V .tjgA< ,.tjj. l/ h Nx . z' > / c?/ ' N-&r $ ) -- - M N 7 # s R A hf a e6. B ê' T H E KEN YA G, AZETTE Pablished by Authorlty of the Repe lk of Kenya (Registered as a Newspapœ at the G.P.O.) VoI. LXKXVH- NO. 9 NM ROBI, 1st M arch, 1985 Price Sh. 6 CON TENTS GAZEQVE NOTICES GAzs'f'l'E NoTIces---(C'ol7/J.) . PAGE paoe Public Iservice Commission of. Kenya- postings, otc. 306 Local G overnmont Notices . , . 326-327 n e sales 't.x Act--Annointment of M embers of the Tenders . , 327-330 yt p p eals -rribtlntll -. ... ... ... ... .- B usiness Transfer 330 'Change of W ames .. 330 Disposal of Uncollected G aods . 330-331 The Judicial Service Commission Appointmen't :senior Rosideltt M agistrate, etc. SUPPLEMEN I' No. 12 Kenykt Legisladve Supplement LEGAL Non cl N o. PAGE 39, 40-The Co-operative Saoieties Act- Exemptions 63 The Civil Avia t ion Act Notices ,of 'Application f or. or 41- The Imports, Exports and Essential Supplies Variltt iof, ()f' A ir Service Lioences . (Imports) (Amendment) Order, 1985 . 64 42- The lmports, Exports and Essential 308 Supqlies (lmportatian of Motor C ars) fftes- trictlon) (Ameadment) Order, 1985 . 64 43- The 'Natîonal Hospik'd Insuranoe (Claims and 'Benelits) (Amendment) Regulations, 1985 . Liquor Licerlsing 44-The N ational Hospital Insurance Act- Dedaration of Hospitals . Ind ustri:tl C'otlrt 45- The Traflic Act--suspension Limits for 'Safari Rally Cars The Aj:rictllture ïicrop Jproduction) 'Rules Declaration of Earlies't ant! Latest Planting Dates . 46- The Tramc Act- suspension of Tramc Rules for 'Safari Rally Cars . , . 47- The Animal 'Diseases ('Hatzheries) Rules. Patents '1985 . .. Probate rtrl(1 -4tl l'n in istrati on . 322-324 48- The Exchange Control (Authorized Depositwries) (Amendment) Order, 1985 The Socielies Rules- Registration, etc. .. 324-325 49-The Exchange 'Control (Authprized The Co-operative Soc.ieties Act Removal of M anage- Dealers) (Amendment) Order, 1985 . ment Commission, etc. 325-326 50-The Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules, Loss ef Policies 326 1985 ... .. .. .. .. .. (305 306 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1st M arob, 1985 G,&ZE'rTE NOTICE N(). 755 GAZEH E N OTICE N0. 756 PUBLIC SEIW ICE C l ISSION OF KENYA THE SALES TAX AG Posenxcls W ap. 476) Fluxcls W ILLIAM LEKOLOOL, to be District Commissionbr? APPOINTMENT OF M EMBERS OF THE APPEALS W IBUNM. Kiambu District, Central Province, with effect from 3rd I'N PURSUANC.E of the powers conferred by section 28 (2) January, 1985. of the Sales Tax Act, the M inister of Finance and Planning ClulttAs NGESA, to be District Oëcer, Elgeyo/Marakwèt District, appoints- Rift Valley Province, with effect from 4th July, 198i. m IJL SAMSON GsNs GoTo, .to be District Ofliceri Kiambu Lee M uthoga (Chairmant. Distrkt, CGntral P.rovinco, witit esect from 1st August, 1984. M e-bér.v.