TERMS 1. Ath. Pol. (Constitution of the Athenians) - written by Aristotle, but some say it was another author or a pupil of Aristotle’s. The reasons why are the language used in the Ath.Pol. is different from his other works, Politics, which was also written by Aristotle, disagrees with the Ath.Pol, and third it contains false information like how “the constitution of Draco” in chapter four is agreed to be forgery. That is why we write [Aristotle]. This text gives us literary evidence of Archaic - Athens before the 6th century. A inside look at how the classical form of democracy came into existence. Stands for Constitution of the Athenians. 2. Cylon - Athenian who won foot race at 640 Olympics. Wife was daughter of Theagenes of Megara. He wanted to be a tyrant so he goes to Delphi and Oracle tells him to seize the acropolis at the most important festival. He should have gone to Attica, not the Olympics. He stormed the acropolis and soon became surrounded. The Archons had trouble disposing of the intruders. Cylon and his brother escaped, and the rest of his followers made a deal with the Archons(who were Alcmaeonids). The deal was they would leave if they didn’t get killed. The Archons lied and killed the men on the alter which is very bad. They go to trail, cause now they have a curse on the living and the dead. A wise man from Crete came in to purify the city and the Alcmaeonids were forced to leave but eventually came back. Terminus Post Quem is 640 which is the Olympics that Cylon won. Terminus Ante Quem 621/0 which is when Draco writes his laws. The revolt of Cylon most likely happened in 636 or 632 cause the Olympics were those years. 3. Alcmaeonids - Family belonging to the central plain. Killed Cylons followers on the steps of the acropolis around 636-632. They go to trail, cause now they have a curse on the living and the dead. Alcmaeonids were forced to leave but eventually came back. In 513 group of exiled Alcamaeonids tried to get back in but were fought out. In 508/7 Cleisthenes and 700 Alcamaeonids were exiled by Cleomenes and Isagoras. 4. Draco - commissioned to write up laws in 621/0. He writes up the 1st law code and his homicide laws stayed intact even after Solon. In 408/9 his laws were republished. Penalty for unintentional homicide is exile out of Attica and other border nations by trade, festivals, and games. Allowed to kill in self defense, see someone stealing, boxing match, or if someone is fucking your family. Victim’s family is very important cause on prosecution. Weregild-killer compensates his victims’s relatives with a payment of valuables and brings the blood fued to an end. The courts were Areopagus which would hear cases. The Palladium which was comprised of 51 ephetai. The Delphinium dealt with cases where the person admitted that he did wrong. Phreatto heard cases that dealt with someone who was a multiple homicide offender. The Prytaneon which dealt with homicide involving an inanimate object or animal. Speaking of animals Draco is greek for serpent. Some believed Draco to be a snake creature, but most likely it was two law givers who wrote Draco’s laws. Dispute going on if laws were written before or after Cylon. 5. Solon - Archon in 594/3, but there is debate over that date. The four important things that he did were 1. He freed the Hektemoroi (sixth partners) and Seisachtheia (Shaking off of burdens)-abolished loans and freed slaves. 2. No exports. There was a grain crises so the only thing that could be sold was olive oil. This helped with the economy. 3. Implemented new weights and measures, but not coins. He increased everything. 4. Founder of criminal law. Example Graphe. He did other things too like sumptuary laws that dealt with marriage and funerals. He brought the classes closer together. Debate on whether Council of 400 is real or fake. He made a timocracy, not a democracy. Paved the way for cliesthenes. Revolutionized constitution and society. 6. graphe - A public procedure implemented by Solon in 594/3. Allows any citizen to prosecute. Originally the victim does the prosecuting. Made so people had each other’s backs. 7. Peisistratus - Public Relations Genius. Obtained the support of the people before taking power. Managed to get a body guard by injuring himself and blaming it on his enemies. CHRONOLOGY: - Herodotus and Ath Pol disagree on key dates - only 2 secure dates: 1 !"1#"$% 1st tyranny 2 !2&#'% death (the rest )e are unsure o*+ 1 1st exile in !"1#$ - )hile de-osed *ro. tyranny/ didn't flea *ro. Attica Once remo2ed/ Athens 3ecame a 2 -arty ci2il stri*e: Plain 2s. Shore Megaclese (shore) )as loosing 6ormed a ne) alliance )ith Peisistratus. Peisistratus )ould .arry Megacles' daughter and su--ort his return to tyranny - 6inds in a village/ a )oman/ 3oth 3eauti*ul and a3normally tall Her name )as Phye (stature+ 7resses her u- as goddess Athena/ dri2e a chariot into Athens, )ith him next to her and told -eo-le Athena 3rought him 3ack A8HEN:ANS BEL:EVE 8H:4 Herodotus is disgusted 3y the Athenians and calls the entire sche.e =silly= HO> CO?L7 8HEY HAVE BEL:9<97 :5@ Played along 2 2nd tyranny in !""