Adventist Review General Organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church September 17, 1981 Ellen White's use of sources Page 3 Jumping for joy Page 11 `We'll have to get into the book" Page 12 `This work is of God, or it is not" Page 13 The school is simple and rustic, with few financial resources, but students at the new Adventist agriculture- industrial school in Brazil are happy for a place in which to prepare for service. See page 15. THIS WEEK Adventist Review When we planned this issue we had no idea that a story of irk timeliness and importance to the ‘411, world church would break, pre- empting seven pages (3-7, 13, 14) 131st Year of Continuous Publication of regular material. Many church EDITOR members have been concerned Kenneth H. Wood with charges of plagiarism made ASSOCIATE EDITORS against Ellen White, charges that Leo R. Van Dolson, William G. Johnsson have been publicized in newspa- ASSISTANT EDITORS pers around the United States. Jocelyn R. Fay, Aileen Andres Sox Warren L. Johns, chief counsel of ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR the General Conference Office of Eugene F. Durand General Counsel, decided to put ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY the matter into the hands of an Corinne Russ attorney who specializes in such EDITORIAL SECRETARIES cases. The story that begins on the Chitra Bamabas, Celia Singer opposite page is the result. and needed. Please relay a belated the time was a student at Hawai- ART A recent letter from J. H. Director, Byron Steele note of appreciation to Author ian Mission Academy, Honolulu, Designer, G. W. Busch Horning, of Healdsburg, Califor- Lilya Wagner. Hawaii. He received a first-place CONSULTING EDITORS nia, shed some light on a photo "You credit the picture of the award of $300." Neal C. Wilson, Charles E. Bradford, L. L. credit we gave for a picture used kitten that heads the story to Art and photo credits: Pp. 5, Bock, L. L. Butler, Alf Lohne, Enoch Oliveira, G. Ralph Thompson, Max Torkel- in the December 25, 1980, issue Kodak High School Photo 6, Howard Krenrich; p. 10, sen, Francis W. Wemick and republished with this column. Awards, which is correct. The Review photo; all other photos, SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS " 'Caretakers of His Creatures' picture was taken and submitted courtesy of the respective R. R. Figuhr, Robert H. Pierson, George W. was timely, thought-provoking, to Kodak by Melvin Ing, who at authors. Brown, G. J. Christo, W. T. Clark, Bekele Heye, R. J. Kloosterhuis, Edwin Ludescher, Kenneth J. Mittleider, K. S. Parmenter, W. R. L. Scragg, Joao Wolff EDITORS, NORTH AMERICAN LEITERS UNION EDITIONS Columbia, Ernest N. Wendth Southwestern, Richard W. Bendall Letters submitted for publication should AFRO-MIDEAST EDITION contribute ideas and comments on articles or Why call this a witness? The than the controls suggests the Editor, D. Jean Thomas material printed in the ADVENTIST REVIEW. main concern seems to be to make possible action of another carcin- They should be brief, not exceeding 250 INTER-AMERICAN EDITIONS words, and must carry the writer's name, money, keep the beds full, and ogen. The effects of regular cof- Editor, Wanda Si'mple address, and telephone number (although this give people whatever vices they fee were not distinguished from Associate Editors, Simone Doleyres, French; number will not be printed). Letters must be are used to so that we can get their those of caffeine-free coffee." Humberto Rasi, Raul Villanueva, Spanish legible, preferably typewritten, and double- SOUTH AMERICAN EDITIONS spaced. All will be edited to meet space and business. GENE A. SWANSON, M.D. literary requirements, but the author's mean- Editor, R. S. Lessa, Portuguese ing will not be changed. Views expressed in I have worked in an Adventist Akron, Ohio Editor, Jose Tabuenca, Spanish the letters do not necessarily represent those hospital where Adventist stand- CORRESPONDENTS, of the editors or of the denomination. ards have been upheld, but I am WORLD DIVISIONS Not beyond temptation Africa-Indian Ocean, J. B. Kio; Afro-Mideast, afraid that there are more institu- D. Jean Thomas; Australasian, R. M. Kranz; Why call this a witness? tions like the one I just described. Not long ago a man came to my Euro-Africa, Heinz Hopf; Far Eastern, M. G. door and asked me, "If you Townend; Inter-American, Fred Hernandez; Re "SDA Nurses Needed" NAME WITHHELD Northern European, H. J. Smit; South Ameri- (July 9). should die tonight would you go can, Arthur S. Valle; Southern Asia, A. M. to heaven?" I told him that the Peterson; Trans-Africa, Barbara Mittleider I am an Adventist nurse work- Caffeine not sole' culprit Bible teaching concerning a per- CORRESPONDENTS, ing in an Adventist hospital and I "Caffeine Update" (Aug. 27) son's condition in death and the NORTH AMERICA feel that our main need is for the UNIONS: Atlantic, Leon H. Davis; Cana- was excellent, but it and the impending judgment precludes hospital