Index pp. 535–565 in: Chen-kuo Lin / Michael Radich (eds.) A Distant Mirror Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism Hamburg Buddhist Studies, 3 Hamburg: Hamburg University Press 2014 Imprint Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library). The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de. The online version is available online for free on the website of Hamburg University Press (open access). The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek stores this online publication on its Archive Server. The Archive Server is part of the deposit system for long-term availability of digital publications. Available open access in the Internet at: Hamburg University Press – http://hup.sub.uni-hamburg.de Persistent URL: http://hup.sub.uni-hamburg.de/purl/HamburgUP_HBS03_LinRadich URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn:nbn:de:gbv:18-3-1467 Archive Server of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek – http://dnb.d-nb.de ISBN 978-3-943423-19-8 (print) ISSN 2190-6769 (print) © 2014 Hamburg University Press, Publishing house of the Hamburg State and University Library Carl von Ossietzky, Germany Printing house: Elbe-Werkstätten GmbH, Hamburg, Germany http://www.elbe-werkstaetten.de/ Cover design: Julia Wrage, Hamburg Contents Foreword 9 Michael Zimmermann Acknowledgements 13 Introduction 15 Michael Radich and Chen-kuo Lin Chinese Translations of Pratyakṣa 33 Funayama Toru Epistemology and Cultivation in Jingying 63 Huiyuan’s Essay on the Three Means of Valid Cognition Chen-kuo Lin The Theory of Apoha in Kuiji’s Cheng weishi lun Shuji 101 Shoryu Katsura A Comparison between the Indian and Chinese 121 Interpretations of the Antinomic Reason (Viruddhāvyabhicārin) Shinya Moriyama The Problem of Self-Refuting Statements in 151 Chinese Buddhist Logic Jakub Zamorski A Re-examination of the Relationship between the 183 Awakening of Faith and Dilun School Thought, Focusing on the Works of Huiyuan Ching Keng A Pivotal Text for the Definition of the Two 217 Hindrances in East Asia: Huiyuan’s “Erzhang yi” Chapter A. Charles Muller On the Notion of Kaidaoyi (*Avakāśadānāśraya) as 271 Discussed in Xuanzang’s Cheng weishi lun Junjie Chu Yogācāra Critiques of the Two Truths 313 Zhihua Yao Philosophical Aspects of Sixth-Century Chinese 337 Buddhist Debates on “Mind and Consciousness” Hans-Rudolf Kantor The Way of Nonacquisition: Jizang’s Philosophy of 397 Ontic Indeterminacy Chien-hsing Ho Divided Opinion among Chinese Commentators on 419 Indian Interpretations of the Parable of the Raft in the Vajracchedikā Yoke Meei Choong Ideas about “Consciousness” in Fifth and Sixth 471 Century Chinese Buddhist Debates on the Survival of Death by the Spirit, and the Chinese Background to *Amalavijñāna Michael Radich The Process of Awakening in Early Texts on 513 Buddha-Nature in India Michael Zimmermann About the Authors 529 Index 535 in memoriam John R. McRae (1947-2011) Index abhidhāna 能詮, 134 ādāna-consciousness: see ādānavijñāna Abhidharma, 27, 69, 73-77, 78, 81, 82, 83, ādānavijñāna, 377, 378, 381 86, 89, 184, 217, 248, 255, 271, 272, 274, adharma (in the parable of the raft), 275, 282, 285, 286, 294, 