2011 POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS Hardap Regional tables based on 4th Delimitation Basic tables with estimated figures Foreword Foreword The first Population and Housing Census in an independent Namibia was conducted in 1991. Since then, a Census has been undertaken every ten years, and the 2011 Population and Housing Census marks Namibia’s third census since independence in 1990. The Census is demonstrative of the Namibia Statistics Agency’s (NSA) commitment to providing relevant and quality statistics to support decision making, policy formulation and monitoring of development programmes. The regional tables present the results of the 2011 Namibia Population and Housing Census for the Hardap Region. The regional tables compliment the regional profiles report to accommodate the changes introduced by the 4th Delimitation Commission. The information provided include total population, fertility, mortality, education, labour force and households condition/characteristics for the region and constituencies. Indicators not provided herein, can be provide to users upon request. We are hopeful that the users will find its contents useful for their decision making and planning purposes, including business investments. Our commitment is to ensure that all statistics required by our users are readily available. DR. JOHN STEYTLER STATISTICIAN GENERAL NAMIBIA STATISTICS AGENCY 2011 Population and Housing Census i Content Contents Foreword ................................................................................................................................................... i Contents ................................................................................................................................................... ii 1. Background .......................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Population Structure ............................................................................................................................ 2 3. Population Characteristics ................................................................................................................... 6 4. Population Trends ................................................................................................................................ 8 5. Socio-Economic Characteristics ......................................................................................................... 17 6. Household Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 44 7. Housing Characteristics ...................................................................................................................... 48 2011 Population and Housing Census ii Chapter 1: Background 1.1 Background Hardap Region is one of the fourteen regions of Namibia that was affected by the 4th Delimitation Commission and announced in the Government Gazette of August 2013, its capital is Mariental. The NSA saw the need of producing additional tables to accommodate the changes introduced by the 4th Delimitation Commission. The information provided include total population, fertility, mortality, education, labour force and households condition/characteristics for the region. Hardap region comprises of six (8) constituencies, namely: Aranos, Daweb, Gibeon, Mariental Rural, Mariental Urban, Rehoboth East Urban, Rehoboth Rural and Rehoboth West Urban. 2011 Population and Housing Census 1 Chapter 2: Population Structure Table 2.1 Total population by sex and single years, Hardap Age Total Female Male Age Total Female Male 0 2022 978 1044 49 807 397 410 1 1904 937 967 50 756 392 364 2 1832 940 892 51 653 339 314 3 1843 952 891 52 644 331 313 4 1891 902 989 53 630 321 309 5 1854 931 923 54 613 315 298 6 1782 925 857 55 529 269 260 7 1507 735 772 56 533 274 259 8 1682 848 834 57 449 197 252 9 1530 741 789 58 535 266 269 10 1672 807 865 59 560 276 284 11 1945 948 997 60 501 259 242 12 1558 762 796 61 402 218 184 13 1693 869 824 62 448 224 224 14 1562 777 785 63 402 205 197 15 1539 782 757 64 389 205 184 16 1527 795 732 65 376 213 163 17 1346 648 698 66 274 142 132 18 1589 777 812 67 279 142 137 19 1545 761 784 68 267 161 106 20 1638 764 874 69 272 146 126 21 1619 768 851 70 235 125 110 22 1395 628 767 71 210 106 104 23 1511 739 772 72 216 125 91 24 1371 622 749 73 215 120 95 25 1447 675 772 74 205 113 92 26 1387 637 750 75 179 107 72 27 1323 631 692 76 187 109 78 28 1316 593 723 77 140 77 63 29 1282 593 689 78 118 60 58 30 1257 576 681 79 99 62 37 31 1206 551 655 80 104 70 34 32 1216 561 655 81 90 51 39 33 1061 503 558 82 93 58 35 34 1038 446 592 83 68 43 25 35 1050 468 582 84 47 27 20 36 1025 465 560 85 57 34 23 37 883 426 457 86 44 26 18 38 1048 499 549 87 44 34 10 39 1010 479 531 88 30 