24 October 1997 PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 99(4), 1997, pp. 628-640 THE GENUS PLESKEOLA STACKELBERG (DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE), A JUNIOR SYNONYM OF PARHELOPHILUS GIRSCHNER F. CHRISTIAN THOMPSON Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of Natural History, MRC-168, Washington, DC 20560, U.S.A. Abstract.—The genus Pleskeola (n. syn.) is synonymized with Parhelophilus. The spe- cies (porcus and sibiricus, n. comb.) associated with the name Pleskeola are redescribed. A checklist and key to species of Parhelophilus is presented. Four new synonyms and one new combination are reported (Helophilus anniae Brimley 1923 = flavifacies Bigot 1883; Parhelophilus obscurior Violovitsh 1960 and Helophilus citricornis Shiraki 1968 = kurentzovi Violovitsh 1960; Parhelophilus currani Fluke 1953 = laetus Loew 1863; Helophilus pilosus Hunter 1897 is transferred to Lejops (Lejops)). Key Words: key, holarctic, bogs This is a tale of two rare flower flies, wise agree with the characteristics of Par- which are known from only a few speci- helophilus. Why Pleskeola is here reduced mens collected in the boreal forest. One to a junior synonym of Parhelophilus is flower fly was the basis of a genus-group outlined below. What remains of interest is name and is currently known only from why the species upon which the genus- three specimens collected in Finland and group name is based is so rare in collec- Siberia. The other flower fly is known from tions. Is sibirica a bog species, like its sister more specimens, about 100 in all, and ap- (porcus), and merely rare because northern pears to be restricted to bogs in North bogs are poorly collected in Russia? Per- America. As part of a revision of the higher haps this treatment of these two species will classification of flower flies, I have sought encourage field people to more closely ex- to re-examine the types of all genus-group amine bogs and look for these unusual flies. names and to place those types into my The terminology and characters used classification. This eventually brought me generally follow those used in the Manual to Pleskeola sibirica Stackelberg, a genus of Nearctic Diptera and all my standards are and species-group name proposed as new defined and illustrated in a comprehensive by Stackelberg for a unique male collected glossary (Thompson 1997). The format of in central Siberia. On seeing the second the checklist follows the standards of the known specimen of Pleskeola, I immediate- Biosystematic Database of World Diptera ly recognized it as being close, if not the (see Thompson 1997). same as a rare bog fly {Parhelophilus por- Genus Parhelophilus Girschner cus (Walker)) that I had once collected in northern New Hampshire. While both por- Helophilus subg. Parhelophilus Girschner cus and sibiricus are unusual and share dis- 1897: 604. Type species, Syrphus frute- tinctive characters, the two species other- torum Fabricius by subsequent designa- VOLUME 99, NUMBER 4 629 Fig. 1. Parhelophilus sibiricus, male, habitus, dorsal view. tion of Curran and Fluke 1926: 230). longer than wide; ocellar triangle variable, Curran and Fluke 1926: 230 (revision, from broader than long to longer than Nearctic spp.); Goffe 1944: 129 (nomen- broad; eye bare or pilose; always dichoptic clature), 1945: 276 (type species); Hull in males; antenna short, less than % as long 1949: 387 (description). as face; basoflagellomere oval; arista bare, Pleskeola Stackelberg 1924: 25. Type spe- slightly longer than antenna. cies, Pleskeola sibirica Stackelberg by Thorax: Broader than long, long pilose, original designation. Sack 1931: 276 (de- usually with longitudinal pale pollinose vit- scription); Hull 1949: 402 (diagnosis); tae on mesonotum (absent or greatly re- Stackelberg 1970: 80, 1988: 121 (refer- duced in obsoletus); meso-katepisternum ence in key); Goot 1981: 211 (reference continuously pilose from ventral to dorsal in key); Violovitsh 1983: 114, 129 (ref- margins; metathoracic spiracle small, erence in key). New synonym. slightly smaller than basoflagellomere; Head: Face pale, yellow to white, nar- meso-anepimeron bare posteriorly; katepi- row, slightly longer than broad, occupying meron bare; meron bare; metasternum usu- about % of head width, straight to concave ally pilose (bare in divisus); plumula elon- beneath antennae, without distinct medial gate, unbranched; subscutellar fringe ab- tubercle, pollinose and pilose laterally, pol- sent. Legs: Hind femur slightly swollen; linose and bare medially; frontal promi- hind tibia slightly arcuate, with basoventral nence low, at dorsal % of head; vertex carina on basal % or less, without apical black, pollinose, pilose, rectangular, slightly calcar. Wing: Microtrichose; cell Rl open; 630 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON cell R4+5 with short petiole, with petiole era, the eyes of all included species are ei- about as long as crossvein h; stigmatic ther bare or pilose. Within some genera, crossvein present. however, the character is variable, with Abdomen: Suboval, with paired lateral some species being bare eyed and others light colored pollinose