Invisible Origins of Nanotechnology: Herbert Gleiter, Materials Science, and Questions of Prestige1 Alfred Nordmann Darmstadt Technical University Herbert Gleiter promoted the development of nanostructured materials on a variety of levels. In 1981 already, he formulated research visions and pro- duced experimental as well as theoretical results. Still he is known only to a small community of materials scientists. That this is so is itself a telling fea- ture of the imagined community of nanoscale research. After establishing the plausibility of the claim that Herbert Gleiter provided a major impetus, a second step will show just how deeply Gleiter shaped (and ceased to inºuence) the vision of the National Nanotechnology Initiative in the US. Finally, then, the apparent invisibility of Gleiter’s importance needs to be understood. This leads to the main question of this investigation. Though materials re- search meets even the more stringent deªnitions of nanotechnology, there re- mains a systematic tension between materials science and the device-centered visions of nanotechnology. Though it turned the tables on the scientiªc pres- tige of physics, materials science runs up against the engineering prestige of the machine. The website of a 2002 symposium on nanostructured materials offers a rather typical “potted history” of nanotechnology. It begins with the stan- dard reference to Richard Feynman’s prophetic vision of 1959 (a histori- cally questionable reference, to be sure, see Feynman 1960, Toumey 1. A ªrst draft of this study was presented at the CHF Cain Conference on “Nano before there was nano,” March 19, 2005. It draws on many conversations, especially with Horst Hahn (Darmstadt Technical University, Research Center Karlsruhe), Hanno zur Loyen (USC, Columbia), James Murday (Naval Research Laboratory), Gary Peterson (CHF Fel- low, also at University of Pittsburgh), Eckart Exner (formerly at Darmstadt Technical Uni- versity), and Herbert Gleiter (formerly at Saarbrücken and Research Center Karlsruhe). I thank Cyrus Mody, Aant Elzinga, and various referees for stimulating and detailed critical commentary. I couldn’t do justice here to all the points they raised. Perspectives on Science 2009, vol. 17, no. 2 ©2009 by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology 123 124 Invisible Origins of Nanotechnology 2008). It then cites a breakthrough moment when this prophecy came to be realized, and ªnally describes the productive present state and promis- ing prospect of further nanoscale research. Somewhat unusual about this history is only how it identiªed the breakthrough moment: In 1959 Richard Feynman at Cal Tech spoke of “Plenty of Room at the bottom” to highlight the tremendous scientiªc and techno- logical potential of materials and devices at atomic/molecular di- mensions. Nearly twenty years later, Herbert Gleiter focussed on the beneªts of ultraªne grains in solids and coined the term nanostructured solids. Today, Nanoscience and nanotechnology is the fastest growing research area. It will require a very strong inter- disciplinary approach to translate the extraordinary possibilities of- fered by nanomaterials into practical devices.2 It is safe to say that Herbert Gleiter’s accomplishment is known only to a certain community of materials scientists and that his contribution is not readily recognizable to most who are involved with nanotechnology. That this is so can be viewed as a telling feature of the imagined community of nanoscale research. It speaks to the difference between what nano- technology is taken to be and where it has been most successful so far. Ac- cordingly, this paper begins by establishing the plausibility of the claim that Herbert Gleiter provided a major impetus or starting point of the nanotechnological enterprise. Moreover, it is possible to trace in a second step just how deeply Gleiter shaped and ceased to inºuence the vision of the US Nanotechnology Initiative. Finally, then, the apparent invisibility of Gleiter’s importance needs to be understood. This leads to the main question of this investigation. Materials science research meets even the more stringent deªnitions of nanotechnology, but there remains a curious mismatch between materials science and the device-centered visions of 2. Indian Institute of Technology, Dehli: National Symposium on Nanostructured Materials, December 5–6, 2002, http://www.iitd.ernet.in/utilities/archives/symp_nano .html—accessed on March 15, 2005 (no longer available January 2006). Historiograph- ically more signiªcant, Robert Cahn tells the same story in his history of materials science: “At a meeting of the American Physical Society in 1959, the Nobel prize-winning physi- cist, Richard Feynman, speculated in public about the likely effects of manipulating tiny pieces of condensed matter. [. .] Attention had been focused on nanostructured materials by a lecture delivered in Denmark by Herbert Gleiter (1981); in a recent outline survey of the ªeld, Siegel (1996) describes this lecture as a ‘watershed event’” (2001, p. 398). Cahn adds that it was Gleiter who founded the research ªeld of nanostructured materials (2001, p. 400).