'?he ~liJtiaIL- GUARDIAN J. GRE SHAM MAC HE N• EDITOR 1936· 1 937 China Needs Our Help Egbert W. Andrews • Beverly Church Dedi­ cates New Building Dwight H. Poundstone • First A'id for Busy Pastors ,Certainly if there be no absolute law Robert K. Churchill • Where Shall. We Meet? of God, there can be no eonsciousness George W. Marston • Glory of the of sin; and if there 'be no consciousness Christian Church . R. B. Kuiper of sin, there can.be no faith in the • Unbelief in Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. Saviour, Jesus Christ. Leslie W. Sloat • Orthodox Presbyterian -J. Gresham Machen Church News • Guardi,an News Commentator • First Christmas in Korea Miss Florenee Handyside January, 1949 VQL. 18, NO. 1: 2 THE PRESBYTERIAN GIJ ARDIAN 3. What did Simon the Sorcerer went everywhere preaching the word want from Peter and John? How did (Acts 8:4). he wish to get it? It was the little maid in the home 4. How did Philip lead the Ethiop­ of Naaman, the Syrian, that carried ian eunuch to faith in Jesus Christ? the news of Elisha's power to Naaman. Week of February 21 A Sunday School teacher was in­ strumental in the conversion of Dwight Daily Bible Readings Monday.... .. .. .. .. .Acts 9:l-f) Tuesday . Acts 9:10-22 L., Moody. And many others who have Week of January 31 Wednesday .. Acts 9:23-35 never preached a sermon are used by Monday Acts 1:1-14 Thursday . Acts 9:36-43 God to bring the message of salvation Tuesday Acts 1:15-26 .Friday Acts 10:1-16 to men. Wednesday Acts 2:1-13 Saturday , Acts 10:17-33 This is not to belittle the official Thursday Acts 2:14-28 Sunday Acts 10:34-48 preaching of the Word. That ministry, ordained of God, must never cease. Friday Acts 2:29-47 Questions for Sabbath Meditation Saturday Acts 3:1-10 But it is supplemented by personal 1. What was Saul's intention as he evangelism on the part of the mem­ 1 Sunday Acts 3:II-26 I traveled toward Damascus? bers of the church. Many are the oJ Questions for Sabbath Meditation 2. What happened to him on the I opportunities for witnessing in social ~ I. Why did Jesus remain on the way? gatherings, places of business, and earth for forty days after His resur­ 3. Who introduced Saul to the apos­ school, which never come to the minis­ rection? tles at Jerusalem as a true disciple of ter of the gospel. 2. How was an apostle chosen to Christ? What are the qualifications for such take the place of Judas? . Evangelism work? First, those who would evan­ 3. What took place at Pentecost? gelize the lost must know what is the Explain. "A satisfied customer is the best way of salvation. Personal Bible study salesman for any· product," it is said. with a good book of doctrine is indis­ Week of February 7 So those who have experienced the pensable equipment for the Christian Monday Acts 4:1-12 grace of God in their lives should pro­ witness. Secondly, earnest prayer for Tuesday ~ Acts 4:13-22 claim the glories of faith in Jesus those to whom we declare God's truth Wednesday Acts 4:23-37 Christ. The early church was made and for ourselves, that we may be bold Thursday Acts 5:1-16 up of men and women who willingly in Christ, and that the lost sinner may Friday '1' . Acts 5:17-32 assumed the task of making known have his eyes opened to the truth. Saturday Acts '5-"33-42 Christ to the world. Thirdly, self-sacrifice, or a willingness Sunday :. Acts 6 Some modernistic groups are urging to be active in the work, is a necessary evangelism upon their members. And Questions for Sabbath Meditation characteristic of one who would win they are urging the laity to do this I. For what reason were Peter and others to Christ. work. Unfortunately, the message of We are called to peace as believers, John imprisoned? How did they an- ' evangelism is considered unimportant. swer the question of the high priest but that peace does not mean inactivity. And the bearers of the message of sal­ It is peace of mind and heart, assur­ Annas? vation by "good works" are themselves 2. What was the sin of Ananias and ance based upon the promises of God. often unsaved. Hence, there can be no But that very peace should also release Sapphira? 