Admonitions for Women. See Applico.Tion

Admonitions for Women. See Applico.Tion

Index Note: Chinese names and terms are alphabetized by character. Admonitionsfor Women. See Ban Zhao Chen Zhen, 82, 85, 131-133 Cheng Yi, 173n. 11 Analects (Lunyu) , 8, 14, 20, 30-31, 35, Cheng z.hi wen z.hi, 36, 52, 54, 57; and 49-50, 54, 102, 116-117, 167n. 34 other proposed titles, 17ln. 2. See Applico.tion of Equilibrium ( Zhongyong) , also Guodian manuscripts 14, 21, 117. See also Confucianism Chinese language, 3, 119, 210n. 4. SU archaeology, 3-5 also Old Chinese Aristotle. See Rhetoric Chu (state), 5, 26-27, 56, 66-67, 74, 80-87 passim, 101, 115n. 16 Bai Qi, 190n. 26 Chuci. SeeLyrics of Chu Baihu tong. See White Tiger Hall Chunqiu. See springs and Autumns Ban Gu, 114 Chunyu Kun, 7-8, 157n. 35 Ban Zhao: scholarly opinions of, 112- Chunyu fue, 70 114, 117-118; fu-shih Chen on, Cicero, 76, 86, 196n. 73 113-117 Collections of Sayings ( Yucong) , 36. See Bentham, Jeremy, 82 also Guodian manuscripts Bynner, Witter, 120-121, 125-127, Confucianism, 3, 32, 34-37, 53, 56, 130, 132 89, 131, 197n. 8; and Ban Zhao, 114; in Hu ainanz.i, 90-91, 102- Cangjie, 58-59 104, 111, 203n. 64; texts, 5, 71, Carnal Prayer Mat, 119, 194n. 52 121. See also Analects; Applico.tion Chan, Wing-tsit, 122-130 passim, of Equilibrium; Confucius; Erya; 212n. 32 Great LeaminfJ, Mencius; Ode.s; Changes (Yi), 5, 41, 82, 116, 170n. 69, Ritual &curds; Xunzi 175n. 30 Confucius, 14, 37, 49-50, 72, 84, Chao Gongwu, 191n. 1 158n. 45, 169n. 52, 180n. 104, Chen She, 74 183n. 133, 204n. 69, 206n. 81; in Chen, fu-shih, 113-117 Hu.ainanz.i, 101-104, 108; on the 261 262 Index Confucius (cont.) Giles, Herbert A., 19-20, 26, 28 Odes, 26, 29-31, 35, 167nn. 34- Gongshu Ban, 158n. 45 35, 169n. 58. See also Analects; Gongsun Nizi, 56-57, l83nn. 133, 138 Confucianism Gongsun Yang. SeeShang, Lord Graham, A. C., 38, 53, 62, 126--127 Dai Zhen, 38 GreatLearning (Daxu.e) , 102 dao. &eWay Gu Yanwu, 155n. 21 Daode jing, 5, 36, 82; and Ban Zhao, Guanzi, 21, 53 114-117; and Han FeW, 62-64, Guo Pu, 11, 13 186n. 19; translations of, 119- Guodian manuscripts, 5, 32, 67, 133. Seealso Guodian manu­ 211n. 13; difficulty of, 37; on scripts, Mawangdui manuscripts humanity (ren),39, 53-54, 57; Daxu.e. See GreatLearning and identity of tomb occupant, de, 127-128, 212n. 43 17ln. 1; on morality (yi), 38-41, De inventione, 86. Seealso Cicero 53-54, 57; on music, 37, 41, 46-- De oratore, 76. Seealso Cicero 49, 52, 57; on qing, 39, 43, 48, Director of Destiny, 188n. 35 173n. 18; on ritual, 37, 43, 57; on Discourses of theStates, 20, 23, 118 the ruler, 45-46, 57; on the Way, Divine Farmer (Shennong) , 101. See 37, 44, 52, 57; on xing, 38-39, 52, also sages 55, 57; and Xunzi, 36-57.See Documents (Shu) , 4Q-41, 70, 82, also Chengzhi wenzhi; Collections 174n. 27, 175n. 30 of Sayings; Daode jing; Failure and Dong Wanggong, 161n. 62 Success Depend on Time; Five Forms Dong Zhongshu, 