- EZSKISL OMBAKI tMACHOGU, to be District OKcer, Kiambu G'ilbept Karani M ichoma, District, Central Province, with elect from 12th Septelnber, ,1984. isopiato Likimani m r.), to be mrmbers of th: Agpeals Tribunxl estAblisljkd b# the Sales Jol.m IGIi'AU M àKUMI, .to be District Oflicei', Nairobi Area, with Tâx (Atbeals Tribunal) Order !1985, for a perkfd of 'thtree (3) eJeot from 6th Novembor, i%' 4. yèàrs, wlth ellbct from tst M axh, 1985. KBNNEDY CHRISPOH KANYI, to be Distrid Oëcerj Kilifi District, Coast Province, with esect from 22nd November, 1984. Dated the 29th January, 1985. lusHm Molu- o Rxsmo, to be Distriçt gfllcvr, Thitx-rràvetâ District, Coast Province, with esect from 6th becember, 1984. GEORGB SM T0TI, AkcHts ROBERT CHRISPUS Nzoo, to be District Uflver, Nakuru nM inister ybr Finance W Planning. District, Rift Valley Province, with effed from 7th Decembcr, 1984. HENRY CHIRIBA M BOGO, to be District Oflicer, lsiolb Diitrict, Eastern Province, with effect from 16th November, 1984. GAZE'I'TE Nozrlce No. 757 MARY W AIRIMU NGXRI, to be District Olcer, Nairobi Area, with eEect f rom .10tl1 December, 1984. THE LAND CINTROL ACT W ILLIAM NDUGIRU GITONGA, to be District Oëcer, Bungoma (Cap. 302) District, W estern Province, with effect from .10th December, 1984. THE LAND CONTROL BOARD Multm uo Au SALSH !to be District Oflioer, Kiambu District, APPOINDVNT OF h4RvnERs Central Province, wttll effeot from $12th Dooember, 1984. IN EXERCIS'E of the powers eonferred iby section 5 of the Land Control Act, the Mhistor foi 'Lààd: and Vttlelfzènt REYNOLDS TjNsiloe OwuoR, to be Digtrict Oëcer, Kakamega appoints the persons named in the second column pf th4 xhedule Dijyrict, Wogtorn Province, with esect from 13th December, to be members of tlie Land Control 'Btyartl spùcisèd în tiz tirst ;1984. cölum n. Fluxcls M Am o 'ONGAKI, to be District Oëcer, Nandi District, Rift Valley Province, with elfect from 17th December, 1984. A ywntu ROBERT M trlux.u KIKwAU, to ,be District Oëcer, Nakuru District, Rift Valley 'rovince, with esect from l8ith Decèmber, First Column s'eco??zf Column 1984. FluNcls ONYANGO NZMRNYA, to .be District Oëcer, Tana River District, Coast Province, with elfect frhom 20th December, M urang'a District District Commissioner W hdirmant. 1984. ' (Kangema Division) Assistant Agricultuml Oëcer. Cl.l'RlsTopI.IER SHITSIMI MFASHI, to be District Ollicer, Nandi C'ouncillor Simon Gitu. District, Rift Valloy tprovmce, with eled from 27th Decembtr, Zepharlia M uhia. :1984. Grace W aigumo 'fh iong'o. Councillor W ilson M warlgi Karitlki. JsREm e Nzlon ? to be District OKcer, KaH mega District, Wanjau 'Kimere. W estern Provmoe, with esect from .17th January, 1985. Samson Glchohi Githua. M wangi Kahuro. PROMGI'ION Felix M eni Njendu. HABBL IsAcx. 'Dzom o, to be hsenior Superintondent of Police, Oëce of the President, with eFect from 1st June, 1984. Dated the 20th February, 1985 ACTING A/POINTMENTS . LEONARD KI/KIRUI ARAP SAWE, 1t0 a'ct as Doputy SeGretary, E .T . M' .W AM UN G A , M inistry of Looal Government, with effoct from '1st January, Minister for Lcnds eiuW Sefslemeylf . 1985. ISHMAEL JIJMA KIPSANGAT ARAP CHELANGA, to act as District 'Commissioner, Marsabit D' istrict, Bastern P rovince, with efect from 5tit Novombor, 1984. GAZETTE No'rlcs NO. 758 Fluxcls SAMIJEL Kàzl-Gu BAYAH, to act as Distriot Commis- sioner, Embu District, Eastern Province, with effect from 19th Novembor, 1984. THE CRIM INAL IPROCBDU'RE CODE Rlclu.ll.o 'OJANG W AMwENJS, to act as District Commissioner, ICWA. 75) Turkana District, Rift Valley Provinoey 'with eûkct from 15th AprolxrsœN'r oF PusLzc Paossctrrolts December, 1984. IN