Catalogue 20 Latin Americana: Beginning with Brazil Kaaterskill Books PO Box 122 East Jewett NY 12424 518-589-0555 [email protected]! ... but including Argentina to Venezuela On the cover: Item 12. LA CONDAMINE, [CHARLES-MARIE] DE. Relation abrégée d'un voyage fait dans l'intérieur de l'Amerique méridionale: 1778. -------------------- To order, please call or email. Please include catalogue number, title, and item number. You can also order online at our website: www.kaaterskillbooks.com where you can find images for nearly all of our offerings. Just enter the five digit item number in the search box. We accept American Express, MasterCard, and Visa charge cards, checks, money orders, wire transfers, and PayPal. Foreign orders should be in U.S. funds on a U.S. bank. Customers not known to us should provide payment at the time of ordering. Libraries and Institutions can be billed according to their needs. New York residents please add appropriate sales tax or forward a tax id number. 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We are always interested in buying individual items or entire libraries especially concerning the Americas. -------------------- Kaaterskill Books PO Box 122 East Jewett NY 12424 518-589-0555 [email protected] -------------------- We are proud members of: Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America International League of Antiquarian Booksellers A Natural History of São Paulo que esta ley virem, que mandando examinar pelas pessoas do meu conselho, e por outros ministros 1. [BRAZIL]. ACADEMIA DAS CIÊNCIAS DE LISBOA. doutos, e zelosos do serviço de Deos e meu, e do ANCHIETA, JOSÉ DE. "Epistola quamplurimarum bem commum dos meus vassallos, que me rerum naturalium, quae S. Vincentii (nunc S. pareceo consultar, as verdadeiras causas com que Paulí) provinciam incolunt, sistens description- desde o descubrimento do Graõ Pará, e Maran- em" [in] Collecção de noticias para a historia e ge- haõ, até agora naõ só se naõ tem multiplicado, e ografia das nações ultramarinas... tomo I, Num. I. civilizado os Indios daquelle estado ... [Lisboa]: Na II. e III. Lisboa: Na Typ. da Academia, 1812. vi, 178 pp. officina de Miguel Rodrigues, impressor do Eminentissi- 8vo. Modern three quarter morocco over marbled boards. mo Senhor Cardeal Patriarca, 1755. 12 pp. Folio (30 x 20.5 First edition. Sabin 14362. Leclerc 126. Innocencio V.2 cm.). Removed. First edition. Gauz: Portuguese and Bra- (p.87-88): 353. Rodrigues 658. Borba de Moraes 164. zilian Books in the John Carter Brown Library 755/22. Not Greenlee 524. Near fine, small period stamp on title page. in Rodrigues, Borba de Moraes, or Sabin. A near fine copy, [38511] $500 pinprick to top margin, minor browning at edges. [42961] $900 Epistola quamplurimarum rerum naturalium... [Com- munication of the very many natural things which dwell Dated in text: June 6, 1755. A most crucial and important in the province of St. Vincent (now São Paulo) systemati- decree introduced by Sebastiao Jose de Carvalho e Mello, cally described] pp. 127-178. The Spanish Jesuit mission- Marques de Pombal to abolish Indian slavery in Portu- ary José de Anchieta (1534 -1597) was one of the founders guese Amazonia and restore Indian rights. It also ended of São Paulo (1554) and Rio de Janeiro a decade later. up favoring the newly formed Companhia Geral do Grão- Best known for his book "The Art of Grammar" on the Pará e Maranhão, established the same year by the Mar- indigenous Old Tupi language, he was also an accom- quis of Pombal as a monopolistic trading company, plished naturalist as revealed in this work. Also bound in which would use African slaves rather than have a need the first two sections of this volume are 1. Breve relação for indigenous peoples and thus undercut the power of dos escrituras dos gentios da India Oriental, e dos seus the Jesuits; when the Jesuits tried to avoid the emancipa- costumes (pp. 1-59) [A short account of the gentios of In- tion law by transferring the titles of their aldeias to the dia and their customs] and 2. Noticia summaria do gen- Pope, the Crown took away their temporal power over tilismo da Asia (pp. 61-126) [A short account of paganism the mission villages: the Jesuits would be expelled from in Asia]; these have been attributed by Francisco Maria Brazil four years later. "Unfortunately for the Jesuits, Esteves Pereria to