178n. 81 of Conduct; Honoring Virtue and Morality;]e t-BlacA Robes; manu­ Erya, 11, 13 scripts; SmForms of Virtue; Tang and Yu; Way of Integrity and Trust­ Failure and Success Depend on Time worthiness; Xing Emergesfrom the (Qjongdayi shi) , 36, 49-50, Endowment 180n. 93. Seealso Guodian Guoyu. See Discourses of the States manuscripts Fan Wuqi, 190n. 26 Han (dynasty) , 4, 20-21, 71, 73, 114- Fi lialPiety, Canon ( Xi aojing) , 20 115; Empress Dowager Deng of, First Emperor of Qin. See Qin, First 113 Emperor of Han (state), 68, 79-80 Five Forms of Conduct (Wuxing) , 21, 32- Han Fei, 21, 70, 89, 92-95, 157n. 45; 34, 36, 49, 179n. 83, 181n. 112. on gongand si, 58-62, 65; and See also Guodian manuscripts; LaoU, 62-64, 186n. 19; and Li Si, Mawangdui manuscripts 68-69, 74; on persuasion, 61-62, Fu Xuan, 185n. 11 65, 79; on the Way, 61-65; on Fusu, 72-73 word and deed (xingming) , 60, 63-64, 187n. 27 Gan Luo, 196n. 83 Han, History of (Hanshu), 4 Gan Mao, 84-85, 196n. 83 Han Odes, Outer Commentary (Han-Shi Gaozi, 39-4Q, 53-57, 173n. 11, waiz.huan) , 21 183n. 139 Hao Yixing, 11, 13 ghosts, 7, 23, 102 Honoring Vi rtue and Morality (Zun Index 263 deyi), 36, 46, 55-56. Seealso Liu An, 90, 98, 202n. 42 Guodian manuscripts Liu Xiang, 76, 95, 191n. 8 Horizontal and Vertical alliances, 59- Liude. See Sm Forms of Virtue 60 Lu (state), 28-29, 83, 102, 180n. 104; Huainanzi, 202n. 42, 206n. 80; on Lord Zhuang of, 156n. 26 benefiting the people, 90-91, LliBuwei, 67-68. See also Lil, springs 99-100, 104; classification of, and Autumns 90-91, 111; on Confucius, Lii., springs and Autumns of (Lii.shi 101-104, 108; on delegating chunqiu),8, 21, 23, 26, 29-30, 35, responsibility, 92-93, 96-99, 94, 205n. 73; on music, 106-107. 103-104; on influencing the Seealso LliBuwei people, 100-101, 108-110; on Lyrics of Chu ( Chuci), 116-117 nonaction, 90-92, 97-98, 101; on qi, 105-111; on technique, 93-95; manuscripts (bamboo and silk) , 4-5, on the Way, 92, 97-98, 108 21, 36. Seealso Guodian manu­ Hu Shi, 90 scripts; Mawangdui manuscripts; Huhai. SeeQin, Second Emperor of Shanghai Museum manuscripts; Hui Shi, 83 Shuihudi manuscripts human nature. See xing Mao Chang, 20 humanity (rm), 14, 39, 49, 53-54, 91, Mao Heng, 20 100, 102 Mawangdui manuscripts, 4-5, 32, 37, 49, 123. See also Daodejing; Five Institutio oratoria, 78 Forms of Conduct; manuscripts Mencius, 37, 49, 101, 158n. 45, Jakobson, Roman, 17 194n. 52, 196n. 76; and Gaozi, 39, Jet -Blade Robes (Ziyi), 21, 36, 45-46, 50, 53-57, 173n. 11, 184n. 139; on 56-57, 172n. 6. See alsoGuodian the Odes, 20, 22-24, 34-35; manuscripts paronomasia in, 15-17; on xing, Jie, 43 38. See also Confucianism Jin (state), 26-29, 111, 168n. 41; Lord Meng Ben, 82-83, 102, 203n. 61 Wen of, 9-10, 157n. 44; Tangshu Meng Tian, 72-73, 190n. 26 Yu of, 161n. 61 Mengchang, Lord, 88 Jing Ke,191n. 26 Miles, Thomas H., 120-122, 124-125, Juvenal, 78 132 Mitchell, Stephen, 120-122, 124-133 Kiang