Aalenian, 661, 687 Abu Swayel, 208 Abyssal Fan, 562 Acoustic

Aalenian, 661, 687 Abu Swayel, 208 Abyssal Fan, 562 Acoustic

INDEX Aalenian, 661, 687 Algal-Oolitic limestones, 171 Abu Swayel, 208 Alkali basalt, 71, 77, 79, 220, 229, 605 Abyssal fan, 562 Alkali-Olivine basalt, 79, 232, 241, 613, Acoustic basement, 73, 75, 81, 406, 408 623, 625 Acritarchs, 159 Alkaline trachyte, 209 Adamellites, 590 Alpine diastrophism, 241-242, 244-245 Adelaide Geosyncline, 547-548 Alula-Fartak Trench, 87 Adelaidean Belt, 742 Aluvial fans, 154 Aden, 271, 358 Amarante Passage, 26 Aden Volcanic Series, 220, 267, 271, 278 Amba Aradam Formation, 218 Adigrat Sandstone, 273-274 Ambokahave Shales, 677 Aeclian deposits, 161 America-Antarctica Ridge, 97 Aeolan sand, 548 Amery Ice Shelf, 702, 705-707, 730 Aeromagnetic surveys, 554, 726 Amiran Flysch, 326 Afanasy Nikitin Seamount, 77 Amirante Island, 591 Afar Depression, 88 Amirante Ridge, 591 Afar Rift Zone, 87 Amirante Trench, 117 Afar Series, 279 Amirantes, 129 Afar Triangle, 288 Ammonia beccarrii. 382 Africa, 31 Ammonites, 166, 169, 188, 519, 659-660, African-Antarctic Basin, 54, 77, 86, 136 676,692 Agulhas Bank, 73 Ammonoids, 517-518 Agulhas Basin, 54, 74 Ampandrandava Group, 652 Agulhas Current, 6, 28 Ampasimena Series, 661 Agulhas Fracture Zone, 74, 164 Amphibians, 160,659 Agulhas Plateau, 6, 15, 52, 73-74 Amphibolites, 208, 333, 455, 653, 709, 721, Albany-Fraser Mobile Zone, 527 723-729, 735-736 Albany-Fraser Province, 740, 742 Amphistegina. 606 Albian, 82, 127-128, 165, 189,406,664, Amsterdam Fracture Zone, 631 677, 679, 690 Amsterdam Island, 631-632 Alcock Seamount, 422, 424, 427 Anahita Fracture Zone, 91 Algae, 606 Andaman Island, 54 757 758 Index Andaman Ridge, 408-409 Argovian, 688 Andaman Sea, 405-407, 413, 417, 421-422, Arkose, 165, 176 424-425,427,429,431,441,442,453, Aru Island, 54 500-501 Aruma Group, 262 Andaman-Nicobar Ridge, 406, 413-414, Aseismic ridges, 52, 61, 85-86 417,420-422,424 Assam Valley, 411, 414, 420, 427 Anderson Formation, 520 Aswan, 235 Andesites, 209, 218, 238, 270, 336, 499- Atlantis II Fracture Zone, 99 500,593,637,692 Atoll,588 Andhra, 357 Atrium Plateau Volcanics, 528 Andhra canyon, 357 Aurora Basin, 701 Androyen System, 651-652 Australia, 4, 16, 359, 435, 739 Anhydrite, 192,217,233,274,276,518, Australia-Antarctic Basin, 77, 100 520 Austra1ian Margins, 513 Anhydrite-Gypsum, 215 carbonate deposition, 535 Anjouan Island, 608, 613 collision, 536 Ankarafantsika Sandstone, 679 detrital, deposition, 534 Anorthosites, 607, 718, 734, 739 development phases, 522 Antarctic Bottom Water, 6, 10, 14, 19,37, physiography, 514 571 rifting, 532 Antarctic Margin, 697 stratigraphy, 515 crustal structure, 704 Australian-Antarctic, 34, 545 geochronologic data, 709 Australian-Antarctic Discordance, 565, 572 geology, 708 geophysical investigations, 704 Badong Conglomerate, 490 physiography, 701 Bagh beds, 367 Antarctica, 4,31,432,435 Baid Formation, 214 Antrium Plateau Volcanics, 521 Bajocian, 675, 687 Aptian, 83, 127, 165-166, 189,518,668,677 Bajocian-Bathonian, 188 Aptian-Albian, 31, 165,575 Bakhtegan beds, 325 Arabian Basin, 37, 89, 91-92, 96 Bali,414 Arabian Peninsula, 6, 16, 28, 194 Baling Formation, 458 Arabian plate, 317, 327, 333, 335, 337, 342 Baling