18 12 40 1016 504 512 89 29 21 8 41 892 414 478 90 29 15 14 42 967 475 492 91 21 14 7 43 924 472 452 92 14 5 9 44 795 396 399 93 17 12 5 45 929 437 492 94 18 12 6 46 708 354 354 95+ 63 36 27 47 678 323 355 Total 79507 38935 40572 48 801 349 452 2011 Population and Housing Census 2 Chapter 2: Population Structure Table 2.2 Population distribution by age Table 2.4 Population distribution by age group and sex, Hardap group and sex, Daweb Age group Total Female Male Age group Total Female Male Total 79 507 38 935 40 572 Total 5 768 2 780 2 988 0 - 4 9 492 4 709 4 783 0 - 4 635 323 312 5 - 9 8 355 4 180 4 175 5 - 9 637 316 321 10 - 14 8 430 4 163 4 267 10 - 14 600 305 295 15 - 19 7 546 3 763 3 783 15 - 19 425 228 197 20 - 24 7 534 3 521 4 013 20 - 24 499 244 255 25 - 29 6 755 3 129 3 626 25 - 29 577 265 312 30 - 34 5 778 2 637 3 141 30 - 34 486 215 271 35 - 39 5 016 2 337 2 679 35 - 39 343 144 199 40 - 44 4 594 2 261 2 333 40 - 44 329 137 192 45 - 49 3 923 1 860 2 063 45 - 49 274 128 146 50 - 54 3 296 1 698 1 598 50 - 54 234 111 123 55 - 59 2 606 1 282 1 324 55 - 59 228 106 122 60 - 64 2 142 1 111 1 031 60 - 64 183 87 96 65 - 69 1 468 804 664 65 - 69 112 62 50 70 - 74 1 081 589 492 70 - 74 84 38 46 75 - 79 723 415 308 75 - 79 60 34 26 80 - 84 402 249 153 80 - 84 33 23 10 85 - 89 204 133 71 85 - 89 18 11 7 90 - 94 99 58 41 90 - 94 3 1 2 95+ 63 36 27 95+ 8 2 6 Table 2.3 Population distribution by age Table 2.5 Population distribution by age group and sex, Aranos group and sex, Gibeon Age group Total Female Male Age group Total Female Male Total 8 528 4 150 4 378 Total 6 354 3 053 3 301 0 - 4 1 100 544 556 0 - 4 852 409 443 5 - 9 951 475 476 5 - 9 759 383 376 10 - 14 970 480 490 10 - 14 737 368 369 15 - 19 793 403 390 15 - 19 589 269 320 20 - 24 826 371 455 20 - 24 512 241 271 25 - 29 704 327 377 25 - 29 426 192 234 30 - 34 593 269 324 30 - 34 380 169 211 35 - 39 490 235 255 35 - 39 292 138 154 40 - 44 502 242 260 40 - 44 307 142 165 45 - 49 361 170 191 45 - 49 306 136 170 50 - 54 358 173 185 50 - 54 263 139 124 55 - 59 258 125 133 55 - 59 244 102 142 60 - 64 232 127 105 60 - 64 232 107 125 65 - 69 146 71 75 65 - 69 154 82 72 70 - 74 96 54 42 70 - 74 131 73 58 75 - 79 83 48 35 75 - 79 78 47 31 80 - 84 34 21 13 80 - 84 51 29 22 85 - 89 12 6 6 85 - 89 19 11 8 90 - 94 13 5 8 90 - 94 10 9 1 95+ 6 4 2 95+ 12 7 5 2011 Population and Housing Census 3 Chapter 2: Population Structure Table 2.6 Population distribution by age Table 2.8 Population distribution by age group and sex, Mariental Rural group and sex, Rehoboth Rural Age group Total Female Male Age group Total Female Male Total 6 780 3 289 3 491 Total 7 591 3 362 4 229 0 - 4 867 447 420 0 - 4 901 457 444 5 - 9 760 373 387 5 - 9 841 394 447 10 - 14 796 387 409 10 - 14 749 379 370 15 - 19 657 313 344 15 - 19 614 267 347 20 - 24 618 291 327 20 - 24 671 254 417 25 - 29 583 281 302 25 - 29 549 219 330 30 - 34 444 203 241 30 - 34 475 173 302 35 - 39 399 180 219 35 - 39 438 184 254 40 - 44 329 140 189 40 - 44 397 157 240 45 - 49 317 161 156 45 - 49 362 140 222 50 - 54 263 129 134 50 - 54 386 177 209 55 - 59 207 92 115 55 - 59 331 149 182 60 - 64 174 93 81 60 - 64 299 130 169 65 - 69 134 67 67 65 - 69 200 97 103 70 - 74 102 51 51 70 - 74 154 69 85 75 - 79 65 38 27 75 - 79 110 59 51 80 - 84 31 19 12 80 - 84 57 22 35 85 - 89 17 11 6 85 - 89 27 19 8 90 - 94 12 10 2 90 - 94 17 9 8 95+ 5 3 2 95+ 13 7 6 Table 2.7 Population distribution by age Table 2.10 Population distribution by age group and sex, Mariental Urban group and sex, Rehoboth Urban West Age group Total Female Male Age group Total Female Male Total 15 254 7 365 7 889 Total 11 197 5 745 5 452 0 - 4 1 785 907 878 0 - 4 1 200 607 593 5 - 9 1 556 785 771 5 - 9 999 505 494 10 - 14 1 599 833 766 10 - 14 1 107 530 577 15 - 19 1 466 748 718 15 - 19 1 110 549 561 20 - 24 1 568 722 846 20 - 24 970 488 482 25 - 29 1 524 662 862 25 - 29 851 407 444 30 - 34 1 307 587 720 30 - 34 786 388 398 35 - 39 1 038 444 594 35 - 39 850 436 414 40 - 44 906 413 493 40 - 44 741 419 322 45 - 49 769 339 430 45 - 49 660 340 320 50 - 54 547 270 277 50 - 54 553 308 245 55 - 59 377 176 201 55 - 59 408 213 195 60 - 64 287 148 139 60 - 64 324 185 139 65 - 69 187 114 73 65 - 69 242 138 104 70 - 74 139 90 49 70 - 74 189 107 82 75 - 79 84 45 39 75 - 79 106 61 45 80 - 84 60 46 14 80 - 84 61 41 20 85 - 89 30 23 7 85 - 89 32 19 13 90 - 94 18 8 10 90 - 94 5 3 2 95+ 7 5 2 95+ 3 1 2 2011 Population and Housing Census 4 Chapter 2: Population Structure Table 2.9 Population distribution by age group and sex, Rehoboth Urban East Age group Total Female Male Total 18 035 9 191 8 844 0 - 4 2 152 1 015 1 137 5 - 9 1 852 949 903 10 - 14 1 872 881 991 15 - 19 1 892 986 906 20 - 24 1 870 910 960
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