Our Weekend Enjoyment Section SEE PAGES 7-10 TheWeathei8 Sunny and quite cool today, THEDAILY FINAL clear and cold tonight. Tomor- row sunny, a little milder. V""" Red Bank, Freehold "T" \ Long Branch J EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 34 PAGES VOL.95 NO.78 RED BANK, NJ. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20,1972 TEN CENTS uiiuuiiruiuiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiinnuiinmiiinii uiiiiiiniiiiiiumiiiiiniiitiniiun iMiiinmiuuiiiinuiii Say Partial Truce Under Discussion SAIGON (AP) - Henry A.: the fighting is going on." namese information ministry tite government proposal," Kissinger met again with The chief stumbling block to in a communique yesterday said one political foe of the President Nguyen Van Thieu a cease-fire agreement has said the president had re- president. "We feel he is only today amid reports that a par- been Thieu's rejection of the newed his vow "never to ac- pretending to ask for opinions tial cease-fire was being dis- Communist condition that he cept" a coalition regime. to strengthen his position. We- cussed. resign and give way to a A number of Thieu's politi- are not willing to be used for Kissinger went to the presi- three-faction coalition govern- cal opponents refused an in- such propaganda, so we have dential palace in the after- ment including the Commu- vitation to meet with him last refused to meet with him." noon for his third meeting in nists. night to discuss the current Thieu once before sought two days with Thieu. He was There has been widespread status of the peace effort. the counsel and support of his accompanied by U.S. Am- speculation that Kissinger is "Many of us feel that Thieu political opposition, in the bassador Ellsworth Bunker, trying to persuade Thieu to is trying to create a myth early days of the Communist Deputy Ambassador Charles step down, and the South Viet- about opposition to a tripar- offensive last spring. S. .Whitehouse and Gen. Creightori W. Abrams, the : . ' Register staff Photo U.S. Army chief of staff. DEBATERS Rep. James J. Howard, D-N.J., left, and William F. Dowd/his Republican challenger, South Vietnamese sources face overflow crowd last night at Brookddle Community College during their first debate of the cam- who reported that a cease-fire Rqigh. The hour-long debate was moderated by Mrs. Bernetta Loftus, Morristown, state voter service proposal was figuring in the Sherwin Defense chairman for League of Women Voters, sponsors of the forum. talks said it probably called for only a partial truce as a "good will" gesture that could lead to further agreements. "It is impossible to have any cease-fire that could be Asks Dismissal enforced, even by inter- By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI Contracting Co., Matawan, for it. Mr. Manzo was the sec- national body," said one South are on trial in connection with ond low bidder at $607,000. Vietnamese official. "It might FREEHOLD — The defense charges arising from an al- mean an end to bombing and in the trial of Secretary of leged $10,000 political cam- It also alleges that Mr. mining of the North and per- State Paul J. Sherwin and two paign kickback for a road con- Manzo gave the check to Mr. haps an exchange of prison- others on bribery-conspiracy struction job. Loughran for the state GOP ers, but it would be impossible charges is expected to begin The three are charged with finance committee to get the' to guarantee any kind of a Tuesday when the trial re- allegedly trying to get re- Centrum bid rejected. cease-fire in the South where sumes. jected the 1603,000 bid of Cen- The state rested its case trum Construction Co., Clif- The trial resumes Tuesday yesterday morning after call- ton, for construction work on because there is a judicial ing one witness. During its an eight-mile stretch of Rt. 46 seminar in Cherry Hill today Cahill Raps presentation the last four is Knowlton and White Town- and Monday is a legal holiday. days, the state called a total ships. In yesterday's session, the NJEA Stand of 19 witnesses. Mr. Manzo is charged with state elicited testimony from Superior Court Judge giving a $10,000 check to the James J. Malloy, chief of the On Appointee Francis X. Crahay is ex- state Republican Party fi- Bureau of Federal Aid Coordi- pected to decide Tuesday nance committee as a bribe nation, who said the state had ATLANTIC CITY (AP) — morning defense motions to and Mr. Sherwin and Mr. asked that the contract be Gov. William T. Cahill has dismiss the charges on. I.oughran are charged with awarded then asked it be re- rapped the knuckles of the grounds that the state failed accepting the check as a jected and later asked that it HOWARD: We need bold moves toward solving DOWD: The chief function of n representative