San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1961 Special Libraries, 1960s 9-1-1961 Special Libraries, September 1961 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, September 1961" (1961). Special Libraries, 1961. 7. This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1961 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Putting Knowledge to Work OFFICERS DIRECTORS President SARAAULL EUGENEB. JACKSON University of Housron Research Laboratories, General Motors Corporation Hoirstom 4, Texas Warren, Michigan LORRAINECIBOCH First Vice-president and President-Elect Charles Bruning Co., Inc. ETHELS. KLAHRE Mount Prospect, Illinois Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio W. ROY HOLLEMAN Second Vice-president School of Library Science FLOR~NEA. OLTMAN University of Southern California Bibliographic Assistanre Branch, Air University Library Los Angeles, California Maxwell AFB, Alabama PAULW. RILEY Secretary College of Business Administration MRS. JEANNEB. NORTH Boston College Lockheed Missiles G Space Div., Pa10 Alto, Calif. Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Treasurer EDWARDG. STRABLE OLIVEE. KENNEDY j. Walter Thompson Co. Room 5600, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. Chicago, Illinois Immediate Past-President MRS. ELIZABETHR. USHER WINIFREDSEWELL Metropolitan Museum of Art ATutional Library of Medicine, Washington, D. C. New York, New York EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: BILL M. WOODS Special Libraries Association 31 East 10 Street, New York 3, New York MEMBERSHIP Dues: Sustaining - $100; Active - $15 ; Associate - $10; Afiliate - $15 ; Student - $2 ; Emeritus - $5 ; Life - $250. For qualifications, privileges and further information, write the Executive Secretary, Special Libraries Association. - PUBLICATIONS Aviation subject headings, 1949 .............. $1.75 National insurance organizations in the Bibliography of new guides and aids to United States and Canada, 1917 ........ public documents use 1953-1956 (SLA Nicknames of American cities, towns bibliography no. 2), 1957 .................... 1.50 and villages past and present, 1951 .... A checklist for the organization, opera- Picture sources: an introductory list, tion and evaluation of a company li- 1959 ........................................................ I brary, 1960 .............................................. 2 .OO SLA directory of members, as of Octo- Contributions toward a special library ber 21, 1960 ............................ members glossary, 2nd ed., 1950 ........................ 1.25 nonmembers Correlation index document series & PB Source list of selected labor statistics, reports, 1953 .......................................... 10.00 rev. ed., 1953 ....................................... Sources of commodity prices, 1960 ........ Creation & development of an insur- ance library, rev. ed., 1949 .................. 2.00 Special Libraries Association-its first Directory of special libraries, 1953 ........ 5.00 fifty years, 1909-1959, 1959 ................ Fakes and forgeries in the fine arts, 1950 1.75 Special Libraries Association personnel survey 1959, 1960 .............................. Guide to Metallurgical Information (SLA Bibliography no. 3), 1961 ...... 4.00 Subject headings for aeronautical engi- Guide to the SLA loan collection of neering libraries, 1949 .......................... classification schemes and subject head- Subject headings for financial libraries, ing lists, 5th ed., 1961 .......................... 4.00 1954 .......................................................... Handbook of scientific and technical Technical libraries, their organization awards in the United States and Can- and management, 1951 ........................ ada. 1900.1952, 1956 ............................ 3.00 Translators and translations: services and Map collections in the U. S. and Can- sources, 1959 .......................................... ada; a directory, 1954 .......................... 