• BRITISH ALTERATIONS TO THE PALACE-COMPLEX OF A A A A SHAHJ AHAN AB AD SHAHID MAHMOOD A thesis submitted ta the Faculty ofGraduate Studies and Research in partial fulf111ment of the requirements for the degree of Master In Architecture. School OfArchitecture McGill University, Montreal November, 1997 • @ SHAlllD MAHMOOD, 1997 INFORMATION TO USERS This manuscript has been reproduced tram the microfilm master. UMI films the text directly from the original or copy submitted. Thus, sorne thesis and dissertation copies are in typewriter face, while others rnay be tram any type of computer printer. The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. Broken or indistinct print, colored or poor quality illustrations and photographs, print bleedthrough, substanctard margins, and improper alignment can adversely affect reproduction. ln the unlikely event that the author did nat send UMI a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be notecl. 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Do nOl l)CJfin a hl:Olrt.pic~il1lf rv.r..JI, () rM"er'l'3inrcr, ~u not O(lm be(on: lU an ~Ihum o( paintinp. Ir will unh' Mllind lU of thc: ",'ub..·.rr..t of thc: past, o m)' hc:an. nkc ~. 110 nar nt:lJce mt: w~" tilte a bn\"Y douci. The llC:CO.lJ1 of blood is lhrubbinr in n'Y vcint, o ad\'t:nrunt. yaut harT will Ile snn:d wien pain and ,nef, He:arkcn fQ me. do lIQf 'A inro the ruin. 0( Delhi. At C\"cry .P. prieclCll pearla lie buril:d bcnc:ath rhe dam. Sa pbclf in lhe world is ID rich ",ith hiddcn m::.UR, E,'CQ rhe mc:a of wbat ~indc:d U'I nt the cit)"l dauuction are !JOne:. Uar hea\'lfn, an thm: bc: arn::arcr ullli\"ion d'In rMt? Th.. who :an: rcmc: MYe (ur;utn:t1 11.1. \Vc tOO have cnscd ta rhinle cl rbem. Times haVI: cfw1~ as th~' can un-ct chan(œ apin, r.an rua point ta any (amily whic:h dna nor heu ~ Dcu hca\'Cn. rhar made UI "c:c:p. c:e::l'll:. [ ~h )'IIU. Buc do nar 1er Ift'anll:n muck Il'l. If chey "'Cn: tu muw out plilfhr. nor only friend. Dur rhe whule wodd would pit)' lIS. o cup-bc:aRr. who ~ the lut round of wiRlf, Du Ror nU it 10 dtc brinl. and 1« no rhine lx full)' qucnched. Fur nuu' rhc:ir Ion~ IJ'CU of M'uad fununc lies al_p. Du nll( awalœ rhem. 0 whc:c:l o( rime. thcy are lift... in slumbcr. Cl nlin" and i.!)·. hurcn henelf. Delhi is no pla" (nr l'OU an)' lUCIft. ra. an" Uc:lhi w:as the a:llen: ur ~n and scienec. Rut the ~n u( pœlry i" Jc:ld. I1ctVl:r ru be hum :apin. Du nor (ltinc (Of' the ICfuriC'l nf rhe p.ut, 'Ghalib'. 'Sbc(ra'. 'Sa~'~t·. ':\~unLt· md "ZaUl1' u·iJ1 ncnt coOle ~pin. ACcu 'Momin', ':\l:avi' and 'Schbai', who is le(t rn ~[lQk IIf Ihe: arr of pactry? The lillhr of rhcit (Cn::ItnCSl ~bo sh.1f1C on Il' whl! "'cn: nor Jn:2r. Listcn ID the pout). of 'Oap' and ',\Iairuh'. (or aller lhma Su nilJhtinpfc wiU "":Smic: in rhi" roM!-lr.Inlc:n. ThCIIC fflrnbd'",.u of dIe put ;&ft no lUon!, And ir is umccmlr dut 1 slmuld me"c uthen \Virh m)' own lament. (Enltlish rmdcrins br Dt Yunus Jafrery) Sam: This "',l"i,,, \\"1'\ m:ilcd Il\" H:di :Ir il ,,,,"b,,',,,.. in Uhute in 1R7", D:al!~ and ll..inth wcrc :ununlt du: l.l'r \un'ivu" .t! dlt: ninCfecnth-ecnrury Delhi pul:tll-Mairuh livc:d lill l'lO: and Oawh tiU l'JOS, • • ABSTRACT Built on the ruins of earlier cities, the Mughal Emperor Shâhjahân founded Shâhjahânâbâd in 1639. CradIing a fort, the city expended itself down the sociallhousing sttata to a wall. This wall not only brought coherence to any one group but provided an interaction amongst them. These cohesive units fonned neighborhoods called mohallahs, marked by reügious, economic and social liaisons, their identity legitimizing the power of certain individuais and institutions. The Palace-Complex formed the pinnacle in this urban hierarchy. This thesis shows the importance of the Palace-Complex and how the British occupied it after the 1857 Sepoy Rebellion in an attempt ta exercise control over the city. RESUME Construite sur les ruines dtanciennes villes, s.hâhjahânâbâd fut fondée par l'Empereur Mughal Shâhjahân en 1639. Embrassant le fort, la ville s'est développée à travers les différentes couches sociales jusqu'au mur. Le mur n'apponait pas seulement de la cohérence à chaque groupe, il permettait une intéraction entre eux. Ces unités cohérentes déterminèrent des quartiers appelés mohallahs, marqués par des liaisons religieuses, économiques et sociales, leur identité légitimant le pouvoir de certains individus et institutions. Le Complexe du Palace délimitait le pinacle de cette hiérarchie urbaine. Cette thèse démontre l'importance du Complexe du Palace et comment les Brittaniques l'occupèrent après la rebellion Sepoy en 1857 dans l'espoir d'exercer leur contrôle sur la ville• . • 1 • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1 would like to thank Vikram Bhatt for the invaluable guidance he provided throughout the tenu as my advisor. Marcia King and Helen Dyer are bath saviors in the truest sense, without whom, aIl administrative hurdIes would have seemed painful. Aiso on this "list of appreciarion" are my classmates and friends. They provided all the necessary diversions during this past year and a half in Montreal. My deepest gratitude, however, goes out to my family in Pakistan to whom 1owe everything. • ü • TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT i.. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS u CHAPTERI 1.1 Rationale 1 1.2 Literature Review 2 1.3 Research Question 3 1.4 Goals and Objectives 3 1.5 Methodology 4 CHAPTERII Historical Background 5 CHAPTERm Introduction to the Accounts 14 3.1 Court Chronicles ofShahjahan 15 3.2 The Accaunts of Francois Bernier 18 3.3 The Accounts of Niccolao Manucci 20 3.4 The Accaunts of Harriet Tytler 21 3.5 The Accounts of Edward Vibart 22 3.6 Shahjahanabad Compiled from Texts 23 3.7 Description ofthe Postal System 24 CHAPTERIV British Changes to the Palace-Complex 26 CHAPTERV Rationalizing the Alterations 36 CHAPTER VI Physical and Symbolic Presence 44 • BmLIOGRAPHY 50 CHAPTERI • INTRODUCTION The subject of the following study deals specifically with Shâhjahânâbâd.
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