315 Walnut Avenue, SSF, CA 94080 Telephone 650-871-8944 www.allsoulsparishssf.org FB: @allsoulsparishssf SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 17, 2019 PAGE 2 PARISH STAFF EQUIPO PASTORAL TELEPHONE TELEFONO Rev. Kazimierz Abrahamczyk, SVD, Pastor Email: [email protected] Parish Office/Oficina Parroquial: 650-871-8944 Rev. Mario Olea, SVD, Parochial Vicar Religious Education /Catecismo: 650-873-5356 Email: [email protected] A.S. School/Escuela Parroquial: 650-583-3562 Ms. Valeria Guardado, Parish Secretary All Souls’ Pre School 650-871-1751 Email: [email protected] All Souls’ Parish Office Fax: 650-871-5806 Ms. Connie Martínez, Parish Secretary Email: [email protected] BAPTISM BAUTISMO Ms.. Lourdes Yñiguez, Religious Education Director We urge that the arrangements be made at least Email: [email protected] three months in advance. Call parish office from Mr. Vincent Riener, Principal, All Souls School 9am to 4:30pm. Ms. Carla Marie Malouf, Director, All Souls Preschool MASSES MISAS: Taller de Lectura Bíblica Saturday/Sábado: 8:00 am, Vigil 5:15 pm, Esta abierta la inscripción para el 6:30 pm en Español Taller de Lectura Bíblica con el P. Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 am, 9 am, 10:30 am Mario Olea, que se dará los días 12:00 Noon en Español and Miércoles a las 7 pm en el salón pa- 5:15 pm rroquial a partir de fines del mes de Febrero. Monday: 8 am & 6:30 pm in English Por favor regístrense en la secre- Tue,& Thurs: 8 am & 6 pm in English taria parroquial con su nombre, nu- Wed & Fri: 8 am in English & 6 pm in Spanish mero de celular y dirección de co- rreo electrónico. El curso es gratis SACRAMENT OF y en Español. RECONCILIATION—RECONCILIACON Saturday/Sábado: 4:00 pm -5:00 pm May God be calling you to mentor a MIGRANT UNACCOMPANIED MINOR? Or on prior appointment with any of our parish priests. We’re looking for good Catholics who would like to DEVOTIONS: Our Lady of Perpetual Help: serve as mentors to unaccompanied minors who are Tuesday 5:45 pm mostly from Latin America. These kids need help with very mundane things like EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 1st Friday of the Month after 8:00 am Mass opening bank accounts, getting driven to sports prac- tices and court hearings, and often just being a listen- MINISTRY TO THE SICK & HOMEBOUND ing ear while they go through challenging times. Call the parish office for receiving the Anointing for one To learn more, or to apply to be a mentor, please of your beloved ones who is sick. email [email protected] or visit sfarch.org/care. MARRIAGE / MATRIMONIO ¿Le esta llamando Dios a ser un mentor? Call the parish office and bring the required documents La Arquidiócesis de San Francisco busca a volunta- to set the wedding date. Ordinarily preparations will take rios Católicos para ayudar a niños migrantes indocu- at least six months. mentados. Acompañe a niños sin familia a citas médi- QUINCEAÑERAS cas, ayuda escolar, a practicas deportivas, audiencias The Quinceañera is expected to have received all three en los tribunales de inmigración y apoyo emocional en Sacraments of initiation. Baptism, Holy Communion and momentos difíciles. Confirmation. The family is expected to be registered and worship in the Parish. Preparations will take at least Para más información llame al 415-614-5569 o visite six months. sfarch.org/care. YMI #32 South San Francisco - Chicken & Waffles Dinner Date: Thursday, February 28th Time: 7 pm– 8:30 pm Place: All Souls School Cafeteria Cost: Adults $15 Children 10 and Under are Free! RSVP By: Friday February 22nd To RSVP/ Questions: Call Steve Cresci at 415-297-5816 SEXTO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 17 DE FEBRERO DEL 2019 PÁGINA 3 THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: PENSAMIENTO DE LA SEMANA: BLESSED BIENAVENTURADOS O DICHOSOS When we think of the word “Beatitude” we Cuando pensamos en la palabra think of today’s discourse from Luke’s Gospel, “bienaventuranza” pensamos en el discurso de or the more familiar one from Matthew (which hoy del Evangelio según Lucas, o en el más fa- begins “Blessed are the poor in spirit . ”). Ac- miliar según Mateo (que comienza “Dichosos lo tually, beatitudes occur throughout the proph- que tienen espíritu de pobre . .”). En realidad, ets and Gospels. Today in Jeremiah (with an las bienaventuranzas ocurren en los profetas y echo in the psalm) we hear, “Blessed is the one evangelios. Hoy, en Jeremías (con un eco en el who trusts in the Lord” (Jeremiah 17:7). Follow- salmo) oímos: “Bendito el hombre que confía en ing his resurrection in John’s Gospel, Christ pro- el Señor” (Jeremías 17:7). Luego de su resurrec- claims, “Blessed are those