—Customarily, the breakthrough from Feynman to nanotechnology is attributed to Binnig and Rohrer’s development of the STM, but also to Eigler and Schweizer’s achievement of moving atoms at will, to Drexler’s visions, or to the announcement of the US’s Nanotechnology Initiative. Perspectives on Science 125 nanotechnology. Though it exercises control at the molecular level to ex- ploit novel nanoscale-dependent properties, it seems that “there must be more” to nanotechnology—but what more is there to be had, and what gets lost in its pursuit? In the end, then, this paper seeks to shed light on one of the major metaphysical ambitions of nanotechnology, namely to invest matter with machine-like qualities (Jones 2004). It does so in a round-about and sug- gestive manner, namely by telling a “telling story” of the development of nanotechnology. It is important, therefore, to keep in mind the method- ological status of such an endeavor: What looks at ªrst like a historical in- vestigation is a one-sided reconstruction that aims to show why it is plau- sible to advance the quasi-historical claim about Gleiter as a founding father of nanotechnology. All this investigation needs is a simple picture of the relation between solid state physics and materials science. This pic- ture is familiar to researchers who work at the interface of these two ªelds but it is not the only one and does not reºect the internal struggles within both communities (Bensaude-Vincent 2001, Bensaude-Vincent & Hessen- bruch 2004, Weart 1992). Similarly, when it comes to explaining Gleiter’s invisibility in most stories of nanotechnological development, the expla- nation draws on accounts of nanotechnology as a “technoscience” that pro- ceeds in an engineering mode. Such an account is supported, for example, by the kinds of questions Gleiter and his nanotechnological peers ask about new materials, but this alone cannot establish the profound differ- ence between Gleiter’s scientiªc interests and the technoscientiªc attitude that typically informs nanotechnological research (Nordmann 2008). The “explanation” of the peculiar fate of Herbert Gleiter’s accomplishments thus draws on general features that cannot simply be presupposed but re- quire further study. Instead of settling an issue, this explanation serves heuristically to recommend the assumptions that it employs. 1. Basic Ideas. In order to fully appreciate Herbert Gleiter’s “basic idea,” it helps to be re- minded of orthodoxy. In 1964, John Ziman expressed in the opening page of his Principles of the Theory of Solids what deªned not long ago a hierarchi- cal relation between physics and materials science: All of solid state phys- ics can be explained in terms of perfect crystals. Materials science steps in only where real material properties must be explained in terms of defects. A theory of the physical properties of solids would be practically impossible if the most stable structure for most solids were not a regular crystal lattice. The N-body problem is reduced to manage- able proportions by the existence of translational symmetry. That 126 Invisible Origins of Nanotechnology means that there exist basic vectors, a1,a2,a3 such that the atomic struc- ture remains invariant under translation through any vector which is the sum of integral multiples of these vectors. In practice, this is only an ideal. Every solid is a bounded speci- men, so that we must not carry our structure through the boundary. But the only regions where this matters are the layers of atoms near the boundaries, and in a block of N atoms these constitute only about N2/3—say 1 atom in 108 in a macroscopic specimen. Most crystalline solids are also structurally imperfect, with defects, impu- rities and dislocations to disturb the regularity of arrangement of the atoms. Such imperfections give rise to many interesting physi- cal phenomena, but we shall ignore them, except incidentally, in the present discussion. We are concerned here with the perfect ideal solid [. .] (Ziman 1964)3 Ziman states two limits to the view that there can be a physical theory of perfect ideal solids, and in effect, relegates the phenomena at these limits to another kind of enterprise, namely that of materials research. Openly acknowledging that his simpliªcation omits for practical and didactic purposes many interesting phenomena, Ziman states that boundaries and surfaces
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