305, 306, 317, Choong (passim) 419-466 343, 344, 349, 503, 525; see also Abhi- adharmasaṃjñā, 424, 441, 450, 451 dharmadīpa, Abhidharmakośa[- bhāṣya, - adhimukti, 522 vyākhyā], Abhidharmasamuccaya[-bhāṣ- ya], Abhidharmanyāyānusāra, Cheng shi adhimukticaryā 解行, 94, 95-96 lun, *Saṃyuktābhidharmahṛdaya- śāstra, adhipatipratyaya, 279, 280, 284, 285, 306 Ābhidharmikas, *Mahāvibhāṣā, Sau- *adhipatipratyayāśraya, 271, 283, 284 trāntika, Sarvāstivāda, Vaibhāṣika adventitious defilements: see āgantuka- Abhidharmadīpa, 290 kleśa Abhidharmakośa, 34, 40, 50, 75, 136, 142, afflictive hindrances: see “two hindran- 275, 276, 280, 281, 287, 289, 290, 302, ces”, kleśāvaraṇa, fannaozhang 385; see also Abhidharmakośabhāṣya, āgama, āptāgama, āptavacana (“words of Abhidharmakośavyākhyā, Jushe lun song a reliable person”, “testimony”), 信言 shu lun ben 量, 37, 38, 40, 45, 65, 68, 71, 80-81, 85, Abhidharmakośabhāṣya, 34, 35, 75, 136, 90-91, 93, 104, 126; see also āgamāpe- 273, 274-275, 276, 279, 280, 287, 289, kṣānumāna, āgamaviruddha, pratyakṣā- 485 gama Abhidharmakośavyākhyā, 290, 302 Āgamas, 29, 480, 496 *Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣā[-śāstra]: see āgamāpekṣānumāna, 126 *Mahāvibhāṣā āgamaviruddha, 153 Abhidharmanyāyānusāra, 279 āgantukakleśa, adventitious defilement, Abhidharmasamuccaya[-bhāṣya], 66, 301 205, 208, 210, 493, 499, 504, 522 *Abhidharmavibhāṣā: see *Mahāvibhāṣā Aggivacchagotta-sutta, 480 Ābhidharmikas, 317; see also Abhidhar- ākāṅkṣaṇa, 109 ma, Sarvāstivāda, Vaibhāṣika, Sautrān- ākāra, 74, 290 tika, Saṅghabhadra, Vasubandhu ālambana, 287; see also Ālambanaparīkṣā, *abhilāpa, mngon par brjod pa, “linguistic ālambanapratyaya; cf. “object” expressions”, 318-321 Ālambanaparīkṣā, 34, 64, 285, 302; see abhivyakti, 516 also Ālambanaparīkṣāṭīkā, Ālambanapa- activity consciousness: see yeshi rīkṣāvṛtti, Guan suoyuanyuan lun shiji 536 Index Ālambanaparīkṣāṭīkā, 302, 304 anyāpoha, 104, 105, 106; cf. “exclusion of Ālambanaparīkṣāvṛtti, 302 others” ālambanapratyaya, 276, 279, 281, 282, anyatarāsiddha 隨一不成, 133, 135, 140, 284, 285, 306 146 ālaya-consciousness: see ālayavijñāna anyavyavaccheda, 106; cf. “exclusion of ālayavijñāna: 190, 191, 213, 278, 282, 285, others” 298, 299, 337-338, 339, 362, 364-382, Aoki Takashi 青木隆, 37, 70, 189, 191 383, 386, 387, 488 Apidamo dapiposha lun 阿毘達磨大毘婆 Alessio, Franco, 160 沙論 T1545: see *Mahāvibhāṣā *amalavijñāna 阿摩羅識, 30, 471-475, Apidamo jushe lun 阿毘達磨俱舍論 480, 487, 505 -506 T1558, 34, 75; see Abhidharmakośabhāṣ- Amoghavajra: see Renwang huguo bore ya boluomi jing Apidamo shun zhengli lun 阿毘達磨順正 理論 amoluoshi 阿摩羅識: see *amalavijñāna T1562; see Abhidharmanyāyānusā- ra anaikāntika, 122, 128; see asādhāraṇai- 阿 毘 曇 毘 婆 沙 論 kāntika Apitan piposha lun T1546: see *Mahāvibhāṣā Anālayo, Bhikkhu, 480 apoha, 21, 23, 24, Katsura (passim) 101- Analects, 497 119; cf. Apohaprakaraṇa anāsrava 無漏, 111; cf. sāsrava Apohaprakaraṇa, 118 anātmaka, 74, 218, 441; see also antāman, āptāgama: see āgama Non-self āptavacana: see āgama anātman, 218, 504, 505; see also anātma- ka, Non-self arhat, 240, 289, 299, 352, 491 Aṅguttara-nikāya, 480 Arnold, Dan, 83 anitya: see “impermanence” artha, 295 無色界 anivṛtāvyākṛta: see wufu wuji