2018 ANNUAL SOLVING HUNGER TODAY REPORT ENDING HUNGER TOMORROW CONTENTS MEET LAMONT ...................................................................... 3 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT AND BOARD CHAIR .................................. 4 IMPACT .................................................................................... 5 FINANCIALS .........................................................................19 SUPPORTERS ...................................................................... 22 LEADERSHIP .......................................................................46 FEEDING AMERICA ANNUAL REPORT 2 MEET LAMONT “Igrewupinpoverty,andIsworethatmyfamilywouldnever THANKS gothroughwhatIdid.So,Ichasedthedollar—workedday TO YOU, inanddayouttoprovide.ButthenIgothurtatwork,and itallfellapart. Lamont’s family has the meals they need. Ididnotwanttovisitafoodpantry.Ihadpromisedmyself thatIwouldneverbeinapositionwhereIcouldn’tprovide formyfamily.ButthereIwas,withoutworkandwithoutfood. WATCH Mywifetookituponherselftogotothepantrybecausewe THEIR STORY hadkidstofeed.ShebegantoinsistIgowithher.Idid,and mylifechanged. Ibegantovolunteeratthepantry.Theysawsomething inme,andsoon,theyhiredme.Iwaslaterpromotedto adirector,andnowI’minchargeofaprogramthatworks withfamiliestobreakthecycleofpoverty.Icanprovidefor myfamilyagain,andnotonlythat,I’mtrulyfulfilled. IknowI’mmakingabigdifferenceinpeople’slives. Therearesomanyothersouttherewaitingtoachieve similarsuccess,theyjustneedalittleextrahelptogetthere. I’mcommittedtohelpingasmanypeopleasIcanfeedtheir familiesandreachabrighterfuture.” FEEDING AMERICA ANNUAL REPORT 3 TOGETHER, WE ARE FIGHTING HUNGER NATIONWIDE Our mission to you, millions of children, seniors and families in need are receiving crisp apples, is to feed Feeding America member America’s wholesome broccoli and more from their food banks deliver meals where hungry through local food pantry, served by a Feeding they are needed, reaching 1 in 7 a nationwide America member food bank. people across the nation. network of member food We also invested in innovative FIND YOUR LOCAL FOOD BANK banks and initiatives that enable us to feed, engage our A Message from Our nourish and empower people struggling country in the President and Board Chair with hunger and to unite and connect fight to end caring neighbors and partners in our There aren’t easy solutions to the problem of hunger. Millions of people in our country mission. We leveraged new technologies hunger facing our country, but we believe we struggle to make ends meet, but thanks and strategies to increase access to can create a better world working in partnership. to your incredible generosity, they are nutritious food and help the people Working together, we can end hunger. receiving the nourishing food they need we serve overcome hunger for good. to move forward. Thank you for helping us provide nourishment We are delighted to have a new Chief and strength to people in need. Your caring support allows us to provide Executive Officer, Claire Babineaux- essential food and groceries across the Fontenot, guiding our efforts into the nation. This year, the Feeding America future. Claire’s leadership and your support network helped provide a record 4.3 billion are helping us to identify the best ways to meals to people facing hunger. Thanks achieve our vision of a hunger-free America. Matt Knott Keith D. Monda President, Feeding America Executive Chair, Feeding America Board of Directors Retired President, Coach, Inc. FEEDING AMERICA ANNUAL REPORT 4 IMPACT IN THIS SECTION FeedingAmericaismovingourcountry FEED NOURISH closertothedaywheneveryonehasthe EMPOWER foodtheyneed.Wedothisbyfighting UNITE hungerthroughinnovativeinitiatives CONNECT thatallowustofeed,nourish,empower, uniteandconnectwithcommunitiesin need.Throughitall,wekeepthepeople weserveatthecenterofourwork. FEEDING AMERICA ANNUAL REPORT 5 YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU HELPED HELPED HELPED HELPED HELPED US US US US US FEED. NOURISH. EMPOWER. UNITE. CONNECT. WITH YOUR SUPPORT, FEEDING AMERICA: Helped provide Forged partnerships Made progress on Promoted policies Distributed 4.3 billion meals with health care the journey toward that fight hunger $94 million to organizations ending hunger food banks Facilitated more Inspired empathy than 229 million Provided nutritious and action for Examined hunger SNAP meals meals, with 69% people in need through research of food classified Delivered millions of Invested in as promoting meals to disaster-struck innovative new good health communities approaches FEEDING AMERICA ANNUAL REPORT 6 IMPACT YOU HELPED US FEED. Helping Provide Healthy Meals Thanks to our supporters, we helped Today, we are not only sourcing more provide an incredible 4.3 billion meals With your help, food—we are providing