BIblIOGRAPHY LIST OF INTERVIEWS 08.08.2013: Anna Farthing, Former Freelance Employee for BECM, London 23.08.2013: Former Senior Employee at BECM (Asked to Remain Anonymous), Bristol 03.09.2013: Andrew Baines, Commonwealth Education Trust, London 09.06.2014: Benjamin Stora, Historian, Asnières 10.06.2014: Louis-Georges Tin, Director of CRAN, Paris 16.06.2014: Louis-Georges Tin (Second Interview), Paris 17.06.2014: Myrian Cottias and Florence Alexis, CNMHE, Paris 23.06.2014: Françoise Vergès, Paris 26.06.2014: Jean Breteau, Association Anneaux de la mémoire, Nantes 26.06.2014: Michel Cocotier, Director of Association Mémoire de l’Outre- mer, Nantes 20.09.2014: Mehdi Meftah, Founding Member of the Indigènes de la République, Créteil 22.09.2014: Gilles Mançeron, Historian, Paris 24.09.2014: Mehdi Bigadèrne, Association ACLEFEU and Conseiller Municipal, Clichy-sous-Bois 01.10.2014: Abderhamen Moumen, Association Génériques, Paris 24.11.2014: Houria Bouteldja, Spokesperson for the Indigènes de la République, Paris 26.11.2014: Benoît Falaize, Paris © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 393 Switzerland AG 2021 I. Lotem, The Memory of Colonialism in Britain and France, Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63719-4 394 BIBLIOGRAPHY 27.11.2014: Marie Poinsot, Responsible for Publications at the Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, Paris 27.11.2014: Serge Romana, Director of CM 98, Paris 16.10.2015: David Anderson, Historian, Oxford 30.10.2015: Daniel Leader, Leigh & Day, London 15.01.2016: John Oldfeld, Historian, Hull 26.01.2016: Catherine Hall, Historian, London 19.02.2016: Esther Stanford, Activist, London 01.03.2016: Kof Mawuli Klu, Activist, London 04.04.2016: Madge Dresser, Historian, Bristol 11.04.2018: Raphaëlle Branche, Historian, Paris 27.06.2018: Serge Drouot, Head of the FNACA’s Memory Committee, Paris 02.08.2018: Priyamvada Gopal, literary scholar and historian, Stockholm/ Ithaca (Skype) NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICAlS AND ONlINE MEDIA Agence France Presse Birmingham Post Black Britain Daily Express Daily Mail Daily Mirror Daily Telegraph Echo d’Oran El Watan Evening Standard Financial Times Journal du Dimanche L’Histoire L’Humanité La Cause du peuple La Croix Le Figaro Le Matin Le Monde Le Nouvel Observateur Le Parisien Libération Liverpool Daily Post London Review of Books Marianne BIBLIOGRAPHY 395 Medium Minute Morning Star New Nation New York Review of Books New York Times Ouest France Paris-Presse-L’Intransigeant Quillette Race Today Rivarol Sunday Telegraph Temporary Hoarding The Guardian The Herald The Independent The New Statesman The Observer The Spectator The Sun The Times Tribune Twitter Valuers actuelles Western Daily Press Western Mail Wolverhampton Express and Star PUblICATIONS Addai-Sebo, Akyaaba, and Ansel Wong. 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