Delta RMP TAC Meeting Agenda Package 2019-07-14, page 1 Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda Friday, July 19, 2019 10:00 am – 3:30 pm Sunset Maple Room, Regional San 10060 Goethe Road, Sacramento, CA 95827 Remote Access: Phone number: (415) 594-5500 Access Code: 238-626-034# Screen Sharing: https://join.me/sfei-conf-cw2 # Agenda Item and Desired Outcomes Attachments Start & Lead 1 Introductions and Review Agenda 10:00 Review and agree on agenda and desired outcomes. Gita Kapahi 2 Decision: Approve previous TAC meeting summaries and Draft TAC Meeting 10:05 confirm/set future TAC meeting dates Summary from Stephen May 9, 2019 McCord Upcoming Scheduled Meetings (Please bring your calendar) Draft TAC Teleconference භ SC Meeting, Aug 5, 2019, DWR West Sacramento Summary from භ Long-Range Planning Workshop, July 31, 2019, May 24, 2019 Regional San භ TAC Meeting, Sept 13, 2019, Regional San භ Schedule in-person meeting for the winter 2019/2020. Desired outcome: Ɣ Approve TAC meeting summaries Ɣ Confirm future TAC/SC meeting dates 3 Information: Steering Committee Update Draft SC Meeting Summary 10:15 - 10:30 TAC co-Cchair will summarize the May 29, 2019 SC from May 29, 2019 Stephen meeting, including the decisions and action items relevant McCord to the TAC. Matt Heberger Desired Outcome: Ɣ Inform TAC regarding SC decisions and activities. Ɣ Explain the rationale and context for agenda items below. Delta RMP TAC Meeting Agenda Package 2019-07-14, page 2 # Agenda Item and Desired Outcomes Attachments Start & Lead 4 Technical Subcommittee and Monitoring Updates Dashboard Tables (PDF in 10:30 – 11:30 Updates on subcommittees, monitoring activities, and special agenda package, live link here): Mercury: Jay projects. Davis Desired outcome: 1. Status of Delta RMP භ Review running table of past and upcoming sampling Datasets Nutrients: Matt events. 2. Past & Planned Heberger භ Inform TAC of subcommittee activities and Monitoring Events recommendations. Pesticides: Jim Orlando CECs: Matt Heberger 5 Update on the Pesticides Interpretive Report Deltares Deliverable 3.3 11:30– 12:00 Our consultant Deltares has produced three sets of Final memorandum on Matt Heberger deliverables, including the database and a technical memo analytical methods to be describing their planned approach, and held a meeting with used (link) Delta RMP stakeholders on July 15. Staff asked the contractor wait for a “notice to proceed” pending TAC review of the data and methods. Desired outcome: x Notice to proceed with the study x Feedback from the TAC to the contractor Lunch (provided) 12:00 – 1:00 Delta RMP TAC Meeting Agenda Package 2019-07-14, page 3 # Agenda Item and Desired Outcomes Attachments Start & Lead 6 Recommendation: Mercury Monitoring in Tidal Wetlands Expanded mercury 1:00 – 2:00 Restoration Sites monitoring proposal Jay Davis At its May 2019 meeting, the SC requested more information (sent separately) about proposed mercury monitoring at tidal wetland restoration sites before committing funding. The SC asked for timelines for restoration projects, and where the proposed monitoring fit in to the project timeline, details on specific monitoring locations, and how the proposed restoration monitoring would benefit the Delta as a whole. Since then, staff scientists have revised and expanded the proposal for review by the TAC. Desired outcome: x TAC recommendation to the SC on whether the proposed study merits funding. 7 Discussion: New Assessment Question Related to Pesticides Memo on proposed new 2:00 – 2:30 and Human Health assessment question for Matt Heberger The Pesticides Subcommittee recommended that the pesticides program consider adding a management question related to human health and drinking water impacts. Desired outcome: x TAC recommendation to the SC to add a new assessment question. 