Supplementary Materials

Supplementary Materials

Supplementary materials a b c d Figure S1. Illumina sequence‐based biodiversity indices rarefaction curves: a—Chao 1 index, b—Pielou index, с—Shannon index, d—Simpson index. Geosciences 2020, 10, 67; doi:10.3390/geosciences10020067 Geosciences 2020, 10, 67 2 of 25 Table S1. Isolated strains catalogue. Strain Primers used for amplification Primers used for sequence Taxonomical affiliation KBP.AS.110 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.112 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.113 27f + Un1492r 1100r Ochrobactrum sp. KBP.AS.122 27f + Un1492r 1100r Arthrobacter ginsengisoli KBP.AS.1261 27f + Un1492r 1100r Ochrobactrum thiophenivorans KBP.AS.1262 27f + Un1492r 1100r Arthrobacter ginsengisoli KBP.AS.1263 Identification was carried out according to phenotypic characters. Streptomyces sp. KBP.AS.1264 27f + Un1492r 1100r Ochrobactrum thiophenivorans KBP.AS.1265 27f + Un1492r 1100r Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KBP.AS.1266 27f + Un1492r 1100r Paracoccus sp. KBP.AS.1267 27f + Un1492r 1100r Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KBP.AS.1268 27f + Un1492r 1100r Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KBP.AS.1269 341f + 805r 805r Stenotrophomonas sp. KBP.AS.1270 341f + 805r 805r Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KBP.AS.1271 341f + 805r 805r Enterobacter sp. KBP.AS.1272 341f + 805r 805r Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KBP.AS.1273 27f + Un1492r 1100r Ochrobactrum thiophenivorans KBP.AS.1275 27f + Un1492r 1100r Microbacterium paraoxydans KBP.AS.220 27f + Un1492r 1100r Stenotrophomonas sp. KBP.AS.230 341f + 805r 805r Micrococcus sp. KBP.AS.231 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus pumilus KBP.AS.232 27f + Un1492r 1100r Micrococcus sp. KBP.AS.233 Identification was carried out according to phenotypic characters. Rhodococcus sp. KBP.AS.234 341f + 805r 805r Bacillus infantis KBP.AS.235 Identification was carried out according to phenotypic characters. Streptomyces sp. KBP.AS.236 27f + Un1492r 1100r Arthrobacter agilis KBP.AS.237 27f + Un1492r 1100r Paracoccus marcusii KBP.AS.238 27f + Un1492r 1100r Brevibacterium linens KBP.AS.239 341f + 805r 805r Micrococcus terreus KBP.AS.240 27f + Un1492r 1100r Brevibacterium sp. KBP.AS.241 341f + 805r 805r Streptomyces sp. KBP.AS.242 27f + Un1492r 1100r Microbacterium sp. KBP.AS.244 341f + 805r 805r Pseudomonas sp. KBP.AS.245 341f + 805r 805r Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KBP.AS.246 27f + Un1492r 1100r Corynebacterium mucifaciens KBP.AS.247 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus subtilis KBP.AS.248 27f + Un1492r 1100r Corynebacterium mucifaciens KBP.AS.249 27f + Un1492r 1100r Sphingomonas sp. KBP.AS.250 341f + 805r 805r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.251 27f + Un1492r 1100r Micrococcus sp. KBP.AS.252 27f + Un1492r 1100r Micrococcus sp. KBP.AS.253 27f + Un1492r 1100r Dietzia cinnamea KBP.AS.254 27f + Un1492r 1100r Microbacterium oxydans KBP.AS.255 341f + 805r 805r Micrococcus luteus KBP.AS.256 27f + Un1492r 1100r Microbacterium oxydans KBP.AS.257 Identification was carried out according to phenotypic characters. Streptomyces sp. KBP.AS.258 27f + Un1492r 1100r Arthrobacter crystallopoietes KBP.AS.259 Identification was carried out according to phenotypic characters. Streptomyces sp. KBP.AS.261 27f + Un1492r 1100r Streptomyces