KlTIGUL UCHIYES& PUBLIC IECDIDS SEIYICCS or mu •EW cu1m DISTRICT: WEST SEPIK STATION: VANIMO VOLUME No: 9 ISBN: 9980-911 -18 - 2 ACCESSION No: 496 . PERIOD: 1962 - 1953 1'1_.d 'OJ /for the llatlonll ArcblvH ot Papua Ne w Cuinea, • POllT 81 - 194S lolt C111t04lan1 llaUonll ArcUvee of Papua ew Cuinu. Papua New Guinea Patrol Reports Digitized version made available by Copyright: Government of Papua New Guinea. This digital version made under a license granted by the National Archives and Public Records Services of Papua New Guinea. Use: This digital copy of the work is intended to support research, teaching, and private study. Constraints: This work is protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.) and the laws of Papua New Guinea. Use of this work beyond that allowed by “fair use” requires written permission of the National Archives of Papua New Guinea. Responsibility for obtaining permissions and any use and distribution of this work rests exclusively with the user and not the UC San Diego Library. Note on digitized version: A microfiche copy of these reports is held at the University of California, San Diego (Mandeville Special Collections Library, MSS 0215). The digitized version presented here reflects the quality and contents of the microfiche. Problems which have been identified include misfiled reports, out‐of‐order pages, illegible text; these problems have been rectified whenever possible. The original reports are in the National Archives of Papua New Guinea (Accession no. 496). N..IONAL ARCHIVES OF P.N. G. - WA . ,\NI. PATROL REPORT OF: '\rhN1MO - INcST ..SEP/I( ACC . No: 496 . Volume No: J.'J.. f1~~J~P.: . Number of Report s :.£( • .' ••. • • •• . O FFICER CONDU CTI NG MA PS FICH FOllO• AREA PAT ROLLED PATROL PTS PE RIOD OF PATROL No: 1- /S" N. If. WA:t-.7£"1?.& P-0 FM1'7 Vft-tV1 P'IO 70 'X-1-< OT/1'1-U /-1A-P /.p.. ,:J. _ /tf' ./.l .&;z /-JO /(..J.. {), ~NN£1-<.. PA~ER.! AND /{li..IHERI {,ETVStl.S ~Iv ;JK -j -65 - ;i.J ..J . c:;,3 /- 9 N. //. A!A·t1F~5 ,tJ . O NtrntN&. V!uAo~ .2J· 'f . (,3 - /& .J-. 0 /- c; Nil /1/4-t.TEl<.5 P-0 Y~1(/Tl//V{; V/Uk6'6 17· S - ~3 - ~ · G. C.3 1- 13 V-.J . .JM'SE C-f'O V ftN!M O Bts-T COA-sr Ctf:NS/J S .fj1ur.J1o rJ H/t.77 .;i,;. s . (;3 - :u; .s . G 3 PATROL REPORTS SEPIK DISTRICT 1962-63 ~ Report Bo . Conducted bl: Area Patrolled. Vanim.o 5-62/63 N.l:l.Walters Froa Vanimu stn. to Sekot1 u . 8-62/63 R.L.O'Connell Pageri and Kil:illleri 9A-62/63 N.l:l.'falters Staudiil8 patrol Wutllll& Village ••••• 9B-62/63 N.H.Wal tera •••• continued. 10-62/63 V.J .Dagge Vanimo East Coast Cena\UI Division. TERRITORY OF •PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA PATROL REPORT District of ........ ~ .'1!;1.); ........... .. .... .. ..... .. Report No... V~o. ~!IP9.;rt .J'.c ,.5. o.t 1962/63 Patrol Conducted by ..... ..~ . ~:ff !