LG Approved Workplan Vote:507 Busia District FY 2019/20 Foreword The Detailed Budget Estimates and Performance Contract are prepared in line with Section 13 (7) of the Public Finance Management Act (2015), and it requires Detailed Budget Estimates to be presented in Parliament by 1st April to facilitate review, approval and appropriation by 31VW0D\7KHSUHSDUDWLRQRIWKHVH%XGJHW(VWLPDWHVFRPPHQFHGZLWKDUHYLHZDQGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRIWKH National Policy Direction through the Budget Call Circular and Sector Guidelines for the FY 2019/2020 which was followed with holding of a Budget conference that was held on 14/11/2018 at the 'LVWULFW&RXQFLO+DOODQGSUHSDUDWLRQRIWKH%XGJHW)UDPHZRUN3DSHU7KHFRQIHUHQFHSDUWLFLSDQWVLQFOXGHGWKH3ROLWLFDODQG7HFKQLFDOOHDGHUV(OGHUV'RQRU1*2UHSUHVHQWDWLYHVVSHFLILFDOO\ )2:2'(:RUOG9LVLRQ&KLOG)XQGB%8$&2)(5KLWHV(&:DWHU6FKRRO8JDQGD5HG&URVV%XVLD%UDQFKHWF7KHYLHZVJDWKHUHGIURPWKH&RQIHUHQFHDQGRWKHU3ROLF\GRFXPHQWVIRUPHGWKH EDVLVIRUSUHSDUDWLRQRIWKHSDSHUDPRQJWKHPZDVWRHQVXUHWKDW*HQGHUDQG(TXLW\LVVXHVLQSODQQLQJDQGEXGJHWLQJSURFHVVDUHDGGUHVVHG7KH'LVWULFWFRQWLQXHVWRFRPPLWDWOHDVW5% of the %XGJHWH[FOXVLYHO\WRDGGUHVV*HQGHUFRQFHUQVDQGDOOSURMHFWVSURJUDPPHVPXVWUHIOHFWD'LVWULFWZLGHUHSUHVHQWDWLRQDQGZLWKDIRFXVRQYXOQHUDELOLW\RIWKHGLIIHUHQWSRSXODWLRQFDWHJRULHV Otherwise, the overall budgetary provision is expected to increase by 3.83% i.e from Ushs. 31,375,686,000 up to Ushs. 32,578,651,000 and these are expected from District Discretionary (TXDOLVDWLRQ*UDQWSHQVLRQDQGJUDWXLW\DOORFDWLRQVDQGVHFWRUFRQGLWLRQDOJUDQWZDJHDQGQRQZDJHIRU+HDOWKDQG(GXFDWLRQ6HFWRUV)LQDOO\,FDOOXSRQDOOVWDNHKROGHUVWRIXOILOWKHDVSLUDWLRQVRI the people of Busia District. For God and My Country. Balisanyuka Joseph Generated on 21/07/2019 04:32 1 LG Approved Workplan Vote:507 Busia District FY 2019/20 SECTION A: Workplans for HLG Workplan 1a Administration Quarterly Workplan Outputs for FY 2019/20 Ushs Thousands Approved Budget Expenditure and Annual Planned Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 and Outputs for Outputs by end Spending and Planned Spending Planned Planned Spending Planned Spending FY 2018/19 March for FY Outputs FY and Outputs Spending and and Outputs and Outputs 2018/19 2019/20 Outputs Programme: 13 81 District and Urban Administration Class Of OutPut: Higher LG Services Output: 13 81 01Operation of the Administration Department Generated on 21/07/2019 04:32 2 LG Approved Workplan Vote:507 Busia District FY 2019/20 Non Standard Outputs: (1). Administration (1). Administration (1) Consultative (1) Consultative (1) Consultative (1) Consultative (1) Consultative office operations office operations meetings carried meetings carried in meetings carried in meetings carried in meetings carried in supported supported (2). out with different diferent line diferent line diferent line diferent line (2). National Days Consultations and line ministries, ministries, ministries, ministries, ministries, marked reviews held with workshops workshops workshops workshops workshops (Independence Day, line ministries and attended, Court attended, Court and attended, Court attended, Court and attended, Court and NRM Day, communities (3). and Legal charges Legal charges and Legal charges Legal charges Legal charges Womens Day to Court/Legal managed, Office managed managed managed managed take care of Gender services supported operations Awareness issues (4). Workshops supported, Barazas and concerns, and supported(1). handled (1) Labour Day) Administration Holding of (3). Consultations office operations consultative and reviews held supported (2). meetings with line with line ministries National Days ministries (2) and communities marked Attending (4). Court/Legal (Independence workshops (3) services supported Day) (3). Handling of Court (4). Workshops Consultations and and Legal issues supported(i). reviews held with (4). Facilitation Procuring of office line ministries and operations of the stationery and other communities (4). office supplies Court/Legal (ii). Facilitating services supported officials to attend to (5). Workshops Court cases supported (iii). Sensitising the public about government programmes and increasing gender awareness (iv). Organising and holding of Public functions (v). Attending workshops and reviews (vi). Maintaining of security of persons and property Wage Rec't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non Wage Rec't: 86,384 64,788 89,759 22,440 22,440 22,440 22,440 Domestic Dev't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 External Financing: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Generated on 21/07/2019 04:32 3 LG Approved Workplan Vote:507 Busia District FY 2019/20 Total For KeyOutput 86,384 64,788 89,759 22,440 22,440 22,440 22,440 Output: 13 81 02Human Resource Management Services %age of LG establish posts filled 58%Seeking 58%of staff 58%of staff 58%of staff 58%of staff clearence for staff recruited and recruited and recruited and recruited and recruitment with posted across the posted