INDIAN POLITICAL ICOB flKCE TIE ,X> ,. V'V^ rATIDN OF Mr. 1AJIT GAMDBI A MMt AlBSttttf SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE AWARD OF THE DtSllEE OP JHutter of library & information Science MONO. ARSHAD Ml KNMI RoN NO. 92-LSM-12 Enroknont No. V-5523 Mr. S. Hasan Zamarrud (Roador) DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY ft INFORMATION SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIQARH 1993 u DS2696 ww»AaTMiNT OP LI8HAR ALIGAKH MUSUM AUGARFN Hit it U «*rtt fr **t *• IUi. 4 £Oft, .i.^a- 4l«M*t«tUft *t Mr. ***» A**«i *^J^ ^BPW^B ^^W ; •f Mr* B«J|V 0«** t A MlMl ft? ipMWilill •^W^M*^/ /fcikfu^ ^j^h4>^^t^^m^u^ Dedicated to my loving brother and mother who have always been a source of inspiration to me Teacheth man that which he knew not CONTENTS I ACKNOWLE DGEMENTS U - V SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY PART ONE ... 1-70 INTRODUCTION PART TWO 7] _ 197 BIBLIOGRAPHY PART THREE 1 S8 — 214 INDEXES (Title & Author Index) — 216 LIST OF PERIODICALS SCANNED °1* 5 -J— ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all let me thank* Almighty God for it is indeed. His Blessing alone this project has been completed. I feel privileged ged in expressing ray profound sense of gratitude and indebtness to ray teacher and supervisor Mr. S. HASAN ZAMARRUD, Reader, Department of Library and Information science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aiigarh for suggesting the recent topic, extending his guidance and continual assistance and remaining for me a source of this investigation. My sincere thanks one due to Prof. MOHD SABIR HUSAIN, Chairman, Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh for providing all facilities that I needed for my dissertation. My sincere thanks go to my respected teachers especially Mr. AL-MUZAEFAR A.G. KHAN, Reader, Mr. MUSTAFA K. Q. ZAIDI, Reader and Dr. SHABAHAT HUSAIN, Reader, Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aiigarh for their valuable assistance during this period. My heartful thanks are also due to my friends and classmates. Last but not the least I am highly thankful to Mr.Mohd Riaz Khan, typist for typing this manuscript. (MOHD ARSHAD ALI KHAN) SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY SCOPE - The Indian political scene has seen a sea change. Since the assassination of Mr. Rajiv ^andhi on 21 May 1991 Sriperumbudur. The basic aim of his study is to bring together at one place the documents and periodicals, articles published in Indian and foreign journals an the subject. Since the topic is so vast, I have tried to include all the relevant subtopics and in each a few representative articles have been documented. Since the study deals with current problems, I had^to decide a cut off date, which I have chosen to be August 20, 1993, in consultation with my supervision. Keeping in view the topicality of the study instead of plain annota­ tions, informative abstracts have been prepared for the articles. METHODOLOGY - The primary sources were consulted in the following libraries. (i) Maulana Azad Library, Ajigarh i-^uslim University, Aligarh. (ii) Indian Council of World Affairs Library, Sapru House, New Delhi (iii)Nehru Museum and Library, Teen Moorti, New Delhi (iv) American CentreI Library, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,New Delhi. (v) British Council Library, Rafi Marg, New Delhi, (vi) Indian Council of Sociai Science Research, NASSDOC Mandi House, New Delhi. The procedure followed yin preparing this bibliography was as follows: * * • 1. The secondary sources were consulted in Maul ana Azad Library, Angarh to find out tiie location of the articles these secondary sources were. Index Index India (Rajasthan University/ Jodhpur) . Indian Press Index (Indian Documentation Service Gurgaon). Article of the Week (JNU Library, New Delhi) Weekly List of Article (Indian Council of World Affairs, N.Delhi). Guide to Indian Periodical Literature (Delhi Library Association) . 2. The relevant bibliographical details were noted down on 5"x7" cards following the ISI standards. 3. The primary sources were consulted in Maul ana Azad Cibrary, Aligarh and Libraries in Delhi. 4. On completion of the abstracts subject headings were assigned, subject headings are completely co-extensive to the extent possible. 5. The subject headings were arranged in an alphabetical sequence of various elements. 6. In the end two separate alphabetical indexes were prepared viz. author index and title index, providing reference to various entries by their respective numbers. 