~1.te!.a, .. ~~.t:i;-.01. ... ~;r~;~~~· .. .... ... ............... Area Patrolled ... ~ .. ~:~.:-~ - ~~;f~ri:~ .. Seko~ia~ - - ~hro~ . t- ~~ ~~1ll'. ~.r1 and Patrol Accompanied by Europeans .......... Qx!.fl Nativcs ... ........~i~ .... 12 8 1 6 Duration-From .~ .... ./ .. / 19 .~~ ... to ..~ . .. , . ~.. ./19 . .2 18 Number of Day Did Medical Assi5tant Accompany .. .. .. -~~ ' Last Patrol to Arca by-District ~rvice ...... / .. .... .. /19 .... Medical .. / 19 Map Reference.. Van.1Jao AI'1J1.3.. SetiH 1 inch : 4 11111 II bjccrs of Patrol .~o put an aotrofix in the Sekotiau vicini t7 •":°'. thi• "!la done by the aurveyor who accompanied the patrol. Director of Native ffairs, P RT M RESBY. Fom • cd, rlea ·. 19 .\m unt P Jd for War ,1 nwi:e Comp.:n .1uon \ mount P.li I fr m .NL. Tru t l'unJ mount Paid fr m P.E.D.P. f1u t l'und T I:. K IC I I \) H ' 0 ~ I' A I' EA Oepu tm1nt of Nat/re Aff1/ra, Telqrt'"'' Kotlfdobu, Papua, ~:~;:,.... ~2::_ 3u If rnllin, n.k for Mr ., _ _____ 1 •th .June , l;JOJ , TJ1e ;.s::;iot~ .t Ad::.i11i~tr tor C! . o,' De ort. c .. t o • t 1c A ::iin.i. t , ·, ~ . o~· ~four in!'o1· 1W:c . tly ~N. A l °/'--- t...-U /__, I <--..... 3 "'--'- t...___ •• ~.......... .._ " - ~ A.A' ~ ' IL •.r.v. ¥ .:..._ Yanimo Patrol Poat! Uta£ Sub D1atr1c , Stp l?J.1t;rict. 26th March 1963. !IM District Office.·, lepilt Di1trict, m4· p,gnl le•" le. '>-62/3 - "P'M· d be er tetul tor )'0111' actnce. c.c • .l :stint Dlltrict Officer, 67-3-8 ilUP. Di1trict Office ,WAI MillUTiJn. Director 3rd April, 1963 ~oGQ:U~t ol lfative Attairs, Th,. aboH tor your intorma ion and.b,.•~;J'' pleue. (R~BB) AC1IHG QISTBICT OFJl'ICER • TERK<TORV O• "'"' HO NEW CUONE @ Tei.lf'a.,.- NAT,ff 'f' Department of Nat ive Affairs, ::"'::1::. .,~ .-~!.:~ - ~6 Konedobu Papua, 1 If colli._ .,k for Mr--·-·-··-··-·--.. ~t - ~\,. 14th February, 1963. The Assistant Administrator ( Services), K 0 NED 0 BU, PATROL REPORT NO, 5 - 1962/63, VANIMO: This Report conce'!"ns th'3 eotablislunent of a trig station at SEXOTIAU Village on the Weet New ': .. inea ~ - Trust Territory border. The attitude of the people is probably oat .'!"al - they are confused as is seen from their actions in the flying both the ll'eet Papuan and Dutch flags,recorded at folio 2. ( W. R. DI HO.) Acting Director. 1411b. 1•bl'U&1"7• 19t'l. PAD9L llR9!f JO• Ha/61 - TtJQQt a..nn ~ th• al>e7ant10llM Patnl Ilepo:n b ..a..lHpd wtti 11-.U. Dlol.. aoal.4 -~ .Patrol •pone. I 1ltOM ttlat no •.e•n• '"•r tbe border wre re,....._, it i• prff&Dle 111\&11 Tiei'h..,. be_.. at il'ft.