Is New Jersey Education Associ- to present a prima facie case bribe. be awarded. domestic problems which have been sitting on the to represent the views of his district. ation and defended his reap- against each of the three de- Through its witnesses, the The state had intended to bock burner. pointment of Dr. Carl M. Mar- fendants. state sought to show that Mr. call two other witnesses but burger as education commis- Mr. Sherwin, who is on Sherwin tried to have state Special State Prosecutor, Mat- sioner. leave of absence from his Transportation Commisioner thew B. Boylan said that be- state position; William Lough- John C. Kohl reject the Cen- -Only if the state Senate re- cause of a sidebar conference ran of Sea Girt, and Michael trum bid and readvertise for with the judge, the two were fuses to confirm Marburger Manzo, president of Manzo bids so Mr. Manzo could rebid Teachers' Strike Focal Point, will he make another appoint- not needed. ment, the governor told the convention of the New Jersey School Board Association here Fuse in Ho ward-Do wd Debate yesterday. 1,000 Petition County LINCROFT — The Free- Dowd had mailed to Freehold posed state legislation which! who overflowed Forum 5 at On Wednesday the Fair hold Regional teachers' strike area voters telling "outright would have given teachers the Brookdale Community Col- Play Committee of the associ- of six months ago provided lies" about his actions during right to strike. lege. 'ation called on the governor the focal point for the most the strike. Mr. Howard criticized Mr. The debate was sponsored and the Senate to refuse Mar- lively discussion in this year's by the college and the Mon- burger's reapointment. For Horse Show Site Mr. Dowd centered his criti- Dowd for mailing a flyer first - debate between Rep. cism of Mr. Howard for re- which accused the congress- mouth County League of LINCROFT - A petition servation tract in that town- could dovetail its needs with James J. Howard, D-NJ., and Women Voters. The committee accused marks made before 5,000 man of interfering with the. Marburger of refusing to rec- signed by more than 1,000 ship for development of a per- those of the state. his Republican challenger teachers at a New Jersey teacher negotiations, and After brief opening re- horseowners and horse lovers manent show-facility object- The horse show facility the William F. Dowd. ognize the New Jersey Public Education. Association rally in joining in a teacher picket marks, the candidates re- Employment Relations Act, of has been presented to the ing to increased traffic on county parks people have in Mr. Dowd.accused Mr. Asbury Park in April during line. sponded to questions and the mishandling the statewide county Board of Parks and roads they consider already mind would include in its first Howard of "supporting an ille- . the striked . ' . •"1 never walked in the pick- very first one caused an up- school testing program, of Recreation Commissioners inadequate. phase development, three gal strike," and Mr. Howard • Mr. Howard told the teach- et line," Mr. Howard said, roar from the largely youthful bungling multiunit school supporting the parks system's County Parks Director show rings, a schooling area, responded by saying Mr. ers, "just as you have the "and I never carried a pla- audience. staffing experiments and of move to develop a horse show James J. Truncer reiterated outside course, plus public Dowd told "outright lies." right to work, you have the. card; I didn't become in- Someone asked why Mr. attempting "to radicalize high staging area for the county. yesterday that the recreation seating, sanitary and parking It appeared that both men right to withhold your ser- volved in any negotiations, Howard opposed a bill which school students" in 1970. The petition presented by system had never specified facuities. vices." That comment, Mr. and I wasn't even in Freehold had come prepared last night would have given the Presi-. Carolyn B. Boysenko of Mor- the Durand tract for more More than 20 additional to do battle on this particular Dowd said, showed support during the strike." • dent the right to restrict trav- Cahill said he nominated ganville, was signed by mem- than routine investigation and for the illegal strike and was acres of property have been issue. Mr. Dowd was armed He said Mr. Dowd had cam- el by Americans to nations Marburger because "in this bers of the Monmouth Hunt, is indeed still studying several purchased to expand Shark with newspaper clippings designed to encourage the paigned unfairly because with such as Vietnam? day and age when education the Monmouth Horse Show, 4- other open areas of the coun- teachers to strike. River Park. The commission- quoting a speech Mr.
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