7. No subject index has beenprovided as bibliography itself arranged alphabetically through subject headings. STANDARD FOLLOWED Bibliographic reference for periodical articles Care has been taken to follow strictly the rules and practices of CCC. Thus it gives a uniformity for the -/V- bibliographical references throughout the selected bibliography. Attempt has been made to give the full name of the periodicals. The items of bibliographical references for each entry of periodical are arranged as follows. (a) Name(S) of authors (b) Full stop (.) (c) Title of the article including sub title, if any (d) Full stop (.) (e) Title of the periodical in full (f) Semicolon (;) (g) Volume number (h) Coma (,) (i) Issue number (B) Semicolon (;) (k) Year of publication (1) Coma (,) (m) Date of publication (n) Semi colon (;) (o) Inclusive pages of article SPECIMEN ENTRY INDIA, POLITICS, ASSASSINATION, GANDHI (Rajiv) INVOLVEMENT, CIA 9. BADWAR (Praful). Wages of venaluty:Cynical real politic claimed Rajiv's life. Times of India* 154. 126? 1991,Mav. 28; 6. Author points out that Rajiv's Gandhi assassination. Leaving aside imprabable - sounding theories.. V — SUBJECT HEADING - Attempt has been made to give co-extensive subject heading as much as possible, it will facilitate the readers to find out desired article(s) from this bibliography. ARRANGEMENT - An entry is preceeded by subject heading in capitals. The entry begins with entry element (i.e. surname) of the author is capitals, followed by the secondary element (i.e.. forename) is parenthesis, and then title of the article, which is followed by the title of the periodical, its volume, issue number, date of publication and page number each entry is then followed by an informative abstract of the article. INDEX - The index part contains an author index and title index. Each index guides to the specific entry or entries in the bibliography. It is hoped that they will be found very useful in; consultation of the bibliography. 2 MID-TERM POLL Returning In Shame: In a perverse demonstration of contrition. Devi Lai requested the more than 500 Lok Sabha members, who had assembled for a ceremonial group photograph a day before the President dissolved the House, to hold their ears in penitence. They did not oblige. The Tau may have been the pot calling the kettle black, but he had, nonetheless made a symbolic point. The people's representatives to the ninth Lok Sabha had much to be ashamed of and much more to apologise about to the discerning and mature voters of this country whom they must face again in May after the 16-month sham that they had made of the institution of Parliament. The leaders of various parties were proclaiming a brave resolve to face the electorate again. But the majority of MPs as Congress (I) *s Vasant Sathe wrote in a candid letter to the President, did not want to face a raid-term poll. They are now in the fray with bated breath, overwhelming with trepidation, nervous panicky. And with good reason. They face an angry voter. He has watched their antics, their unethical backroom manoeuvrings, their shameless horse- trading, mutual backstabbing but above all, the betrayal of the public-trust, with growing disgust. Having lost the people's mandate they had tried every machination in the 3 book to stick to power.But ultimately, as the unrelenting implementing imperatives of Indian democracy prevailed, they discovered that they could retain power only if they enjoyed the confidence of the people who had voted for thetfi. The excruciating agony for the nation is that politicians have disinterred some of ttie most basic hatreds and insecuri­ ties that have traditionally posed the several threat to the survival of the republic. *ndia is again being made to wallow in the primordial slime of casteism and communal ism rather than tackling real issues such as a better, faster- working or corruption free government. The politician's non­ performance, his willingness to sacrifice national goals, even to the Extent of grossly trivialising them, at the altar of partisan, sectional or communal benefit was the ballmark of the last 16 sorry months. *nd now he stands naked, faced with the daunting task of justifying his very existence. With this record of dismal failure how does he hope to regain the confidence of the public again? He tries by clothing himself inslogans and cooking up ideological justifications for his role in cutting short the five-year mandate. As they stand hat in hand before the public again the politicians are aware that they were unable to keep their major promise to the public - providing a stable government bassed on clean politics. They had promised that 4 the Janata experiment of 1977 would not be repeated. But In the quest of power, more power, and vote banks all that, was forgotten. V.P. Singh let loose a casteist whirlwind that cut a swathe of destructive violence and bloodshed across the political landscape. L.K. Advani, notwithstanding his image of moderate reasonableness, uncorked a Hindu hurricane whose gusts are still shaking the foundations of communal harmony. The jat leaders who rode tiie anti-corruption wave against Congress(I) discredited themselves and destabilised every political grouping in which they sought shelter. The Congress(l) which had promised to abjure power because it did not have the people's mandate wound up supporting a rump government and trying to make a backdoor entry into government.
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