­ ular i.Dtenal.a on17, Were the oarrien 4ran hca looal TillaciN? Do ~· 'f"il.J.a&H ban llD.Y •ooial oonan with th• people l1f SllWfIAU? The oontu.ion ot '\he ... n IAU people can well • appreoia ed. I • gaUt1.ed to note that toward.e t • •D4 of ~ paU'Ol' • nq the people beo._ '' oh more t'ri•n.117 rel.axe4 towal'U patl'Ol Mabere: You ould oneure that regulu rte1te the rtli.aa. for IUl e:rtended period. t aoUon 1e prupoHd in ••tabliehing an aintl'ip 67 67-3-8 J>i•trict ortice, SP!IX DISTRICT, m4' 30th .Tantt!ll'f t 1963 !ha .b8111tant 'Dbtr1ct ott1cer9 Amil· DIDIO PATROi. RIP(M 'i/62-63 !ecelpt t>.t tu abon report 1• acknowl edged vith tlulnka. ~ oalla tor littole coaaeat ...n ~Hiil ~~~:.!:~~- roe conr111t lalten 18 f; oau;sllll9Cl ,. tMttu1 UM _.and-.at cJ!•ctt dun •· t o alln1ate the ' rtl tM 8801'IAU ,.a,i.. Tillie anCi 1at1el!89 vill be I te °"9"409 ~ loTaltiHe b Di.Uict eo-S..aJ.Qmr will be •hown the utalla or tile •trlt a1te .. user1V~· waitera. :a. A. ~JEBB Acting Distrigt orrtger --.:::> o.c. !bl Director of lative Mfaira, ~oba. 67-1-3 Sult-Diotr.i.ot Office, ~· Sepik Dion-1.ct. 3~ January, 1963. The Diotrict Officer, Se:ri111: Di.strict, ~"1£6!.· Van.tmo Patl"Ol Report No.5 196?L2.l. Two copie o! the abo'ie report together with campin& all owance cl im and field journal are enclooed. iilr. Walliero wao inovcd to Vanimo ! ro11 Ai tape to acoompaay the aurv ypr in order to relieve the preoeure o! wo:rit on the Vaaimo o.r.c. The patrol wa:i Cl)nd11cted in a diocrPet and tactful ma ner in its e:::ipro11ch to the elcotiau peopl e . W1 th the bord•r no• definitely oho'IPing th~ inaidc 41u;trali&n !errHot";T H auet b expected that they •ill ehl)w flom.e rea ntmen"; at i;h11 chaage. Tha trieudly relaUono eotabliohed during the prolonged ota1 ot tht .Patrol ahould greatly eee111t l ater developn.ent of the ·~hange to t he Auetrnlian Adllliniotration . Th~ airatrip ai t in the agi. rea ohould receive fl!rther cono1deration. If constant surv illan• e of the bord r re is to be continued au airstrip in the area would p~ !or i toelt in tw lTe aontha, Could en a:PProa r~~ be ll'a•le to tht D:1. tr.i.ct Cc 1osioner on thio Ul t~er pl a e . ~(}. J- R • .Aiobett Aa 1 •ta.11. Dilltrict Ottlcer. 1 ( LB:~ · See '1eld Offic-er' s Journal, Folio i o. 63 ·to 69 inclusive. Introduction. Out £his r eport is on a patrol which accompanJ.ad Mr. Blaik, a surveyor to Sekotiau villa.;e. Mr . ~ laik ' s work included. 1 Al s m and star observations the r eduction of these observations 1 and placin ; u cement mark 1 in t.he area . Unfortunately weather condit- ons were not ·avo irable and star observations were made T ciifiic - i u1 \,; l uuU. uv..-vA~e; ..:~..ie~ ~~ ! ~r~!Ant for mos t niahts of our visit. 'i~o &et t o ekotiau the patrol travelled on foot from Vanimo station. or most of the way t he t r ack was wet and muddy. T s is to be expected at this time cf tbe year. Betvoen vanimo and sosi v:!.11 ge leuches are plentiful ld are severe on the carriers' le ,s. Native f irs. t each villa::& passed through on rout& tc.' Sekoatiau al'lquiries were made concerning movement of people to est Nev Gt inea vill ges .
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