THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 18, Number 34 Thursday, August 29, 2002 Page 2 August 29, 2002 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 In Case Of Emergency, Dial e-mail: News/Articles - [email protected] email: Classifieds - [email protected] http://www.bbpnet.com/ Published and Printed by THE BEACHER BUSINESS PRINTERS Delivered weekly, free of charge to Birch Tree Farms, Duneland Beach, Grand Beach, Hidden 911 Shores, Long Beach, Michiana Shores, Michiana MI and Shoreland Hills. The Beacher is also Subscription Rates delivered to public places in Michigan City, New Buffalo, LaPorte and Sheridan Beach. 1 year $26 6 months $14 3 months $8 1 month $3 Logansport’s Magical Wooden Menagerie by Paula McHugh ‘Round and ‘round it goes and when it stops…well, when it stops the children climb down, leaving their steeds for others waiting their turn-turn- dizzying-turns. Carousels are one of life’s little pleasures. Go find your family photo album, and you’re likely to come across a snapshot of a smiling youngster, hands gripping the anchoring pole, astride a proud and perhaps galloping painted pony. If you don’t have a snapshot, then let your memory do the envision- ing. Let your inner ear remind you of the booming band organ, if you or yours were lucky enough to ride before taped music replaced the authentic sounds. The nice thing about carousels is that we can enjoy them as an amusement ride, then gradually grow Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the 1902 Dentzel Carousel is the jewel of Logansport’s Riverside Park. to admire them as we mature. Carousels are immune to the exhor- tation about “putting away childish things.” Collectors value the art and craftsmanship of a fine carousel horse. Preservationists understand the value of restoring the century-old treasures. The town of Logansport has rescued and restored a rare 1902 Dentzel carousel, made up of a menagerie of 42 hand-carved (stationary) animals that include giraffes, a tiger, a lion, deer, goats, and high-stepping horses. The vintage Dentzel, one of only 135 functioning antique carousels in the nation, was brought to Logansport from Fort Wayne in 1919. When its last owner died in 1969, the endangered amusement species sat idle until the local Jaycees raised funds to buy it. The non-profit Cass County Car- ousel organi- zation took over stewardship and in 1987 the Dentzel Car- ousel was given National His- toric Landmark status. The community The 42-animal carousel was moved from Fort Wayne to raised funds in Logansport in 1919. The finely carved goats, giraffes, lion, 1995 to erect a tiger, and horses date from the late-1800’s. The frieze has been repainted to depict historic scenes around Cass County, Indiana. Fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride. August 29, 2002 Page 3 Open ‘til 6 p.m. Evenings www.littlehousefashions.comElegant Apparel for the The community [email protected] Conscious Woman raised more than Women’s Apparel $700.000, with help from Historic Landmarks NEW FALL ARRIVALS! Foundation, to restore the carousel and build a climate- Karen Neuberger Sleepwear controlled enclosure for the rare Dentzel. The philosophy behind everything that Karen Neuburger produces begins with comfort handsome climate-controlled community complex where the carousel is housed. The magical merry-go- round does not sit quietly as a museum piece, how- ever. Every evening from Memorial Day to Labor Day people can climb onto their favorite beast (or sit in the chariot) and enjoy (about) a five-minute ride for 50 cents. From Labor Day until Christmas, week- end afternoons are the time to visit and ride. Mount one of the outside animals for your grab at the brass ring. Actually, it’s a gold ring, and if you catch it, you’ll get a free ride. A sleepwear collection Carousel Continued on Page 4 of robes, pajamas, nightgowns, flannel PJ’s and housecoats that is comfortable and attractive. Sizes S-2X SUMMER CLEARANCE 50% - 90% Off Meet Us For Lunch And A Style Show THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 - TIPPECANOE PLACE, SOUTH BEND WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 - HANNAH’S, NEW BUFFALO 409409 AlexanderAlexander StreetStreet LaPorte,LaPorte, IN IN 326-8602 This fierce-looking tiger had to be completely repainted, according to On Hwy 35 - 5 Blocks South of Lincolnway business manager Bridget Eberhardt. She said that earlier, someone had On Hwy 35 - 5 Blocks South of Lincolnway TTurnurn RightRight on Alexander painted the animal black, assuming it was a jaguar. But the finely carved Monday - Friday 9:30 to 7 Saturday 9:30 to 5 features (especially the neck fur) are unmistakably that of a tiger. Monday-Friday 10 to 6 Saturday 9:30 to 5 Page 4 August 29, 2002 Carousel Continued from