Group, 463 Arabian platform, 318, 320 Baluchistan, 358 Arabian Sea, 4, 6, 16,28,38-39,67,86, Banda Are, 413 253, 300, 354, 359 Banded iron formation, 726-727, 741 stratigraphy, 257 Bangemall Basin, 527 Arafura Sea, 536 Bangestan Group, (325 Arakan coast, 358 Baram Group, 498 Arakan Yoma, 359 Barapasaurus tagorei, 370 Arakan Yoma-Chin-Naga Foldbelt, 455 Barisan Fault, 453, 500, 503 Arakan-Chin trench, 493 Barito Basin, 497 Aravalli, 362 Barremian, 83, 263, 275, 409, 677 Aravalli Mountains, 364 Barrow FQrmation, 519 Aravalli structural trends, 354 Bartonian, 681 Archaeocetes, 370 Basal sands, 188 Archean, 149, 525, 727 Basalt, 16, 43, 64, 73-74, 79-80, 82, 88, 91, Archean-Cretaceous, 366 96-97,115,117,123-124,127-128,132, Arero Group, 208 162,194-195,197,229-231,267,270, Argentine Basin, 26 278, 293-294, 321, 326, 332, 336, 369- Argillites, 730, 737 371,382,497,498,505,518,520-521, Argo Abyssal Plain, 54, 84-85, 122, 124- 527,534-535,559,594-596,599,601- 125, 128-129, 136,514,534 602,621,627,630,634-635,637,640, Argo Fracture Zone, 96 653,671,679,708,718,733 Index 759 Basanites, 219, 501, 595, 611, 613-615, 627, Bokkeveld Group, 156 642 Bombay, 358, 362-364 Basement, 4, 65, 74, 79, 82, 97, 115, 117, Bombay High, 362, 364 123-124, 127, 130, 132, 150, 155, 185, Bonaparte Beds, 521 187, 195, 198,208,228,242,257,261, Bonaparte Depression, 515 263,267,271-272,276-277,326,329, Bonaparte Gulf Basin, 521, 527-528, 531 340,343,360,362,363,367,455,481, Border Creek Formation, 521 515,525,547, 552, 559, 598, 609, 622- Borelis, 637 623,629,657,672,682,708,721 Borneo, 476, 480, 489, 491 Basement Complex, 281 Borneo basement, 472 Bass Basin, 554, 559-560, 575, 577 Bostonite, 218 Batavia Fracture Zone, 83, 125, 127 Bottom current deposits, 24 Bathonian, 212, 260, 367, 669, 674-675, 687 Bouguer anomalies, 666, 707 Bathymetric data, 59 Bouleiceras, 188 Bathymetric profiles, 91-92 Bouvet Triple Junction, 51, 86, 96, 99-100 Bawdwin, 460 Brachiopods, 169,260,517-519,659 Bawdwin Volcanic Series, 458 Breccia, 193,212,274,328,478,599,631, Bawygo Group, 476 657, 691, 733 Bay of Bengal, 4, 6-7, 16,26,28,35,39, Breccia pipes, 453 54,380, 385, 387, 402, 405, 407-408, Broken Ridge, 34-36, 54, 59, 62-63, 77, 80- 411, 413-414, 417, 420, 429, 432-433, 83, 122, 439, 566 438 Browse Basin, 520 Beachport Plateau, 561-562 Bruce Plateau, 83 Beaufort Group, 160 Bruce Spur, 703 Bela Ophiolites, 341 Bruhnes-Matuyama reversal, 29 Belagoan, 364 Bryozoans, 464, 469, 519 Belemnites, 519, 676 Buba cataclastic zone, 209 Belo Sandstones, 165 Bukit Timah Granite, 479 Bengal Basin, 402, 405, 407, 410-411, 413- Bunger Hills, 721, 723, 741 414,420,427,432 Burdigalian, 267, 657 Bengal Deep-Sea Fan, 408-410, 413-414, Burma, 421, 460-461, 463, 466, 473, 476, 417, 432, 435, 443 487,490 Bengal fan, 4, 19,22, 38,63,402,405,407, Burma plate, 425, 427 417,420,429-430,446 Burma Sea, 441 Bengal Geos yncline, 40 I, 410-411 Burmese Cental Basin, 493 Bentong Group, 466, 471 Burmese volcanic arc, 359, 453, 500 Bentong-Raub, 453 Burnei Group, 498 Bentong-Raub Line, 469, 478, 481, 485, 500 Cadda Formation, 518 Berg Group, 741 Calcarenites, 169, 171-172, 175,477,497, Berg Series, 728 519 Berriasian, 675-677 Calcareous oozes, 7, 9, 30, 568 Berriasian-Aptian, 688 Calcareous