#! - 5egaclese condition )as to .arry his daughter Peisistratus married her 3ut not )illing to ha2e kids )ith her 3ecause she 3elonged to the Outmanian *amily and remained under a curse Peisistratus doesn't )ant more kids, no kid under a religious curse 3ecause o* this Peisistratus had sex )ith her =unusually= Megacless )as so u-set/ he reconciled )ith Lycurgus and )illing to Aoin together in ho-es o* getting rid o* Peisistratus. B 2nd exile in !""#! - remained a3road *or 1$ years C Brd tyranny in !C"#! - He )as still *amous )hile in exile ALl the men Aoined him )hen he arri2ed 7isarmed Athenian -o-ulation in Ath Pol-only te.-orary Once had a firm hand/ he ga2e his )ea-ons 3ack. He 3ecame tyrant again ?nlike the first and second tyranny/ this lasted *or 1& years - 7O5948:C POL:C:ES: Herodotus, 8hucydides and Ath Pol gi2e ra2e revie)s to his tyranny He ruled as a good tyrant Practiced 2irtue and decorated city/ -er*ormed sacrifices, etc. :n !2!#C Cleisthenese/ the Athenian son o* Peisistratus, ri2al Megaclese Praised *or Constitutional rule% ser2ed as tyrant/ so secure he didn't annul the la) o* tyrant and )as a EEEE · Seized Acropolis in 561/0 – First Tyranny (Only lasts a few months) · Once exiled, he comes back and joins with Megacles against Lycurgus, taking advantage of regional party strife. Phye-5 foot 8 woman dressed as Athena rode in on chariot and regained Tyranny in a grand religious showing in 556/5. – Second Tyranny. Left again after a few months cause Megacles was mad that he didn’t have kids with his daughter and Peisistratus felt a power shift. · Begins to rebuild support by making alliances with other cities. Also establishes a Mining Enterprise that he uses to fund a mercenary army. Eventually retakes Athens with this army 10 years. Establishes 3rd Tyranny in 546/5. Dies 528/7. Economically · Raised the tax 5%. This was low compared to other tyrants. · Also instituted Athenian owl coins. · Facilitated internal production of olive oil and pottery, and allowed these to be exported all over the Aegean. Black Pottery and Red Figure Pottery is exported so much that Athens became the new leader of the Pottery Industry internationally. This insured that Athens made lots of money. · Transformed Athens into an economic power. Administration · Made sure one of his sons was elected Archon each year. Ensured that his family remained in control and that his policies would be passed at all times. Socially · Considered a good Tyrant because he did not interfere with religious and legal traditions. He even went to court when he was accused of homicide, publically demonstrating the appearance that no one is above the law. · Public Works: Fountain of Nine Streams. Refurbished the Temple of Athena and built a new temple to Zeus. · Held a festival for Athena. Also published a template of texts for Rhapsodes, which focused primarily on glorious history of Athens. · Patron the Arts. Has festival of Dionysus which becomes drama festival. 8. Phye - 5 ft 8 woman who rode into Athens on chariot with Peisistratus dressed as Athena. Convinced Athenians that she was the real deal, but there is debate. 9. Cimon the Stupid - assassinated by Hippias and Hipparchus who were co-tyrants after their father Peisistratus. He went into exile during Peisistratus’s 3rd tyranny. He was a great chariot racer and won 3 olympics. He dedicated his win to Peisistratus and the tyrants became jealous and assassinated him. 10. Miltiades (II, son of Cimon the Stupid) Also 493 Miltiades, tyrant of Churstadese and son of Cymon the Stupid made his return to Athens. Under the Peisistradid Tyrant, the Cymonid family, had set up their own semi-independent private tyranny with Athenian back up. This Miltiades had become tyrant with the blessing and the backing of Churstadese until 493. In 493 se sees which ways the winds are blowing and hearing the Persian invasion, decides to return home to Attica. When he returns, promptly charged with exercising tyranny=even attempting tyranny is a capital offense. Miltiadese however was acquitted of the tyranny charge but Athenians also elected him to board of generals- SAGACIOUS MOVE -Tyrant in 516-493.
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