Classic Commemoration Last Wednesday brought out the gowns By Ed Sexton ber of building projects the college has and relatives for Imperial's annual Com• undertaken in the last few years, the memoration Day, when the year's grad• Rector explained that there was more to uates arc processed in front of their come in the College's five year refur• constituent college's dean in the Royal bishment plan, which would "probably Albert Hall. It was also the occasion for cost more than £100 million". the presentation of three new fellows to the presentation of graduates to the college,- Professor John Archer, Pro• their Deans then followed. Many grad• fessor Nay Htun and Professor J Trevor uates had brought along reading mate• Stuart. rial to keep them occupied during what the day commemorates the visit of is renowned for being a long afternoon. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth In the end, however, the presentation (now the Queen Mother) to the college was over reasonably quickly, helped by in 1945. to celebrate the centenary of the the orator tcading out the names of the foundation of the Royal College of Chem• ICSM graduates quicker than they could istry. The afternoon began shortly after cross the stage. 2pm with a procession of the Deans, Pro Rectors and other dignitaries. David Hellard, ICU President, opened the cer• Photo montage on page 3 emony with a short speech, before the Rector, Sir Ronald Oxburgh, gave the address. Commenting on the vast num- Photo: William Students perfect their image for the official photographer Racism Rife in Medical Schools Inside... have emerged as completely impartial. ing that its selection process is unbiased By Andrew Ofori The table is to be placed on the Internet, and appropriate for its educational role." Letters 6 arousing fears that the selection of non- WadeGayed, ICSM Union President, The name of London's medical schools while students will be affected. One condemned the blacklisting of the col• Editorial & RAG 7 has been muddied this week, as allega• ICSM student told Felix that a number of lege as "absolute horseshit." Adopting tions of institutionalised racism circulate. his contemporaries refused to apply lo St the line taken by many of the named and Columns 8 The medical fraternity has been stunned Mary's "because of its reputation". The shamed medical schools, Gaycd was by the results of a new report complied McManus report also revealed that male insistent that the admissions statistics Elections 10 by UCL's Prof McManus, formerly an IC applicants were at a disadvantage when were a more than adequate contradic• affiliate, as recently reported in The applying for medicine. tion to the McManus report. He viewed Cartoon 12 Guardian. It claims two-thirds of the 27 Prof McManus is somewhat con• ICSM as "culturally diverse" and failed to medical schools admitting students dis• cerned with his findings stating "Ihe dis• sec how an analysis of last year's admis• Computer Games 13 played discrimination against ethnic advantage of non-white applicants and sions figures could be associated with a minority applicants. of males would be construed as prima newly instituted school. He went on to Arts 14 The report was commissioned by facie evidence under the Race Relations describe the ICSM admission office's the Council of Heads of Medical Schools Act 1976 and the Sex Discrimination Act new initiative lo create an admissions Music 18 as a response to rumours of racism, 1975." policy "so transparent, if any member of which have been pervading medical Various parties from medical acade- the public dares to come and look there's Clubbing 22 schools for over a decade. It compared mia have called the report's legitimacy no way they can turn around and say the proportion of ethnic 17 and 18 year inlo question, faulting the omission of your being racist." Film 24 olds who applied to the proportion that factors such as GCSt results, A1 Level pre• Other medical schools 'black- received offers; the result was a league dictions and the social aspect of appli• marked' such as UCL and Leeds were IC Radio 25 table highlighting the schools which cants when drawing its conclusions. quick lo join the; chorus of indignant were deemed to show bias against eth• Imperial College claims to have denial with a Leed's representative Clubs & Diversions 26 nic minorities. Imperial College has been taken the findings into consideration, explaining that they attach "the highest 'black-marked' along with UCL, King's but states that the medical admissions priority to ensuring lhat procedures for Sports 27 London, St. George's Hospital, Leeds, procedure is in a state of reform as a recruiting are impartial, fair and objec• Leicester and Manchester, in contrast to result of the recent merger. The college tive." XWord & Comps 28 schools