maculae on dorsum. pilose (e.g., Syrphus). In some species, the Girschner (1897), on the basis of a study male eyes are pilose and the females' are of the calypter of higher Diptera, divided bare (e.g., Cheilosia latifrons (Zetterstedt)). the genus Helophilus into subgenera. He The eye pilosity of sibirica is irrelevant as defined most of these subgenera with char- a genus-group character as other characters acters, but Parhelophilus was defined by reveal a sister-group relationship to one exclusion (that is, those species which did species of Parhelophilus and common re- not fit the other defined subgenera). At first, lationships with all species of Parhelophi- most workers ignored Girschner's action as lus. Parhelophilus porcus and sibiricus they could not understand the characters on have the 1st and 2nd sterna (figs. 11-12) which the group was based and, hence, fused and a distinct dark pollinose body treated Parhelophilus as a synonym of He- pattern (figs. 1-2), both characters found no lophilus. As Verrall (1901: 524-525) noted, where else among the helophiline flower Parhelophilus, as construed by Girschner, flies. These two species share a character- was a heterogeneous group (two species be- istic basoventral process on the hind femur longed to Parhelophilus of current authors, (figs. 14—15) in males with fruterorum and one to Lejops Rondani). Curran and Fluke divisus. As noted above, sibirica shares all (1926) designated a type species, recog- the characters of the genus Parhelophilus. nized Parhelophilus as a distinct group, and Hence, Pleskeola is here considered a syn- treated the group as a genus. North Amer- onym of Parhelophilus (new synonym). ican workers have followed Curran and Fluke as have some Palaearctic workers. Parhelophilus porcus (Walker) The characters that separate Parhelophilus (Figs. 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15) from Helophilus are: 1) presence of stig- Eumerus porcus Walker 1849: 554 2 [error matic crossvein; 2) entirely pollinose face, for S] Ontario, Hudson's Bay, Albany without a shiny medial vitta; and 3) short, River, St. Martin's Falls (LT S BMNH suboval and compact abdomen. Parhelo- here designated). Osten Sacken 1858: 48 philus differs from Lejops in the 4) lack of (catalog citation), 1875: 61 (catalog ci- an apical calcar on the hind tibia as well as tation, l=Eristalis). the suboval abdomen. Pleskeola shares all Helophilus porcus: Osten Sacken 1878: these characteristics with Parhelophilus. 134, 250 (catalog citation, note on types); Stackelberg (1924) erected his genus Williston 1887: 197 (description); Al- Pleskeola on the basis of the pilose eyes, drich 1905: 394 (catalog citation); Os- an unusual character state among species burn 1907: 3 (British Columbia), 1908: related to Helophilus (he also noted the 10 (British Columbia); Graenicher 1910: slightly sinuate vein R4+5 and in contrast 41 (Wisconsin); Fluke 1922: 245 (Wis- to Mallota, the dichoptic males). Stackel- consin); Johnson 1923: 10 (Maine), berg's original description was brief and in 1925: 174 (New England); Wirth et al. Latin. Because the species on which the ge- 1965: 619 (catalog citation). nus was based was rare, most subsequent Tubifera porcus: Kertesz 1910: 259 (cata- workers merely repeated the original de- log citation). scription and/or left Pleskeola as unplaced Parhelophilus porcus: Curran and Fluke or a genus of dubious status. 1926: 232 (description, distribution, fig- Eye pilosity is a character of variable im- ures (head, abdomen)); Fetch and Mal- portance among flower flies. In most gen- thais 1932: 51 (Quebec); Strickland VOLUME 99, NUMBER 4 631 ,%g Figs. 2-10. Features. 2, Parhelophilus porcus, habitus, dorsal view. 3, P. sibiricus, male, head, frontal view. 4, P. sibirica, male, head, lateral view. 5, P. sibiricus, male genitalia, 9th tergum and associated parts, lateral view. 6, P. porcus, male genitalia, 9th tergum and associated parts, lateral view. 7, P. porcus, male genitalia, 9th sternum and associated parts, lateral view. 8, P. sibiricus, male genitalia, 9th sternum and associated parts, lateral view. 9, P. sibiricus, male genitalia, 9th tergum and associated parts, dorsal view. 10, P. porcus, male genitalia, 9th tergum and associated parts, dorsal view. 632 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 1938: 203 (Alberta); Cole & Schlinger pollinose, shiny medially, white pilose; 2nd 1969: 326 (descriptive note, distribution & 3rd sterna of male with apicomedial western North America); Miliczky and patches of long curved bristles (Fig. 11). Osgood 1979: 21 (Maine, flower (Vac- Male genitalia (Figs. 6, 7 & 10): surstyle cinum spp.)). with broad posteromedial cleft and without a dorsomedial notch on dorsal lobe; supe- Head: Face yellowish white, white pol- rior lobe short, only % as long as hypan- linose and pilose; gena black, shiny and drium. bare anteriorly, white pilose and grayish- Type.—Eumerus porcus Walker, lecto- white pollinose posteriorly; front black, type $ BMNH, London, labeled "Hudson's gray pollinose, black pilose; frontal lunule Bay [reverse] 47 14," "Hudson's Bay, pres.
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