sands, 567 Betsiboka Sandstone, 677 Calcareous sandstones, 192 Billeranga Group, 527 Calcareous sediments, 7, 19,34, 122,382, Bioclastic limestones, 173 385 Biogenic sediments, 7 Calcilutite, 519 Biogenic silica, II, 569 Callovian, 274, 369, 668-669, 675-677, 684 Biogenous deposits, 26 Callovian-Tithonian, 261 Birmania Formation, 367 Cambay, 360, 362-363, 367 Black Series, 618-619 Cambay Basin, 367 Blina Shale, 520 Cam bay graben 342 Blueschist, 724 Cambrian, 211, 218, 237, 259, 281-282, 317, Boane Sandstone, 166 464, 515, 528 760 Index Cambrian (conI.) Central Indian Ridge, 52, 86, 92, 95, 113 early, 211, 548 Central Marginal Basin, 463, 465, 469, 471, middle, 521 478,482 Campanian, 106, 123, 166, 197,262,406, Central Sumatra Basin, 496 671, 680, 682, 690-691 Cerodotus, 680 Campanian-Maestrichtian, 34, 212, 330 Cetaceans, 371 Camptonite, 218 Chagos Archipelago, 64 Canning Basin, 519, 525, 527-528 Chagos-Laccadive Ridge, 36, 52, 54, 62, Cape Fold Belt, 149, 151, 160 64-65,67,85,89,95-96,100,113,430 Cape Range, 536 Chagos-Laccadive Trend, 365 Cape Supergroup, 152 Chagos-Maldive-Laccadive platform, 364 Carbo-Permian, 455, 472 Chain Ridge, 89, 92, 129, 131, 187, 194, Carbonaceous shales, 462, 475 195, 197 Carbonate compensation depth, 37 Chalk, 79, 96, 130, 261, 265-266, 277, 406, Carbonate critical depth, 9-10 518, 681 Carbonate lysocline, 9-10 Chaman fault, 333-334, 337, 342, 346 Carbonate platforms, 35 Charnockites, 379, 717, 719, 723-725, 729, Carbonates, 9, 11,27,39,82,85,97,171, 734-735 190-192,216,260-261,263,266,274- Chaung Magyi Supergroup, 455, 461 276,282-283,317-318,321,325,330, Cheringoma Formation, 171 382,515,521,527-528,535-536,548, Cherts, 81, 406, 420, 462, 469, 478 559-560,577,588,590,591,637,662, Cherty limestones, 325 674,690 Chiang Mai-Tak Gneiss Belt, 455 Carbonatites, 162, 369, 531 China plate, 425 Carboniferous, 151, 156-157, 159, 187,240, Christmas Island, 635-638, 642 462, 464, 466, 469, 481, 482, 504, 520- Christmas Island Group, 54, 122 521, 528, 684-685 Chuang Magyi Supergroup, 458 early, 238 Chuping Formation, 475 late, 218 Circumpolar current, 4 lower, 212 Clansayesian, 677 Carboniferous-Permian, 156 Ciaraia, 659-660 Cardup Group, 524 Clarens Formation, 161 Cargados Carajos Bank, 65-66 Clastic sediments, 190, 192 Carlsberg Ridge, 20, 37, 52, 87, 89, 92, Clastics, 559-560, 567 118, 194, 197, 280, 297, 300 Clays, 7, 9,15-16,18,28,30-31,34,37,39, Carnarvon Basin, 34, 515, 518, 527-528, 43,82,130,131,166,173,192,379, 535-536 382,387,497,499,661,676 Carnian, 420, 478 Claystones, 73, 520 Carpenteria, 637 Ciypeasler, 215 Carribuddy Formation, 519 Ciypeoceras, 660 Cauvery, 374 Coals, 159-161, 498-499, 520, 685 Cauvery Basin, 372 Cochin, 358 Ceduna Plateau, 550, 552-553, 561-562 Cockleshell Gully Formation, 517 Cenomanian, 79-80, 165-167, 190, 202, 268, Cocos Islands, 122, 359 276, 330, 367, 664, 668, 679, 690 Colombo, 358 Cenomanian-Turonian, 167-168, 195,325, Comores, 129, 187,200 575 Comorin High, 429 Cenozoic, 29, 31, 59, 80, 85, 136,212,219, Comorin Ridge, 429-430 263,362,559,651,662,731 Comoro Archipelago, 608 Cenozoic igneous activity, 500 Comoro Basin, 130 Central Basin, 475 Comoro Islands, 131 Central Indian Basin, 35,

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