Collection of Military Who Served in Ballincollig..Xlsx

Collection of Military Who Served in Ballincollig..Xlsx

Wife: Margaret. Dau: Mary aged 3 yrs. All 1911 Abbott B Vere Corporal RIA 1911 Census of Ireland online; Ballincollig D.E.D. born in Tipperary Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: : bin/sse.dll?_phsrc=mFD4905&_phstart=successSource&us ePUBJs=true&db=fsirelandbirth&so=2&pcat=BMD_BIRTH &gss=angs- Wife: Ellen Jane. Dau: Amelia Mary Bapt 4 1873 Abbott John Stephen Schoolmaster 17th Lancers c&new=1&rank=1&gsfn=amelia%20mary&gsfn_x=1&gsln March 1873, born 30 Nov 1872 =abbott&gsln_x=1&msbdy=1872&msbdy_x=1&cp=0&MSA V=1&uidh=ux3: bin/sse.dll?indiv=1&db=FSIrelandCivRegBirth&h=216243 0&tid=&pid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=mFD4905&_phstart= successSource&usePUBJs=true&rhSource=2533: Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: : Wife: Elizabeth. Dau: Emma Bapt. 8 Nov 1857 Abbott Joseph Corporal RA 1857: 52164708/facts: bin/sse.dll?gl=allgs&gss=sfs28_ms_r_f- 2_s&new=1&rank=1&gsfn=john&gsfn_x=1&gsln=adams&g sln_x=1&msypn__ftp=Ballincollig%2C%20Cork%2C%20Ire 6 Dragoons 1851 Adams Alexander Private Wife: Anne. Son: John Bapt 14 Dec 1851 land&msypn=10039526&msypn_PInfo=9- (Carabineers) %7C0%7C1652381%7C0%7C3250%7C0%7C0%7C0%7C52 98%7C0%7C10039526%7C0%7C&msypn_x=PCO&msypn_ _ftp_x=1&msbdy_x=1&msbdy=1851&cpxt=1&cp=8&catbuc ket=rstp&MSAV=1&MSV=0&uidh=ux3 Wife: Harriet. Dau: Ellen Gertrude Bapt 30 1873 Adams George Quartermaster Sgt Royal Dragoon Guards Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: Sept 1873, born 26 Aug 1873 3rd Royal Dragoon Wife: Martha. Son: Henry John Bapt. 19 Jan 1845 Adams Henry n/a Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: Guards 1845 Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: bin/sse.dll?_phsrc=mFD7037&_phstart=successSource&us Wife: Catherine. Dau: Mary, Bapt Bcollig 28 ePUBJs=true&indiv=1&db=FindAGraveUK&gss=angs- RA, 2nd B. Capt. 1824/25/26 Adams James Gunner & Driver Nov 1824; born 5 Feb 1824: Buried 10th d&new=1&rank=1&gskw=Ballincollig&gskw_x=1&_F0005 Malinger's Company. July 1825; Son: Daniel Bapt. 1 Oct 1826: 78C=ballincollig%20military%20graveyard&MSAV=1&uid h=ux3&pcat=34&fh=0&h=2458417&recoff=&ml_rpos=1: 0956: bin/sse.dll?_phsrc=fiW81&_phstart=successSource&useP UBJs=true&gss=angs- g&new=1&rank=1&gsfn=sarah&gsfn_x=1&gsln=adams&gs ln_x=1&msypn__ftp=Ballincollig,%20Cork,%20Ireland&ms Wife: Alice. Dau: Sarah Bapt. 18 Dec, born 12 ypn=10039526&msypn_PInfo=9- 1831 Adams William n/a 17 Lancers Dec 1831 %7C0%7C1652381%7C0%7C3250%7C0%7C0%7C0%7C52 98%7C0%7C10039526%7C0%7C&msypn_x=PCO&msypn_ _ftp_x=1&msbdy_x=1&msbdy=1831&cpxt=1&cp=8&catbuc ket=rstp&MSAV=1&MSV=0&uidh=ux3&pcat=ROOT_CATE GORY&h=4781079&recoff=5%206&dbid=2534&indiv=1&m l_rpos=1 Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: bin/sse.dll?