Union - ZANU - component of Union - ZANU - component of the Patriotic Front) ZANU AND HISTORY >~-~' 5d4~ s~. / j ARMED STRUGGLE UNTIL VICTORY ZANU FOREIGN MISSIONS MOZ \MBIOQLiU Headquarter, Zimbabwe African National Union C.P. 743 Maput' People's Republic of Mozambique E \ST \FRICA The Chief Representative Zimbabwe African National Union P.O. Box 20762 Dar e' Salaam U nited Republic of Tanzania Z* MBI A The Chief Representative Zimbabwe African National Union P.0. Box 2331 Lusaka Republic of Zambia NORTH AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST The Chief Representative Zimbabwe African National Union 3 Ahmed Hishmat Street Zamalek Cairo Arab Republic of Egypt BOTSWANA The Chief Representative P.O. Box 9 13 Francistown Botswana WEST AFRICA The Representative Zimbabwe African National Union 4 Balea Hall University Hall University of badan Ibadan Nigeria UNITED KINGDOM The Acting Representative Zimbab% c African National Union 21 Caledonian Road London, N.I. United Kingdom CANADA The Chief Representative Zimbabwe African National Union P.O. Box 415 Cote des Neigc. Station Montreal H3S 2S7 Canada AUSTRALIA AND FAR EAST The Representative Zimbabwe African Nationil Union 51 Beddon Avenue Clav n Victoria \ustralia SC \NDINAVI A The Chicf Representative Zimbabwe African National Union Tulegtan 41) P.O. Box 1 9'553 10432 Stockholm Sweden UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The Chief Representative Zimbabwe African National Union 211 Fast 43rd Street 9112 New York. N.Y. 10017 United State- if America ROMANIA The RepresentativO Zimbabwe African National Union Sectorul Florese Str. Av. Protopopescu Nr. I I Apartment 24 Bucaresti Romania LIBYA The Representative Zimbabwe African National Union Box 4491 Tripoli Libya Arab Jamahiriya Contents 1. Editorials Letters 2. State of the Party 3. National Affairs 4. The War 5. Diplomatic Struggle 6. National Enemies 7. Ideological and Revolutionarv Education in ZANU ZIMBABWE NEWS Vol. 10 No. 3 May-June 1978 1 .... Miracles v. realities I .... From Ghana 2 .... From Jamaica 2 .... From Botswana 3 .... ZANU on the move throughout the world 5 .... .ZANU carries the burden of history" Cde. President Mugabe I I .... Takawira Day 1978 13 .... May in Zimbabwe lb .... The war is here, everywhere Cde. Josiah Tongogara 22 .... .The masses are on our side" Cde. Chapewva 23 .... War Communique No. 17 29 ... Women have total involvement in the struggle: Cde. Teurai Ropa 31 .... On building bridges: Cde. President Mugabes tour abroad 35 .... Cde. Vice President Muzenda presents P.F. case to O.A.U. 37 .... Camarada President Samora Machel's tour 3 S .... ZANU and Zimbabweans congratulate Mozambique 39 .... Solidarity with the people of Yugoslavia 401 .... Muzeum of People's struggle opens in Mozambique 41 .... Chronology of Struggle in Zimbabwe 43 . Who does Muzorewa work for? I .... Ted Lockwood: on American Foreign Policy (I t)6(--1978) 54 ... June. 1978, in Zimbabwe 57 .... Political Commissariat Lecture Series 62 .... Education as Lin instrument for social transformation in Zimbabwe (continued from Zimbabwe News Vol. 10, No. 2, 1978) Cde. Shamuyarira (3 .... ZANU statement on massacre of missionaries by Smith 65 .... Nehanda died for Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE NEWS is the OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ZIMBABWE AFRICAN NATIONA L UNION (ZANU), component of the Patriotic Front, and is produced on the authority of the Central Committee by the Department of Information and Publicity, ZANU Headquarters, Caixa Postal 743, Maputo. People's Republic of Mozambique. ,c 1978 - World Copyright. Central Committee, ZANU VOICE OF ZIMBABWE VOICE OF ZIMBABWE is a special programme presented by the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) from Maputo on behalf of the Patriotic Front and the Zimbabwe People's Army. The broadcast is aired every night starting at 8 o'clock on 25, 31, 41, 49, 60 and 90 metres on short wave and 407 metres on medium wave. Listen to your programme - VOICE OF ZIMBABWE. Editorial MIRACLES VS. REALITIES Recently, the Rev. Ndabaningi Sithole, speaking before his European Conmon Market pay-masters and Bishop Abel Muzorewa, speaking before his own bosses in Washington D.C., both bitterly denounced the Western powers for having little or no faith in miracles. From the two clerics' point of view, the Bible is clear: with faith, man can command mountains to move and they will. It was, therefore, scandalous, that no one should accept that the deal they concluded with Ian Smith on March 3rd, 1978, was as genuine a marvellous event due to some supernatural agency as the feeding, by Christ, of 5 000 people with seven loaves of bread and two fishes. The Western capitalist bosses can be excused for having less faith in miracles than the two Rhodesian priests. After all, their industrial revolution had been due to science and technology. When Germans and Americans want a mountain to move, they are more in the habit of hiring an engineering