ārūpyadhātu , 68, 276, 489 antarvyāpti, 125 Āryadeva, 64, 70, 79, 162, 314; see also Catuḥśataka anu√bhū, “experience”: see anubhavanti, 521, *anubhūta, 304 asādhāraṇānaikāntika, 124, 130 anumāna: see “inference”; also anumā- asaṃkhya, 245, 246 naviruddha, svārthānumāna, parārthānu- asaṃskṛta, 25, 183, 184, 303, 526 māna, vastubalapravṛttānumāna, biliang, Asaṅga, 27, 30, 64, 277-278, 315, 329, yanliang 330-333, 364, 374, 420, 421, 422, 423, anumānaviruddha 比量相違, 140, 163 426-427, 428-432, 435-436, 439-440, anupalabdhihetu, 126, 127 442-443, 445, 448, 449-450, 454-458, 459-462, 465-466; see also Abhidharma- anuśaya 隨眠, 231, 454-455 samuccaya, Nengduan jin’gang..., Shun anutpattikakṣānti, 247 zhong lun, Madhyānta-vibhāga, Mahāyā- anuttarasamyaksaṃbodhi 阿耨多羅三藐 nasaṃgraha, Xianyang shengjiao lun, Yo- 三菩提, 484 gācārabhūmi *Anuttarāśraya-sūtra: see Wushangyi jing Ashworth, E. J., 163 Index 537 āsrava: see sāsrava, anāsrava avidyāvāsabhūmi 無明住地, also “ne- āśraya, 271, 274, 275, 282-289, 306; see science entrenchment”, 224, 225-227, also *adhipatipratyayāśraya, āśrayapari- 228, 231-232, 236-237, 239-242, 249, vṛtti, *avakāśadānāśraya, *hetupratyayā- 250, 260, 266, 487-491, 493, 494 śraya, *jñeyāśraya, *krāntāśraya, saman- Awakening of Faith 大乘起信論 T1666, antara āśrayaḥ, *samanantarapratyayā- Keng (passim) 183-214, Muller, Appen- śraya dix (passim) 236-267, also 25, 26, 139, āśrayaparivṛtti, 371 220-222, 226-229, 338, 339, 349, 353, Aṣṭasāhasrikā prajñāpāramitā, 456, 457 354, 356, 358, 359-360, 362-363, 374, 376-377, 379, 382; see also Dasheng *Asvabhāva, 364 qixin lun yishu ātmabhāva, 455, 481 āyatana, 76, 114, 115, 287, 452 ātmadṛṣṭi, 229 ātmagrāha, 229, 238 bahuvrīhi, 130, 190, 436, 462 ātman, 65, 480, 481, 524; see also anātma- Bai lun 百論 T1569, *Śataka-śāstra, 64, 70, ka, anātman, ātmavāda, ātmadṛṣṭi, ātma- 79, 91, 162; see also Bai lun shu bhāva, ātmagrāha Bai lun shu 百論疏 T1827, 162, 398 Ātmatattvaviveka, 171 Balazs, Etienne, 471 ātmavāda, 30, 65, 473, 480, 504 Bandhuprabha 親光: see Fodi jing lun atom(s), paramāṇu, 極微, 112, 114-116, 般若 303 banre : see prajñā 般若燈論 avakāśadāna, 272, 280, 282, 286, 305; see Banruo deng lun : see Prajñāpra- also *avakāśadānāśraya dīpa 寶唱 *avakāśadānāśraya 開導依, 21, 27, and Baochang , 479 Chu (passim) 271-307; see also Baochen 寶臣, 56 avakāśadāna Baoliang 寶亮, 481, 488, 495, 498-502, āvaraṇa: see “afflictions”, “two afflic- 503, 504; see also Da banniepan jing ji jie tions”, kleśāvaraṇa, jñeyāvaraṇa Baoxing lun 寶性論: see Ratnagotravibhā- āvāsabhūmi 住地, “entrenchment”, 224- ga 228, 231-232, 234, 236-241, 249, 250- “Bashi yi” 八識義, 25, 187, 188, 189 252, 254-255, 257, 260, 266-267, 488, basis of dominant condition: see *adhi- 489, 491; see also si zhudi, “five en- patipratyayāśraya trenchments”, avidyāvāsabhūmi beidao 北道, “Northern Way” faction of Avataṃsaka-sūtra/* Buddhāvataṃsaka 350, the Dilun School, 375; see also Dilun 360, 385, 388, 392, 393, 506, 517; see School, 375 also Da fangguang Fo huayan..., Huayan benshi 本識: see *mūlavijñāna jing tanxuan ji, Huayan wujiaozhang Benye jing 本業經: see Pusa yingluo benye zhishi, Huayan yisheng jiaoyi fenqi zhang, jing Huayan
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