A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 0 Association for PPerspectiveerspective Humanistic Psychology ahpweb.org HUMANISTIC/TRANSPERSONAL/INTEGRAL HUMANISTIC OR TRANSPERSONAL? MISSING LINK IN WILBER’S INTEGRAL THEORY TRANSITIONS Transpersonal Psychology Newsletter — pp. 17–21 Poems: True Rocks; Annan Water Reviews: Essay Review on “A guide to integral psychology” “Secrets of Great Marriages” by the Blooms New Foreword by Stanley Krippner to “Awakening of Intelligence” AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2010 ahp PERSPECTIVE 1 ASSOCIATION for HUMANISTIC AHP Board Meeting in Chicago, PSYCHOLOGY August 2009: FRONT: Co-Presidents . since 1962, kindred spirits on the edge, Chip Baggett and Cuf Ferguson, where human potential and evolving BACK: Membership Director Ron consciousness meet Maier, Secretary Bob McGarey, AHP principles include integrity in personal and profes- sional interactions, authenticity, and trust in human Treasurer MA Bjarkman, Board relationships, compassion and deep listening skills, and Members-At-Large Stan Char- respect for the uniqueness, value, independence, interdependence, and essential oneness of all beings. nofsky and Ken Ehrlich, CEC Coordinator Deb Oberg PAST PRESIDENTS JAMES F. T. BUGENTAL AHP OFFICE & PERSONNEL SIDNEY M. JOURARD [email protected], P.O. Box 1190, Tiburon, CA 94920 E. J. SHOBEN, JR. Member Services: Ron Maier, 309/828-2965, fax 309/828-2965 PHOTO: KEN EHRLICH CHARLOTTE BÜHLER Web Producer: John Harnish, [email protected] CEC Coordinator: Deb Oberg, [email protected] S. STANSFELD SARGENT AHP Perspective Editor: Kathleen Erickson, [email protected] AHP MEMBERSHIP JACK R. GIBB Journal of Humanistic Psychology Editor: Kirk Schneider connect with conscious community, GERARD V. HAIGH [email protected] enhance quality of life, FLOYD W. MATSON and advance awareness & skill DENIS O’DONOVAN AHP BOARD OF DIRECTORS in humanistic principles & practices FRED MASSARIK Co-President: Carroy U. “Cuf ” Ferguson, (617) 287–7232; JHP Liaison LAWRENCE N. SOLOMON Co-President: Leland “Chip” Baggett, ATP Liaison JOIN AT AHPWEB.ORG Treasurer: M. A. Bjarkman, [email protected] AHP MEMBER BENEFITS OR CALL 415/435-1604 NORMA LYMAN Secretary: Bob McGarey, [email protected] STANLEY KRIPPNER Stan Charnofsky, [email protected], Consulting Editor AHP PERSPECTIVE Free bimonthly newsletter. VIN ROSENTHAL Dina Comnenou, [email protected] JOURNAL OF HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY Quarterly journal, free to Professional Members, 75% off subscription price for regular members ELEANOR CRISWELL Ken Ehrlich, [email protected], (973) 779–7793 AHPWEB AHP’s online publication at ahpweb.org, with Articles, CHARLES HAMPDEN-TURNER Bibliographies, Bookstore, Calendar of Workshops, Web Resources . JEAN HOUSTON AHP BOARD AFFILIATES DIRECTORY OF HUMANISTIC PROFESSIONALS Free online GEORGE LEONARD Mary Bell, [email protected]. Directory listing for Professional members with description of your work Olga Bondarenko, International Team, [email protected] CONFERENCE DISCOUNTS Member Discounts on some conferences/events BILL BRIDGES Bonnie Davenport, Membership Consultant (See Calendar of Events on pages 4–5 and on ahpweb.org.) JACQUELINE L. DOYLE Don Eulert, Perspective Consulting Editor, [email protected] CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS CECs on many AHP events. VIRGINIA SATIR Sandy Friedman, Consultant, [email protected] AHP SPONSORSHIP OF YOUR EVENT Listings in Perspective and on RICK INGRASCI & John Harnish, International Team, [email protected] ahpweb, CECs, mailing lists etc. for approved events. [email protected] PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE American Professional PEGGY TAYLOR Deb Oberg, AHP Events Chair, [email protected] Bruce Wochholz, Web Content Consultant Agency 800/421-6694 DENNIS JAFFE HEALTH AND LIFE AND DISABILITY INSURANCE LAWRENCE LESHAN Marsh US Consumer Group 800/323-2106; www.personal-plans.com/ahp AHP COMMUNITIES AND ENERGY CENTERS LONNIE BARBACH & NASRO: 800/638-8113; [email protected] Islamic AHP, Iran, contact S. Muhammad M. J. Tehrani, BOOK DISCOUNTS 20% discount on books from Sage Publications JOHN VASCONCELLOS Mashaad, Iran, [email protected], 98–251–293–3280 AHP MAILING LIST RENTAL Member discount on AHP Mailing Lists WILL MCWHINNEY Northern Mexico Community, contact Manuel Cervantes Mijares ADVERTISING DISCOUNTS Member ad rates for Perspective & ahpweb FRANCES VAUGHAN [email protected], Vera Cruz 208, Gomez Palacio, ads. Rates on p. 23 and at ahpweb.org/pub/perspective/adinfo.html Durango 35090, México RUBEN NELSON AHP AUTHORS Your books listed in the AHP Humanistic Bookstore, on the Ontosophy Community, Bari, Italy, contact Francesco Palmirotta, AHP Authors Page, with book covers rotating on the AHP home page. ELIZABETH CAMPBELL [email protected]; (39) 080/763006 - 3294521246 - 3886532077 MAUREEN O’HARA http://www.solinio.com/ MEMBERSHIP DUES SANDRA FRIEDMAN Oregon Community, Strengthening