sp. KBP.AS.262 27f + 537r 537r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.265 27f + Un1492r 1100r Pseudomonas frederiksbergensis KBP.AS.267 27f + Un1492r 1100r Glutamicibacter sp. KBP.AS.269 27f + Un1492r 1100r Rhodococcus sp. KBP.AS.270 27f + Un1492r 1100r Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KBP.AS.271 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.272 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus megaterium KBP.AS.275 27f + Un1492r 1100r Microbacterium paraoxydans KBP.AS.282 27f + Un1492r 1100r Pseudomonas sp. KBP.AS.283 27f + Un1492r 1100r Arthrobacter ginsengisoli KBP.AS.284 341f + 805r 805r Pseudarthrobacter scleromae KBP.AS.285 27f + Un1492r 1100r Brevibacterium epidermidis KBP.AS.389 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus simplex KBP.AS.390 27f + Un1492r 1100r Rhodococcus sp. Geosciences 2020, 10, 67 3 of 25 KBP.AS.391 341f + 805r 805r Klebsiella sp. KBP.AS.392 27f + Un1492r 1100r Microbacterium sp. KBP.AS.393 27f + Un1492r 1100r Arthrobacter sulfonivorans KBP.AS.394 27f + Un1492r 1100r Microbacterium flavescens KBP.AS.395 27f + Un1492r 1100r Acinetobacter pittii KBP.AS.396 27f + 537r 537r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.397 27f + Un1492r 1100r Microbacterium oxydans KBP.AS.398 27f + Un1492r 1100r Stenotrophomonas rhizophila KBP.AS.399 341f + 805r 805r Microbacterium sp. KBP.AS.400 341f + 805r 805r Pseudomonas putida KBP.AS.401 27f + Un1492r 1100r Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KBP.AS.402 27f + Un1492r 1100r Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KBP.AS.403 27f + 537r 537r Rhodococcus sp. KBP.AS.404 27f + Un1492r 1100r Micrococcus sp. KBP.AS.413 27f + Un1492r 1100r Kocuria rosea KBP.AS.414 341f + 805r 805r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.417 27f + 537r 537r Pseudomonas frederiksbergensis KBP.AS.471 27f + Un1492r 1100r Microbacterium pumilum KBP.AS.472 27f + Un1492r 1100r Microbacterium pumilum KBP.AS.473 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.474 341f + 805r 805r Pseudomonas frederiksbergensis KBP.AS.475 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus simplex KBP.AS.476 Identification was carried out according to phenotypic characters. Pseudomonas sp. KBP.AS.477 341f + 805r 805r Micrococcus sp. KBP.AS.478 27f + Un1492r 1100r Brachybacterium sp. KBP.AS.479 341f + 805r 805r Brevibacterium aureum KBP.AS.480 27f + Un1492r 1100r Brevibacterium luteolum KBP.AS.481 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.482 341f + 805r 805r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.483 27f + Un1492r 1100r Brevibacillus brevis KBP.AS.484 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.485 27f + Un1492r 1100r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.486 341f + 805r 805r Pseudarthrobacter sp. KBP.AS.487 27f + Un1492r 1100r Pseudarthrobacter sp. KBP.AS.488 27f + Un1492r 1100r Leucobacter aridicollis KBP.AS.489 341f + 805r 805r Pseudochrobactrum sp. KBP.AS.490 27f + 537r 537r Pseudomonas sp. KBP.AS.491 27f + Un1492r 1100r Kocuria rosea KBP.AS.492 27f + Un1492r 1100r Arthrobacter ginsengisoli KBP.AS.493 27f + Un1492r 1100r Ochrobactrum thiophenivorans KBP.AS.494 27f + Un1492r 1100r Agrococcus jenensis KBP.AS.495 27f + Un1492r 1100r Dietzia cinnamea KBP.AS.496 27f + Un1492r 1100r Leucobacter aridicollis KBP.AS.497 Identification was carried out according to phenotypic characters. Micrococcus sp. KBP.AS.498 Identification was carried out according to phenotypic characters. Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.499 27f + Un1492r 1100r Paracoccus marcusii KBP.AS.500 27f + 537r 537r Staphylococcus epidermidis KBP.AS.501 341f + 805r 805r Bacillus sp. KBP.AS.502 27f + 537r 537r Staphylococcus epidermidis KBP.AS.503 27f + Un1492r 1100r Micrococcus terreus KBP.AS.505 27f + 537r 537r Dietzia cinnamea KBP.AS.506 27f + Un1492r 1100r Methylobacterium sp. KBP.AS.511 Identification was carried out according to phenotypic characters. Arthrobacter sp. KBP.AS.513 27f + Un1492r 1100r Leucobacter sp. KBP.AS.514 27f + Un1492r 1100r Brevibacterium sp. KBP.AS.516 341f + 805r 805r Pseudomonas sp. KBP.AS.519 27f + Un1492r 1100r Chryseobacterium kwangjuense KBP.AS.521 341f + 805r 805r Streptomyces sp. KBP.AS.522 341f + 805r 805r Streptomyces sp. KBP.AS.523 27f + Un1492r 1100r Microbacterium oxydans KBP.AS.525 27f + Un1492r 1100r Pseudarthrobacter siccitolerans KBP.AS.526 341f + 805r 805r Pseudomonas oryzihabitans KBP.AS.721 27f + Un1492r 1100r Planomicrobium sp. KBP.AS.722 27f + Un1492r 1100r Planomicrobium okeanokoites KBP.AS.723 27f + Un1492r 1100r Tsukamurella tyrosinosolvens KBP.AS.881 27f + Un1492r 1100r Arthrobacter sp. Geosciences 2020, 10, 67 4 of 25 KBP.AS.882 27f + Un1492r 1100r Arthrobacter ginsengisoli KBP.AS.885 341f + 805r 805r Pseudomonas sp. KBP.AS.886 341f + 805r 805r Pseudomonas sp. KBP.AS.887 27f + Un1492r 1100r Arthrobacter ginsengisoli KBP.AS.894 27f + Un1492r 1100r Arthrobacter ginsengisoli Table S2. Taxonomical affiliation of isolated bacteria. Strain— Sample‐Medium‐ GenBank Cultivation BLAST Search Results Taxonomic Affiliation Accession Temperature Number Bacillus subtilis [CP025941] 97.99% KBP.AS.110 Ice‐PYG‐25 °C Bacillus subtilis [CP002905] 97.99% Bacillus sp. MN093986 Bacillus subtilis [MK696406] 97.88% Bacillus pumilus [CP011007] 99.57% KBP.AS.112 Bacillus safensis [KT274778] 99.46% Ice‐PYG‐25 °C Bacillus sp. MN093987 Bacillus pumilus [MK696261] 99.46% Bacillus safensis [MK696252] 99.46% Ochrobactrum sp. [MG835335] 99.89% KBP.AS.113 Ice‐PYG‐25 °C Ochrobactrum sp. [MF754148] 99.89% Ochrobactrum sp. MN093988 Ochrobactrum sp. [CP022604] 99.89% Arthrobacter ginsengisoli [MH667851] 99.79% KBP.AS.122 Moraine & Ice‐PYG‐ Arthrobacter sp. [MH714681] 99.79% Arthrobacter ginsengisoli MN093989 25 °C Arthrobacter ginsengisoli [MH482302] 99.79% Stenotrophomonas sp. [MH498431] 97.20% Moraine & Ice‐PYG‐ KBP.AS.220 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia [MF381040] 96.88% Stenotrophomonas sp. 25 °C Stenotrophomonas sp. [CP037883] 96.88% Micrococcus sp. [MH734556] 100.00% KBP.AS.230 Moraine & Ice‐PYG‐ Uncultured Micrococcus sp. [MG052577] 99.75% Micrococcus sp. MN093990 25 °C Micrococcus sp. [JX239759] 99.49% Bacillus pumilus [MK696261] 100.00% KBP.AS.231 Moraine & Ice‐PYG‐ Bacillus pumilus [MK696249] 100.00% Bacillus pumilus MN093991 25 °C Bacillus pumilus [MK696242] 100% Micrococcus endophyticus [MK578827] 100.00% KBP.AS.232 Moraine & Ice‐PYG‐ Micrococcus luteus [MH778045] 100.00% Micrococcus sp. MN093992 25°C Micrococcus sp. [MH707206] 100.00% Identification was carried out according to phenotypic KBP.AS.233 Ice‐PYG‐25 °C Rhodococcus sp. characters Bacillus infantis [MK571885] 99.52% KBP.AS.234 Ice‐PYG‐25 °C Bacillus infantis [MK241868] 99.52% Bacillus infantis MN093993 Bacillus infantis [MG892784] 99.52% Identification was carried

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