the CORD weekly Welcomeback Alumni! HOMECOMING '85 Wilfrid Laurier University Volume 26, Number 6 Thursday, September 26, 1985 City task force Housing an issue Andrea Cole sented by their cases in support of a task force, although some residents stated that imme- The of Waterloo task force diate action proposed City was necessary. student became a last on housing reality Steve Brown, a resident of the area bor- Monday night at a standing-room-only City dered by University Avenue, Columbia, Council meeting. Lester and Hemlock streets, said that, "quite Alderman Brian Turnbull, the originator regrettably, attempts are not going well [to he of the motion, says has two reasons for integrate student housing into residential it is suggesting to Council. He said that there areas conflict between two embraced a policies by Brown presented a petition to the Council the and that some solution must be city, which was signed by 255 people represent- found to accommodate these two policies. ing 179 households. The petition regarded He said that the of Waterloo has issues his city area sees as being of major con- had an unwritten to "accom- excessive always policy cern; namely, noise coming from modate students who live in the city of student houses, over-crowding, neglected Waterloo are an of maintenance of ... they important part property, and improper life." community parking of cars. The area blames most of has written to The city also a policy these problems on absentee landlords. Turnbull wants did of the encourage family housing. Brown, as most other delegates, to avoid a situation similar to the stated that students Brighton were not a problem school issue. This school is in public danger when the landlord lived on the property as of closing due to declining enrolment. Turn- well as the students. bull attributed fewer public school students He cited an example of student rowdiness of families live the area. to a reluctance to in in unsupervised houses. A homeowner in the "I could not come with an personally up neighbourhood found this on her drive- sign We've to talk! the task got said Turnbull of — easy answer," way: "Party anytime Saturday — Bring force. "It's a issue because so complex many all the liquor you can." He also said that at Waterloo Alderman Brian Turnbull has made some fairly interesting comments involved." people are times, profanity of language was so bad that about students in Waterloo. He, and others, think that the student housing problem he had had He told Council also that not he wouldn't allow his children outside to should be solved, photo by Peter J. Lear about his the any questions approach to play- issue. "Everyone I've talked to in the past Other area residents reiterated Brown's two weeks thinks that this aproach (the task concerns. force) is a reasonable one," he said. actual motion is broader in In debate following the by Student The now scope presentations input sought because other aldermen, including Alder- residents, Alderman Thomas said that she its word- knows, from the city on man Shortreed, questioned original being representative by Bruce Arculus Alderman Brian Turnbull caused some the Wilfrid Laurier ing. In its first form, the motion read, "... Board of Governors, that controversy last week with his statements in Student student funds for accommodation are de- that the City of Waterloo initiate a A student group has set out to get more Waterloo City Council that housing that "I task force to the question of creasing. don't know where these stude Housing study students involved in the Nov. 12 municipal should be occupied families in " but by Uptown and demand of student nts are going to they certainly can't supply housing .... go, elections. Waterloo is occupied students " being by The motion the upset whole neighbourhoods," she said. now reads ... to study "We're going torun a campaign aimed at instead. Certosimo and Waterloo Federa- Matt of student housing ..." Certosimo, president of Wilfrid the question pocketbook, because is some- money tion of Students president Sonny Flanagan the and Laurier University Students' Union, and By changing wording broadening thing that affects us all," said Wilfrid Laurier responded by asking the city to "not create be of the University the of the motion the task force may Sonny Flanagan, president University Students' Union (WLUSU) scope presi- student ghettos." Council passed a motion of Waterloo Student both able to look at such issues as transit for Federation, are dent Matt Certosimo. task Monday night to set up a force to study and concerned about the segregation of students students parking problems. Certosimo said the plans to focus group the issue (see from the and the creation of accompanying story). Alderman Turnbull said he was most community