_phsrc=mFD4940&_phstart=successSource&us Thomas Buried 22 Apr 1892 aged 29 yrs 2 ePUBJs=true&db=fsirelandbirth&so=2&pcat=ROOT_CATE 1875/1892 Adamson Thomas n/a 13th Hussars, months: Wife: Jane. Son: George Frederick GORY&gss=angs- Bapt 21 Mar 1875, born 30 Jan 1875: g&new=1&rank=1&gsfn=george%20frederick&gsfn_x=1& gsln=adamson&gsln_x=1&msbdy_x=1&msbdp=1&MSAV= 1&msbdy=1875&gskw=Ballincollig,%20cork&cp=0&catbuc ket=rstp&uidh=ux3: WO10/1371, 1385: Battery Records of the Royal Artillery 1716-1859. Compiled by Lt. Col. M.E.S. Laws, 1821 Addams J. Commanding Officer RA, 4Bn Born Devon OBE, MC, RA (Retd), published by Royal Artillery Institute, Woolwich, 1952. copied by Bonnie House. WO10/2584; WO10/2585; WO17/2638; WO10/2586; WO17/2640; WO17/2643; WO10/2586; WO10/2587. 1863, 1864. Battery records of the Royal Artillery, 1859-1877, Vol 2, Addington Hon L.A. Bty Commander 4Bty, DBty, 8Bde, RA 1865 compiled by Lt. Col. M.E.S. Laws, OBE,MC, RA(retd), F.R.Hist. S. Pub. Royal Artillery Institution, Woolwich, 1970: 1855 Addy William Gunner RA Wife: Johanna. Son: Robert Bapt. 7 Oct 1855 Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: WO10/2263, 2280, 2275, 2306, 2079, 2282: WO10/222,2223, 2237, 2242, 2228, 2233, 2236, 2247, 2261, 2280, 2281, 2285: Battery Records of the Royal 1857 Adye J. M. C. O. RA, 8Coy, 9Bn Artillery 1716-1859. Compiled by Lt. Col. M.E.S. Laws, OBE, MC, RA (Retd), published by Royal Artillery Institute, Woolwich, 1952. Battery Records of the Royal Artillery 1716-1859. Compiled by Lt. Col. M.E.S. Laws, OBE, MC, RA 1827 - 1828 Adye J.P. C. O. RA, 3Coy, 8Bn (Retd), published by Royal Artillery Institute, Woolwich, 1952. copied by Bonnie House. Battery Records of the Royal Artillery 1716-1859. Compiled by Lt. Col. M.E.S. Laws, OBE, MC, RA (Retd), published by Royal Artillery Institute, Woolwich, 1952. copied by Bonnie House: bin/sse.dll?_phsrc=mFD4955&_phstart=successSource&us ePUBJs=true&indiv=1&db=campaignmedalrolls&gss=angs- 1857 Adye John M. C. O. RA, 8Coy, 9Bn n/a d&new=1&rank=1&gsfn=j.m.&gsfn_x=1&gsln=Adye&gsln_ x=1&msypn__ftp=Ballincollig,%20Cork,%20Ireland&msyp n=10039526&msypn_PInfo=9- %7C0%7C1652381%7C0%7C3250%7C0%7C0%7C0%7C529 8%7C0%7C10039526%7C0%7C&MSAV=1&msydy=1857& gskw=Ballincollig,%20cork&cp=0&catbucket=rstp&uidh=u x3&pcat=39&fh=0&h=511105&recoff=4%205&ml_rpos=1: RA, Drivers, 7th 1812 Agnew James n/a Wife: Sarah. Dau: Rose Bapt. 19th April 1812; Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: Battalion Duncan F. 1893 Aikman Lieutenant 13th Hussars n/a Robertson ballincollig Wife: Ann. Son: William James Bapt. 30 Apr 1833 Ainsley Arthur Shoeing smith RA Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: 1833, born 13 Apr 1833; Wife: Ellen McSweeney of Ballina Married 17 1840 Aitkins Nulheran? n/a Scots Greys Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: May 1840 Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: bin/sse.dll?db=1911England&indiv=try&h=32794176: /Ballincollig/Ballincollig/382401/: Wife: Margaret. Dau: Harriet Ma(r)y Bapt 23 1897/98 Alderdice Edward XIIth Royal Lancers May 1897, born 1 May 1897, Cork: catid=-6451968&catln=7: :WO10/2263, 2280, 2275, 2306, 2079, 2282: WO10/222,2223, 2237, 2242, 2228, 2233, 2236, 2247, 2261, 2280, 2281, 2285: Battery Records of Sgt Farrier serving in Egypt, the Royal Artillery 1716-1859. Compiled by Lt. Col. M.E.S. Sierra Leone, South Africa and Laws, OBE, MC, RA (Retd), published by Royal Artillery Sudan, 1911 Institute, Woolwich, 1952. bin/sse.dll?