who have not seen ción en el Evangelio de san Juan, Cristo procla- and have believed” (John 20:29). The evange- ma: “¡Dichosos los que creen sin haber vis- lists placed these sayings throughout the Gos- to!” (Juan 20:29). Los evangelistas colocaron es- pels as short reminders about the characteris- tos dichos por todos los evangelios como cortos tics that one will find in a follower of Christ, recordatorios sobre las caracteríscas de quien characteristics that will help spread the Good sigue a Cristo, características que ayudarán a News in this life and lead to eternal blessings in diseminar la Buena Nueva en esta vida y llevar- the next. In Latin, the saints are called the nos a la dicha eterna en la próxima. En latín, los Beati, the “Blessed,” for they are the ones who santos son llamados Beati o “Beatos” porque lived the “blessed” life as described by Jesus son aquellos que viven la vida “feliz” descrita throughout the Gospels. How blest are we, por Jesús en los evangelios. ¡Qué dichosos so- when we also strive to make our own days a mos cuando nos esforzamos por hacer de nues- living beatitude! tros días bienaventuranzas vivas! Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS LECTURAS DE HOY First Reading — The one who trusts in the L Primera lectura — Bienaventurado es el que con- is like a tree planted beside the waters (Jeremiah fía en el Señor (Jeremías 17:5-8). 17:5-8). Salmo — Dichoso el hombre que ha puesto su con- Psalm — Blessed are they who hope in the Lord fianza en el Señor (Salmo 1). (Psalm 1). Segunda lectura — Cristo fue resucitado de entre Second Reading — Christ has been raised from los muertos, como primer fruto de los que duermen the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen (1 Corintios 15:12, 16-20). asleep (1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20). Evangelio — Jesús predica: Felices cuando sufren Gospel — Blessed are you who are poor, hungry, a causa del Hijo del Hombre. Les espera una re- weeping. Woe to you who are rich, filled, laughing compensa grande (Lucas 6:17, 20-26). (Luke 6:17, 20-26). LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Lunes: Día de los Presidentes Monday: Presidents’ Day Jueves: San Pedro Damiano Thursday: St. Peter Damian Friday: Chair of St. Peter the Apostle; Viernes: La Cátedra de san Pedro; Nacimiento de Washington Washington’s Birthday Saturday: St. Polycarp Sábado: San Policarpo 17th of February 2019 Page 4 What do I love about it? Knowing our Catechists: I love sharing my love for Jesus and my faith with the Rosa Gomez, First Communion Catechist children and with the community of All Souls where my dedicated life has been. Over the years I have This year Rosa completes her 50th year of teaching come to acknowledge that my vocaon is to be a reli- in Religious Educaon! We asked her how she was gion teacher. I see how blessed I have been with my called to be a catechist. She teaches First Holy religious upbringing and how I love helping and being Communion. of service to others. My mother was the same way. I am blessed with Rafael, my won- derful husband, who over these 50 years of marriage and my teaching as a catechist, he jokingly responds when someone asks him for me, he will reply with, “Oh I haven’t seen her for the past month she is al- ways in and out of Church!” All Souls Church has been my second home. I love my church, and I am thankful to God and every- one that has been a part of my life and a part of my growing up in the Faith and allowing me to give back “I come from a very large Hispanic religious family these blessings with service, gratude and love as a of 12 and being the youngest I recall as I was grow- catechist”. Rosa Gomez, First Communion Catechist ing up always being around family, celebrang birthdays, playing with my nieces and cousins, cele- THANK YOU, ROSA!!!!! brang Hispanic rituals & cultural events, babysing and especially enjoying the pleasure of holding new babies being added to our family tree. Whenever I was given the chance, I loved caring and teaching the new born new things. As a teenager around 1964 Monsignor Eugene Gal- lagher was the pastor at the me, and he invited me to consider being a CCD teacher for a first-grade class. He said all I need to do was teach them their prayers and the parish needed help in this field. Wow, oh yes, I can do that, I thought! And that be- gan my first teaching experience. Conociendo a nuestros catequistas: 17 de Febrero 2019 Página 5 Rosa Gómez, Catequista de 1ra. Comunión Este año Rosa completa su 50 aniversario como Ca- tequista de Educación Religiosa! Le preguntamos cómo fue su llamada para ser catequista.
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