issues on the of a monthly bus housing, pass, "A lot of our work, though, will be simply in student ghettos. Certosimo said that this interested in student housing general, day care, and safety. to get students enumerated and getting them task force creation defines the issues rather than its on the area "really The impact Uptown group intends to get all-candidates out to vote," said Certosimo. for this municipal election. is tradi- "I think we have an interest- Housing specifically. ... meetings on campus at Waterloo universi- Sheldon Freeman, assistant commissioner tionally an issue in a ing We should not rule out any important municipal ties, and to with literature, problem. campaign pos- of university affairs, said that some success election." He forward issues." is looking to student and local peripheral ters, through press to focus atten- residents involvement in the task force. Several of area on their delegations pre- tion concerns. continued on pg. 9 OSAP clinic: advice and answers Inside Study Program. The position of The clinic is for informational OFS and Ontario Student Awards. Jefferson by Liz OSAP clinic co- "It'll inform- Laurier's Commission of apply/appeal purposes only. give you University Yabba dabha doo! ordinator will be filled student ation is by a that Student Awards will pro- Affairs also involved in the Laurier has a new self-styled aid is the first who for the and but have line since trial member- Improved student qualifies program vide, you'd to up for,'' project, WLUSU's social club, the Loyal Order of the for an interview with Wilfrid said that students in OFS falls priority on Student Agenda passes Tice, noting may ship under this cate- Water Buffaloes, the Ontario Laurier Students' Union wait weeks 3 Change planned by University have to up to two for an gory. page Federation for the Matt that take five These student-aid clinics have of Students year president Certosimo, Tice, appointment may 1985-86. OSAP of univer- with other The new applic- assistant commissioner minutes. met success in schools, Strange combination is the said ation/appeals clinic at Laurier sity affairs Sheldon Freeman, and In case of application, stu- Tice. Although he is a High-test rock and roll in Kit- one of this another Board of Directors mem- dents shown how WLUSU he said that his way addressing priority. are to complete director, chener's posh Centre in the The OFS with OSAP is committee clinic was set up by ber. No experience the OSAP package accurately. "If position on OFS means Square? Kim Mitchell and Lee and orientation will be hand that he student aid committee member necessary; pro- we can in a perfect copy, the for this particular issue, is Aaron took turns shaking the Tice "more WLUSU Board member Jono vided by Tice and Delion. whole thing goes faster," Tice com- or less working out of the rafters of the usually staid venue with student would be CUA with Working closely The co ordinator respon- mented. Melany (Franklin, the last Thursday. Find out which awards Tice wishes officer Pauline Delion, sible for scheduling and recruiting a When a student to appeal vice-president: university affairs) one was more successful. and a staff of volunteers will be volunteer staff and working an the decison made about an applica- and Sheldon." page 15 about the of five hours week. the clinic tell him her The clinic is all this informing students average per tion, can or running OSAP Student Assist- documentation is needed and and until (Ontario The salary expense, $5.70 an what week, every Wednesday Hawks hang tough ance Program) package, the docu- hour, is split between the provincial who to contact for help. the end of October, when the dead- mentation If line this Football Golden Hawks needed for an appeal, government and the university a student appeal is denied, any for appeals for semester held on and in It is located in the TV to defeat McMaster Marauders advice about alternatives to administration. "The applicant inequities which seem evident the comes up. OSAP. with Informa- but after 21-19 last should have the ability to work case will be documented. lounge right now, Campus Friday. The Clubs Week will be the 17 clinic will also be providing people, inform them and support tion about inequities in the awards it moving to page a for Concourse. job a student under the Work- them," said Tice. system is being compiled for use by "Wng-DiMg U "PIZZA I alternative, I MvV, h s s "TUESDAY ©PINT!" f r monm ' 1 Lunch OAWMVntm. Special: 11:30-2:30. l^For great RzzAph 8864440 J CAN MGHT" GREAT PIZZAph 86 "W 'A cheap alternative!' Cans available at reduced prices. GREAT * Vfor RZZAph: 886^7 Check out our large screen! - For GREAT PIZZA ph: 886-0440J ■Si (^&astas^) il;Pli .
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