Gran Teatre del Lieeii Patronat de la Fundació Comissió Executiva President d'Honor Vocals representants de l'Ajuntament President Director general Ar tur Mas i Gavarró de Barcelona Joaqnini Molins i Amat Roger Cnascb i Soler Jattrne Ciurana i f^levadot President del Patronat Marta Clari i Padrós Vocals representants de la Generalitat Secretari Joaquitii Molins i Ainal de Catalunya Jaume Solé i Janer Vocal representant de la Diputació de Barcelona Ferran Mascarell i Canalda Vicepresident primer Joan Carles Garcia Cariizares Pilar Pifarré i Matas Ferran Mascarell i Canalda Vocals representants de la Societat Vocals representants del Ministerio de Educación, Vicepresident segon del Gran Teatre del Liceu Cultura y Deporte José Maria Lassalle Ruiz Manttel Bertrand i \ ergés Miguel Angel Recio Crespo Manttei Btrsqnet Arrirfat Antonio Carde 1 ferce Vicepresident tercer Javier Coll Olalla Xavier Trias i \ idal de Llobatera José Maria Coronas i Cninart Vocals representants de l'Ajuntament Agiteda ^'irlarnata y de L'rrtiella de Barcelona Vicepresident quart Jaume Cittrana i I^levadot Salvatlor Este^'e i Figueras Vocals representants del Consell de Mecenatge Marta Clari i Padrós Pablo Cigiiela IbáiTez Vocals representants de la Generalitat Carlos López Blanco Vocal representant de la Diputació de Barcelona de Catalunya Leopoldo Rodés i Castañé Joan Carles Garcia CaiTizares Jose|) M. Busrjuets i Galera Josep \'ilarasati i Salat Pilar Fernández i Bozal Vocals representants de la Societat Pilar Pifarré i Matas Director general del Gran Teatre del Liceu Jordi Sellas i Ferrés Roger Cnascb i Soler Manuel Bertrand i Vergés Javier Coll Olalla Vocals representants del Ministerio Secretari de Educación, Cultura y Deporte Jaunie Solé i Janer Vocals representants del Consell de Mecenatge Santiago Fisas Avxelà Josep \ ilarasati i Salat f r ancisco Gaitdier Fargas Pablo Cigiiela Ibáñez Miguel Angel Recio Crespo Santiago de Torres i Saiialitrja Die Walküre Drama musical eu tres actes rimera jomada de la tetralogia Der Ring des Nibelungen Llibret i música de Richard Waguer (1813-1883) Dilluns, 19 de maig de 2014, 19.00 h, torn G Dijous, 22 de maig de 2014, 19.00 h, torn B Divendres, 23 de maig de 2014, 19.00 h, torn G Diumenge, 25 de maig de 2014, 17.00 h, torn T Dimarts, 27 de maig de 2014, 19.00 h, torn A Dimecres, 28 de maig de 2014, 19.00 h, torn D Divendres, 30 de maig de 2014, 19.00 h, torn E Dissabte, 31 de maig de 2014, 18.00 h, torn F Dimarts, 3 de juny de 2014, 19.00 h, torn H www.liceubarcelona.cat Liceu It !&„„„ 13/14 ^ Gràcies per fer-ho possible Patrocinadors psssa ©amin ^ fundació puig El Petit Liceu ® f«A°C^loLA ÀCS Protectors Laboratorios Ordesa Chocolat Factory Fluidra Abantia Metalquimia Coca-Cola Fundació Catalunya- Aena Nationale Suisse Control Demeter La Pedrera Almirall Vueling Euromadi Grup Peralada '^Sabadell Santander abertií Alllanz Seguros Ferroser GVC-Gaesco j Baker & McKenzie Klein BASF Fiatc Assegurances IBERIA Col·laboradors II AgbarFundació EE OHl endesa Port de Barcelona Altair Cofely Grup TCB Management Sogeur Consultants Eurofragance Illy Caffè Lactalis Sumarroca Banco Mediolanum Freixenet Genebre-Hobby Flower MRW MPG COMSA bankinter BonPreu Leading new tliinking Catalana Occident GFT Pepsico ManpowerGroup EMTE Benefactors Fundación Li'vmiU' (4i|)Uul Pui'tiiei's Maria im RERfOl Fundación DBVA Francisco A. Granero Reig Transports Metropolitans Carlos Abril Guzmán Clavel de Barcelona Manuel Grau Francisco Reynés Macià Alavedra Josep M. Corrales Calamanda Grifoll Miquel Roca Salvador Alemany Manuel Crehuet Maria Guasch Josep Sabé Maria Bagués Josep Cusí Francisco Salamero Antoni Esteve José Manuel Mas Mitjans de comunicació Josep Balcells Maria Soldevila Magda Ferrer-Dalmau Josep Milian Joaquim Barraquer José M. Mohedano Jordi Soler Núria Maria Font de Carulla Basi Karen Swenson Mercedes Fuster Carmen Molins ILAVANGUARDIAI ^EGSESSa ELOMÜNDO EL PAIS ELPiWiWui Manuel Bertran Ernestina Torelló José Gabeiras Eulàlia Molins Manuel Bertrand Joan Uriach José Luís Galí Joan Molins Agustí Bou Marta Uriach Josep Ignasi Molins Carmen Buqueras Francisco Gaudier Pau Molins Josep Vilarasau Barcelona Televisió Lluís M. Ginjaume Expansion Cucha Cabané Maria Vilardell t Josep Oliu Ëia- Joan Camprubí Ezequiel Giró rtve Sergio Salvador Viñas M. Carmen Cañardo Jaume Graell Oliveró r Index 10 Ke])artinieiit 13 English Svno])sis 20 Uesimi argiiincntal 46 L'ÒPERA El dilema de Wotan 56 L'ÒPERA ] ja transgressió com a nnica i inútil espei ança 76 LA DRAMATÚRGIA La valquíria: voluntat i guerra 92 Biografíes 106 Enregistraments 112 Cronologia liceísta Die Walküre Siegmund Klaus Florian Vogt (19, 22, 25, 28 i 31 Direcció musical Josep Pons de maig i 3 de juny) Concepció Robert Carsen i Patrick Kinmonth Frank van Aken (23, 27 i 30 de maig) Direcció d'escena Robert Carsen Escenografia i