firm to move it than approaching their parish priests for prayers! The Patriotic Front, the Front-Line states, the O.A.U., the United Nations, all sovereign states, all international institutions and organisations have refused to recognize the so-called 'Internal Settlement', not-so, much because they are of little faith (Bishop Muzorewa and Rev. Sithole should not judge so they be not judged!), but because earthly experience suggests to them that the deal was a rotten, treacherous, criminal and opportunistic strategy on the part of Ian Smith, Bishop Muzorewa, Rev. Sithole and Chief Chirau. True, Bishop Muzorewa believes, that Ian Smith has completely changed. While many believe that St. Paul converted and repented, while on his mission to commit more tortures, massacres and barbarities on christians, few believe that history may be repeating itself in the case of Ian Smith. Many who have observed Muzorewa, Sithole and Chirau, revel in their new wealth (air-conditioned homes, limousines, spacious offices, guards, fat pay-checks) doubt that these men follow Ian Smith on account of the latter's recent conversion as a result of a recent confrontation with God and the holy spirit. They rather suspect that two clerics may be using God's name in vain, to camouflage their selfish lust for power and money at the expense of the rights and interests of the seven million Zimbabweans. Besides, Bishop Muzorewa's later-day St. Paul still murders, tortures and massacres women and children all over Zimbabwe and in various refugee camps in Mozambique, Zambia and Botswana. Besides, people have rejected the "Internal Settlement" not so nruch because it does not appear to be a marvellous event due to some supernatural agency, but because it obviously ignores the facts. The facts, as earthly mortals see them, are, that the seven million people of Zimbabwe, under the leadership of the Patriotic Front, their sole and authentic representative - are determined to die to the man or woman in opposition to it. Their armed forces, under the joint Command of Comrade Presidents Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo, have sworn to smash Ian Smith and the holy puppets, by arms. Since the signing of the diabolical agreement, the world has watched the Patriotic Front liberate district by district, region by region and province by province. The world has watched Sithole and Muzorewa vainly try to bring about a cease-fire. They have watched Ian Smith continue to wield and crack the shambok; announce perfidious and rigged election programs which are doomed to fail; callously promise white settlers that the agreement he entered into was merely a ruse and military strategy etc. No one has been fooled. Given all these realities, the world may be forgiven for being realistic. They know that the Patriotic Front is winning the war. They have to come to terms with that hard fact. For our part, we do not wish to be misunderstood. The Patriotic Front believes that our Zimbabwe history is made by our Zimbabwean masses, not by any one else - certainly not by supernatural powers. Our people will have to word hard, very hard, very very hard with their own hands and minds to develop their country for themselves once liberation has been earned through sweat and blood. They would be foolish to invest in the economics of miracles paddled by two greedy, treacherous, murderous business men, who wear dog-collars and frocks to beguile Zimbabweans and the world. Pamberi ne Chimurenga! Letters to The editor Youth Forces for National Liberation c/o 8 Olympic Way Kingston Jamaica W.I. 12th June 1978 Z.A.N.U. Dear Comrades, Revolutionary greetings. As part of our programme of raising the political consciousness of the oppressed Jamaican People our Y.F.N.L. operates the Red Star Bookshop which is located at 8 Olympic Way, Kingston 11, Jamaica. Our Bookshop is serving to inform the Jamaican people of the revolutionary struggle of the world oppressed peoples. We distribute literature originating from China, Europe, North America; but nothing directly from the mother land, Africa. We are therefore requesting that our bookshop become the distributor and agent of all Z.A.N.U. and Patriotic Front literature, posters etc., if not only in Jamaica but the whole Caribbean. The fulfilment of such a request would serve to strengthen the ties of friendship and understanding between the peoples of your country and the Caribbean at the same time. Passing on valuable experience of your struggles against imperialism. We look forward to an early reply. Africa Jamaica one struggle! Zimbabwe must be free! Death to black and white oppressors! Yours in struggle for Y.F.N.L. (Jamaica) Accra North Ghana THE CHIMURENGA HIGH COMMAND Z.A.N.U. Caixa Postal 743, MAPUTO People's Republic of Mozambique 27th June, 1978 Dear Comrades, This is to express oUr gratitude to the Chimurenga High Cormmand and all Patriotic Zimbabweans for bringing about the spectacular victories.
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