FREE 12/10/00 Issue no: 989 International Barefacts Daphane News Pub Crawl Celeste p3 p6 p10 p7-14 AllAll ChangeChange atat thethe UnioUnionn The University of Surrey Students’ Union movesClub (commercial arm into a period of strategic review and reorganisa-of the Union) facing tion it was announced at Student Council thisan end of year deficit week (10/10/00). of £222,000. (As requested in the Following a month of discontent and uncertainty amongstmeeting a full break- the membership, Union staff and the Union Sabbaticaldown of that figure will Officers concerning the Union and more specifically its com-be displayed on the mercial services, plans regarding the future of USSU havemain Union notice been finalised. A full review, intended to consider all Unionboard from 16/10/00.) services both commercial and non-commercial, will be con-He also expressed ducted with the full support of the University. that stringent action had been taken to put This process of review and reorganisation was initiated by ain place a system to decision that the post of General Manager was no longerclosely monitor and required in its present form and thus Dennis Frost, Generalcurb, where neces- Manager of the past two and a half years, left his desk forsary, expenditure the final time last Thursday, (5/10/00). Dennis commentedwithin the organisa- before leaving, “ The correct management structure for thetion in order to ensure Students listen to Fiona’s (SUPresident) words at Student Council Students’ Union at Surrey is a key decision…I wish thethat budgets are Union every success as it takes some tough business deci-adhered to in the bar prices being one possible example, to take place in a sions.” (The full Public Announcement relating to the depar-forthcoming financial year. The Students’ Union whilstsustainable manner that will ensure all changes made can ture of Dennis Frost can be found on the main notice boardrecognising its current tenuous financial position, acknowl-be guaranteed for future generations of University of Surrey in the Students’ Union Reception area.) USSU President,edges that now is a crucial to time to refocus and strategi-students. Fiona Wareham, stated that this was “…only the first step ofcally plan for the future. a six month review and reorganisation process. “ The progress of the review will be monitored and reported In practical terms a working party will be appointed andon in Barefacts, on the Union website and on relevant notice Malcolm Hamling (USSU Finance Manager), at the Studentcharged with commencing and overseeing the review. Thisboards around the Union building.Meetings and discussion Council meeting of 10/10/00, outlined the critical financialworking party will comprise the six Sabbatical Officers of thegroups will also be publicisedin this same way. position faced by USSU at this present time with the UnionStudents’ Union, members of University senior manage- ment, an NUS representative and several independent stu-We, as the USSU Sabbatical Team, are dedicated to mak- dents. Full time USSU staff will be called upon to offer A question from floor ing your Union the advise, information and support, where necessary. best place it can pos- sibly be for you; offer- The working party will seek information from and report backing you the services, to focus groups that will be set up to discuss specific issues.atmosphere and Members of the Union Executive Committee will lead thesevalue for money you focus groups, consisting mainly of students. External organ-deserve. If you have isations will also be looked to as models for information asany questions or will the Student Survey. The working party, as part of itsqueries or simply remit, will focus on the Union holistically not departmentallywant to get involved to ensure that all areas are thoroughly examined. then please do not hesitate in coming to The aim of the review, via the working party and focussee us in the Union, groups, is to draw conclusions, based on student opinionalternatively you can that will assist in the formulation of long and short-termcontact us by email, goals for the Union organisation. Student involvement isthrough Barefacts or essential at this time in order that USSU truly is a demo-via the Union web- cratic organisation working with and for its members. Thesite. Students’ Union is committed to a reorganisation of the Union following the review. Clear guidelines will be set out Fiona answering one of the many questions that will enable the necessary restructuring, the lowering ofFW Civ Eng Build Bridges with Industry A new scholarship scheme has been announced by UniSwork for their sponsor. and the Institution Of Civil Engineers. The plan is funded by Students completing the scheme will get fast tracked for several engineering companies, which then promise toUniS will be pioneering the course together with the Institutecharted membership of the ICE. This will give them a good employ the graduating students. of Civil Engineers and eventually 25 