Kang-hu, 120, 211n. 9 Mohism, 3, 35, 47-48, 90, 103-104, 111, 165n. 19, 170n. 67, 197n. 8, Laozi. See Daodejing 203n. 59. See alsoMozi Le Guin, Ursula K., 120, 122-125, Mozi, 7, 20, 23, 156n. 32, 158n. 45, 130-133 177n. 62, 184n. 139, 204n. 69. See LiSi, 66-67; and biblioclasm, 70-72; also Mohism on bureaucracy, 69-70, 75; and music, 40-41, 46-49, 105-108, First Emperor of Qin, 67-69, 71; 177n. 69, 205n. 80, 206n. 81, and Han Fei, 68-69, 74; and 207n. 93 Xunzi, 67-69, 72; and Zhao Gao, 72-74, 204n. 69. Seealso Qin names. See personal names, rectifying LiYo u, 72,74 names 264 Index Ning Qi, 105, 205nn. 79-80 Reccmls of theHi stoTian (Shift) , 66, 68, nonaction (wuwea), 63, 90-92, 97-98, 76. Seealso Sima Qian 101, 110, 199n. 19 rectifying names (zhengming) , 11, 51, Nii.jie. See Ban Zhao 86 ren. Seehumanity Odes (Shi), 19, 40, 70, 115-118, rhetoric, 3, 29, 67, 101, 117, 205n. 73; 174n. 27, 175n. 30; "Airs," 25-26, Chinese and Western compared, 28-29, 34, 166n. 33, 167nn. 34- 77-82, 86, 88, 196n. 73; devices, 35; commentary to, 19-20, 26, 80-87, 186n. 12, 192n. 24; in 34, 163nn. 1,5, 168n. 42, 170n. 70; Han Feizi, 61-62, 65. See also "Elegantiae," 25, 29, 47; Stratagems ofthe Warring States "Hymns," 25, 47; prefaces to, Rheturic (by Aristotle), 76, 79, 86 20, 27, 47, 163n. 5, 166n. 27; Rheturica adHerennium, 76 references to, 20-35, 82, 135- Rites (Li), 12, 40-41, 47, 56, 116, 151. Seealso Confucianism 174n. 27, 175n. 30. See also Old Chinese, 14-17, 207n. 97. Seealso Application ofEquilibrium; Chinese language Confucianism; GreatLearning; Jet­ Black Rnbes; &cord of Music paronomasia, 3, 14-17, 207n. 97 Rnmance of the Three Kingdoms ( Sanguo Persius, 78 yanyi) , 118 personal names, 3, 6-11, 156n. 32, Rnuputuan. See CarnalPrayer Mat 157nn. 38, 44-45. Seealso Ryle, Gilbert, 2. See also thick posthumous names; rectifying description names posthumous names, 6, 10, 155n. 25, Sages, 41-42, 44, 47-48, 57, 100-101, 158n. 47. Seealso personal names; 103, 110-111, 126-127, 129, rectifYing names 172n. 4 Pound, Ezra, 210n. 6 Sanguo yanyi. See Rnmance of theTh ree Kingdoms Qi (state), 5, 28, 80, 83-85, 109; Lord Saussure, Ferdinand de, 17 Huan of, 105, 111, 205nn. 79- Second Emperor of Qin. See Qin, 80 Second Emperor of Qin (state), 26-27, 59-60, 79-80, 85, Seneca the Elder, 78, 81-82 190n. 26; biblioclasm, 70-72; Shakespeare, 81, 119 bureaucracy, 69-70; First Shang (dynasty) ,156n. 25; King Emperor of, 67-69, 71-73; laws, Pangeng of, 158n. 45; King Tang 5-6, 155nn. 18, 20; Lord Mu of, of, 103, 176n. 46 111; Queen Dowager Xuan of, Shang, Lord, 5, 155n. 17, 187n. 23 83; Second Emperor of, 72-74, Shanghai Museum manuscripts, 37, 200n. 32, 204n. 69. See also li Si; 163n. 5, 166n. 29, 167n. 35, Shuihudi manuscripts 174n. 27, 180n. 104. See also Qjongdayi shi. See Failure and Success manuscripts Depend on Time Shen Buhai, 63-65, 93-95, 98, 110, Quine, W.

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