across the posted across the posted across the Ministry of Public 14 LLGs and 14 LLGs and 14 LLGs and 14 LLGs and Service, submitting District District District District posts to District Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Service Commission, appointing and posting of staff and ensuring that posting takes care of gender concerns at various workstationsof staff recruited and posted across the 14 LLGs and District Headquarters %age of pensioners paid by 28th of every 100%Processing 100%of the 293 100%of the 293 100%of the 293 100%of the 293 month and paying of Pensioners on Pensioners on Pensioners on Pensioners on pension and record paid record paid record paid record paid gratuity of staff by Pension and Pension and Pension and Pension and every 28th of the Gratuity Gratuity Gratuity Gratuity 293 Pensioners on record paid Pension and Gratuity %age of staff appraised 99%Appraising of 99%Of all staff in 99%Of all staff in 99%Of all staff in 99%Of all staff in staff by supervisors post post post post to be done as requiredOf all staff in post %age of staff whose salaries are paid by 28th 100%Processing 100%Of all staff in 100%Of all staff in 100%Of all staff in 100%Of all staff in of every month monthly wage post post post post performance to the Accounting OfficerOf all staff in post Generated on 21/07/2019 04:32 4 LG Approved Workplan Vote:507 Busia District FY 2019/20 Non Standard Outputs: Reward and Reward and (1). Reward and (1). Reward and (1). Reward and (1). Reward and (1). Reward and Sanction Sanction sanction committee sanction committee sanction sanction committee sanction committee Committee Committee operations operations committee operations operations meetings held, meetings held, supported (2). supported operations supported supported Training Training Training committee (2). Training supported (2). Training (2). Training Committee Committee operations committee (2). Training committee committee Meetings held, Meetings held, supported Holding operations committee operations operations Burial activities Burial activities of committee supported operations supported supported supportedOrganisin supportedReward meetings and supported g and holding of and Sanction sharing minutes meetings, sharing Committee of reports/minutes meetings held, Training Committee Meetings held, Burial activities supported Wage Rec't: 353,841 265,380 385,477 96,369 96,369 96,369 96,369 Non Wage Rec't: 1,652,745 1,239,556 2,923,902 730,975 730,975 730,975 730,975 Domestic Dev't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 External Financing: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total For KeyOutput 2,006,586 1,504,936 3,309,379 827,345 827,345 827,345 827,345 Output: 13 81 04Supervision of Sub County programme implementation Non Standard Outputs: 14 LLG supervised 14 LLG supervised Approved Projects Approved Projects Approved Projects Approved Projects Approved Projects and government and government and programmes and programmes and programmes and programmes and programmes programmes programmes monitored and monitored and monitored and monitored and monitored and monitored and monitored and supervisedCarrying supervised supervised supervised supervised reports shared on a reports shared on a out field quarterly quarterly basis.14 monitoring to all basis.Conducting LLG supervised 14 Lower Local field exercises, and government Governments and holding of meetings programmes sharing reports to share reports and monitored and following up reports shared on a actions for effective quarterly basis. service delivery, monitoring of PRDP activities with RDC and submission of reports to Office of the Prime Minister Generated on 21/07/2019 04:32 5 LG Approved Workplan Vote:507 Busia District FY 2019/20 Wage Rec't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non Wage Rec't: 24,000 18,000 24,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Domestic Dev't: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 External Financing: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total For KeyOutput 24,000 18,000 24,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Output: 13 81 05Public Information Dissemination Non Standard Outputs: District image District image (1). District (1). District (1). District (1). District (1). District promotedHolding promotedDistrict Internet Services Internet Services Internet Services Internet Services Internet Services of talk shows, image promoted operational (2). Bi- operational operational operational operational Barazas, paying annual Barazas (2). Bi-annual (2). Bi-annual (2). Bi-annual (2). Bi-annual subscription to held (3). Radio talk Barazas held Barazas held Barazas held Barazas held NITA (U), shows held (4). (3). Radio talk (3). Radio talk (3). Radio talk (3). Radio talk Designing and Office operations shows held shows held shows held shows held hosting District supported(1). (4). Office (4). Office (4). Office (4).
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