Fernão de Queiroz, a 17th c. Jesuit, complaints made by Paulo de Silva Nunes over a period whose translation of the Bhagavad-Gita was only first of many years now began to bear fruit. Pombal was de- published in 1922, and may have been the first transla- termined to spare no effort to humble the missionaries tion into a western language of that work. Esteves Pere- who seemed to be defying his authority. To Pombal the ria considered it a sequel to the two pieces contained in temporal authority and resources of the missions were an this volume (see Ethel Pope: India in Portuguese Litera- anachronism. It was his wish that priests confine them- ture, (Bastorá: Tipografia Rangel, 1937; pp. 166-168). selves purely to spiritual labors. This would naturally The "Collecção" would eventually run to seven volumes preclude the operation of missions by the missionaries... published over 30 years. Quite uncommon. Last partial Pombal decided to develop the commercial resources of or complete set at auction in 1948. the Maranhão through a plan which involved the libera- tion of the Indians, the secularization of the administra- 2. [BRAZIL]. CAMPOS PORTO, M.E. [MANUEL ERNES- tion of the aldeias, and the establishment of a commercial TO DE]. Apontamentos para a Historia da Republi- company, the Companhia de Grão Pará e Maranhão. The ca dos Estados Unidos do Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: Im- Indians, instead of being limited to work on the missions prensa Nacional, 1890. xxxvi, 1020 pp. Illus. with 1 color and certain private plantations, would now be free to folding plate. 8vo. Brown buckram with gilt title. First edi- hire themselves for work anywhere they wished. They tion. Phillips. Brazil p.32. A very good+ crisp, institutional would continue to live in their villages, near the white copy, gilt accession numbers on foot of spine, faint stamp settlements, but under secular authority. The Company of NYHist. Soc. on rear pastedown. [35456] $300 would take care of the needs of the colony, receiving a monopoly of shipping, external commerce and Negro Only one at auction since 1978. slaves. In furtherance of the plan, Pombal decreed the liberation of the Indians on June 6, 1755... Reference is Liberation of Brazilian Amazonia's Indigenous People made to the misery of the people, white and Indian, in the state of Maranhao. The purpose of the law was to free the 3. [BRAZIL]. COMPANHIA GERAL DO GRÃO PARÁ E Indians, to give them full liberty advocated in the past by MARANHÃO. JOSÉ I, KING OF PORTUGAL. Ley, the Supreme Pontiffs and by the Portuguese kings, which porque V. Magestade ha por bem restituir aos In- the cupidity of men had hitherto prevented," Mathias C. dios do Graõ Pará, e Maranhaõ a liberdade das Kiemen, The Indian Policy of Portugal in America, in The suas pessoas, e bens, e commercio: na fórma que Americas, Vol. 5, No. 4 (Apr., 1949), pp. 451-452). OCLC nella se declara. [text begins]... Dom Joseph por locates five copies: Newberry, NYPL, Univ. Minn., BL, graça de Deos Rey de Portugal ... Faço saber aos and JCB. Copies are also located at the BN Portugal and the BN Brasil. tles. First edition thus. Borba de Moraes I, 253. Leclerc 4. [BRAZIL]. COMPANHIA NACIONAL DE NAVEGA- 3203. Garraux p.103. Conrad: Brazilian Slavery 116. A very ÇÃO A VAPOR. Tabella da Linha do Sul. [Brazil]: good or better copy, gilt accession numbers on spine, oth- 1878. 20 3/4x29 inches. Broadside. A few small holes af- erwise no further external or internal markings, original fecting a few letters, some folds reinforced on verso, addi- wrappers lightly soiled, small chip on corner of front tions in manuscript. [38742] $250 wrapper professionally repaired, scattered foxing, new binding fine. [33969] $1000 The Companhia Nacional de Navegação a Vapor re- placed the Companhia Brasileira de Navegação a Vapor "Extrait de la Revue du monde colonial, asiatique et as the government sponsored line along the southern americain." Expilly, who explains the details of emigra- route in 1872. Montevidio was the furthest stop of this tion, was very critical of Brazil's treatment of slaves es- important Brazilian shipping company from which it al- pecially away from the major population centers. Quite so provided river service to upper Brazil. The broadside uncommon. Last at auction in 1978.
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