3.00 Visual presentation. Our library, 1953 .. TECHNICAL BOOK REVIEW INDEX-Subscription, $7.50; Foreign, $8.00; Single copies, 756 -- SPECIAL LIBRARIES is published by Special Libraries Association, monthlv September to April, bimonthly \lay to August, at 73 blain Street. Brattleboro, Vermont. Editorial Offices: 31 East 10th Street. New York 3, Sew York. Second class postage paid at Brattleboro, Vermont. -- POSTMASTER: If undeliverable, send Form 3579 to Special Libraries Association, 31 East 10 St., New York 3, N. Y. Authoritative. Comprehensive. Indispensable. FIVE FACT-PACKED VOLUMES.. AVAILABLE NOW! THE HANDBOOK OF THERMOPHY SICAL PROPERTIES OF Edited by Alexander Goldsmith, Thomas E. Waterman, and Harry J. Hirschhorn. SOLID MATERIALS 4300 pages.. .thousands of graphs and tables.. .more than 20 years in the making at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars. In five volumes, hardbound for durability in laboratory, office, or library, here are all the established results of research on the behavior of materials that melt above 1000' F. Here's what these five volumes cover: Vol. 1, Elements; Vol. 2, Alloys; Vol. 3, Ceramics (including glass) ; Vol. 4, Cermets, Intermetallics, Polymerics (including plastics), and Composites; Vol. 5, Reference List, Author Index, etc. This distinguished reference work was published by the Macmillan Company under contract with the United States Air Force. The five volumes were collected, evaluated, and consolidated by the staff of the Armour Research Foundation under the direction of the three editors. "A very valuable book . will be of 1:sting importance to all who deal with materials at extremely high temperatures. Dr. Henry H. Hausner. Order your set now by simply clipping the coupon below and mailing it to us. The most important volume in a distinguished series ADVANCES IN THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES VOLUME 6 - Edited by Horace Jacobs and Eric Burgess An essential research and reference tool that covers nine major fields in astronautics: Space communications Guidance and control Space medicine and astrobiology Space flight mechanics Space vehicle design and re-entry Applications of astronautical systems Space---------------------------. physics. 1 The Macrnillan Company, Dept. SL-1 1 U. a gold ,,,in= of informa- 60 Fifth Avenue, New York 11, N. Y. Please send me the books indicated below. tion , should be a ioy for . I The Handbook of Thermophysical Properties of those who want to keep up Solid Materials, 5 volumes, $90.00. Advances in the Astronautical Sciences. Vol. 6, with in manvs most $25.00. interesting endeavor." Hugh I 0 Bill me Payment enclosed (to save postage). LUCUS, Army-Navy-Air Force ) Name Register. Address I City Zon-_State SEPTEMBER 1961 Expert Service on TRANSLATIONS MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Russian, Japanese, Chinese, French, German and 39 other languages. for Elcctronics, Chemistr!, I'hysics, Nacleon- SPECIAL LIBRARIES ics, Oceanog~~;~pl~y.Inertial Kavigation and other phases of Scientific Research and Ikveloptnent. Faxon's Librarians Guide * * * Free on request Custolu Translations Rentlcred of .I11 Cited Literattire appearing in leading So- viet Scientific Journals during the past For the very best subscription service sixty years. at competitive prices-ask about our Till Forbidden IBM-RAMAC plan. GIJ.\KASTEED EXCELLEKCE \VI'l-HIN KEQUIRED DEADLINES F. W. FAXON CO., INC. ALL-LANGUAGE SERVICES 83-91 Francis Street Boston 15, Mass. 545 Fifth Avenue New York 17, N. Y. Coiztit~tlo~sSewice TOLibvaries Since 1886 Yukon 6-1688 -- --- A New Reprint - --- Now Available Current List of Medical Literature Volumes 1-18, 1941-1950/1 Cloth bound in 20 volumes. Paper bound in 20 volumes. Volumes 1-10, 1941-1946 Volumes 11-18, 1946-19501I Cloth bound in 11 vols. ......$260.00 Cloth bound in 9 vols.. ......$240.00 Paper bound in 1 1 vols. ...... 240.00 Paper bound in 9 vols.. ...... 220.00 Volume 1, 1941, bound in 2 parts. ..................... $40.00 Volumes 2-10, 1942-1946.. ........................ .ea. 24.50 Volumes 11-18, 1946-1950/I. .......................ea. 27.50 Addres r orders ajzd in yuiries to JOHNSON REPRINT CORPORATION New York and London 11 1 Fifth Ave., New York 3, N. Y. 17 Old Queen St., London, S.W.l, England SPECIAL LIBRARIES ACCEPT - FREE - For Your Library, Volume I of the ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY of PHYSICS 8 volumes $298.00 the set 15,000 physical terms 60 sections alphabetically arranged subject indexed bibliography for each article approx. 8,000 pages page size 93/4" x 7%" 6-language glossary Editor-in-Chief: J. THEWLIS (Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell) Associate Editors : D. J. HUGHES (Brookhaven Area, Atomic Energy Commission) A. R. MEETHAM (N.P.L. Teddington) R. C. GLASS (London), plus 3,609 internation- ally-known physical scientists. THE ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY OF PHYSICS-a monumental work-is indispensable to scien- tists, engineers, doctors, science teachers, students; managers of technical, engineering, research and industrial establishments, consulting and design engineers' offices ; university, industrial, technical, college,
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