_phsrc=mFD1818&_phstart=successSource&us ePUBJs=true&gss=angs- 1855 Aldridge John n/a 7th Dragoon Guards deserter; born 1855 Midx. c&new=1&msT=1&MSAV=1&gskw=Ballincollig&gskw_x= 1&cpxt=1&cp=8&catbucket=rstp&uidh=ux3&rank=1&pcat =39&h=126891&dbid=60961&indiv=1&ml_rpos=36 Wife: Rose. Son: George William Bapt 17 Aug Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: 1911 census of 1911/13 Alexander Ernest Wright Major RFA, 119th Batty, 1911; born 30 June 1911; x2 children born Ireland India; x8 staff; Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: bin/sse.dll?_phsrc=mFD7716&_phstart=successSource&us ePUBJs=true&db=pubmembertrees&so=2&pcat=ROOT_CA TEGORY&gss=angs- g&new=1&rank=1&msT=1&gsfn=Margaret%20Elizabeth& Wife: Mary Lummas. Dau: Margaret Elizabeth 1817/18 Allcock Jonathan n/a RA, 7 Batt gsfn_x=1&gsln=Allcock&gsln_x=1&MSAV=1&msydy=1817 bapt. 11th Jan 1818; born 3 Jan 1818 &msydy_x=1&msydp=2&cp=0&catbucket=rstp&uidh=u: x3 adedirectories/1913guyscitycountyalmanacanddirectory/ 1913pages186to267: WO 69/581/21: barracks/soldiers-who-served-in-ballincollig/: Wife: Hastings. Son: Ebenezer Bapt 16 Jan 1859 Allen David Collarmaker RA Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: 1859 Wife: Elizabeth. Son: Henry Bapt. 17th July 1820 Allen Henry retired 29th Regt Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: 1820 bin/sse.dll?_phsrc=mFD1818&_phstart=successSource&us ePUBJs=true&gss=angs- 1853 Allen Samuel n/a 7th Dragoon Guards deserter; born 1853 Derbyshire c&new=1&msT=1&MSAV=1&gskw=Ballincollig&gskw_x= 1&cpxt=1&cp=8&catbucket=rstp&uidh=ux3&rank=1&pcat =39&h=160017&dbid=60961&indiv=1&ml_rpos=37 1826 Allen William Bombardier n/a Wife: Laurinda. Dau: Mary Bapt. Feb 1826 Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: Wife: Mary. Son: James Wilson Bapt. 10 May 1857 Allen William Bombardier RA Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: 1857 William 2nd Dragoon Guards, 1844 Allen Mess waiter Son: Charles Leah Bapt. 22 Sept 1844 Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: Bartimeus (Queen's Bays) Wife: Phoebe, (?Alice Mary) . Dau: Phoebe Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: 1902 Allin Harry James Sgt 12th Royal Lancers Alice Phylis Bapt 17 Apr 1902, born March 15 1901 bin/sse.dll?db=WebSearch-4050&indiv=try&h=13960170 Wife: Jane. Dau: Elizabeth Bapt 25 Dec 1847; Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: http: 1847 Alliston John Sgt 66th Regt possibly correct person; resident of :// Cornwall: bin/sse.dll?db=uki1861&indiv=try&h=17743847 1852 Alls John Private 1st Royals, Infantry Wife: Jane. Dau: Margaret Bapt. 11 July 1852 Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: Ballincollig Ordnance Chapel Registers: Records of the RHA, , from its formation to the present time being the 1876, 1877 Allsop R.

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