בס״ד SHAAREI ORAH NEwSlEttER The Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck • 1425 Essex Road, Teaneck NJ, 07666 • 201-833-0800 • www.sephardicteaneck.org Rabbi Haim Jachter Zmanim & Services Six Differences between Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews Regarding the Na’anu’im PARASHAT HA'AZINU Are there situations when Ashkenazic Jews follow the ruling of Rav Yosef Karo as OCTOBER 12, 2019 recorded in the Shulhan Aruch and Sephardic Jews do not? The answer is yes, in a few instances, 13 TISHREI 5780 Na’anu’im being one of them. The Shulhan Aruch (Orah Haim 651:9) rules that the Na’anu’im begin in front and then wind around the right and conclude with up and down motions. Sepharadim (and Hassidim), though, follow the Ari z”l’s practice of shaking to the south, then Friday Night north, east, east in the upwards direction, east in a downward motion and finally to the west (Kaf HaHaim Orah Haim 651:49). Shir Hashirim 5:55 pm Maran Rav Karo writes that one performs the Na’anu’im simply by moving one’s Minha 6:05 pm hands. While Ashkenazi Jews follow this practice, Sephardic Jews fully extend their arms Candle Lighting 6:04 pm followed by Kabbalat Shabbat / holding the four Minim in a full motion back and forth, once again following the approach of the Arvit Ari z”l (Kaf HaHaim Orah Haim 651:48 and 93). Shabbat Day The Kaf HaHaim (651:96) notes that it appears from the Shuhan Aruch (op. cit.) that one moves his hands and not his body when performing the Na’anu’im. However, he notes that Shaharit 8:30 am the prevalent Sephardic practice in his area is to move one’s entire body in the direction to which Latest Shema 9:53 am he is waving. This appears to be the widespread practice among Sephardic Jews today. Pre-Minha Shiur 5:20 pm Minha 5:50 pm Two other differences between Ashkenazic practice and Sephardic practice reflect Arvit 6:48 pm differences between Maran Rav Yosef Karo and the Rama. The Rama (Orah Haim 651:8) Havdala 6:58 pm records the Ashkenazic practice to shake not only for Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov Ki L’Olam Hasdo, but also when responding Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov to the Shali’ah Tzibbur reciting Yomar Na Erev Sukkot – Sunday Yisrael etc. Maran Rav Karo does not record such a practice since Sephardic Jews do not respond Shaharit 8:00 am Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov to Yomar Na Yisrael etc. Candle Lighting 6:01 pm This difference of opinion between Rav Karo and the Rama stems as it often does, from Minha/Arvit 6:05 pm a dispute between Tosafot and the Rambam. Tosafot (Sukkah 37b s.v. B’Hodu) mentions Sukkot Day 1 – Monday waving while responding Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov to the Shali’ah Tzibbur reciting Yomar Na Yisrael etc. while the Rambam (Hilchot Lulav 7:10) makes no mention of this. This is because Shaharit 8:30 am Sephardic Jews do not respond Hodu LaHashem Ki Tov to the Shaliah Tzibbur reciting Yomar Minha/Arvit 5:50 pm Na Yisrael etc. Candle Lighting 6:55 pm In addition, while the Rama (Orah Haim 651:9) defines Na’anu’im as shaking the Lulav, Sukkot Day 2 - Tuesday Maran Rav Karo defines it simply as waving. This difference of opinion between Rav Karo and the Rama once again stems from a dispute between Tosafot and the Rambam. Tosafot (Sukkah Shaharit 8:30 am 37b s.v. Kde) mentions shaking in addition to the Gemara’s mention of waving while the Minha 6:00 pm Rambam (Hilchot Lulav 7:10) makes mention only of waving but not of shaking. Arvit 6:43 pm Havdala 6:53 pm There is an important ramification of this difference. While some Ashkenazic Posekim express reservations about using a Lulav whose tip is closed by brown bark (sometimes referred Hol HaMoed Sukkot to as “kora”) since one is unable to shake such a Lulav, for Sepharadim this is not a concern. In fact, it is preferable for a Sephardic Jew to purchase such a Lulav, since the sealing of the tip in Wednesday, Thursday & this manner allows for the purchaser to assume that the tip of the Lulav is intact (see Shulhan Friday Aruch Orah Haim 645:3). Shaharit 6:15 am Congregation Shaarei Orah is an inclusive kehillah, all are welcome regardless of edah or level of observance. בס״ד SHAAREI ORAH NEwSlEttER The Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck • 1425 Essex Road, Teaneck NJ, 07666 • 201-833-0800 • www.sephardicteaneck.org Finally, one more difference is that Yalkut Yosef (OH 651:50) records the practice to wave the Lulav only once when reciting the last Hodu of Hallel. Ashkenazic Jews wave both times the last set of Hodu is recited. Announcements Kiddush this week is sponsored by the kiddush fund. To contribute to the kiddush