JAMES T. SALE SELECTED CREDITS SAINT JUDY (2018) SISTER CITIES (2016) RETURN TO ZERO (2014) HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (2012) CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS (2009) BIOGRAPHY James T. SAle wAs born in WAshington D.C. to music-loving pArents who introduced him to classicAl and modern orchestral music. In 1988 James enrolled in the Film Scoring ProgrAm at Berklee College of Music in Boston. At Berklee he studied Composition And OrchestrAtion. Conducting studies were with noted conductor DAvid CAllAhan, conductor of the Brookline SYmphonY in Boston And A former student of LeonArd Bernstein. After moving to Los Angeles in 1992 he begAn pAYing his dues, working As A librArian And copYist for the SonY music librArY And live shows eventuAlly getting work As An orchestrAtor, conductor And composer for numerous video gAmes such As ‘God of WAr’, ‘Lord of the Rings: BAttle for Middle EArth’, And ‘CAptAin AmericA: Super Soldier’. James’ feAture film credits include music for ‘Cloudy with A ChAnce of MeAtballs’ 1 And 2, ‘Hotel TrAnsYlvAniA’ 1 And 2, ‘The LEGO Movie’, ‘21 & 22 Jumpstreet’, ‘LAst VegAs’, As well As ‘Return to Zero’, ‘Sister Cities’ And ‘SAint JudY’ for Director SeAn HAnish. http://www.jAmestsAle.com FILM CREDITS Bloodshot (2020) Uncle Frank (2020) Conductor Conductor Directed bY Dave Wilson (composer, Steve Directed bY AlAn BAll | PArts And LAbor, AmAzon JablonskY) | SonY Pictures EntertAinment, Studios ColumbiA Pictures Big Break (2019) Finding Mr. Divine (2019) Composer Composer Directed bY Dicle Ozcer Directed bY SAige KristiAn Saint Judy (2018) Acts of Violence (2018) Composer Composer Directed bY SeAn HAnish | Cannonball Directed bY Brett Donowho | Emmett/Furla/Oasis Productions Surviving Home (2017) Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) Composer Conductor Directed bY MAtthew Moul & JilliAn Twigger Moul Directed bY MichAel BAY (composer, Steve | Humble Patience Pictures JablonskY) | PArAmount Pictures Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016) Conductor Directed bY Dave Green (composer, Steve JablonskY) | PArAmount Pictures Pee-Wee’s Big Holiday (2016) Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip Composer (AdditionAl music), OrchestrAtor, (2015) Conductor Composer (AdditionAl music), OrchestrAtor, Directed bY John Lee | ApAtow Productions, Conductor Netflix Directed bY WAlt Becker | Fox 2000 Pictures, Twentieth CenturY Fox Cosmic Scrat-tastrophe (2015) Conductor, Music ArrAnger Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015) Directed bY MichAel Thurmeier | Blue SkY Studios Composer (AdditionAl music), Conductor, OrchestrAtor Vacation (2015) Directed bY GenndY TArtAkovskY | Columbia Composer (AdditionAl music), Conductor, Pictures, SonY OrchestrAtor Directed bY John FrAncis DAleY & JonAthAn Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) Goldstein | BenderSpink, Warner Bros. ProgrAmmer Directed bY ElizAbeth BAnks (composer, Mark El Aura Azul (2015) MothersbAugh) | Brownstone Productions, Composer UniversAl Pictures Directed bY AndY HArbeck 22 Jump Street (2014) Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery Composer (AdditionAl music), Conductor, (2014) OrchestrAtor OrchestrAl Underscore Directed bY Phil Lord & Christopher Miller | Directed bY WAlter Dominguez (composers Phil ColumbiA Pictures FureY & MichAel HerAldA) | ChAsing Light Pictures Return to Zero (2014) The Lego Movie (2014) Composer Composer (AdditionAl music), Conductor, Directed bY SeAn Hanish | Cannonball OrchestrAtor Productions Directed bY Phil Lord & Christopher Miller | Warner Bros. Zombie Elementary (2014) Composer JFK: A President Betrayed (2013) Directed bY AndY HArbeck Composer Directed bY CorY TAYlor | Agora Productions Last Vegas (2013) Composer (AdditionAl music), Conductor Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013) Directed bY Jon TurteltAub | CBS Films Composer (AdditionAl music), Conductor, OrchestrAtor The Harvey Girls: Opportunity Bound Directed bY CodY CAmeron & Kris PeArn | (2013) ColumbiA Pictures Composer Directed bY KatrinA PArks | Assertion Films, The Frankenstein Theory (2013) AmericAn Public TV Composer Directed bY Andrew Weiner | Image Hotel Transylvania (2012) EntertAinment Composer (AdditionAl music), OrchestrAtor, Conductor What to Expect When You’re Expecting Directed bY GenndY TArtAkovksY | Columbia (2012) Pictures Conductor, OrchestrAtor Directed bY Kirk Jones (composers BenjAmin Safe (2012) Forrest DAvis & MArk MothersbAugh) | LionsgAte Composer (additionAl music), Conductor, OrchestrAtor Directed bY BoAz YAkin | IMG GlobAl, Lionsgate (UK) Air Edel AssociAtes Ltd. 18 RodmArton Street London W1U 8BJ Tel. +44 20 7486 6466 (US) Air Edel 1416 N. LA BreA Ave. HollYwood, CA 90028 Tel. 323-802-1670 www.Air-edel.co.uk 21 Jump Street (2012) Toy Story Toons: Hawaiian Vacation (2011) Conductor, OrchestrAtor Composer (AdditionAl music), Conductor, Directed bY Phil Lord & Christopher Miller OrchestrAtor (composer, MArk MothersbAugh) | ColumbiA Directed bY GArY RYdstrom | Pixar Animation Pictures Studios, WAlt DisneY Studios Motion Pictures Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer (2011) (2011) Composer (additionAl music), OrchestrAtor, Composer (AdditionAl music), Conductor Conductor Directed bY John Schulz | Relativity MediA Directed bY Mike Mitchell | Fox 2000 Pictures, Twentieth CenturY Fox Going the Distance (2010) Conductor, OrchestrAtor Born to be Wild (2011) Directed bY NAnette Burstein (composer, MychAel OrchestrAtor DannA) | New Line CinemA Directed bY David LickleY (composer, MArk MothersbAugh) | ImAx Filmed EntertAinment, Just Wright (2010) Warner Bros. OrchestrAtor, Conductor Directed bY SAnAA HAmri (composers LisA Ramona and Beezus (2010) ColemAn & Wendy Melvoin) | Fox Searchlight Composer (AdditionAl music), Conductor, Pictures OrchestrAtor Directed bY ElizAbeth Allen | Fox 2000 Pictures, Ghosts Don’t Exist (2010) Twentieth CenturY Fox Composer Directed bY Eric Espejo | 19th & Wilson, Echo Ca$h (2010) Bridge OrchestrAtor Directed bY Stephen Milburn Anderson Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009) (composer, Jesse VocciA) | ImmortAl Thoughts, Composer (AdditionAl music), Conductor, RoAdside AttrActions OrchestrAtor . Directed bY Phil Lord & Christopher Miller The Power of the Powerless (2009) (composer, Mark MothersbAugh) | ColumbiA Composer Pictures Directed bY CorY TAYlor | Agora Productions, NHK BS1 Fanboys (2009) Composer (AdditionAl music) The Devil’s Tomb (2009) Directed bY KYle NewmAn | The Weinstein Music CopYist, OrchestrAtor CompanY Directed bY JAson ConnerY (composer, Bill Brown) | Ice Cold Productions Everest: A Climb for Peace (2007) Composer The Haunting of Molly Hartley (2008) Directed bY LAnce Trumbull | DezArt Cinematic Composer Directed bY MickeY Liddell | Huntington Prep Mr. Robber (2007) Composer The Box (2007) Directed bY Grinnell Morris Composer Directed bY A.J. KpArr | Quorum Entertainment Music Within (2007) Composer Taking 5 (2007) Directed bY Steven SAwAlich | Articulus Composer EntertAinment Directed bY Andrew WAller | Taking 5 Productions (UK) Air Edel AssociAtes Ltd. 18 RodmArton Street London W1U 8BJ Tel. +44 20 7486 6466 (US) Air Edel 1416 N. LA BreA Ave. HollYwood, CA 90028 Tel. 323-802-1670 www.Air-edel.co.uk Decadent Evil (2005) Herbie Fully Loaded (2005) Composer Composer (additionAl music), Conductor, Directed bY ChArles BAnd | Shoot Productions OrchestrAtor Directed bY AngelA Robinson | Walt DisneY Vampires: The Turning (2005) Pictures OrchestrAtor Directed bY MArtY Weiss (composer, Tim Jones) | Social Guidance (2005) Living Films, Sony Composer (AdditionAl music) Directed bY NoAh KAdner | High Road There’s Something About Meryl (2004) Productions Composer Directed bY Bernie VAn De YAcht | Screen Door Dr. Moreau’s House of Pain (2004) Productions Composer Directed bY ChArles BAnd | Full Moon Leave No Trace (2004) EntertAinment, ShAdow EntertAinment Composer Directed bY Scott Firestone | Downward Dog ASC-DMI StEM (2004) Productions Composer Directed bY Dante Spinotti | American Society of The Florist CinemAtogrAphers (ASC), DigitAl CinemA Composer InitiAtives (DCI) Directed bY LAdAn YAlzAdeh | AFI USA The Hitcher II: I’ve Been Waiting (2003) Rugrats Go Wild (2003) Composer (AdditionAl music) OrchestrAtor Directed bY Louis MorneAu (composer, Joe Directed bY John Eng & Norton Virgien KrAemer) | UniversAl Pictures (composer, Mark MothersbAugh) | KlAskY-Csupo, ParAmount Birth Rite (2003) Composer Leo (2002) Directed bY Devin HAmilton | Magic Hat MediA Music PrepArAtion Directed bY Mehdi NorowziAn (composer, Mark Bleed (2002) Adler) | Freewheel Productions Composer Directed bY Devin HAmilton & Dennis Petersen The Legend of Razorback (2002) Conductor, OrchestrAtor Deathbed (2002) Directed bY MichAel GreenspAn (composer, Composer Stephen GlAss) | AFI, DArm Matter Films Directed bY DannY DrAven | DarkwAve FIlms Manna from Heaven (2002) Terminal Error (2002) Composer Composer Directed by GAbrielle Burton & MAriA Burton Directed bY John Murlowski | PorchLight EntertAinment, PAX Togbe (2002) Composer Haunted (2002) Directed bY Rob Aitro & ShermAn LAu | Reel Composer Films Directed bY GeoffreY O’Brien | Rising ScArAb Inc., Hypnotic.com Superfag (2002) Composer Ali (2001) Directed bY Kurt Koehler | ArcAdiAn Films, Conductor, OrchestrAtor Homovies Directed bY MichAel MAnn (composers Pieter Bourke & Lisa GerrArd) | ColumbiA Pictures The Sculptress (2000) Conductor, OrchestrAtor Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Directed bY IAn Merrick (composer, Tim Jones) | Kindertransport (2001) A Plus EntertAinment, PhAedrA CinemA OrchestrAtor Directed bY MArk JonAthAn HArris (composer, Lee Holdridge) | SAbine Films (UK)
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