.... Dreaming Humanity's Path.... Earth Changes My future self, wise from experiences of lifetimes I've yet to live, visits me in the dream. She begins to show me images -projected on a screen - of destruction on earth: images of cleansing and suffering. She then tells me that most of what we are now doing to save the earth - recycling and conserving - is like placing a band aid over a gushing wound. She says, "The forces of destruction are too ~ great and the changes most people are willing to ~ make, too small. All the patriarchal values, with :;-~ their technological wizardry, art and culture, will " be forgotten. All that will be remembered is that societythis committed the greatest crime of all: the near destruction of the earth." She is clear that the earth and some people would survive but that the future world would be unre- ·~· - cognizable to us today. She compares the changes ~~~ to a time traveler from the middle ages visiting our technological society today. Most of what we value will be destroyed and then forgotten. She speaks softly, telling me that I (like others) ahave choice: "Will you be a part if the forces of destruction or a part of the healing ! that will create the new world you will, · in future lives, cherish?" 3 . The picture you see here was 1 llmm:mmmmmmmmmrmmmm:~rm~mmmmmmmmmmmmm:! taken, unbeknownst t~ me, d~ring an event that was the marufestahon of a dream and was my initiation onto What excites and inspires me this path. You see here a woman is innocence, spontaneity, occupying sacred space..... synchronicity. Once genuinely Sometimes, then, Dancing the experienced, events embracing these Dream Awake, is a spontaneous Self­ characteristics become that which is directed event; a life changing gift desired; all else becomes a matter of given by the wise counsel we each waiting, and duty. I know you possess within; at other times, we agree. may intentionally incubate and/or Dreams possess these qualities in integrate dreams to enlighten and enliven our lives. For beginners, abundance,brilliantlybypassingthe Korea and the ways in which journaling, doing 'dreamwork' and/ ego, they arise of their own volition. dreams and mythology shape or sharing our dreams with others­ ... each a unique work of art. Each Korean culture (p. 20). In going to those deep levels within that desiring to be acted upon in some celebration and respect for the yield comprehension-are ways in way. masculine inherent in all, we bow which we bring forth our dreams into So it is with the dreams which to each of you for your reality. Carl Sandburg said: "Nothing commit me to this path. Innocently generosity.... and to Ben Schnirel happens unless first a dream." and spontaneously the imagery is for creating and allowing The With each turn of the page in this presented and sometimes, years Wizard to grace our cover. issue, you will discover dreamers later, events occur which manifest Our next issue, Volume 16 No. the dream, often without any exploring and sharing the ways in 2, focuses on Dreamsharing with conscious intention on my part. For which dreams influence and change Children and will be one of our example, after I had 'let go'-on their days (or.... is that daze?). Russell most important issues. Chil drenare Leap Year Day- of my 20 year Lockhart spends his early morning the manifestation of innocence and multifaceted 'career' as a public hoursincontemplativethought, spontaneity; by introducing them servant and launched onto my new penetrating ways in which his dream to the creativity, beauty and path as a lover and student of desires to be done and leads us on to a importance of dream imagery­ dreams-wondering all the while labyrynthical j ourneyexploring deep and encouraging them to do the what on Earth I would do to 'earn a roots and meaning (Hints & Inti­ dreams- we help them to maintain living'-I had a dream in which I mations, p. 13); Jaye C. Bel do, in his those qualities which our culture saw a bundle of papers (you could newcolumnNetworkNous (p.17) has had such an atrocious tendency say a publication) dangling from the will expose and remind us of the many wonders, sights, sounds and tostifle. branch of a tree, its pages blowing in If you do dreamsharing with the wind. A dream voice said, "If inventions we have come to take for your children at home, if you have you don't do it, somebody else will." granted that were born in the dream­ ever taught a course or done a I had no clue whatsoever what the time; Ginny Perthel shares her special presentation/project in the dream/voice meant at the time. process of incubating a dream to gain insight and direction in her quest for classroom withchildrenorif Just prior to having the dream, I childrenareincludedinyour had located the current publisher of a more rewarding career (p. 24). dream therapy/dreamwork the Dream Network and subscribed. A unique feature of this issue is practice, PLEASE share your weeks later, the first issue themajorityofsubmissionsfrom Several experiencesandtechniques.Most arrived in my mailbox. It had an men. Particularly poignant are the importantly, ask the children in unspectacular announcement inside articles and poetry in The Art of your life to share their dreams and the front cover: "We are seeking a Dreamsharing & Dream Education drawings! We hope to include a new editor/publisher for the Dream section. Heartfelt, painful, powerful, special section produced by the Network." I knew immediately, then, encouraging.... , all speaking to the workinvolvedinresolvingand children themselvesl what it meant! I made haste to phone May we all rediscover and Linda Magallon and began this making peace with our parents. (See nurture ourchild-likeinnocence extraordinary journey with you, pgs. 27-34). Fred Seligson gifts us and support one another in doing undoubtedly the mostsignificant with insight into the predominance of the dreams! v v Q Q HRO adventure of my life. shamanistic healing practices in 6 Dream Network/Vol.16 No.1 their meaning to the dreamer! long after "Spider'' took on this form During the latter part of my that I understood her message.... teenage years, I started having a "Spider" was an attention getter horrific dream about a spider. Not for me! I grew to understand that her an ordinary spider but one as big as threads were the "stuff'' from which a house! While asleep and dream­ dreams are spun. Her ultimate mess­ ing, I would see a bunch of threads age for me was to point out my need to be artistically creative. Spider as BIG as a House coming to me from off in the distance. As this mass of threads reached my bed Today "Spider" comes to me in One of the best lessons I learned and was directly averhead, it would dreams to give me many messages: when I first started doing dreamwork turn into a huge, black spider and fall She warns me about disease (for with others was the importance of down on me. I dreamed this dream at instance, showing up as cancer cells); knowing that the sym bois in any least three times a week. ... for years. she lets me know when things are given dream belong to the individual It gave me quite a bit of trouble murky or cloudy by hiding in var­ dreamer. Even if a symbol is univer­ when my husband and I were first ious types of webs, or webs that sal-or archetypal-the individual married and living in an old apart­ show me I am caught within a web; will (or may) interpretthis symbol in ment building with thin walls. Our she tells me to spin her threads of a personal way. landlord, who lived above us, creativity by keeping a dream jour­ My first dream partner, Mary, would manage to run into us the nal, doing dreamwork and painting and I met every Friday morning to morning after one of the spider and sculpting dream images. share dreams. One week I would dreams and ask if we heard screams Judith Picone, Edmonds, WA work on her dream and the next she during the night; he would look me would work on mine. During one over as best he could without being session, while Mary was relating a too obvious. My husband was a Can You Help dream regarding being at her grand­ foreigner and already suspect in the With These Dreams? parents' farm and telling of a bam landlord's eyes. Then, one nightthe housed on the property, I fell into my man from the apartment next to I would like to express to you own reverie about my uncle's farm. ours came knocking on our door, all how much I enjoy your journal. When my sister and I were growing still trying to get into his pants after I have had numerous dreams up, we loved to go to my uncle's one of my screaming episodes! that reveal many things to me. I have house. There was a stream running My husband decided we had to beenintohealingandspiritual work through the property, lots of animals do something about it. For instance, since the age of 21 .... and I am now and most of all, a wonderful barn. I would be very disoriented upon nearly 70 years of age. Many of my There was always hay in the bam to awakening, so he suggested we use dreams pertain to healings, to the j urn pinto, mother cats and kittens to a night light; this helped me tore­ Virgin of Guadalupe...
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