fund, please visit https://www.sephardicteaneck.org/form/kiddush-fund-donation.html Seudah Shelisheet is sponsored by Moriyah and Menachem Besthof in honor of Aaron Liberman's birthday. To sponsor Seudah Shelisheet please visit https://www.sephardicteaneck.org/form/seudah. Hakarat HaTov: Thank you to the individuals who helped over the Hagim (more to come next week!) Yamim Noraim: Vivian and Ezra Ghazal, Joel and Zach Mizrahi, Eitan, Elad and Shalom Shushan and Jack Varon. Suka builders: David Attar, Ehud and Shlomo Sasson, Larry Silver and Sion Vaanunu. The Teen Minyan will take place this week! Boys and girls AGES 12-18 ONLY are invited to take part in our Teen Minyan beginning at 9:15 AM in the upstairs Beit Midrash. We kindly ask that everyone please come on time so that we can start tefila promptly. Donuts will be served at 9AM. This minyan, led by our very own Shaarei Orah teens, will be followed by a Kiddush (for attendees only) For more information regarding the minyan and to offer to sponsor future teen minyan kiddushim please contact Shalom Shushan - [email protected] or Ehud Sasson- [email protected]. We respectfully remind all adults to attend the main minyan and kiddush in the social hall only. The Teen Minyan kiddush is sponsored by anonymous in honor of Daniel Goldfajn and Albert Wolak. Arba Minim this Motzaei Shabbat: Please remember to pick up your Arba Minim this Saturday night, October 12th from 7 PM to 10 PM at Shaarei Orah, 1425 Essex Rd, Teaneck. If you have not already placed your order you can still use the online form or make your selections and pay by check or cash at the synagogue during the Arba Minim Sale. We are pleased to offer the following options: Premium Sets - $75 each, Regular Sets - $50 each, Chinuch sets (pasul) - $20 each, Set of extra hadasim - $7 per set, Set of extra aravot - $7 per set, Carry case - $10, Access online form here: https://www.sephardicteaneck.org/form/ArbaMinim2019. Contact Joshua Murad for more information: [email protected] Join Arik and Yarden for suka decorating, pizza, and fun sports activities at Shaarei Orah on Sunday, October 13th from 12 pm - 2 pm. Shaarei Orah youth Suka hop will take place (weather permitting) on the first day of sukkot, Monday, October 14th. Stay tuned for details. Save the date for Simhat Torah at Shaarei Orah, Tuesday, October 22nd. Join us for a meaningful tefila led by our children followed by our annual Gala Simhat Torah Kiddush. Sponsorships available (and very appreciated) at the following levels: Donor - $101, Hakafot - $180, V'zot HaBeracha - $260, Bereshit - $360, Sefer Torah - $540 (please note that these names are categories and do not indicate a purchase of any Aliya or Kibbud in the Bet K'nesset). To sponsor the kiddush please click here https://www.sephardicteaneck.org/form/simhat-torah-kiddush-2019 or contact Josh Murad - [email protected]. Shaarei Orah is participating in the Yad Leah's Dash for Dignity event and encourages everyone in our kehila to sign up. This important and fun event will take place on November 10, 2019 at Overpeck Park. If we reach 30 participants, we will be given a VIP tent at the event. Sign up today! Check your email for more details and registration information. Happy Birthday to Rafael Douek (Oct 15), Samuel Kooijmans (Oct 16) & Joel Mizrahi (Oct 15). The deadline for all submissions to the weekly newsletter is Thursday at 10AM. Thank you for your cooperation. Come and participate in our wonderful classes. See details below. Congregation Shaarei Orah is an inclusive kehillah, all are welcome regardless of edah or level of observance. בס״ד SHAAREI ORAH NEwSlEttER The Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck • 1425 Essex Road, Teaneck NJ, 07666 • 201-833-0800 • www.sephardicteaneck.org WEEKLY SHIURIM @ SHAAREI ORAH Rabbi Jachter: - Shabbat morning Pre-Sha’harit Shiur at 8:30am on the weekly Parasha – Shabbat afternoon Pre-pre Minha Shiur 80 minutes before Minha - Pre-Minha Shiur 40 minutes before Minha - Men and women are invited. Weekly e-mail 5-minute Sephardic Shiur of the week - Hebrew version and English version. To join Rabbi Jachter's "Halacha To Go" WhatsApp group please click here https://chat.whatsapp.com/B57KmA6aEyV2t8Hcgpkqu4. Rabbi Michael Chernlck: Beginner's Talmud, Tuesday nights, 8:30-9:30 pm A Story – Obstacles or Opportunities Dvar Torah An old man had three sons. He was not happy though, as his sons The Torah portion is a song, a poem taught quarreled with one another. One day, the old man said to his sons. “Bring to the Jewish people by Moshe. It recounts the trials me a bundle of sticks." The sons asked their servant to do so.
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