H 8194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE August 2, 1995 Ballenger Funderburk Miller (CA) Walker Weldon (PA) Wise quest of the gentleman from New Barcia Furse Miller (FL) Walsh Weller Wolf York? Barr Gallegly Minge Wamp White Wynn Barrett (NE) Ganske Molinari Ward Whitfield Young (FL) Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, reserv- Barrett (WI) Gekas Mollohan Watts (OK) Wicker Zeliff ing the right to object. It is my under- Bartlett Gephardt Montgomery Weldon (FL) Wilson standing we have been consulted and Barton Geren Moorhead NAYSÐ104 Bass Gilchrest Moran that there is no objection from our Bereuter Gillmor Murtha Abercrombie Gilman Orton side, with the exception of the Commit- Berman Gonzalez Myers Andrews Gordon Owens tee on Resources, and I believe the gen- Bevill Goodlatte Myrick Becerra Green Pastor tleman from New York has taken them Bilirakis Goodling Nethercutt Beilenson Gunderson Pelosi Bishop Goss Neumann Bentsen Gutierrez Petri off the list, since there was objection. Bliley Graham Ney Bilbray Hall (OH) Rahall Mr. SOLOMON. If the gentleman will Blute Greenwood Norwood Boehlert Hastings (FL) Ramstad yield, their name is removed from the Boehner Gutknecht Nussle Brown (CA) Hayes Reed Brown (FL) Hilliard list. Bonilla Hall (TX) Obey Riggs Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I salute Bonior Hamilton Ortiz Bryant (TX) Houghton Rose Bono Hancock Oxley Cardin Johnson (CT) Roukema the gentleman for doing that and I Borski Hansen Packard Castle Johnston Roybal-Allard withdraw my reservation of objection. Boucher Harman Pallone Chapman Kennedy (MA) Schroeder Clayton Kennedy (RI) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Brewster Hastert Parker Scott Clyburn Kennelly objection to the request of the gen- Browder Hastings (WA) Paxon Serrano Coleman Kleczka Brown (OH) Hayworth Payne (NJ) Shaw tleman from New York? Collins (IL) Klink Brownback Hefley Payne (VA) Skaggs There was no objection. Conyers LaFalce Bryant (TN) Hefner Peterson (FL) Slaughter Bunn Heineman Peterson (MN) Crane Lincoln f DeLauro Lowey Stark Bunning Herger Pickett Studds Burr Hilleary Pombo Dellums Luther DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, Deutsch Maloney Thomas Burton Hinchey Pomeroy Thompson HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, Buyer Hobson Porter Doggett Markey Durbin Martinez Torkildsen AND EDUCATION, AND RELATED Callahan Hoekstra Portman Upton Calvert Hoke Poshard Engel McDermott AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS Evans McKinney Velazquez Camp Holden Pryce ACT, 1996 Farr Meehan Vento Canady Horn Quillen Fields (LA) Meyers Waters The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Chabot Hostettler Quinn Filner Mineta Watt (NC) Chambliss Hoyer Radanovich DICKEY). Pursuant to House Resolution Ford Mink Waxman Chenoweth Hunter Rangel 208 and rule XXIII, the Chair declares Fowler Morella Williams Christensen Hutchinson Regula Frank (MA) Nadler Woolsey the House in the Committee of the Chrysler Hyde Richardson Frost Neal Wyden Whole House on the State of the Union Clay Inglis Rivers Gejdenson Oberstar Yates Clement Istook Roberts for the consideration of the bill, H.R. Gibbons Olver Zimmer Clinger Jackson-Lee Roemer 2127. Coble Jefferson Rogers NOT VOTINGÐ7 Coburn Johnson (SD) Rohrabacher b Bateman Reynolds Young (AK) 1237 Collins (GA) Johnson, E.B. Ros-Lehtinen Jacobs Thurman IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Collins (MI) Johnson, Sam Roth Moakley Tucker Combest Jones Royce Accordingly the House resolved itself Condit Kanjorski Rush b 1235 into the Committee of the Whole House Cooley Kaptur Sabo Costello Kasich Salmon Messrs. STARK, OLVER, GORDON, on the State of the Union for the con- Cox Kelly Sanders SERRANO, GILMAN, Ms. DELAURO, sideration of the bill (H.R. 2127) mak- Coyne Kildee Sanford Mrs. COLLINS of Illinois, Ms. ing appropriations for the Departments Cramer Kim Sawyer  of Labor, Health and Human Services, Crapo King Saxton VELAZQUEZ, Ms. WATERS, and Ms. Cremeans Kingston Scarborough MCKINNEY changed their vote from and Education, and related agencies, Cubin Klug Schaefer ``yea'' to ``nay.'' for the fiscal year ending September 30, Cunningham Knollenberg Schiff Mr. COSTELLO and Mr. WISE 1996, and for other purposes, with Mr. Danner Kolbe Schumer ALKER Davis LaHood Seastrand changed their vote from ``nay'' to W in the chair. de la Garza Lantos Sensenbrenner ``yea.'' The Clerk read the title of the bill. Deal Largent Shadegg So the resolution, as amended, was The CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to the DeFazio Latham Shays agreed to. rule, as amended, the bill is considered DeLay LaTourette Shuster Diaz-Balart Laughlin Sisisky The result of the vote was announced as having been read the first time. Dickey Lazio Skeen as above recorded. Under the rule, the gentleman from Dicks Leach Skelton A motion to reconsider was laid on Illinois [Mr. PORTER] and the gen- Dingell Levin Smith (MI) the table. tleman from Wisconsin [Mr. OBEY] will Dixon Lewis (CA) Smith (NJ) Dooley Lewis (GA) Smith (TX) f be recognized for 1 hour and 15 min- Doolittle Lewis (KY) Smith (WA) utes. Dornan