Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1962 The olC lege News, 1962-02-14, Vol. 48, No. 12 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1962-02-14, Vol. 48, No. 12 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1962). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. http://repository.brynmawr.edu/bmc_collegenews/1200 For more information, please contact [email protected]. , . , " j , , , . VOL. XLVII-NO. 12 ARDMORE .nd-IRYN� MAWR, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1962 © PRICE 20 CENtS 14, Trultee. or Bryn Mawr ColI��e, 1912 0 Evidence �thy' Slig�t1 'Witches' Twitch to- Bewitch, Bryn Mawr i d 'h: :d :' � �� � : Weekend Highlights: Freshmen Promise in Medieval Wi cellars ��� �� �� ��� ••� �n When �reshmen �ntertainROlliI' This Week-endne ic Year, Mrs. Dorothy Nepper .. Disc:uuing the individual'. place ��,Manhall. 0. of the Col..... re- in �he 8(bool', edueJl��tio 1 p,o. f social viewed the aima liberal""educa- t ' · ' the nean said, bel.eve we e agenda (or -th;'-.we�k·1 .. o IGi' 'b .><tt e Th • MedievalophUes tak� note: this,, prio.tely distinttive choreography. tlon for �women as interpreted by bend knowle�",&."" to the end promises to be tun and exciting. � ,', �rrea-h man Show th..... the CoU\�ge. Sh4! also announced tastes to Out of the intricacies ot tJhe typ- ana individu&1 ';',ho,utj in addition the- Freshman Show �ure to-warm the musty I ow. loss." " to itally labYl'inthian plot Artemi. p for a Fat ul' y Sh be presented Saturday night, there your hearts. For "Witch�'��'! �:h��l , Mrs. ManhaU's r6maTks were in i a tull' round of events scheduled. n 65 emerges as the protagonisL He n l1li'�. ..... �e added, one ll the cla of 's contribution an will J n_• • · ' pa�. uld. addition , .- and must seriously (.'Onsider in- Friday evening, there 'will b2 a erstwhile Bryn Mawr b e port rayed b y ane .l\lUUU lns. cmoments on Akoue, the l'f!CentJy tereats individual. The stu· 8:30 Assisting him in his delCent into areasof the �'���,��!:O::f:."'�eshow at prombes to be an unorthodox ex- published appraisal of the intel· dent's of study are dictated in for this lIer- cundon into"that mystic Isnd where the fanciful world of witchea is lectual climate at Bryn Maw.r. She by the curriculu x � formanee are may be witehes and monks cavort. in mon· ttosemary, who will be played by asserted the College's belief in the but she cal\. find within purchased at the That astery wine cellars to the waver· A.liehele Greene. The several wit· va ue Of a ibe,a educ tion n and 1 he tli f �h:e �� ,��!�� even ng the Ki men a n of O and nl n- he l interpreted by Kathy of itaell for both '�holan the �:�M.rs. : l 1 ana U maJor subject.t : . from Colwn.bia lbe _____ 8 '�C ' Wi i lh�O�'U3ewive�� s." � . th.e� ; ' ; O� ne O ' �. ga � . �'' ..; ' N!C "''" ; :� � � �of� � ��� � ���2 ��� � ��� �j :� f � A� t�hgerton. � �� subject: "Th:e. ltudy on"' :;!�:�mon .Roo�m in Goodhart. Their interests de· � Mn. � � � ___ Akoue � o�n �wo; men,� � �� � celt � � , ��� ��� � �:� � �� u rt her lignifteant atara in- � F i: or to an advanced level is e is sc�heduled light and/ ..c;Iistract ��E � for � ; is ��f: f��� �.�a"'id- that i i'- By analyzing and grasping the and will be followed by ;��;� I�:�·;. Indeed, tht., according . Nancy McAdams and Gill for all women a8 these article. field, complexity of one the stu· house alao in Goodhart. Penny Pruddow, il. the pri- al Ad am and Even; S.l· make it appear "we ought at 0 1. --� I v_��,....._ I dent' acquires the mean. to self- Friday evening the aim f h e prvuucllon, f or no y r ne are to be SUberblatl, and Ann education." will also hunt for the freshman ani. implications - Quaker Appraises ita , Campus Attitudee mal which must be hidden from admittedly suggest. Allen as the Kattie Cold War' Issues place on the campus. The theme, witchhunting. On the McCaulifr as the three Describing the climate of will give the sophomores what seems in soore is a In addition, RowenaJJ. ! C<>Ue,ge community, Dean Mat!hall to guesaat it saturday romp through Med- will _ emote as "v\cipus The destructiveness 'of modern noted an expectation of "hard during the show. punctuatedby such unlikely and Beisey Pinckney war, the "�volution of rlsilJ&: ex- work, a high degree of exceUence, Saturday 'night at 8:30 the a meeting of the Susan Schoenbaum will p1a;' pectationa," among