BECIL aR€ Broadcast Engineering Consultants Inrdia Limited (A Government of lndia tinterprises-Under ministry of lnformation and Broodcosting) Request for Expression of Interrest (lnvited through e-Tendering mode only) For SHORTTISTING OF AGENCIESFOR "CARRYING OUT NIANPOWER AUDIT FOR PRASAR ITHARATT' Tender No. BECI L/PBlManPoruerAudit/EOl/01 Dated: O4lO9l2Ot7 Description of task, e-tender submission format and procedure is prorvided in the Eol document available on BECIL Website (www.becil.com), Prasar Bharati Website (www.prasarbharati.gov.in) and e-tendering Website (h!!gs://becil.e-wizard.in/tenderl) & (lvww.eprocure.gov.in) Eol Release Date 04/09/2017 Pre-Bid lVleeting L5/O9/2OL7 Last Date of Submission (Online ONIY) 06/t0/2or7 L500 Hours Date of Opening of Proposals 06/L0/2Afi 1530 Hours Note: Online registration to be done on e-tendering websiter i.e. https://bgcil.e- wizard.in/tender/& in general,, activation of registration may take 24 lnours or more subject to the submission of all relevant documents required in the process. BROADCAST ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INDIA LTD Head Office: L4-E Ring Road, lP Estate, New Delhi-110002 Tel: +91 L123378823 Fax:91 tL2337988a; Corporate Office: 56-AlL7, Block-C, Sector-62, Noicla-201307 Tel: +91 L20 4L77850 Fax: +9L I2O 4177879 @ A,*\ ;$trffi: BECIL af{+€ Table of Contents Instructions to the Bidders....... ........4 T.L Standard Definitions ................4 L.2 Eol Information............ ............5 1,.2.L EMD........... .......................5 L2.2 Processing Fee............. ........................6 1,.2.3 E-tender Proce:;sing Fee............. .........6 L.2.4 lmportant Notice to allthe Bidders .......................0 1.3 Terms & Conditions of the Eo|.............. .........................7 1.3.1 Conditions under which this Eol is issued ..............7 1.3.2 Rights to the content of the proposal..... ...............7 1.3.3 Acknowledgment of Understanding of Terms ..........................8 L.3.4 Pre-Bid Meeting and Clarifications.......... ..............8 1.3.5 Clarifications and Amendments of Eoldocument............. ..........................9 1.3.5 Preparation of the Proposal ................9 I.3.7 Submission of the Proposal..... ..........10 L.3.8 Proposal Validity ............10 1.3.9 Stage subsequent to Eo1.......... ..........10 L.4 General conditions of the Eo1.............. ......11 1,.4.L Confidentiality.............. ..................... 11 L4.2 Conflict of Interest .........11 1..4.3 Right to accept or reject any or all proposals ................. ........L2 L.4.4 Fraud and corrupt practices..... .........12 L.4.5 Agency's code <lf conduct and business ethics .......................13 Purpose of Eol & Broad Sr:ope of Work ............15 2.I Background .........15 2.L.1, Prasar Bharati (PB) ............ ................15 2.L.2 All India Radio (AlR). .......15 2.L.3 Doordarshan (DrD) ..........L7 2.2 Broad Scope of Worlk .............18 2.3 Inputs to be provided by Prasar Bharati to the selected agency....... ................19 Qualification Criteria & Proposal Evaluation ....rO p^.jbh (\V[ 3.1 Qualification Criteriar ................8.r....fl)^*rq................. .............20 Page 2 o 1ffJ' 4.1 Annexure 1: ProposalCovering Letter (On Bidder's Le{ter HearJ) .....................23 4.2 Annexure 2: Bidder's General Information (On Bidder's Letter Head).................................24 4.3 Annexure 3: Declaration Letter (On Bidder's Letter Hebd).......... ......................25 4.4 Annexure 4: Acceptance Letter (On Bidder's Letter Hebd).......... ......................26 4.5 Annexure 5: Formats for submission of information in proposal. .....................27 4.5.1 Detail of Work Experience (on bidder's Letter Hebd)......... .......................27 4.5.2 Proposed Team Members (Key Personnel) (on biflder's Letter Head) ......28 4.5.3 FinancialStrength of the Bidder (on bidder's LettBr Head,1......... ..............29 4.5.4 Comments /suggestions on ToR/ Scope of Work (on bidder's Letter Head)................30 Appendixes ..................31 5.1 Appendix L: Brief Details of total strength of DD and 41R............. ....................31 5.2 Appendix 2: Details of Doordarshan Network .............1... ...............33 5.3 Appendix 3: Details of All India Radio Network...........1. .................34 w -Y ..: .":..o-Jl$.,oto. -,t#l€-ffi" o;,:?,'.1',?:;5JzA'* Page 3 of 34 EAt for Shorttisting of Agencies for "Carrying out Monpower Aldit for Prasor Bhorati" BECIL aRr€ 1, lrusrnucroNs To l-HE Btboens t.t SrRruonno Drrtrurrron:; 1. BECIL Means Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited, A Government of India Enterprises - Under Ministry of In- formation and Broadcasting, responsible for shortlisting of agencies as per the requirements of Prasar Bharati. 