Lightfoot Solomon PERMISSION FOR SUNDRY COM- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Doyle Linder Souder MITTEES AND THEIR SUB- from Illinois [Mr. PORTER]. Dreier Lipinski Spence Duncan Livingston Spratt COMMITTEES TO SIT TODAY (Mr. PORTER asked and was given Dunn LoBiondo Stearns DURING 5-MINUTE RULE permission to revise and extend his re- Edwards Lofgren Stenholm Mr. SOLOMON. Mr. Speaker, I ask marks.) Ehlers Longley Stockman Ehrlich Lucas Stokes unanimous consent that the following Mr. PORTER. Mr. Chairman, I yield Emerson Manton Stump committees and their subcommittees myself such time as I may consume. English Manzullo Stupak be permitted to sit today while the Mr. Chairman, this is obviously a Ensign Martini Talent very difficult and contentious bill. It Eshoo Mascara Tanner House is meeting in the Committee of Everett Matsui Tate the Whole under the 5-minute rule. cuts $6.3 billion from discretionary Ewing McCarthy Tauzin Committee on Banking and Financial budget authority of $67.2 billion, reduc- Fattah McCollum Taylor (MS) Services; Committee on International ing it to $60.9 billion. Fawell McCrery Taylor (NC) It is a 9±percent overall cut. It is a Fazio McDade Tejeda Relations; Committee on National Se- Fields (TX) McHale Thornberry curity; Committee on Small Business; cut that is necessary to help bring Flake McHugh Thornton Committee on Transportation and In- down deficits and bring our budget as Flanagan McInnis Tiahrt frastructure; and Committee on Veter- quickly as possible into balance. Foglietta McIntosh Torres Foley McKeon Torricelli ans' Affairs. The cuts range from a high of 15 per- Forbes McNulty Towns It is my understanding that the mi- cent for funding for programs in the Fox Meek Traficant nority has been consulted and that Department of Education to cuts in Franks (CT) Menendez Visclosky discretionary spending in the Depart- Franks (NJ) Metcalf Volkmer there is no objection to these requests. Frelinghuysen Mfume Vucanovich The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ment of Health and Human Services, Frisa Mica Waldholtz DICKEY). Is there objection to the re- which is 3.5 percent. August 2, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 8195 May I suggest to my colleagues on sexually transmitted diseases, chronic As I mentioned, Job Corps is in- the other side of the aisle that cuts of and environemtnal diseases, breast and creased, one-stop career centers are 9 percent in a bill of this magnitude are cervical cancer screening, and infec- level funded, Bureau of Labor Statis- not cuts that will cause the sky to fall. tious diseases. Programmatic levels tics is funded almost at level at $347 They are moderate cuts that allow the are maintained for programs such as million, a reduction of 1.3 percent, departments and agencies and pro- the preventive health block grant, the OSHA funds are shifted, as I men- grams under our jurisdiction to con- AIDS prevention activities, tuber- tioned, and the bill directs more of the tribute to deficit reduction and ensure culosis, lead poisoning and epidemic Community Service Employment for that we help bring the deficits down services. Older Americans spending to local pro- and stop asking our children and viders rather than to national con- b 1245 grandchildren to pay for what we re- tracts. ceive. We increased, Mr. Chairman, funding The bill also contains language to Mr Chairman, we worked very hard for the Job Corps program, which will prevent implementation of the Presi- on the bill. We attempted to use intel- permit the opening of four newly au- dent's Executive order on striker re- ligence and thoughtfulness in address- thorized centers, and, Mr. Chairman, placements and to end pressure on pen- ing the priorities for spending for our we support student assistance very sion funds to invest in economically country under our jurisdiction, and we strongly by providing the largest in- targeted investments. looked very carefully at every single crease in maximum Pell grants in his- For the Department of Health and line item starting with the premise tory, and by funding the maximum Human Services, the funding declines that everything in the bill must con- grant at $2,440, also the highest level in by $1 billion, a 3.5-percent cut. tribute something to helping us to re- history. The bill funds the health centers ac- duce the deficit. We provide level funding for Federal tivities at $77 million above last year's We asked ourselves, Mr. Chairman, supplemental educational opportuni- level, $756.5 million, and provides an in- whether a particular program needed ties grants, the work study programs crease of $116 million for the maternal to be a Federal responsibility or could and the TRIO program, which we con- and child health block grant to $800 it be done better in the private sector sider a very high priority. million. or by State government or local gov- We do terminate 170 programs origi- The bill presently folds the family ernment? nally funded in fiscal 1995 at $4.9 bil- planning program into the community We asked ourselves, does the program lion.
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