more nutritious to people facing hunger this year. We we rescued food. This year, we helped provide reached this milestone by investing in 1.5 billion pounds of donated produce, creative food sourcing strategies and 3.5 BILLION enabling struggling families across expanding our partnerships with food POUNDS the country to enjoy more fruits and donation partners. Grocery and retail vegetables. Our multi-faceted produce partners were our largest source of of good, wholesome strategy is helping us learn more every donated food, providing 1.4 billion food this year. year about how we can partner with pounds of groceries to Feeding America. food banks regionally and nationally to secure a wider variety of produce at a SPECIAL THANKS TO MealConnect, our food rescue tech lower cost. Because of our sharp focus on Cargill platform, played a significant role in The Starbucks® FoodShare program is providing healthy meals, 69% of the food Caterpillar Foundation diverting perfectly good food from also reducing food waste and fighting that the network distributed this year was The Walt Disney Company landfills to families in need by offering hunger by pioneering a new food donation classified by Feeding America asFoods DoorDash a convenient, free and safe way for food model that has already provided over 10 —foods that promote good General Mills to Encourage Great American Milk Drive companies to donate their surplus food. million meals to families in need. Because health, such as fruits, vegetables, dairy, Nationwide Foundation The platform has helped channel more of MealConnect, the Starbucks FoodShare whole grains and protein. Sam’s Club than 1 billion pounds of donated food program and other strategies, we helped Starbucks Coffee to food banks and their partners since rescue 3.5 billion pounds of good, Company Walmart its inception. wholesome food this year. FEEDING AMERICA ANNUAL REPORT 7 IMPACT YOU HELPED US FEED. RETAIL DONATIONS 1.4B Donations provided by grocery MEALS and retail companies. MANUFACTURING DONATIONS 718M Donations provided by MEALS manufacturing companies. FRESH PRODUCE 687M Donations from MEALS farmers and growers. Thanks to you, we helped provide FEDERAL COMMODITIES 619M Food provided by MEALS government programs. 4.3 BILLION MEALS to people facing hunger this year. PURCHASED FOOD 540M Groceries bought from manufacturers MEALS and distributors to fill donation gaps. SNAP MEALS* 229M SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) meals MEALS enabled by our SNAP referral and application assistance programs. EMERGING RETAIL DONATIONS 63M Donations from restaurants, hotels Based on U.S. Department of MEALS and convenience stores. Agriculture (USDA) guidelines, a meal is equal to 1.2 pounds of food and grocery product. * Meals provided by Feeding America outreach, estimated for fiscal year 2018. FEEDING AMERICA ANNUAL REPORT 8 IMPACT YOU HELPED US FEED. We facilitated Reaching Helping Households Nourishing Hungry Kids Seniors in Need Access SNAP 229 Hunger is not only a problem facing kids in other MILLION Janet (above right) is just one of the The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance parts of the world—it affects children in our own millions of seniors nationwide who needs Program (SNAP) enables families to buy cities and towns. It may be hard to believe, but SNAP a little help putting food on the table. In the food they need for good health. This 1 in 6 children in America struggles with hunger. MEALS fact, 1 in 12 older Americans faces hunger. year, the SNAP Application Assistance As part of their commitment to ending child Seniors who struggle with hunger are more Program enabled 229 million meals by hunger, food banks deliver meals to 12 million likely to experience depression, asthma and supporting food banks to access SNAP kids in need every year. This year, generous other chronic health conditions. Feeding funding and engage in SNAP advocacy and partners like you enabled 15 food banks to create America is dedicated to helping deliver outreach. As part of the program, some child hunger strategic plans, connecting their the meals they need. Food banks provide network members also operate the Online child feeding programs to their organizational 140 million meals annually to seniors. This SNAP Referral Program, which uses online strategic plans. Additionally, 18 network year, we moved closer to solving senior search ads to connect potential SNAP members invested in initiatives to provide even hunger by providing grants to food banks applicants with application assistance. The more nutritious food to children facing hunger to enhance their senior hunger programs Online SNAP Referral Program facilitated during the summer, when free or reduced-price and hosting a Closing the Senior SNAP Gap nearly
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