N EWS & V IEWS FRO M THE S USTAI N AB L E S OUTHWEST LIndA PEDRO (1946-2015) REFLECTIONS ON A RÍO ARRIBA WISE WOMAN 2015 SANTA FE ENERGY SUMMIT PATHWAY TO A MORE VITAL LOCAL FOOD SYSTEM September 2015 NORTHERN NEW MEXICO’S LARGEST DISTRIBUTION NEWSPAPER Vol. 7 No. 9 2 Green Fire Times • September 2015 www.GreenFireTimes.com www.GreenFireTimes.com Green Fire Times • September 2015 3 El Rito Studio Tour October 3rd & 4th 10 am – 5 pm Between Abiquiu and Ojo Caliente on scenic Highway 554 www.elritostudiotour.org (575) 581-4679 The El Rito Studio Tour is funded in part by the County of Rio Arriba Lodgers’ Tax and is fiscally sponsored by Luciente, Inc., a 501c3. 4 Green Fire Times • September 2015 www.GreenFireTimes.com Vol. 7, No. 9 • September 2015 Issue No. 77 PublISher Green Fire Publishing, llC Skip Whitson NEWS & VIEWS FROM THE SUSTAINABLE SOUTHWEST ASSoCIAte Publisher barbara e. brown Winner of the Sustainable Santa Fe Award for Outstanding Educational Project edItor-IN-ChIeF CONTENTS Seth roffman 2015 SANTA FE ENERGY SUMMIT. .. .. .. .. .. 7 Art dIreCtor Anna C. hansen, dakini design NEW MEXICO RENEWABLE ENERGY NEWSBITES. 8 ARTH NTERNATIONAL ONFERENCE CoPy edItorS E USA 2015 I C . 9 Stephen Klinger PATHWAY TO A MORE VITAL LOCAL FOOD SYSTEM . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .10 Susan Clair END OF THE LONG JOURNEY ON EL CAMINO REAL .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .12 WebmASter: Karen Shepherd LINDA PEDRO: WARRIOR FOR THE DISABLED .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .16 CoNtrIbutING WrIterS dick brown, J. michael Combs, mary Frei, FROM INDEPENDENCE TO INTERDEPENDENCE: COMING HOME CONNECTION. .16 José Griego, Suzanne Jamison, Alejandro lópez, Judith K. moore, Jim Parker, b.J. HEN INDA EDRO AN FOR THE EW EXICO TATE ENATE Pheiffer, Seth roffman, hilario e. romero, W L P R N M S S . .. .. .. 17 Camilla trujillo LINDA MARTÍNEZ DE PEDRO INTERVIEW EXCERPTS. .20 CoNtrIbutING PhotoGrAPherS INDA AND EYOTE evalyn bemis, Anna C. hansen, lisa law, L P . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..21 Alejandro lópez, Seth roffman, hilario e. LINDA AND THE AMERICAN CHURCH OF GOD . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .21 romero, tony Vinella A TRIBUTE TO LINDA PEDRO. .. .. .. .. .. 24 PublISher’S ASSIStANtS Cisco Whitson-brown LINDA PEDRO IS ALIVE IN MY MEMORY .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .24 AdVertISING SAleS INDA EDRO AND THE ISTORIC ARCH GAINST RUGS AND IOLENCE Skip Whitson 505.471.5177 L P H M A D V . .. .. 25 [email protected] NEW MEXICO LAND CONSERVANCY AWARDED NATIONAL ACCREDITATION. .29 Anna C. hansen 505.982.0155 [email protected] NEWSBITES . ... .. .. .. .. 10, 11, 15, 37 robyn montoya 505.692.4477 WHAT’S GOING ON: . ... .. .. .. .. .. 38 [email protected] lisa Powers, 505.629.2655 [email protected] Niki Nicholson 505.490.6265 LindA PedRo: A RemembranCe BY CAmilla TRujillo [email protected] inda Martínez de Pedro was the only child of Ramona Martínez and James Allander, and the adopted Albuquerque: Shelley Shilvock 505-492-5869, daughter of Bertha and Vincent Groves. Her mind and heart were engaged in life, on life’s terms. On Good [email protected] Fridays,L she opened her home to the walkers headed to El Santuario, complementing the special day of fasting dIStrIbutIoN and prayer with a meatless meal that all could take part in. She blessed those heading out for the remaining three barbara brown, Susan Clair, Co-op dist. Services, miles and asked them carry her prayers with them. Nick García, Niki Nicholson, Andy otterstrom (Creative Couriers), daniel rapatz, tony rapatz, Wuilmer rivera, Andrew tafoya, Skip Whitson In retrospect, one could say that Linda was born with a special assignment: improve the quality of life for those perceived as the “weak link” of society—those who were disabled, like herself. With her keen mind and courageous CIrCulAtIoN: 30,000 copies Printed locally with 100% soy ink on heart, Linda challenged the federal legal system, creating a standard of care that enabled everyone to pursue life, 100% recycled, chlorine-free paper liberty and happiness in the safety and comfort of their own home. Linda knew there was prejudice toward disabled GreeN FIre tImeS people. She countered this by greeting everyone with a warm smile and a genuine curiosity. c/o the Sun Companies P.o. box 5588, SF, Nm 87502-5588 Because Linda cultivated a habit of saying “yes” to life, she insisted that those of us 505.471.5177 • [email protected] around her do the same. Good food, stimulating conversation, critical thinking and © 2015 Green Fire Publishing, llC an appreciation of our traditional New Mexican lifestyle were the norm. Because of the severity of Linda’s injuries, she worked hard to maintain a comfort level. In Green Fire Times provides useful information for order to avoid the side-effects that came with the use of prescription painkillers, community members, business people, students and Linda became a champion of meditation, massage and molecular healing practices. visitors—anyone interested in discovering the wealth of