the � in responsibility, j9.t..elrity and self- 1965 Witches of the the Attorneys for the Defense and Ur6'-"part.. of will present ita the worJd today, and, most knowledge" on of the offering crtPtically entitled and highlighted by what Prosecution respectively. Last but portant, "the spiritual an students. Mrs. Mar s h a 11'"'-th�JlWeigh." A further-elucidation to be a rather curious leas(' Jana Rediger will por- IaI''' in moJern life were cited o a hag. the raised the questions�fos of apathy, re the plot and mawr characters a "twitch" chol'Wl. Mr. Samuel Levering as ma.Tking: "There to be no found in the article to the Gill Bunshaft, __ preaaing problems of our times. relation betWeen ,paUly and the v arr nged e of In t �::us Mr.-Levering, degree etivity-on campus. muatc -nlld-EleMm �����:;� ' ii!��":: �" �' :" � a " ao l,) /��� S ' assures. Peace Boord of the Five Year Meet- · . �:: ____ a commumty we are so aim 'hetlc- I�:______:��;":�::��co___me up WI h appro- tomorrow all claases �; � .I'>n followjng is essentlaf to ing .of �riends and the EXecDtb1' t hat ttend participate we a .lectures, .. to buy them. Sophomores and : undentanding,of the evening: Council of the Friends Committee'In Leagu.e "actlv1tles, j'om numer- ,un I upperclas!mlenrnay who have not Potiphar was the officer of on National Legislation, .-poke on ous cl u bs d er AII' lance, n du I ge so, .reserve tickets e: who brought. Joseph from a "Quaker rAppra¥al .of the Cold T"IlJ'r e Egypt, : in self-analysis,a produCe Rlays, pub�IT,OYlo, between 11:00 and Later, in War" Monda-y evening, February and 6:00. to newspaper, p&riorm mu.ic- between4:00 _ 12 f Clubmeeting of Cur- wife tried seduce at the irst the and even play bridge." The semi-formal -dance OnlrS p ear Joseph tactfully refused, rent Events this semester. Mn. Marshall added that apathytalw.,YI follows Freshmsn 0 Potiphar ....ad him thrown Mr. Levering c.oncentrated" on was 80 atrong that the College Cal· will begin at 10:00 Saturday night T C a ture G ame where he had his famous what he considered the four most endar for the new term had beenIT;;ek"ta lor the dance which haa p is basic problema in the world today will be Sasha man � the completely 'filled_ "May 4," she appropriately named "Witch J)iemel, the only white To be a witch not" cinch .; and aoluQons which be, as a $3.00 R said,has Whir to kill You've got to work at it Quaker, would suggelt for the . just"had been vacant, but ," per couple. 'tigres' (g i n t jaguars) been fiUed by t'le }o�aculty Bryn Mawr/ Octangle will en- It'll not enougob He &SIumed that we all agrae onm l , Show. 'r--'" with a spear. pre!ented. a To tease and pinch �thes�;�e ultimate"�, objeetlves-individ-: and mOVie of his You've got to work... at it �e ::�e Computers Implement pherment , nique last we('k in the Biology Yo :ve got to be homely : �I::;; to ture room. UncomelyU and meao wheel" provide this liberty, DeCi _ OLOJd Problems in New Appro�ch Hired by cattle ranchers to Unpleusnnt. repellent I j Unsavory, unclean ;::!:.'��.a::;tt l:'::"'� :!o�;:; troy these 'tigm', who prey You.'ve gOl to work8.8 at. it the QlUlker be1ief that all human In a Science Club lecture Th,u""lal.ion. Process control in industry cattle, Mr. Siemel works in If thi� oafTles you much at beings - even the Communists - day night, Dr. James Kearns, been one of the most significant of the wildest sections of the earth , of docs us, go see "Witch Weigh" . llavjl a respect for certain valut!!· agar the Eastern Region of of programming. The compu. -the Matto Crosso region o! Bra· bhis weekend. Mr. Levering believes that dIs· " . IBM College and Univtt'8ity can be programmed to control - with a civilian world discussed·'"'' zil. arm&ment &8 gram, Computers machines and to analyz.e and Inte rfait hOut Iine s only Or. here his method is to t dogs police force control is the Creative Thought." Kearns for temperature, pressure 'n &El possible altemative to atomic war· Heves that hile computers [t is even sug- on the trail ot a 'ligI'C' wpich ml\Y Change in Chapel.,_ , be. w other tattors. the • fare. Th�..goal. may be located by �ultures hover- ':::��::lthink creatively (in the that compute" be used&COre! to utopian, but it is n e sense). they ean' "encourage" college apjllicanta' ing over his kilk From thf�igh Due.
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