Superior News July/August 2018 Volume 6 Issue 1 Superior District Library Welcomes DeTour Public Superior District Library Library and New Manager Megan Stefanski Affiliate Libraries On May 8th, the DeTour community Lake Superior State University, in addi- Bayliss Public Library came out and overwhelmingly voted in tion to all the other services provided by Brevort Township support of keeping their library for both the Superior District Library. The eight Community Library the school and the public. With decreasing other libraries are located in Drummond Curtis Library funds in the school’s coffers, they were Island, Cedarville, Pickford, Rudyard, DeTour Public Library facing the closing of an important resource Sault Ste. Marie, Moran, Engadine, and Drummond Island Library for both students and residents. But with Curtis. Engadine Library the hard work of the Friends of the Library New library manager, Megan Stefan- Les Cheneaux Community volunteers, the School Board members and ski, already has many new plans and ide- Library administration, and the Superior District as for the library, so be sure to stop by Mollie R. Kahl Community Library Board and Directors, members of often to see what changes she has made, Library the DeTour and surrounding area have starting with new library hours. The De- Pickford Community secured the future for their library for at Tour Public Library will once again be least another seven years. open Mondays through Saturdays, with Library The DeTour Public Library will now be evening hours until 8 p.m. on Wednes- a member of the Superior District Library days. as a contract library. With the addition of A welcome reception will be held for DeTour, the District now has nine mem- Megan, and the DeTour Public Library on bers ranging across an approximately Wednesday, July 11 from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. at 2,100 square mile area in Chippewa and the DeTour Public Library. Please join us Mackinac counties. Residents in the new in welcoming both Megan and DeTour Inside this issue: area will be able to use their cards at any Public Library to the Superior District of the other eight libraries, as well as at Library. Dr. James “Ted” Walker 2 Steve Hamilton Returns to Bayliss Public Library with a Antique Appraisal Days 2 New Alex McKnight Novel Mark your calendars, grab U.P. Mustard’s Retreat 3 your book bag and don’t A trap is set, and the man they catch— Concert miss a minute! On Friday, a deranged loner named Martin T. Liver- “What’s the Haps” with August 24 at 7 p.m., Steve more—is charged with the murder. It’s 3 Hamilton, one of the most apparently the fifth young woman he has Sabrina and Kat acclaimed mystery writers killed. But then Livermore gives the FBI Teen Graffiti Art Contest 4 and Upper Peninsula’s fa- some stunning news: number six is still vorite sons will return to out there. Alive. He’ll take them to her on Bayliss Public Library. one condition: a former Detroit cop StoryWalk 5 After five years away, Hamilton returns comes along. Alex McKnight. To Alex, to the series that put him on the map with living two thousand miles away in Para- Dead Man Running. This is the 11th en- dise, Livermore is a stranger. He can’t Book/Movie Discussion 6 try in his beloved Alex McKnight series, remember encountering him as a cop, can Murder on the Orient featuring the former Detroit cop, occasion- Express al PI and general problem-solver in the Cont. on page 3 2 Annual “Ted” Talk Soo Paper Crafters Class Dr. James made in 1929, ten years after the The next class for the “Ted” Walker end of World War I and a decade Soo Paper Crafters is will be back on before the outbreak of World War Tuesday, July 31 from 6- Thursday, Au- II. 8 p.m. in the Community gust 9 at 7 p.m. Dali, Bunuel, and Magritte of- Room at Bayliss. They for his annual humanities talk. This fered their art as a criticism of the will be making any- time he will speak about western intellectual tradition they occasion cards, featuring a fun summer “Salvatore Dali and the Art of Sur- believed responsible for war and theme: Frogs! realists: A Challenge to the Mod- the deaths of millions. In this For information or to be added to the ern World.” presentation, the paintings will be email list, or to sign up, contact Soo Pa- The strangeness of Surrealist deciphered so that the depth of sur- per Crafters at [email protected] or you images led many to dismiss the realist criticism can be better un- can sign up at the Circulation Desk at style as bizarre and empty of derstood. the library. meaning. The first paintings were The class is for adults and