administration to comment on drinking coffee in dian, P. F. Lemon, Columbia, Ernest N. our going to heaven when we die. Wendth; Lake, Jere Wallack; Mid-America, reassess our goals and mission. This Week were misleading in Halle G. Crowson; North Pacific, Morten Since that time I have come Our hospital seems to do little that they seemed to imply that Juberg; Pacific, Shirley Burton; Southern, across the following in Christ's George Powell; Southwestern, Richard W. to carry out the counsel from the caffeine is the Bendall culprit associated Object Lessons, Spirit of Prophecy quoted in the with many illnesses. Not so. page 155: "Never can we safely put confi- UNIVERSITIES: Andrews, Chris Robinson; article, "to disseminate light, and Caffeine is Loma Linda, Richard Weismeyer not the sole culprit. dence in self or feel, this side of to advance reform." Our particu- Other pollutants found in CIRCULATION heaven, that we are secure against lar institution allows smoking in decaffeinated coffees and soft Manager, Robert S. Smith temptation. Those who accept the Associate Manager, E. W. Moore patients' rooms, meat is served drinks cause great harm to the Field Representative, Ron D. Spear Saviour, however sincere their unless vegetarian meals are body as well. Phosphoric acid Advertising and Marketing, Edmund M. conversion, should never be Peterson ordered specifically, coffee and causes bleeding from the kidneys taught to say or feel that they are tea are served, TV blares from the and is found in nearly all soft TO CONTRIBUTORS saved. Every one should be Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome, but rooms on Sabbath, and, even drinks. notification as to acceptance or rejection may taught to cherish hope and faith; though it is discouraged, elective American Medical News, be expected only if accompanied by a stamped, July but even when we give ourselves self-addressed envelope. surgeries are scheduled on Sab- 17, 1981, states that "gastric acid to Christ and know that He An index is published in the lastReview of June bath for doctor or patient conve- secretion and gastrin release were accepts us, we are not beyond the and December. The Adventist Review is nience. greater in response to decaffein- indexed in the Seventh-day Adventist Periodi- reach of temptation." cal Index. Recently the hospital dedicated ated coffee than to peptone, MARGARET J. CHAMBERS a smoking room inside the hospi- which previously had been con- The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119) is Houston, Texas published every Thursday. Copyright © 1981 tal for the convenience of visitors. sidered the strongest stimulant." Review and Herald Publishing Association, 6856 Eastern Avenue NW., Takoma Park, Non-Adventist nurses who The Journal of the American Or. This statement is designed not Washington, D.C. 20012, U.S.A. Second- have worked in this hospital for Medical Association, Jan. 9, to decrease one's assurance of class postage paid at Washington, D.C. many years have told me of the Subscriptions: one year, US$21.95. Single 1981, states: "The fact that habit- salvation but to caution against copy, 70 cents U.S. currency. Prices subject to difference they have noticed from ual consumption of decaffeinated placing confidence in self. One is change without notice. the careful Sabbathkeeping poli- coffee was significantly greater safe only by giving oneself to Vol. 158, No. 38. cies in the past to the present. among pancreatic cancer cases Jesus and abiding in Him. 2 (874) ADVENTIST REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 17, 1981 "Nowhere," Ramik pointed out, "have we found the books of Ellen G. White to Ellen White's use of sources be virtually the 'same plan and character throughout' as those of her predecessors. Washington copyright lawyer concludes that Nor have we found, or have critics made Ellen White was not a plagiarist and her reference to, any intention of Ellen White to supersede . [other authors] in the works did not constitute copyright infringement. market with the same class of readers and See also editorial "This work is of God, o is not," page 13. purchasers." Instead, she invariably introduced considerable new matter to that which she borrowed, going far beyond mere "colorable deviations," and, in effect, created an altogether new literary work. Ellen G. White is not guilty of 5. What case law is available between Furthermore, "the sheer 'compila- copyright infringement or plagiarism. 1850 and 1915 that might suggest the tion' of the works of Ellen G. White This is the opinion of Vincent L. Ramik, extent of an author's protection against necessarily reflects her labor and skill. So senior partner of Diller, Ramik & Wight, literary piracy? long as she did not (and the evidence Ltd., a lawyer who practices patent, 6. Is there anything within the pub- clearly establishes that she did not) draw trademark, and copyright law in Wash- lished works of Ellen G.
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