EXBRCISE of the powers conferred by section 85 (1) of ALBERT M UDERWA M AYOYA, ,to act as District Commissioner, the Criminal Procedure Code, the AttornenGeneral appoints- Lamu District, Coast Province, with effect from 20th Decem- ber, 1984. Isaac Kaloki, John Kipsanai Tanui. By Order of the 'Commission. olcers of the Kenya Bureau of dtandards to be publiu pro- secutors for a11 cases arising under the Stand,a rds Act tCap. 496) Dated the 'lzth Fdbruary, 1985. and subsidiary legislation made thereunder, for so long as they shall continue to hold ofhce as aforesaid. W . E. H'IRIBAE, Dated 'the 20th February, 1985. Secretary, M ATTHBW M ULI, Public Service Com minion. AttornepGeneral. 1st Maroh, 1985 Tc KENYA OAZNTTE 407 . .. 'U U U U ' U'= .. GAZBITE N olqcB N O. 759 Willis Ndote Akinga, Rephen M ukholosl, THE JIJDICIM , SBRVICB COMM ISSION Harrison M'aranga M utuaruhiu, Harjit Singll Ranauts APPOINTMENT OP SENIOR RESIDENF M AGISIXATE Clement David Kahukl, . IN EXERCISE of tho Ipow'ers conferred lby soction 69 of the P' hilip 'Chuma W ambua M ulwa, Constitution of Kenya, the Judicial Service Commission Ivor Samuel Keen, al3llolnts'- Evanson Nganga Githutha, Narshibhai Ishwarbahi Patel, JOHN M ICHABL KHAMONI Harbans Singlz Bamrah, to be Senior Resident M agigtrate, Kenya, with esect from 1st Albert bisumu, February, 1984. M anubhai Jethabhai Patel, ' Gazette Notke No. 4 of 4tlt January, 1985, is cancelled. 'Gibson Wakora, tawrence M alinga Kilorlzo, Dated the 26th February, 'l9S5. Balbir Singh Bhachu, Shiraz Gulamnli Zavery, A. H. SIMPSGN, M unawar-ud-œ en, Chairman, Samuel Kiarie, Judicial Service Commission. Jonaian Paul M'bitsi, Robert Neljon M ugweru, Robert Opilo, G' AZBU E NoTitm No. 760 Stephon Kamau, Uttam Singll Brar, THE JUDICIAL SERVICE COMM ISSION 'Isac Ngaruiya, APPOINTMENT OF ACTING W SIDENT MAGISTRATE K hwala A'bdul Qayyum, Ved Prakash Bhasln, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred .by section 69 of the M ustafa Mamujee, Constitution .of Kenya, the Judicial Service Commission Gursharan Singh Brar, appoints- H ermant Kuma Patel, LAtritA (BE'I'IN ;OBAyo Stephen Njoroge, David D'row A orer, to be acting ResfdentM agistrate, Kenya, with esect from 1st M aroh, 1985. to be graders foz t'he purposes .of the Act, for a period of one D ated tho 261,% February, i1985. (1) year, wi't.h esect from 1st January, .1985. A. H. SIM BO N, Dated 'tho 7th February, 1985. Chdrman. .//gtficftzl Service Commission. 'O. M . M BURU, Càfe/ Conservator ()/ Forests. GU E'I'TE No'ncs No. 761 THE JUDICIAL SERVICE COMM ISSION APPOINTMENT i)F ACTING DEPUW RBGISTRAR GxzE'rrs NoTlcs No. 764 IN EXBRCISE of the powers conferred by section 69 of the Constitution .of Kenya, the Judicial lservice Commission appoints- OFFX E OF THE PRBSIDBNT LAIJRA BETI'Y OBAYO SIAYA DISIRIICT to be acting Deputy Registrar, Kenya, with ell'ed from 1st VAco cy tpoll Tl.IE Pos'r (m CHIEF M arch, 1985. ABPLICATIONS are inrited from suitably qualided persons for tho vacant post of chlçf for the lomtion shown bolow izl Dated the 26th Fybruary, 1985. Siaya District : A. H. SIM PSGN, ) .t Chairmalî. Dîviion Loeadon Judîdal Servîce Commisfon. Yala North Gom Applicants wtho must be .
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