vestuari Patrick Kinmonth Hunding Eric Halfvarson (19, 22, 25, 28 i 31 Escenògraf associat i adaptació per al Liceu Darko Petrovich de maig i 3 de juny) Il·luminació Manfred Voss Ante Jerkunica (23, 27 i 30 de maig) Assistents de la direcció d'escena Oliver Kloter i Eleonora Herder Wotan Albert Dohmen (19, 22, 25, 28 i 31 Assistent de vestuari Lisa Sauerland de maig i 3 de juny) Assistent de la il·luminació Guido Petzol Greer Grimsley (23, 27 i 30 de maig) Assessora lingüística Rochsane Taghikhani Producció Bühnen der Stadt Kòln (Colònia) Sieglinde Anja Kampe (19, 22, 25, 28 i 31 de maig i 3 de juny) ORQUESTRA SIMFÒNICA DEL GRAN TEATRE DEL LICEU Eva Maria Westbroek (23, 27 i 30 de maig) Assistent de la direcció musical Francesc Prat Assistents musicals Mark Hastings, Véronique Brünnhilde Iréne Theorin (19, 22, 25, 28 i 31 de maig Werkié, Jaume Tribó i 3 de juny) Catherine Foster (23, 27 i 30 de maig) Concertino Kai Gleusteen Fricka Mihoko Fujimura (19, 22, 25, 28 i 31 Sobretituiat Gloria Nogué de maig i 3 de juny) Anabel Alenda Katarina Karnéus (23, 27 i 30 de maig) Les valquíries Gerhilde Sonja Mühieck Ortiinde Maribel Ortega Waltraute Pilar Vázquez Schwertleite Kismara Pessatti Helmwige Daniela Kohler Siegrune Kai Rüütel Grimgerde Anna Tobella Rossweisse Ana Hâsler English Synopsis Die Walküre (1870) is the first day in the of their passion being shown by its trans- tetralogy DerRIng des Nibelungen, Richard gressive nature, since it is both adulterous Wagner's most ambitious undertaking, it and incestuous. Siegmund enters, fleeing comes between the prologue (Das Rhe- from his foes. One of them is Hunding, ingold) and the second and third days who challenges him to fight the next day. (Siegfried and GStterdiimmerung) which Sieglinde takes pity on him, the breath of complete the composer's opus magnum. spring fans their deep love for one ano¬ Die Walküre relates the origins and birth ther, and they realize they are brother and of Siegfried and the quarrel between the sister. Siegmund proves he is a hero by god Wotan and Brünnhilde, his favourite wrenching the sword Nothung out of the Valkyrie. The tale harks back to the cons¬ sacred ash tree dominating the scene, into truction, in far-off times, of Valhalla, the which Wotan had impaled it. They embrace gods' sumptuous mansion, which sparked passionately and rush away in search of off a struggle for the possession of the a place of refuge. Rhine gold, including the all-powerful ring The second act is set in Valhalla. Wotan that bore a cruel curse. After being stolen asks his daughter Brünnhilde -the best from the undines by the Nibelungs, the loved of the nine Valkyries, the virgin gold Is now being guarded by the giant warriors who bring the heroes slain in Fafner, who has turned into a dragon. combat to Valhalla- to assist Siegmund in In his bid to recover the ring, Wotan has his fight against Hunding. But Wotan's wife decided to act through a free hero from Fricka, the goddess of marriage, persuades the world of men, who has none of his him to punish the lovers instead. Brünn¬ own contradictions and knows neither fear hilde, interpreting her father's underlying nor envy. Accordingly he has returned to wishes, resolves to disobey him by helping earth and from his union with a mortal Siegmund. But Wotan cruelly intervenes woman twins have been born, Siegmund by shattering Nothung with his spear and and Sieglinde, who have subsequently Siegmund is slain. Brünnhilde carries Sie¬ been separated by fate. Now Sieglinde is glinde off and hides her in the forest so that married to Hunding, while Siegmund is she can give birth to Siegfried, the hero she leading an unhappy wandering existence. is carrying in her womb. In the first act of Die WaikUre the brother The third act begins with the celebra¬ and sister fall in love with one, the force ted -Ride of the Valkyries-, Brünnhilde's 14 English Synopsis English Synopsis 15 sisters, who are appalled at her behaviour. an army to defend the gods' abode. He is deprived him of his mother and twin sis¬ ACT II But its focal point is the fury of Wotan, who also afraid lest Alberich should recover the ter, he was raised by his father like a In Valhalla, the realm of the gods, Wotan deprives Briinnhilde of her divine status all-powerful ring now in the possession of «wolfcub» and his life has been that of a asks Briinnhilde, his favourite Valkyrie, to and condemns her to sleep on a rock the Giant Fafner, who has turned into a dra¬ lonely wanderer. One day he tried to pre¬ go to Siegmund's aid in his fight against encircled by flames until freed by the love gon to guard the treasure stolen from the vent a beautiful girl from being married Hunding. But his wife Fricka, the goddess and courage of a fearless hero, whom the Nibelungs.
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