2. Bidder/ Agenclr Means any interested and eligible entity either company registered under Companies Act1956/2013 OR firm regis- tered under Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)Act, 2008 OR Registered lnstitution/ Autonomous Body of Central/ State Government OR Society Registered under Societies Registration Act who submit their proposals that may provide or provides the Services to the Prasar Bharti un- der the Contract. 3. Contract Means the Contract signed by the Parties and all the at- tached documents listed, i.e. Terms of Reference, the General Conditions and the Appendices. 4. Project Specific In- Means such part of the lnstructions to Bidders used to formation reflect specific project and assignment conditions. 5. Day Means calendar day 6. Government Means the Government of India 7. Instructions to Bid- Means the document, which provides bidders with all in- ders formation needed to prepare their proposals. 8. Personnel Means professionals and support staff provided by the bidder. 9. Proposal Means the Technical Proposal and the Financial proposal read separately and also together 10. Eol Means the Expression of Interest prepared by the BECIL for the shortlisting of Agencies. L1. Assignmentflob Means the work to be performed by the bidder pursuant to the Contract. 12. RfP RfP means the document issued to the shortlisted bid- ders/ agencies which includesterms and conditions, the objectives, scope of work, activities, tasks to be per- formed, respective responsibilities of the prasar Bharti and the bidder, and expected results and deliverables of the Assignments/job. 13. E-Wizard Means e-procurement software product for end-to-end solution for e-Tendering, e-Procurement and e-Auction. lt is an exclusively web-based G2B (Government to Busi- ness) product for buying goods and services through quo- tations (RfO/RfP), tenders (limited, LCB, NCB, tCB), cata- logues, reverse auctions and selling goods through ten- der-cum-auction. ?age4otry;ft!ft' Eol for Shortlisting of Agencies for "ca1rying out Manpower Audit prosor Bhqrati,, for '-\BEclL/ '-?"\--,'Jtill ,rr!.1 '\-4* I.2 Eol lruronvAloN s. Description Remarks No. L Name of Assignment Shortlisting of agenciets for "carrying out man- power audit for Prasar Bharati" 2. Tender Reference No. B ECI L/PB/Ma n Powe rl\ud itlEO l/01 3. Tender Type Open 4. Tender Mode e-procurement 5. Eol Release Date 04/09/2017 6. Pre-bid meeting ts/09/2oL7 7. Last Date of Suhmission 06/rol2or7 8. Date of Opening of Proposals 06lrol2or7 9. Location of Proposal Opening The Ch ai rm o n o n d M tgggjlg_DjtqqlgL Broodcast Eneineerinq Consultonts lndia Limited, 56-A/77. Block-C. Seclor -02, Noiaa -20lW 10. Contact Details for corres- Shri W.B. Prasad (Genreral Manager, BECIL)/ pondence Shri Pankaj Giri (Assistant Manager, BECIL) 11. EolCategory Works/ Services T2, Earnest Money Deposit r 2,00.000/- L3. Processing Fee (non- < 10,000/- refundable) L4, e-tender Processing Fee (non- t 3,540/- (ln the form of DD in favor of lTl Limited refundable) Pavable at New Delhi) 15. Proposal Va lidity period 12 Months f!!m thejlav of openins of the Pro- posal 16. Period of Contract 6Monthsfrointhediry 77. Contact Details; of E-Wizard Mr. AweshTvaei: +91-9205898224 1.3, Mr. Birendra: +91-92(15898228 \q \.\ Helpdesk (10i00AM t,o 6:00PM): 01"1-49606050 'Bahker's Cheque for an amount of { 2.00,000/- from any scherduled bank payable at New Delhi in favor of "DDO, Prasar Elharati, New Delhi". The EMD shall be deposited at BRoAD- cnsr Enernerntruc Corrrsulrnnrs lt[prA LrMrrEp, 56-A/17. BLocK-C, Sscron -62, Nolol -201307 Page 5 of 34 EOI for Shortlisting of Agencies for "Carrying out Monpower AuQit for Prosar Bhoroti" ".ff* (U.P.). The EMD of unsuccessful bidder/s will be returned after the Shortlisting. EMD of suc- cessful bidders will retained till completion of RfP Process. lt will be returned after accep- tance of work order consequent to RfP Process ancl submission of PBG (Performance Bank Guarantee) of requisite value by the successful biddelr. I.2.2 Processing Fee The proposal shall be accompanied by a non-refunrJable processing fee of an amount of { 10.000/- (Non-refuntlable) by way of Demand Draft Bankers Cheque payable in the favor of "Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited, New Delhi" from any scheduled bank. The Processing Fee :;hall be deposited at BRoApcAs'GwslNErnrNe Cor{sulrerurs lNora Lrnnmo, 56-A/17. Blocr-C. Ser:ron -62. Noron -201307 (U.p.). 1.2.3 E-tender Processing Fee The proposal shall ak;o be accompanied by a non-refundable e-tender processing fee of an amount of { 3,540/- ilNon-refundable) by way of Derrnand Draft Bankers Cheque payable in the favor of "[!!!I[!]ted, New Delhi" payable at Delhi from any scheduled bank. The Processing Fee shall lle deposited
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