opportunities and resources in the Southwest. In She was proud that, through her diligence, she had never developed bedsores in support of a more sustainable planet, topics covered over 50 years of being disabled. Linda set the bar high, and while it was not always range from green businesses, jobs, products, services, easy being her relative, friend, or assistant, it was certainly interesting. She was the entrepreneurship, investing, design, building and energy—to native perspectives on history, arts & consummate teacher. culture, ecotourism, education, sustainable agriculture, regional cuisine, water issues and the healing arts. To Linda died on Jan. 13, 2015. In this year of remembrance, we invite you to join us as our publisher, a more sustainable planet also means we pause to appreciate this amazing woman and the life she lived. i maximizing environmental as well as personal health by minimizing consumption of meat and alcohol. Camilla Trujillo is from the Española Valley. She is a potter, herb-crafter and author of the book, Green Fire Times is widely distributed throughout Española (Arcadia Publishing, 2011) north-central New Mexico. Feedback, announcements, event listings, advertising and article submissions to be considered for publication are welcome. COVER: Linda Pedro (1992). Photo by Alejandro López • Chimayó weaving by Rita Padilla Haufmann www.GreenFireTimes.com Green Fire Times • September 2015 5 STATE FAIR PUBLIC PORTRAIT PROJECT Photographers: Brian K. Edwards, Anna C. Hansen, Carrie McCarthy, Alan Myers, Roberta Price & others September 9 – OctOBER 16, 2015 OPENING RECEPTION Friday, September 11th, 5 – 8 pm. © Anna C. Hansen © Anna Meet Me at the Fair NM STATE FAIR September 10-20, 2015 “Under the Tuscan Sun” exposition July through September Featuring an art tower of Italian Landscapes by European artist, Raquel Sarangello 2874 HWY 14 N MADRID, NM 6 Green Fire Times • September 2015 www.GreenFireTimes.com 2015 SAnta Fe eneRgy SummiT SETH ROFFMAN n Aug. 12, Santa Fe Community College hosted the 2015 Santa Fe Energy Summit. Federal, state, tribal and local public officials gathered to share ideas oabout the changing face of energy generation and New Mexico’s potentially pivotal role in determining the course of the United States’ energy future. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Deputy Secretary Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, who happens to be a Santa Fe resident, gave the keynote speech and participated in a Q&A with U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM), moderated by Santa Fe Mayor Javier Gonzales. A Microgrid Panel discussed emerging options such as community solar initiatives and decentralized microgrids to manage energy use, as well as energy storage advancements that can cut renewables’ costs and allow time-shifting of electricity to when it is most top: u.S. Sen. needed. An Energy-Water Nexus Panel discussed hydropower, long-term strategies martin heinrich and for groundwater, wastewater and what it would take to achieve sustainable water u.S. doe deputy use. Heinrich participated in a Tribal Energy Panel that examined renewable energy Secretary elizabeth Sherwood-randall; options. “Many tribal leaders have come to me and said, ‘This is power that we believe offman Above: SF mayor r is consistent with our values, and it’s what our young people want to see.’ Let’s get Javier Gonzales together and find some projects we can move forward on,’’ Heinrich said. © Seth “In Washington there are a lot of people who don’t “This legislation puts solar energy within reach for more Americans,” Heinrich said. understand how quickly clean energy is becoming “Families with solar panels on their rooftops already know firsthand how solar can the industry standard.” – Sen. Martin Heinrich reduce energy costs at home. With more than 300 days of sun in New Mexico, this tremendous resource should continue to be harnessed as an economic engine for our Sherwood-Randall said, “With 19,000 full-time employees at the [Los Alamos and state. Extending the solar tax credit for families is a great way to achieve that.” Sandia National] laboratories, New Mexico is at the center of much of what the DOE does. …Climate change is shifting the playing field on how we make decisions. Since Heinrich also has introduced a bill to encourage community solar projects, similar to President Obama took office, solar prices have come down 75 percent, and solar jobs New Mexico’s first community-owned solar garden at Taos Charter School. The Promote have grown 20 times more than the economy as a whole. The president’s Clean Power Renewable Energy Shared Solar (PRESS) Act would require states to consider adopting Plan will provide technical assistance to help states set their own energy paths. The new standards that allow community solar projects to be connected to the grid and allow plan also helps those laid off from coal power plants.” electricity produced by shared solar facilities to be credited to consumers, offsetting their electricity bills.
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