like Bristol and Newcastle that maintains "ICSM is committed to ensur• 2 News 2 November 1998 King's Lose Their Roar In brief... By Brett Donovan with students and others using the fac• ulty bathrooms to perform sexual acts. It In a highly contentious series of events, reports of "eye witnesses seeing cubicles Medical Correction ROAR, the King's College Student News• wobble". The issue was regarded by paper, has recently received a mention many King's students as "the best issue A number of inaccuracies in last week's Issue 1124 in the House Of Lords. It transpires that yet, with all 5,000 copies being snapped story headed 'Medics Blow Cash' have Baroness Rawlings was, as usual, mailed up in record time". Equally astonishing come to light since the article went to 2 November 1998 a copy of the publication and was was the low number of complaints; press. enraged by the nature of its front page. apparently "five out of a total student Firstly, the aborted graduation ball Editor: Ed Sexton The 7 October release featured an arti• population of 18,000 and no complaints was not organised by the Imperial Col• Photographic Editor: William Lorenz cle on the problems of 'cottaging' within from the homosexual community". All lege School of Medicine Rugby squad, Music Editors: Jason Ramanathan and college premises. The expose resulted five complaints were made by medics, and indeed did not have any connection Denis Patrickson in a month's suspension for the editor, some objecting to the additional graphic with the team. The Rugby squad arc in News Editors: Andy Ofori in the female section depicting the cli• the process of organising their own win• Him Lditor: David Roberts toris. Many just can't see any problem ter ball, which has been organised Games Editor: Gary Smith with the publication with a number of according to the correct procedures and Arts Editor: Helena Cocheme people congratulating the ROAR team. has been planned since last July. Sports Editor: Gus Paul However this suspension has left the Secondly, after negotiations students without the next two issues of between ICU and the hotel in question, Assault Charge the fortnightly publication. The fate of the amount lost as a result of cancella• Matthews lies in the hands of King's stu• tion fell from £7500 to £3000. Reports have been coming in of a scuf• dent parliament and a potential vote of Thirdly, the Medical Freshers Ball, fle at the well known medics' nightspot no confidence, and hence a sacking. over which concern was expressed in the Hombres' last week. A rather merry Inside sources suggest that at the very last issue, proved to be a great achieve• fresher was knocked to the ground and least Matthews will have to compromise ment. Over five hundred people responded with a swift punch, unfortu• ROAR's content, this may involve the attended, with many declaring the ball nately selecting the wrong individual as president of the union having to oversee one of the best they'd ever been to. Con• his assailant, resulting in a charge of the publication before it is finalised for sequently, despite the last minute organ• ABH. printing. Matthews explained to Felix isation, the event was both a financial that he was "simply trying to entertain and social success. Cycling Crackdown the students". These events may insti• The controversial cover gate further repercussions for other stu• More Suspect Speakers Local Police are warning IC students to dent newspapers. avoid being caught out by Kensington & Rupert Matthews. The punishment was Dodgy white vans were out in force Chelsea Council's latest crackdown. The decided upon at a disciplinary commit• once again this week. Operating from a Council have decided that the greatest tee on grounds of contravening King's different van to last week, a white 5ft 6" social problem facing the local citizenry equal opportunity policy. male with an Irish accent, black jeans and is that of cycling on pavements. Eschew• The cover story tells of a problem quilted jacket was selling video recorders ing the traditional targets of drugs, mug• and TVs. Speakers seem to have been ging, murder and rape, the Council have removed from this week's menu. One instructed our local Met to charge all student was approached and offered those caught indulging in this heinous Consoc Hosts Howard these suspect goods, being threatened act, with stiff fines awaiting the guilty. after sensibly proclaiming "our student Silly as this may sound, it has already By Brett Donovan newspaper has run a story about you, I'm resulted in the prosecution of at least off to phone the police". As before, one IC student, who was fined £75. So, The Conservative society played host to felix's advice is; don't hand over any unless you too want to end up seriously the Rt.
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