older chil- dren and there is a $5 fee for supplies. Beginners are always welcome! Antique Appraisal Days with Mark Moran Thank you to the Soo Paper Crafters for providing luminaria decorating ses- In August, three Superior Dis- charge of $10 per item to be ap- sions in June for the library staff’s par- trict Libraries will be hosting An- praised and you may have more ticipation in the Relay for Life. tique and Collectible Appraisal than one item appraised. You must events with Mark F. Moran of Iola, register and pay in advance; space Wisconsin. Due to the success of is limited. The appraisal will be the events of the past three years, verbal, not written (no refunds). Mr. Moran is making a return visit Estimated appraisal times will be to the Eastern Upper Peninsula. provided, but it is best to arrive Bernice Peterson, Library Manager at Join us for a fun, educational expe- early. Brevort Township Community Library rience combining information, his- You may be part of the audience in Moran, MI, will be retiring on July 1. tory, and entertainment. for the appraisal days and watch In the 39 years Bernice has worked at Mark Moran has been an ap- Mark Moran in action. He will ap- the library she has seen the construction praiser for more than 20 years, a praise most items, including fine of a new library facility, the automation guest expert on PBS’s Antiques art, furniture, ceramics, glassware, of her collection and circulation, and the Roadshow, a contributing editor vintage photographs, advertising, installation of fiber for better Internet to Antique Trader magazine, and folk art, assorted toys, metalware, connectivity. Joshua Townley will be the co-author of over 25 books on an- clocks, costume jewelry, musical new Library Manager at Brevort. As tiques and collectibles. instruments, books, and sporting Joshua steps into his new role, Brevort He will be at Drummond Island memorabilia. The library has a list Township Library will be changing and Library on Thursday, August 9, at of categories he can and cannot expanding their hours to Tuesday and Les Cheneaux Community Library appraise, including some that may Thursday 2:30-7:30 p.m., Wednesday in Cedarville on Friday, August need advance preparation. For $75, and Friday 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and Sat- 10, and at Bayliss Public Library Mr. Moran is also available to visit urday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday, August 11 from 10 your home to assess your collec- Also retiring on July 1 as Library a.m.-1 p.m. tion, if you live within a 10-mile Manager of Drummond Island Library is At Bayliss Library, there is a radius of an appraisal site. Pam Whiteman. While Pam will no longer be the Library Manager you can still stop in and see her on the new Relay for Life Wednesday hours at Drummond Island Library. Laura Hintz will be the new Team Pretty in Pink (comprised Cancer Society’s Relay for Life Library Manager. of BPL staff members and event held June 23 and 24. As The staff at Bayliss would like to say friends) would like to thank a result, the Relay for Life of congratulations and best wishes to Ber- everyone for their support. the EUP raised $75,078, ex- nice and Pam and welcome to Joshua Our team raised over ceeding their goal of $75,000! and Laura. $1,800 for the American 3 Celebrate the U.P.: Three Steve Hamilton Cont. from page 1 Lakes at 350 see no connection to the man what- UK, and his books are now translat- Saturday, August 18 will be a day soever—but agrees to accompany ed into twenty languages. He attend- to celebrate the founding of the Twin the search party to a remote desert ed the University of Michigan, Saults. The Three Lakes Group of the canyon. And there, the worst night- where he won the prestigious Sierra Club (TLG) and the Upper Pen- mare of Alex’s life begins. Hopwood Award for writing, and insula Environmental Coalition Marrying the same action, ten- now lives in Cottekill, NY, with his (UPEC) have joined forces to create sion and humanity of the Nick wife and two children. an all-day event (from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.) Mason novels with a charac- Steve will begin the even- that will be held at multiple venues, ter beloved by readers for ing with a discussion about including Bayliss Public Library. Oth- nearly two decades, Hamilton his newest book, take some er downtown venues include the Soo has created a dynamic combi- time for questions, and Theatre and the Ojibwa Learning Cen- nation in Dead Man Running round out the evening with a ter and Library.
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