Page 4 operation in the United States today. Individual ani- We visited during a weekday afternoon, when the mals carved by the Dentzel craftsmen are exhibited carousel animals were “resting’ hours before the in museums such as the Smithsonian, the Shelburne Stinson Electric Band Organ would strike up its (Vermont), the Philadelphia Art Museum, the Merry cymbals, drums, and tooting horns. Carousel business Go Round Museum in Sandusky (Ohio), The manager Bridget Eberhardt told us that the people Indianapolis Children’s Museum, and others scattered of Logansport and surrounding towns raised $700,000 around the country. Dentzel is also known for adding to build the McHale Community Complex. Restoration a hippocampus—half horse, half fish, to his animal of the carousel, which included new frieze panels menagerie. depicting Cass County historic scenes, was complet- The origin of carousels has been traced back 900 ed in 1999. About 1500 people come out on a typical years to the Middle East. In Arabia, horses were weekend to ride the carousel and a miniature train used for games as well as tasks. Arabian soldiers that sits outside the pavilion. Bridget said that the played a riding game where they would toss a clay ball town is gearing up for the Dentzel’s 100th anniver- filled with perfume to one another as they rode sary celebration scheduled for Saturday, September around in a circle. The games were called “little 14, a fun-filled event for the whole family. wars.” During the Crusades, Europeans saw the The Dentzel name is prominent among carousel mak- Arabians playing the game, and adapted it after ers, dating back to 1837 when Michael, a woodworker returning home. The word, “carousel” comes from and wheelwright, began his craft in Germany. His grand- the ancient Italian, “garosello” and the Spanish, son Gustav followed in his footsteps after immigrat- “carosella,” meaning “little war.” The games evolved ing to Philadelphia. A Dentzel carousel is noted for in Europe where dressing up in elegant costumes its bold, rococo appearance and for the anatomical accu- and decorating the horses became part of the event. racy given to each wood-carved animal. On the Musicians played during these “little wars” as peo- Logansport carousel, each horse’s tail is authentic, and ple gathered to watch the games. Eventually, by the the deer sprout real antlers. Look under the horses’ 1600’s, the clay balls were replaced with spears and hooves and you’re likely to find an exquisitely carved rings. Players rode in circles while trying to get their set of horseshoes. Gustav’s son, William continued the spears through the rings (suspended on poles or trees business until 1928, when the Philadelphia works closed. by bright ribbons). And now you know the origin of Among collectors, Dentzel master carvers Salvatore the term, “grabbing the brass ring.” Cherni’s and Alfred and Daniel Muller’s menagerie The first mechanical carousel was invented by a figures are highly sought after. Of the 150 carousels Frenchman. Perhaps that is why visitors to Paris and of various makers, only about 24 Dentzels are in other parts of France see so many carousels. But the first French invention in 1680 was less for amusement than for training princes for the fine art of spearing. The French version consisted of two wooden horses suspended from a pole. The first reference to carousels as a merry-go-round was made in 1729 by George A. Stevens in a poem. Until steam, and later electrici- ty, powered the carousels, more primitive means were used to power the turning of the early amuse- Three giraffes follow a chariot painted with cherubs. Part of the Stinson Electric Band Organ can be seen behind the chariot. Above, one of the frieze panels shows a horse and buggy in front of a Logansport landmark. Every carousel has a lead horse. “Miss Logan” takes the title at Logansport’s carousel. August 29, 2002 Page 5 ment ride. Man and beast. By 1860, another Frenchman added pedals to the carved horses, so people pedal- powered their carved steeds, bicycle style. Dentzel carousels began using electricity as a source in 1915. Every carousel has a lead horse, distinguished as the biggest and most decorative. Usually it is the horse directly behind the chariot, and it is often a military or war horse. Logansport’s lead horse is named “Princess Logan,” Bridget said, referring to the town’s namesake. The carousel operator uses the lead horse as his guide to the number of revolutions a ride makes before stopping. Usually five revolutions are completed in one minute. So, if Bridget’s estimate is correct, the Logansport carousel ride will complete 25 Grab the golden ring. A diagonal bar (foreground) holds a gold, and revolutions for a 50-cent fare.
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