'What effect had their pun- real fruit from such a program. ishment upon the church? . us for service in the kingdom. It will There is only one message for us if we heed the commission of our Lord, 3. How were the first deacons to carry to the world lost in sin, and chosen? Why were they chosen? "But ye shall receive power, after that that is that Christ graciously saves the Holy Ghost is come upon you: Week of February 14 those who put their trust in Him. He and ye shall be witnesses unto me both Monday .Acts 7:1-14 presents Himself to men as the Re­ in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Tuesday ..Acts 7:15-34 deemer. who is willing and able to save Samaria, and unto the uttermost part ,; r Wednesday.... ..Acts 7:35-50 the lost who will come to Him. This of the earth" (Acts 1:8). And, "go ye Thursday .Acts 7:51-60 is the message that was proclaimed by into all the world and preach the Friday . .. Acts 8:1-13 the apostles chosen by Christ. But gospel." Saturday Acts 8:14-25 it was also carried to sinners by those Some Prayer Suggestions Sunday . Acts 8:26-40 not in official positions in the church. Too often those in the pew consider Pray for the Rev. Egbert W. An­ Questions for Sabbath Medita.tion the work of witnessing to be rhae of drews, missionary to China now home 1. What charge,did Stephen seek to the ministry. But if we are each on furlough, as he travels about this answer by his sermon? prophet, priest and king, then the work country telling of the need in China. 2. Did the temple at [erusalem con­ of a prophet we must do even though Pray for Christian students in China, tinue to be the place where God met we have not the office of minister. It that they may be strong in the faith in His people after Christ had come, lived, is said of the early Christians that this time of turmoil in their country. died and rose again? when they were scattered abroad, they LE Roy B. OLIVER The Presbyterian Guardian is puIJlished monthly by The Presbyterian Guardian Publish;ng Corporation, 728 Schaff Building. 1505 Race Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa., at tbe tollowlng rates, payable in advance for eitber old or new snbsertbers in any part of the ","rid, postage prepaid: $2.00 Per year; $1.00 for ftve months; 2,Oc per single copy. Entered as second class matter Marcb 4, 1937, at the Post omce at Philadelphia. under tbe Act of March 3. 18;9. THE' PRESBYTER_AN GUARDIAN As such it has no right .to meddle in As this limitation from meddling in '!L' ~liidmt- matters in which the Church itself civil matters applies to the Church, it GUARDIAN has no right to meddle. We do not also applies to "Councils" of Churches. 1505 Race Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa. speak of the right or the wrong of . A.W.K. capitalism, the views of Mr. Dulles, or other matters about which state­ Le,lie W. Sloat ments have been made. We only ob­ Editor and Manager serve that these, while properly matters The Narrow Way with which Christian societies could John P. Clelland deal, are not the special business of the ERH APS one of the saddest days Arthur W. Kuschke, Jr. Church. Pin our Lord's public ministry was Robert S. Marsden Recently the Federal Council of that day when He turned to His dis­ Contributing Editors Churches, which sometimes seems to ciples and asked, "Will ye also go exist solely to propagandize social and away?" He had been presenting to ADVISORY COUNC1L political causes, issued a statement on men a strait gate and a narrow way. Robert L. Atwell civil rights. This statement was re­ But when His hearers saw how narrow Leslie A. Dunn ceived with alarm by some of the that way was, how strict and specific John Patton Galbraith opponents of that modernist body. His teachings were, many went back Edward L. Kellogg We would count it a grave error if the and walked no longer with Him. American Council, in retaliation to the Paul knew something of the same Federal Council, should take an oppos­ sorrow. From a prison cell he wrote Church Councils and Civil ing stand on civil rights. It is con­ "that all they which are in Asia be Affairs ceivable that even modernists might turned away from me." He was suffer­ find reason to attack some evils. But ing the reproach of the gospel. HE Church of Christ has certain it is to be emphasized that official Often in the church those who have T proper limitations. These limitations pronouncements on this highly debat­ sought to adhere closely to the teaching are divinely imposed. It is bounded by able subject constitute an invasion of of Scripture have suffered a similar the Word of God; where the Word of the Church into the affairs of the State, reproach.
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