American Name Society 52nd Annual Ehrensperger Report 2006 A Publication of the American Name Society Michael F. McGoff, Editor Ehrensperger Report 2006 PREFACE For the web version that can be found at This document marks the 52nd year since the http://wtsn.binghamton.edu/ANS/, I have made liberal introduction of this annual review of scholarship in use of hypertext. Many of the entries in underlined onomastic studies to the membership of the American capital letters are also hyperlinks. At the website Name Society by Edward C. Ehrensperger. For over simply clicking on them with will bring you to a twenty-five years, from reference in the text. Most people’s names are 1955 to 1982, he compiled hyperlinks as well. In the main entry for a person if and published his report to the name as heading is highlighted and underlined, the society. As usual, it is putting your cursor on it will produce that person’s a partial view of the email address. Clicking on it will produce an email research and other activity addressed to them. In the cross references, clicking on going on in the world of a person’s name will bring you to his or her main onomastics, or name entry. In some cases, clicking on a hyperlink will Edward C. Ehrensperger study. In a report of launch your browser and bring you to the website of 1895-1984 this kind, the editor that organization, much as what happened if you must make use of what comes in, often resulting in clicked above on the American Name Society unevenness. Some of the entries are very short; some hyperlink. I hope that by again using hypertext in this extensive, especially from those who are reporting not year’s web version of The Ehrensperger Report, I just for themselves but also for the activity of a group have made it easier and more efficient to use. If you of people. In all cases, I have assumed the have any comments or suggestions I would very much prerogative of an editor and have abridged, clarified, like to hear them. and changed the voice of many of the submissions. I have encouraged the submission of reports by Other Resources email or electronically, since it is much more efficient to edit text already typed than to type the text myself. Ren Vasiliev is the editor of the official journal of For those not using email, I strongly encourage the American Name Society, Names: A Journal of sending me written copy. There is some danger, Onomastics. Look in the December issue for the however, in depending on electronic copy: sometimes latest style sheet. diacritical marks or other formatting matters may not Michael McGoff maintains the ANS Electronic have come through correctly. Discussion Group. If you wish to take part in the Again this year, you will notice an important interesting discussions that often start up on this change in the format of the report. Because this listserve, send an email message to the following report is to be posted on the World-Wide Web, rather address: mailto:[email protected] than include addresses and telephone numbers as part No “Subject” is necessary, and the message must of the entry, I have gathered email addresses that were contain only one line: submitted in a separate list. The list, such as it is, is sub ans-l yourfirstname yourlastname available to current members of the American Name The system will add your name and email address to Society through a request to me at the list and you will receive all notices that are posted. [email protected] or at the address you will You will also be able to send notices (You must join find below. the list to do this). In keeping with the spirit of onomastics and the Dr. McGoff also maintains the home pages for the original Ehrensperger Report, I have attempted American Name Society (ANS); the Toponymy where possible to report on research and publication Interest Group and Who Was Who in North American under a person’s name. I have also attempted to Name Study of ANS. locate topics of interest and then cross-list them with one or more names. In addition, I have, again this The Ehrensperger Report year included an index. In the main entries, I have Michael F. McGoff, Vice Provost listed the surnames of contributors entirely in capitals. Office of the Provost When you see a name or topic in capital letters and Binghamton University underlined in the body of an entry you should expect State University of New York to find a main entry for it in its proper alphabetical Binghamton, New York 13902-6000 order. [email protected] © American Name Society 2006. 