campaign at the annual corporate competition for the N slogans broadcast through megaphones! Council of Young Specialists. me N The Chairman of the Council of Young Specialists, ro I Anton Vasiliev, said: “The campaign was designed V to be visual, participatory and engaging. The rules, EN Our employees testify that EuroChem is a channelled, from ongoing contact with line company that is open to ideas from within managers to competitions for young professionals Y and outside the organisation. There are many enabling them to develop and present business pathways through which these ideas can be safet improvement projects. & th L ea H Y T IBILI S N O P res L L A I oc S N O I format IN rther FU New ideas EuroChem Sustainability Report 2013 5 OUR YOUNG TEAM (CONTINUED) SUSTAINABLE GROWTH FROM VERTICAL INTEGRATION NAME “B esides my daily work, I am ANNA KhOLOMAI also able to pursue research, ROLE C HEMICAL ANALYSIS which has allowed me to LABORATORY ASSISTANT, participate in the plant’s scientific RAW MATERIALS AND FINISHED PRODuctS QUALITY CONTROL and technical conferences.” WHERE I WORK N OVOMOSKOVSKIY AZOT Young successful team member Anna graduated from Ivanovo State Chemical and Technical University, specialising in Applied Chemistry of Inorganic Matter. She participates in research activities and came third in the plant’s 2013 scientific and technical conference. Ambition6 EuroChem Sustainability Report 2013 NY A >100 P com Presence in over R 100 countries OU Y 2% T BILI of the world’s production A (in nutrient content) of fertilizers IN sta U S used in agriculture C I om N co E Y ENgagING WITH the INterNatIONAL ‘CSR & Sustainability in extractive and energy 7.8 % T EXtractIve AND ENergY INDUstrIes industries: UK Global Expertise’. EuroChem was market share in Europe BILI A In 2013, EuroChem’s approach to corporate featured as a best practice case study, particularly IN for its community partnerships and investment in responsibility and reporting was highlighted sta education and sport. U at a workshop organised by Vostock Capital, S L L ta N me N ro Our ambition is sustainable growth built on This will support our global sales and I vertical integration, including raw materials distribution network in more than 100 countries, V 13% EN extraction (minerals and natural gas), production, which today accounts for 2% of the world’s logistics and distribution. We therefore own and production (in nutrient content) of mineral market share in CIS operate mines, wells, factories, refineries, storage, fertilizers used in agriculture – and 7.8% rail assets, trucks, ports and ships in Russia, market share in Europe. Lithuania and Belgium. This international portfolio continues to grow with investments in production Y and transport capacity in Europe, Asia and safet North America. Source: Company data, CRU, Fertecon, IFA. & th L ea H Y T IBILI S N O P res L L A I oc S N O I format IN rther FU Ambition EuroChem Sustainability Report 2013 7 STATEMENT BY OUR chAIRMAN Our aim is to build and grow a business that is While we select employees with a core grounding sustainable in the long term. in technical subjects, we also look for energetic individuals who are willing to challenge the status While the fundamental driver of our business quo and take responsibility from the outset. is the continued global need for food, our long As a consequence, we have expanded our term success will be built on our ability to create ‘E-generation’ programme that is enhancing best in class products and get them to our the teaching of chemistry and engineering in customers in the most efficient and effective schools and universities.
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