8 Discussion: Long-Range Planning Workshop Preview Table of Management 2:30 – 3:00 Drivers (link) On July 31, we will have an all-day long-range planning Matt Heberger workshop with TAC and SC members. The goals are to set priorities for monitoring and studies for the next 5 years, to SWOT worksheet make the most effective use of the program’s resources. (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) Desired outcomes: x TAC familiarity with the goals of the workshop and tools that we will use. x Input into the goals and format of the workshop. 9 Information: Status of Deliverables and Action Items Delta RMP Stoplight 3:00 – 3:15 Desired outcomes: Reports භ Inform TAC about the status of RMP deliverables. Matt Heberger භ Review action items from today’s meeting. 10 Updates and Wrap-up 3:15 – 3:30 Desired outcomes: Stephen භ Plan agenda items for future meetings McCord Adjourn 3:30 Delta RMP TAC Meeting Agenda Package 2019-07-14, page 24 Materials for Agenda Item 4 Delta RMP TAC Meeting Agenda Package 2019-07-14, page 25 ÿÿ ÿÿ !ÿ #$ÿ%&'$!'ÿ()00)1203 456 AÿB ÿ 74ÿ8 9 ÿ @ B@C D@@ EF0GH0(I%Pÿ11H1QRÿ120GS!TU%TVRÿW$!TX EF0GH0(I%Pÿ11H1QRÿ120GS!TU%TVRÿEY#`X EF0GH0(a!&$ÿ0QRÿ120GS!TU%TVRÿEY#`G EF0GH0(bcdÿ0eH0XRÿ120GS!TU%TVRÿW$!TX EF0GH0(E!ÿ1fRÿ120(S!TU%TVRÿW$!TX EF0GH0(I&TY ÿ1XRÿ120(S!TU%TVRÿW$!TX EF0(H0fI%Pÿ0eH0fRÿ120(S!TU%TVRÿEY#`G EF0(H0fgU$ÿ0fH03Rÿ120(S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tÿh'ÿa!'Yi!h$GGÿ#Y$!#ÿ#i& !'ÿpcTÿc$`ÿq$!Tÿh'ÿ#!'Yi!h$ EF0(H0f rhÿ13HQ2Rÿ120f S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tÿh'ÿa!'Yi!h$ffÿ#Y$!#ÿ#i& !'ÿpcTÿq$!TRÿGÿ#Y$!#ÿpcTÿ#!'Yi!h$ EF0(H0f E!ÿ1GH1(Rÿ120f S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF0(H0f STÿ03H12Rÿ120f S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF0(H0f I&Tÿ0GH0fRÿ120f S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tÿh'ÿa!'Yi!h$ffÿ#Y$!#ÿ#i& !'ÿpcTÿq$!TRÿGÿ#Y$!#ÿpcTÿ#!'Yi!h$ EF0(H0f SVÿ0XH0GRÿ120f S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF0(H0f r%hÿ12H10Rÿ120f S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tÿh'ÿa!'Yi!h$ffÿ#Y$!#ÿ#i& !'ÿpcTÿq$!TRÿGÿ#Y$!#ÿpcTÿ#!'Yi!h$ a!'Yi!h$ÿ#i& YhPÿUch'%U$!'ÿpcTÿch!ÿV!Tÿch Vsÿ'Tc&&!'ÿYhÿEF0fH EF0fH03r% ÿ3H02Rÿ120fS!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf03 EF0fH03I%Pÿ0QH0eRÿ120fS!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF0fH03a!&$ÿ120fS!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF0fH03gU$ÿ120fS!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF0fH03I%Pÿ12H11Rÿ120fS!TU%TVRÿEY#`( EF0fH03rhÿ10H11Rÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF0fH03E!ÿ0fH03Rÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF0fH03STÿ12H10Rÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF0fH03I&Tÿ11H1QRÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF0fH03SVÿ12H10Rÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF0fH03r%hÿ0(H03Rÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF03H12t hh!'ÿr% ÿ0XH0GRÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF03H12t hh!'ÿI%PÿXHfRÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿEY#`( EF03H12t hh!'ÿI%Pÿ01H0XRÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿEY#`2Ec cq%&ÿ#i& YhPÿYpÿh!U!##TV EF03H12t hh!'ÿI%Pÿ0QH0eRÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF03H12t hh!'ÿa!&ÿ0GH0(Rÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF03H12t hh!'ÿgU$ÿ0eH0XRÿ1203S!TU%TVRÿW$!Tf EF03H12t hh!'ÿSTU`ÿ1212S! 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