1 Ehrensperger Report 2006 52ND ANNUAL and his daughter are also preparing a proposal for a EHRENSPERGER REPORT book on bipolar disorder and depression, “a story with sad beginnings but two happy endings.” DECEMBER 2006 Ernest L. ABEL, a Professor at the C.S. Mott Center for Human Growth & Development of Wayne State University, produced two articles of interest to Frank ABATE has had a very active year with several onomastic scholars this year: editorial projects, some names-related. He is revising • Abel E.L., Kruger M.L.; “Symbolic Significance of and expanding the third edition of Allusions – Cultural, Initials on Longevity.” Psychological Reports, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic 2006, in press. Dictionary. The 2nd edition, prepared by Laurence Abel E.L., Kruger M.L.; “Nicknames Increases Urdang and Frederick G. Ruffner, Jr., was published by • Longevity. “ OMEGA: The Journal of Death and Gale in 1986; Frank worked on that edition as Dying, 2006, in press. Managing Editor. The new edition, being published by Omnigraphics of Detroit (omnigraphics.com), boasts Ibrahim AKSU of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart some 4,000 new entries drawn from traditional and University in Turkey responds that several recent popular culture. Entries give a brief identification of studies of Turkish names are worth mentioning for the the item and the source from which the information report. was drawn; a bibliography is included. Allusions is (1) Doctoral dissertation by Meltem Turkoz - The arranged thematically, under more than 700 categories Social Life of the State's Fantasy: The Naming of (e.g., Friendship, Temptation, Wealth). Typical entries Turkish Families in 1934 – was completed in 2004 at are characters or entities from literature (Scrooge, the University of Pennsylvania. The complete text may White Rabbit), mythology (Scylla and Charybdis, be referred to at: Zeus), the Bible (Eve, Moses), and other aspects of http://repository.upenn.edu/dissertations/AAI3125908/. culture (Bart Simpson, Better Business Bureau, Casey Dr. Meltem Turkoz is now teaching at Isık University Jones, Gay Nineties). Publication is set for 2007. in Istanbul. Mr. Abate has also written several biographical (2) Doctoral thesis by Kerem Oktem at St. Anthony’s sketches for Biography for Beginners, published by College, University of Oxford, concerning topographic Favorable Impressions. He is particularly pleased to name changes in Turkey from the historical and have written a sketch of Muhammad Ali, his favorite political perspective: Marking the Geographies of athlete “of all times” and the inspiration for his own Nationalism. He adds that he assumes that the thesis is daughter’s nickname (Ali, short for Alexandra). The complete but that there is no news yet concerning Ali piece and others on African-American Athletes publication. (including Satchel Paige, Hank Aaron, Bill Russell, (3) Article by Mustafa Kulu at Middle East Technical Jesse Owens, Wilma Rudolph, and Arthur Ashe) will University in Ankara on Identification of Individuals in appear in a special compilation from Favorable the Dardanelles (1840), based on contemporary Impressions of Pleasant Ridge, Michigan, in 2007. In Ottoman documents with a detailed analysis of 2006 Favorable Impressions (favimp.com) published a identification factors (descriptors, honorifics, etc.) compilation of inventors, 83 in all, that have appeared added to given personal names among the Muslim, in their series of periodicals for early readers, ages 7 to Jewish, Greek, and Armenian communities of the time. 10, since they began publishing in 1995. Mr. Abate It is envisaged the article will be published in an wrote the sketches on Gordon Gould (laser), Guglielmo academic journal sometime in 2007. Marconi (wireless transmitter or radio), Samuel F.B. Ibrahim Aksu himself published an overview of Morse (telegraph), George Westinghouse (railroad air Turkish placenames in Names: A Journal of brake and AC current transmission system), Frank Onomastics, 51.3&4, 2003; a paper on the legal aspects Whittle (jet engine), which appear among other of forenames/surnames in Turkey (Law and Language, inventors from Archimedes to Thomas Edison, Bill 2nd International Conference, St. Kliment Ohridski Gates to the Wright Brothers. All Biography for University Press, Sofia 2005), and, in 2006, he Beginners publications are carefully researched and completed Volume I of his book The Story of Turkish richly illustrated, and include suggestions for further Surnames (Olay Gazete Press, 2006, Canakkale, reading and research, including web sites. Turkey). His book is based on oral accounts but also Other projects Mr. Abate is working on include an includes historical background and appendices on essay on the spiritual aspects of baseball (“looking for nicknames/descriptors, changes of surname, and stage a publisher”) and a travel and personal essay names/pseudonyms. He is currently working on a book provisionally entitled On Making a Left Turn: in Turkish on the same topic to be followed by The Rediscovering Ohio State and Hello, Columbus. He Story of Turkish Surnames, Volume II. 2 Ehrensperger Report 2006 He concludes that “many scholarly studies on all Thomas L.
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