top firms. It is hopedchance of reaching a senior management position in the pro- that other universities will also want to join. Dr Bob Griffithsfession. About thirty MEng students will embark on the five-yearwho is leading the project said “The scholarship paymentsby James Buller course next year. They will each receive around £2000 perand the links to top class companies should make our wideFor more news in brief turn to page 2 year as well as a salary when doing placement and vacationranging civil engineering courses a very attractive option.” barefcts@surrey.ac.uk a News 1-3n Green Society4, n Barearts 7 - 14n Lifestyle 16 n Sport 19-20 2 News 12/10/00 Editorial dates. ...And watch out for the second bout of freshers flu!! Editorial Team Another week done and dusted - So what’s hap-Kevin Marston pened? Well, in Yugaslavia the reign of Slobodan Editor Editorr Milosevic has ended, UniS has topped the latest sur- Kevin Marston vey on the most employable students and the Union has had an interesting week. Deputy Editorr Luke Hickey Over the weekend barefacts had it’s first training ses- sion for new journalists and on the whole it was a Production Editorr great success with students learning basic Desk Top Andrew Thomas Publishing skills, graphic skills and writing skills. Thanks to all the people who turned up and took part. News Team If you missed training look out for further training James Buller Carlos Dunn ....News In Brief.....News In Brief.... Features Editorr Vacant UniS Is Best legally binding code of make practice, to make deal- ings more “predictable”. Music Editorr UniS has topped the latest surveys of UK universities. Owen Hazelby The University of Surrey produces the most employ-Phil Evans, principal policy adviser at the Consumers’ able students as a result of some of the best educa-Association, said this was among the “murkiest areas Arts Editorr tion in Britain, according to the statistics. of operation for the big four and it is good to see that ChrisMorton it will be cleaned up”. Surrey took first place in the ‘Best Job Prospects’ Sports Editorr League table, and offers excellent teaching in sever-The commission also suggested that without altering Dave Chapman al areas, says the Higher Education Statisticsplanning laws, new superstores should gain govern- Agency. ment approval if another branch already existed near- Marketing Team by Vacant Only 0.6% of Surrey students are seeking work 6th months after graduating, compared to 4.4% nationalNo action was called for against “loss leaders” - sell- Writers average. ing goods below cost price. Small shops claim this Emma van-Huysse puts them out of business unfairly. However it was Ali Danaby In the Guardian newspaper’s University Guide, UniSconcluded that “the options available would them- Sariqa Wagley was highlighted for teaching quality in music, bio-selves have adverse effects and would be dispropor- Dave Abbott sciences, psychology, business management stud-tionate to the problems themselves”. Owen Hazelby, ies, electrical and electronic engineering, nursing and Luke Mackenzie, civil engineering. The report has appeared to please most people. The Lucy Andrews Trade and Industry Secretary, Stephen Byers, wel- Andrew Thomas Dr Russ Clark of the careers service was delightedcomed and accepted all the recommendations. James Buller with the figures. “Employers value the skills and Luke Hickey experience of Surrey graduates which enables them The Numbers Game Chops to make a contribution from day one” he said. Tom Sugarman An Oxford professor has discovered how to get play- Libby Hurt Satellite Snaps ing cards into a random order - shuffling. The mun- & Melanie Wilberforce dane result was announced by the Nick Trefethen, Professor of Numerical Analysis, thereby prolonging Photographs from a Surrey satellite have just been the perception that mathematicians don’t inhabit the released. Among the first pictures from the 6.5kg real world ;-D Bare Facts SNAP-1 is this one of a Russian satellite, taken just 2 Union House, University Of Surrey seconds after deployment, when the spacecraft were Actually Tefethen has determined that six ‘riffle’ shuf- Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH about 2meters apart. The camera is smaller than a 2p fles are needed to get complete randomness. The coin, with all its components mounted on a single ‘overhand’ shuffle is much less effective he says. Tel: 01483 879275 microchip. Fax: 01483 534749 Sex email: barefacts@surrey.ac.uk Supermarket Sweep: Clean Having sex makes you look younger but also seem Deadline for Publication British supermarkets do operate fairly and do not less cool according to press releases on Tuesday. Monday 12pm make excessive profits a government report has decided. However it also recommended tighter con- In a study in Edinburgh, 95 people who appeared trols on supermarkets’ planning applications and rela- young for their age were interviewed.
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