wisdom, cooperation, posi- ANN WEISER CORNELL tive action, contact [email protected] Individual Regular Membership &PDF Perspective (+print) $ 69 (+$15) Monthly meetings: personal sharing & potluck (503) 244–3420 Professional Membership includes Journal of Humanistic ARTHUR WARMOTH Professional Issues of the Paradigm Shift, contact Chip Baggett Psychology (JHP) & PDF Perspective magazine (+print) $ 110 (+$15) J. BRUCE FRANCIS at (828) 252–1086 Joint ATP–AHP Professional Membership (+print Persp.) $ 159 (+$15) M. A. BJARKMAN Somatics & Wellness, Educational & networking community JOCELYN OLIVIER focusing on integration of body & mind therapies Student/Senior/Limited Income/Online International $ 49 Organizational Membership $ 149 KATY ELIZABETH BRANT Student Communities, Campus groups dedicated to the ideals of humanistic living/psychology and active in their application, JHP subscription added to membership (or JHP alone) $ 25 ($112) STAN CHARNOFSKY contact [email protected] Lifetime AHP Membership $1,000 STEVE OLWEEAN Technology & the Human Spirit, Exploring issues of the human LELAND “CHIP” BAGGETT spirit & developing technology, [email protected] STEVE OLWEEAN J. BRUCE FRANCIS 2 ahp PERSPECTIVE AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2010 Perspective magazine COVER ART: Site of some programs of the August / September 2010 European Transpersonal Center in Vilnius, Lithuania C O N T E N T S http://www.transpersonalcenter.eu NEWS & COLUMNS 4 • CALENDAR OF EVENTS AHP PERSPECTIVE 5 • AHP NEWS Editor-in-Chief: Kathleen E. Erickson [email protected]; 415/435-1604 6 • PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Heart-Felt Th ank You As We Fax: 415/435-1654; P. O. Box 1190, Tiburon CA 94920 Continue Our Each One, Reach One Outreach to Consulting Editors: Don Eulert, David Lukoff, Stan Charnofsky ATP Newsletter Editor: David Lukoff Kindred Spirits on the Edge . Carroy U. “Cuf” Ferguson DEADLINES/GUIDELINES: Feb. 1 for Feb./Mar. issue, Apr. 1 for Apr./May issue, June 1 for June/July issue, Aug. 1 for Aug./Sept. issue, Oct. 1 for Oct./Nov. issue, Dec. 1 for Dec./Jan. issue. Articles: up to 2,500 words; ARTICLES Reviews: up to 1,000 words. Include brief bio and photo: TIF/JPEG/ print. Edited for brevity and clarity. 7 • Humanistic or Transpersonal? Homo Spiritualis and the ADVERTISING: For advertising rates, see page 27. REPRINTS: Use and cite with attribution of Author, publisher Perennial Philosophy . Samuel Bendeck Sotillos (Association for Humanistic Psychology), and issue date. 12 • Th e Missing Link in Ken Wilber’s Integral Psychology: The PERSPECTIVE is published bimonthly for members of the Adrian van Kaam . Elliot Benjamin ASSOCIATIONS FOR HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY and TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY. 14 • Poem: True Rocks . Paul Rest The PERSPECTIVE is free to members of the Associations for Humanistic 15 • Transitions: A Bridge Th at True Love Never More May Sever Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology. Individual copies to the public for $7. Michael Berman 15 • Poem: Annan Water . Scottish Ballad ASSOCIATION FOR HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY P. O. Box 1190, Tiburon, CA 94920, (415) 435–1604, ahpweb.org Membership: (309) 828-2965; [email protected] ATP NEWSLETTER 17 • Highlights of Graduate Clinical Programs Incorporating a Spiritual Orientation . David Lukoff JOINT MEMBERSHIP AHP–ATP 17 • CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT: ITA 2013 in South Africa: Diversity, Human Rights, Going to the Primordial Source! $159 includes all benefi ts of 17 • ATP Fall Salons, Intimate Discussions . Stuart Sovatsky Professional Membership in both 18 • BOOK REVIEW: Psychosis in the Family by Janet Love AHP Professional Member benefi ts: 18 . Heward Wilkinson •Six stimulating, information-packed issues of our magazine, AHP Perspective • CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT: 12th Int’l EUROTAS in Gwatt, •Substantial discounts on AHP events, regional & Annual conferences 19 Switzerland: Knowledge, Pleasure, & Belief •4 annual issues of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology •Continuing Education Credits for Conferences and Events 20 • New European Transpersonal Center in Lithuania •Listing in online Directory of Humanistic Professionals . David Lukoff •Discounts on AHP Perspective and ahpweb.org ad rates, mailing list rentals 21 • CONFERENCE REVIEW: 17th ITA in Moscow: Consciousness •Eligibility for professional liability, group health, disability, and life insurance Revolution . David Lukoff •Opportunity to link your website directly with ahpweb, as a Memberlink • CONFERENCE REVIEW: ATP in Atherton, California: Spirituality in •Access to ahpweb’s “Members Only” section for news and opportunities Action . David Lukoff ATP Professional Membership Benefi ts: REVIEWS •Subscription to the semiannual
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